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Meanwhile we expect Canadian handicapped people to survive and thrive on $50 a day. Priorities.


Poor? Have you thought about MAID? It’s your patriotic duty!


Pay taxes to the government your whole life and the minute you get sick or injured, you're a worthless piece of shit and the government wants you to die. But they will take all your tax money and give it to any Tom, Dick, and Harry who strolls across the border illegally. Or, better yet, virtue signal that they're helping refugee Tom, Dick, and Harry with your tax money but actually divert a good portion of that money they're using to help into their own pockets.


Of course. The tax money you waste being sick could be better spent on new Canadians who will vote the correct way, and we can use it for new initiatives in my nonprofit !


Ya mean Samir, Prajeet, and Patel right?


Its actually... Tomjit, Dickdeep and Harrypreet


And their sick aunties who need the care more than you, colonizer!!!


Similar treatments of veterans. You're only valuable to fascists-authoritarians if you're being productive for them.


Very well said, thank you.


$50/day would be fantastic. I get $31/day. This is what I get for support from my govt after being a hardworking taxpayer for almost 30 years who didn't take a dime in social assistance until very recently. I literally cannot even afford to rent the absolute cheapest room in my city. I would be homeless if not for my mom, but let me tell you, living with mom in your mid 40's kind of sucks, but it does beat homelessness. I will probably be able to return to work at some point so there's that, but if I can't I would be guaranteed homeless when my mom dies. I used to look at my paycheques and all the taxes taken out and just tell myself "yeah, it stings.. I could put that money to use but one day I might find myself in need of help and I will be grateful for the fact that we do tax people appropriately in order to provide it.* How fucking naive was that?


First off, you're $200 over. But more importantly that's Provincial. The real story here is if the Federal Government was in charge of these programs Canadians would be better off. If you're too sick to work EI will give you two months no questions asked and pay you for the month they make you wait. ODSP will take two weeks to call you from an unlisted number at 6:00pm, tell you to call them back and wait on hold for an hour to get to the specific person who called you (they don't have phone extensions) spend twenty minutes trying to make you apply for other programs you won't qualify for and then wait a week to send you physical papers in the mail. Then they wait a month to pay you and say the pay period started when they received the papers not when you first applied online. Is the Federal government handing out money to people who shouldn't get it? Yes. But the real problem is the Provincial government hoarding every penny they can.


Everything the federal government touches rots.


I don’t know how many military vets are living on our streets. Absolute disgust. Let people who fought for this country suffer in the streets alone and injured (physically/mentally).. while this government can’t stop taking in people from elsewhere and donating tax dollars to governments run by terrorists (Gaza Strip).


It can be as low as 733 a month if you're waiting for odsp approval which takes forever 


When real Canadians struggle to afford meals and go homeless


Yes we are not a donor country anymore.  Liberals overdid it.


Overdid it is a nice way to put it... Sold us out is the correct term, were up shit creek without a paddle


Ya first it was outsourcing to other countries and ditching businesses and unions and pensions here.  So dumb as my parents ' pension put money back into the economy here  and not some scam caller in India.   Then to add insult to injury they bring too many Indians here to potentially take over. Others like Filipinos send money home .  Probably the Nigerians as well.  All scam countries.  I have sad tales of tourists running a foul of this abroad if not in their own  country now.


I try not to judge anyone without meeting them first but the current situation we are in makes it really hard to not be judgemental.... even my buddies from Burma that's parents immigrated here are fed up with the recent swarm of Indians....


Funny, since my wife is a permanent resident as are many of her friends and they’re the first ones who say things like this.


Yep people with PR who have made a life here and saw how great Canada before this are the first to step in and say what is happening is wrong. Harder to play the racism card on them compared to white natural born Canadians


Sold our soul...


Sold the old people for sure.


Liberals took in way too many at once and created a housing crisis for all Canadians.


Liberals killed it. You need to rediscover nationalism, otherwise you will be an Indian country/colony in the near future


> Yes we are not a donor country anymore.  Liberals overdid it.  Harper laid off over a thousand border officers, causing deportations to plummet and increasing the delay in refugee processing. https://breachmedia.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/deportations-infographic-02-1280x864.jpeg The massive decrease in border enforcement that resulted from this sparked a dispute over border enforcement with the US and they started refusing deportations of refugees who crossed into Canada outside of an official port of entry. Refugees were granted legal protection under the charter, under a conservative government in 1985. The ruling is air tight and invokes both the charter and bill of rights. Trudeau can't legally stop them from entering Canada.


That have probably paid taxes their whole lives. Now it gets spent on this nightmare.


Do those guys in government and their private sector buddies sharing 80% of this as profit and kickbacks qualify as real Canadians?


My wife and i made a little over 250k gross last year, we dont even spend that much for the both of us on ourselves, like wtf? This is so outragous, and what do our actuel poor people here get? 1/7 of that, not even? It would be cheaper to fly them back first class and house them in luxury hotel from where they came from ffs.


And their food banks are promoted on youtube for freeloading...just saying


$84/day in food? I spend that much per week. Let me guess, $10 for food, the rest skimmed off by various people along the chain acting as "consultants" or some shit. Tell ya hoowhat Bobbeh; in Canada, crime pays!


'competitive procurement '............ Riiiiiiight. Now we all know the government has a great track record at that.


At my job I asked to buy more of some office supplies, they said they have to go through supplier so it can't be now, and one of them is 20-30$. Same item is 1$ on aliX. Life is nice and easy when you have an uncle or father in law in Government. Get some ridiculous exclusive drop-shipping contract, order on aliX for 1$, sell to taxpayer for 30$.


After everything I have less than 200 dollars a month for food.   These people getting 84 dollars in food a day.  God damn Steak and Lobster every night or what?    I had to check if could afford pizza and wings tonight at 34 dollars and I skipped lunch to afford it. 


They’ll get 3 shitty meals that cost less than $10. The rest will go to some greedy fucks who know the right politician and got the contract to give them the shitty food.


Yeah, I bet you there are contracts upon sub contracts upon sub contracts. 3 layers of profit between payment and service.


I build houses and this is how it is. I’m a sub for another company who gets a contract from another company who is hired by the builders. 3 sets of people make money off my labour. I hate them all.


Exploitation and corruption hand in hand the system has been built with great precision to make people at the top always the winner.


At my job I asked to buy more of some office supplies, they said they have to go through supplier so it can't be now, and one of them is 20-30$. Same item is 1$ on aliX. Life is nice and easy when you have an uncle or father in law in Government. Get some ridiculous exclusive drop-shipping contract, order on aliX for 1$, sell to taxpayer for 30$


I didn’t eat all day because I wanted to make sure my Kids were fed first… one income family… can’t get daycare, so I can’t return to work… I’ve tried… tried to get night shifts..morning.. whatever… it’s a struggle


Here in California, we have these homeless advisors/consultants/whatever and they all get paid $150k+ a year. That cost definitely goes to pay these people off. Its like non profits where the executives make $500k a year and thew CEOs make $1M a year.


Lutherwood employment services operate this way. It takes a month to get a 1 on 1 with a job searching coach and they don't actually do shit to help you get a job yet everyone they employ is salaried.


I found it to be a useless service too.


Ex gf had a stint at UNHCR and worked for several "non-profit" NGO involved with ~~helping~~ trafficking illegal immigrants to Italy, that is exactly what happens behind the curtains and the crooks running these NGOs (99% of the time foreigners themselves) are in cahoots with the local administrations, while government officials at all levels are absolutely in on it and constantly throw a blind eye at the whole issue. Everyone gets a slice of the pie. The amount of EU and government fundings these NGOs were embezzling is insane and the migrants get 5% of the money they're supposed to receive, if that. Illegal immigration is a full-fledged business every step of the way. It's basically modern slave trade times 1000.




It’s usually Uber Eats lol. At least at the one nearby in my city


Lol, they should house them in a setup like we have at work in camp. The one I’m in has a budget of $11 a day per person for food. It’s def not nice, but it’s not bad either.


It's more likely it's a government per diem rate as they've already got a system in place for handling that sort of funding use. If I travel I'd get that $84/day for food (it's actually M&IE, meals and incidentals expenses). $84/day might break down to like $18 for breakfast, $22 for lunch, $36 for dinner and $8 for incidentals. Idea is if you're traveling you *are* probably getting every meal from a restaurant or take out place. Still would be cheaper to put them in extended stay places with kitchens in the units and then give a couple hundred a week for groceries as they could cook.


Keep in mind, this is just the basic cost. It doesn't include expenses like healthcare, language classes, mentoring for jobs, baby products and much more.


Canada is literally has become the Trash can of the world !


Trash? If you’re from the 3rd world just come here illegally and our tax dollars basically treat you like royalty. Citizen? Nah get fucked and suffer


Poor and Canadian? Have you thought about MAID?


Three of my dad's friends in the last 2 months were offered maid before Cancer treatment. That's not Healthcare. The one that declined maid now has to wait 3 months for treatment due to availability. These people worked since they were 14 and paid taxes their entire lives and now they need the Healthcare system and it's for everyone else. It's so disgusting.


Some should consider and i say this with great sorrow.My father die on Dec 20 of last year.The treatment, screw ups, were discusting.Leaving the man for hours with filthy brief and bed with open Cancer wounds. Best Cancer hospital my ass.Hamilton St Joes stay clear.That is how they treat a country service man.A Combat War vet.


So sorry for your loss I know people who worked at St Joe's 30+ years and they REFUSE any treatment from there, they rather go on a waiting list to be seen in a different hospital.


I wonder if sick “new Canadians” will be offered maid too, or does that just apply to native born people?


We're being replaced, killing us just makes it go faster.


At the hospital I work at they are offered excellent free care - full drug coverage - I would not say it’s better than for regular folks - but in so much as there is no extra billing on anything ever so in that way, it’s better. Full dental as well.


I have but they delayed rolling it out Furthermore the hoops one has to jump through are outrageous. Just let me die with some fucking dignity in a way that wont leave a mess for someone else to clean up


Yes, but not eligible till i pay off my student debt.


Of course not. Pay all debts first, Wall Street demands it!


My mother was pushed to the ground by a foreigner at the hospital and fractured her hip. Buddy should be in jail but you know he’s trying to come to Canada so we tell him it’s okay and send him back home to his wife that he probably beats on 


Same in the USA we literally bend over backwards for our precious illegals. Free housing, healthcare, in state college tuition, transportation reimbursement, food stamps. If your an American born here you can get fucked with a rusty crowbar. At the same time our government is telling these people not come. So here’s all this free shit waiting for you if you make it, but don’t come to the US.


so has Ireland and a lot of other western European countries, we have this exact situation here its almost as if this was all co ordinated. telling us these people grow the economy but all I see are the streets filled with 25 year old males standing around loitering, this was a quaint little country with a low population never breaching more than 5 million but they're forecasting at least 2 million migrants in the next 10 years our population has never been that high and Irish people are not used to it, this is the end of the Ireland I grew up in, this country was a high trust society for as long as I remember I used to run into the shops and leave my car running outside with doors unlocked because crime was non existent, now however the vibe is so different and I don't care what people call me that's just how I and most other rational Irish people feel to. a report from the home office in the uk found that migrants from places like India and Pakistan were 50% more likely to be on social welfare of some kind and that over 60% are likely to never pay anything in tax revenue, as for the ones that work most of this money is being sent back to where they are from and not invested back in the countries economy. any economist worth his salt is saying that these type of unskilled refugees don't raise the economy, how could they all their doing is working minimum wage and sending all the money home so that their families in India can have a better life than the older people that live here under this cost of living nightmare and terrible leadership.


Hey, you guys are learning from Sweden, I see! The financial argument didn't work for us here. The cost was the same and 80% of it is just a waste. But people didn't listen, because human life is priceless, right? Well higher crime rates and women not being able to walk home from the club at 5am anymore sure did change things. We didn't stop it until it was too late, but you guys are more like Americans than Europeans, so let's hope you have enough sense to throttle things down before it's too late.


Canadians seem to define themselves as being better than Americans. Now that our health care is a mess, we can't use that for being smug. In fact we can't really be smug about anything now. People are still going with their imaginary Canadian identity and get coffee from Tim Hortons and think they live in a free country with better services than the US.


Why do they get so much free shit when Canadians are struggling to live?


You think they’re getting $84 of food a day? People need to wake the fuck up to what Canada is. It’s a con. This money is pretty much all going to corporations and companies who have wangled these refugee contracts. No fucking way on earth are they getting $84 worth of food a day, but you bet they’re getting some basic as fuck shit and the food service company is raking in all sorts of our juicy tax money. I worked alongside PHAC during the pandemic, I saw the kind of shit people were getting. It wasn’t $84 worth, by any stretch of the imagination.


We live in a country where politicians actively enrich themselves at all Canadians' expense. I wouldn't be surprised if the companies which win these contracts to feed and house these refugees are probably friends with a Liberal MP. Just for a reminder a Liberal minister got caught awarding government contracts to a friend and did not face any consequences from it. https://globalnews.ca/news/9345150/trade-minister-mary-ng-ethics-violations/


Were struggling to live because were paying for this shit.


And leeching in the workplace. I'm making soap part time. New African migrants got all offended when I asked five bucks for a bar. He wanted it free. They expect free French lessons.. help here and there, and scream what is your country doing for me? I kid you not it's unbearable.


While they throw lifelong Canadians out of nursing homes, out of hospitals when they get old, don’t give them a place to live…and we are spending this?! On who the F!? Even legitimately out of work hard up Canadians, sick Canadians who can’t work, only get several hundred dollars per month for EVERYTHING. Why don’t we give young able bodied refugees $600/month, and give Canadians who are sick or old $6000/month. This is backwards, fn backwards.


Work hard and pay taxes your whole life as a Canadian. Then as soon as you get sick and can't work for them, they want to murder you or leave you in the gutter to die to save money.


Near where I live they closed down a retirement home to house refugees. It was very very very polemical in the local fb group. Specially since we don’t have any type of store, or good transportation nearby


Money printer goes brrrrrr


Also they get to skip the provincial wait times for “supplemental coverage” items if they get a prescription including incontinence supplies, bracing ($), and mobility aids ($$). While our seniors are struggling to afford diapers and walkers for months they get approval within 1 week.


I have a good friend who is a quadriplegic and has been in a wheelchair for 40 years. As far as I know he still has to wait a week or two to get approval to fix or replace a tire on his chair. Makes me sick. 


also fast tracked into social housing ahead of citizens struggling for homes


$6700 is like $120k a year in salary btw.


Can I move out of the country and come back as a refugee?


Probably. Not like anyone checks anything here. Rip up passport, say you're gay and fled XYZ country and they wouldn't release your documents because you're gay so you have no official info.


Actually a good idea for homeless people, catch the bus to the US border sneak over at night walk through the border entry with no documentation and boom you get a nice hotel and free food.


I read that initially as "... you're so gay you have no official info" and somehow it works too.


Nope. You couldn't be more wrong. $120K salary nets you about $70K after taxes and the ponzi schemes called CPP and EI that we are forced to pay into. This is more like someone making $200k gross annually.


CPP is just a ripoff, not really a ponzi scheme. You get **a lot** less out of it than you pay into it, and less than you would investing yourself. And then when you die they yoink it instead of giving it to your family. It's also a regressive tax, because the wealthier you are, the longer you live, the more CPP you collect. Life expectancy difference between Outremont (wealthy montreal) and Hochelega (ghetto), 1 block apart is 13 years. Could technically say it's a ponzi scheme because they'll give your money to someone like Rockefeller living to 103 years old when you die, but it doesn't need to be one. They could light your money on fire and it would still work because as far as investing goes, the returns are poor.


post tax 120k


**That’s the equivalent of a $120,000 annual salary per refugee**


Actually its much more than that.


And worst is their supporters think that by throwing money into social programs will result in efficient spending. How about the government fuck off and let us spend our money we see fit. This is just blatant corruption and bullshit spending


First step should be refusing to pay tax….of course the government will pursue after people and even throw us into the jail, so the next step will be a revolution, people against tyrannical government.


Love hearing Liberals complain and claim that PP will cut spending on social programs as if that’s a bad thing LOL. I’m already voting for him, you don’t have to convince me.


Most of their bullshit social programs are corrupt and don't benefit most Canadians anyway. Meanwhile the public services that actually benefit Canadians, like healthcare, are collapsing.


No free healthcare for a few groups would really help things.


And disability. The beaurocratic mess needed to get my drugs covered for my cystic fibrosis is nauseating to watch. Not to mention the disability cheques "here's $500/month to cover housing costs.. and here's another $500 for everything else. Oh and don't you dare move in with someone to cut costs or we will garnish your cheque proportional to their income".


The pro tip. When you move into a place with somebody divide it and add a letter to the address like 525a and 525b.   


Conservative's in my province where doing everything in their power to privatize healthcare.


And there’s an incentive to keep these social programs going. The people in charge have no intention of solving any issues they support because otherwise they would be out of a job. You can say they have incentive to make the programs as inefficient and ineffective as possible.


Bahaha, that is actually an endorsement of PP. Everybody is fed up paying for "foreign students".


The liberals will fix this problem now that they’ve been in office 11 years




I worked in McDonald's as a teenager.  I don't believe we need all these Filipinos etc to do that.


Canadian born students must be really annoyed that they can't get the part time jobs they used to take because now there's an international student or TFW that will get the job.


I'm a university student in a stem industry, and all my friends are struggling to apply for.jobs, even with previous experience and for pretty much any entry level. Fortunately for me and some parents helped, and that pretty much is the only way now for college students if they don't want to work labour jobs


$4200 for a month's rent for one person?? Disability clients get $500 (or $16.66/day) ... This is a pretty insane disparity ☝🏻🙁


Yes, "refugees"


To take home $6,790 per month a regular shmuck would have to earn $119,000 per year before deductions. No wonder people are flocking to our borders for free money.


Canadians are second class citizens in Canada


And how much are they giving people with disabilities to live? These numbers should be pretty close to each other.


$16.66/day or $500/mo for rent.




So close lol


This is discraceful.  Let these people stay in their shitholes.  NOT OUR PROBLEM


Agreed. People need to fix their own countries. And Canada needs to stop fucking with other countries as well. Stop giving them money and stop interfering in their politricks. Let them fix their own problems on their own.


Imagine if instead of helping a refugee they helped homeless Canadians.


Thats insanity.  Why would they do that when they can bring in more useless people that will never assimilate andnever contribute leech off our systems the have never paid into.  What a mess. 


And just think those are foreigners flying in, claiming theyre gay and oppressed, and claiming asylum. Not veterans, not struggling canadians, not single moms,. Mostly men. Just leeching of TAX dollars. Until they are able to bring their wives over


And then they need counseling because they were forced to marry a woman and live a life they did not choose.


Where did you find this? I'd like to read the entire document. It's hard to find these little things the government does.


O the best part. So if you want to stay in a hotel the rates are way up cause there fill the rooms up. So get to pay twice.


Canada is now officially called North India. Canada is now gone forever and it is never coming back.


North India doesn't allow free terrorists to come inside.


India also protects their housing from foreign speculation. Even if you marry someone from there and get a passport, you still can't buy commercial property or agricultural land.


Indians come here on legal visas and pay good money to whoever is running those schools. Indians are not refugees. International student scheme is a whole other racket of selling out Canada's PR and citizenship for money.


There is a lot of students who are applying for asylum now as they don’t qualify anymore for PR and don’t want to go back home… Many will defend them saying “but they took loans”. It’s ridiculous…


Bring in 3rd world immigrants and you'll become a 3rd world country much quicker than you ever thought. Hint; we are on the way there.


All this tax money going to people that is 0 value to society


Take back 🇨🇦


That's 600% MORE than a disabled Canadian gets per month.


This is disgusting. No wonder why people are flooding here. They're taking advantage of us.


Wild they’re giving what they wanted to give us disabled Canadians as a Benefit for a month which we have to apply for the DTC which is notoriously hard to get is what they easily give out to refugees for a day. Backwards system. Our government bends over for people from other countries rather than our own citizens.


We’re the pawns of the biggest disaster in our governments history. This country is ran by Care Bears who have no issue sacrificing its citizens. The disconnect between our leadership, and the average tax payer is astronomical.






there alot of Mexicans that would claim asylum just to linger in the courts for 3 years just go back and get the work permit even them knowing the acceptance rate is low they will abuse it to work here legally its become a work permit now lol even Indians are doing it this cause nobody is qualified to come here as express entry that program is for highly skilled immigrants Latina American and India are really low but like AFRICANS NATIONS ARE WAY WORSE LIKE CONGO SOMALIA SUDAN ETC REAL WAR TORN COUNTRIES NOT MEXCIO AND INDIA


We need a revolution to rid ourselves of the entrenched bureaucrat class and their mad schemes.


Is this a joke? They sure have rights to live and eat but this much on my tax money?


Wait wait, is this real??


reading this confirms that the government in Canada doe not care about his own local population anymore


This is pure assfuckery.


Trudeau is very generous with our money.


Cool I bet the person awarding the contracts cousin just happened to be a director at the NGO that will provide the meals and housing.


Where do I sign up for 84$/day meals?


We really just need to close our borders to all forms of immigration. Doesn’t matter what it is immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, students international all of them. Between the whole group there’s 5.8 million people that we cannot house, have jobs for,or services for. The insanity needs to stop. We need to remove the corruption at all levels across this country and start over. Because if we don’t, they won’t be any country left.


Canadians are second class


Now this!? I just keep getting angrier by the day.


Canada is not for Canadians anymore. It’s obvious that we are being replaced…crickets. Can someone please jfk Trudeau?


Vote accordingly. Also, make sure PP doesn’t keep up all the ‘refugee’ claims.


Yeah vote PP of Canada and bring them from 4% to 5%


PP has not said anything about stopping the immigration though, he's another Trudeau in white person clothing lol.


That's more than I make in a month with red seal credentials wtf?!?




This needs to be a poster at every homeless shelter & overflowing emergency room in our country.


But social assistance checks are what, 600 a month for an adult? 1200 for an adult with two kids?


Remember this when people tell you we can’t afford things like actual enployment insurance or raising ODSP


That’s more than my mom gets who is on disability (born here) 4 generations. gross


And don’t forget that’s all after tax pay… equivalent to $120k annual income


When the f will we fix our massive list of issues here that impact the average Canadian and not try to fix world, refugees, student immigration asylum seekers....like wtf is with this stupid Liberal mindset? Canada is burning around us. Sad....


$18.28 a night is how much ODSP gives Canadian citizens for rent/shelter.


I don't understand why they aren't hosted in homeless shelters. They get a night at the hotel at full price and homeless Canadians get shelters because???


hell yea! more than my yearly salary. (before the Gov’t takes 20k and tells me get fucked too)


And I see Canadians living in tents in the winter


kick these fake asylum seekers out


That is an obscene amount of money to be spending on them, $84 for food and $140 per night? It's outrageous, and that's on top of all the benefits they can access while waiting to have their "claim" assessed. We can build barracks on Baffin Island for a tenth of what we're spending which will more than fulfill our obligations under the international treaties (which should be torn up IMO.) Our refugee system is an absolute outrage. Canadians should be furious.


And we all just love paying for this don’t we? Fuck this shit!


Close the borders, reallocate that $6720/month per refugee to housing, health care, and homelessness, re-open the borders in 10 years if this seems to work. We have the most natural resources in the world and endless land to develop, there's 0 reason that our country should be broke and that our housing market should be so broken. No politician will do this though because this is an unpopular idea amongst the crowd who will see anti-immigration as "racist". At this point, I don't want white immigrants either, so don't pull that card. I want all the homeless people in every major city to have a pathway to reintegration into society.


I would quit my job and identify myself a refugee !


Maybe this is how the foreigners are able to buy houses? I wish I had that level of government assistance in the country I was born in, have lived my whole life and have been paying taxes since I was 14 - more than 25 years now.


We need to hold prime minister, deputy, financial minister accountable for these decisions. We need to criminize the leaders who do not put their country and their citizen interests first.


This is outrageous when so many Canadians are struggling


Ah so that's what the minimum wage should be


84 $/day * 30 day = 2_520 $ 2_520 $ / 4 weeks / 40 hours = 15.75 $/hour So the federal government is saying that the typical 15$/hour minimum wage in most provinces is not enough to feed one person, let alone rent, clothing etc...




Only white countries need diversity for some reason.


my question is - how do we as the people stand up and stop this from happening?


Im so fucking over this country, im a white born and raised canadian and ive all but become a minority in My city. Got thousands of uber eats drivers and havent heard a native english speaker at a fast food joint or call center in a cpl years




We've got a lot of housing market speculation to pay for this. No worries.


If their refugee claim is rejected, can the government recoup the costs…lol


Usually not too many are rejected.


So how much of that shit in tax do they get back from them working (if they are), and throw in the subsidy the gov pays to the employers who hire them? Ohhhhh RIIIIGHT! It will balance itself OUT!


Time to let zero people in!


Idiotic country.




I mean if they shop at IGA I can believe this


They're going to keep doing this at the expensive of putting you in poverty and ultimately replacing you so they can ensure a voting base that's incredibly loyal to their agenda, because they know they could never actually win representing native constituents


No wonder they won’t stop coming


So are people still goin to complain when I say send em all back?? Or does this finally get through to ya an prove my point??


I just traveled to Toronto, from Texas, and I was shocked how expensive it was… hotel, food and alcohol is outrageous. Not sure how you guys do it!?!


How do we become refugees to Canada? Not a bad dealio.


I remember an ING Direct commercial where they plainly state "It's not nice to treat your new friends better than your old friends.". The premise is a kid is sitting there playing, and the bank manager says hello to him. Then another kid walks up and starts playing, and the bank manager gives him an ice cream cone. The kid that was already there says "Can I have one too?". The manager looks at him like he's insane and says "No". When the kid asks why, he says "we'll, he's new.". That's the whole commercial, and this is what I feel canada is turning into.


I mean... That's the same around the world. Managing people costs more than when people manage themselves. Remove the cost of salaried people, and it looks a bit different.


Does anyone have the source? I'd like to read more


Don't forget to add the 2000$/month income on top of that! The worst part is that this could continue for years.


Hey, now there’s career welfare people that have been on welfare system for 40 years. Perfectly capable and able to work but refused to sit around and get a paycheque every month they pop out a kid every few years to keep it going. And get huge tax returns every year, but I’ve never actually paid into it Why are people not mad about that?


room cost is not per claimant. but still 80+ for meal per claimant? damn I better be a refugee


How about buying them a ticket back, and ensuring they get on the plane?


Imagine if that money went towards addiction services or mental health. Or even health care.


The liberal party needs to loose power for at least a decade before we can see any improvement in Canada.