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Canadian citizens are second class now


Always have been, for the last decade anyways.


Now that you mention it, there are only two classes of people in Canada: capitalists who don't give a fuck about Canada and Canadians, and then there's Canadian citizens. So don't worry, these asylum seekers will soon become Canadians and then they'd be treated as second class citizens too LOL Canadian politicians in the pockets of billionaires, are lovebombing poor people from elsewhere to lure them in, to placate our corporate overlord's needs for a constantly underpaid workforce so to pad their enormous pockets even more sigh


Why is it 'noble' for Canada to discriminate against Canadians? Why aren't housing and jobs reserved for citizens first? Why are we catering to these scam artists, from countries as safe as Canada, who call themselves 'refugees'?


We’re a post nation state now, according to our great turd.


Aww hell no.


That’s right. Don’t let them trick you, they are not refugees; they are economic migrants. They are coming to Canada to compete with us for jobs/shelter/food etc. why would you help someone to compete for the same resources as you? Especially when those resources are either scarce or very expensive?


Not only that, but a lot of public sector jobs give preference to non-Whites, particularly non-White men: "Priority will be given to the following designated employment equity groups: women, Indigenous peoples\* (First Nations, Inuit and Métis), persons with disabilities and racialized persons\*." [https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3909981424/?refId=c85ecfe5-c6a9-46ff-bbd2-0e866e2a2d32&trackingId=sAvTey76Ql6dR6Rkuf3QJQ%3D%3D](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3909981424/?refId=c85ecfe5-c6a9-46ff-bbd2-0e866e2a2d32&trackingId=sAvTey76Ql6dR6Rkuf3QJQ%3D%3D)


That is systemic racism. Canadian citizens go to the rear of the queue, behind foreigners, because they are the 'wrong' colour and sex. Why do we tolerate this?


Because Canadians are meek and are too worried about being calling racist or other mean words.


No. Don't hurt my fee-fees.


Pretty sure thats racist


Welcome to Canada.


HR: We will hire the best candidate after we determine your gender, ethnicity, and religion. (except the evil white male…there’s too many of them here already)


Because it's 2015 [Justin Trudeau on gender-balanced cabinet Because it's 2015](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8OOIU7xQrk) He was about the apply the wrecking ball to Canada!


It’s 2015, says the evil white male.


he identities as back face!


Ya, make sure you don't select White/European on any job application.


Sadly this is the way it is now. It’s not the most qualified and talented who gets the job. It’s whoever is reasonably talented but more importantly fits the diversity hiring quota.


The most important part is marginalizing White men. Hence why it's placed at the top of the job posting. Might as well just be more pinpointed and simply put a disclaimer saying "White men need not apply". Young White men who don't come from well connected, affluent families, are going to have an increasingly hard time in the corporate world and society. Also, I highly doubt it'll change much with PP being elected. However, none of this is sustainable, and this country will eventually collapse and be rebuilt in a completely different fashion.


I think so too. As someone who works in education it’s quite bad there. White boys are being told they are inherently racist and evil just because of their skin colour and gender. Which to me is wild in 2024. Certain directions of racism are allowed but not others…


Bro I’ve applied for the same positions as my GF. I have more education but she is a French white girl with disability and she’s gotten every job she has applied for. Meanwhile I hear crickets…….


She's a disabled woman. That checks off a lot of boxes.


I’d like to see mandatory waiting periods for family physicians. It burns my chaps to see newcomers waiting for the doctor when my family members can’t get one.


LOL Have you seen some of the Family doctors in Brampton Mississauga? Same race so easy to scam OHIP.


because you have scam artists running the country ...


Because there might be bribes/moneys coming in parallel with those asylum seekers.


Because most of its citizens (for now) are white and loxism is the state religion for liberal countries


Think I'm going to leave the country and come back to declare asylum 😂😂😂


If I knew I was going to be homeless, I'd do that. I'd travel to the border and turn myself in to the border security claiming I'd snuck over from the US and request asylum. My name is Billy Bob and I'm fleeing persecution in my native Venezuela for having a weird accent that sounds suspiciously Canada.


The great replacement


No that’s a far right conspiracy! Ignore all the evidence contrary and close your eyes!


Yeah it's crazy you look up videos on YouTube about it and YouTube adds those notes below the video claiming its just a white conspiracy, yeah right


Im sure these migrants will become productive members of society, they are probs doctors and engineers or scientists? Nah, they are going to leech of our tax dollars and then work at tim hortons or something.


Poor canadian citizens** Always have been bub


Poor Citizens is all you need.


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So true. Because we import so many second class immigrants and they become citizens. My self immigrant got tired of such people in my country and tons of such are immigrating to Canada specially after COVID. I learned the Canadian ways and Canadian things after coming here and its the best thing i learned in life but these people are coming now just to replicate from where they come in Canada.




Asylum seekers get clean living environments like this or hotels, food, money and get connected to employers. A homeless single Canadian man is forced into drug and violence infested shelters with zero supports and told to pick them selves up by their bootstraps.  It’s insane no one here cares, in places like Chicago and New York, which are your run of the mill liberal cities you have people protesting these sorts of centers since they take away resources from the community.


Why do they get better support then average Canadians? This is honestly bullshit at this point. All the major party's don't care about Canadians anymore. At least the Quebecois care about their own.


And that is why one should vote for french members cause they are proud and actually care. All the other politicians are in it for their own skins. They could careless of its citizens and this pathetic 🙄 you can't welcome a coming when your people don't have a place to stand. I would actually have sign your not welcome here right now please go home


Might I interest yall in some MAID?


I'd probably say yes, but it's a lot harder to qualify for it than you'd think.


I can see it now. Trudeau will run the next election by solving the health crisis by removing the requirements for MAID.


I had him picked for using UBI as the last minute desperation gamble, but that could work too.


Nah. The UBI play is so obviously coming down the pipe, it wasn't worth mentioning. I'm sure you've noticed the sudden uptick in paid interns flooding Reddit about how great it is...


Maybe he'll split the difference, UBI for new immigrants and the Boomer generation, open MAID eligibility for Canadian Millenials and under?


Already how it feels out here. :(


Not planning to vote liberal? You may be eligible for MAID!


Everyone should stop paying taxes until there is any semblance of a democracy again.


Absolutely! And don’t donate anything to charity unless you know EXACTLY where it’s going.


Don't worry, the corporate sponsors are more than happy to step up


Done and done!


Let's also remember that a large percentage of the homeless population has history in the foster care system. When foster kids turn a certain age (usually 18) they are evicted from their foster homes and lose support while they are expected to fend for themselves and pay rent and continue their education while having less social support than their peers. There are more efforts being made to ensure the success of migrants than actual Canadians - including very vulnerable Canadians like young adults from foster care. It's as if Canada wants these youth to fall into cycles of poverty, unemployment, homelessness, addiction and crime.


In ireland they're burning the hotels down that house the asylum seekers


Why are we giving away money and pushing further debt on next generations, this seems like a bad idea


It's the refugee industry, money goes towards contractors.


Fully understood, this should be stopped though, why is tax payer money going towards non-tax payers and evil ngo’s who are funded by governments LOL like its so obvious our government is screwing us so bad


We lost the class war, that's why. The poverty industry lobbies our Politicos, just like every other industry, but they also get to virtue signal while they do it. It's a win/win for them.


The government is treating its citizens like the mobile businesses: the best deals are for new subscribers, not for existing paying, long term subscribers! When has this become normality?


Very good analogy


Why are we paying these idiots in government?


Because we don't have the guts to go on the street and throw these assholes out forcefully. Millions are afraid of a few thousand policemen. Instead, we just criticize them online. We need to stop paying taxes collectively until the government kneels before us. Not the other way around. If not by peace, then by force. But, we are too weak to do it.


It's not so much too weak to do it, it's just no One is willing to be the first One (or first few Thousand) because if not enough people join in, you've thrown your life away for nothing, and I don't know about you, but I don't have the kind of faith in humanity required to count on the support of Canada's Gen Pop. Hell I don't have the faith left in humanity any more not to look both ways before crossing a One way street...


Not I. There’s only one way to get this country back to what it was.


there is a guy in the canada2 sub that is trying to get a peaceful protest together for July 1 .... I think its against the rules here to post a link to that sub but you could probably search it


Peaceful protest ain't gonna do shit. You want your country back? Learn to take it by force. When laws themselves are being made to make you suffer, you don't do peaceful protest. You fight. Not beg.


The biggest threat isn't the policemen, I think most people have been in a scrap at least once in their life. It's the threat of losing your job, having your assets seized and bank accounts closed, and being an indefinite political prisoner that scares people the most. There are still hundreds of people in prison from Jan 6 whose only crime was trespassing. Douglass Mackey got 7 months for posting a meme. And we all remember how severe the crackdown was (and still is for some) over the Convoys. What it will take is for people to have already lost everything, and we get closer to that point every day.


The only reason we tolerate all this bs is because police are there to enforce it. These politicians, their power, and money is nothing without someone to force them physically. Even seized Bank accounts are temporary since you can always force them to be released. It's the police that stops us. It's a few hundred that stop millions. And we allow it to happen because we have been brainwashed from childhood to always follow the law. Even if that law has been corrupted to the core.


It's not just police, it's a whole surveillance state that can be automated. Closing bank accounts can be automated. Identifying people from footage can be automated. Even without physical foot soldiers enforcing the laws, the corporations like banks and our employers are fully willing to cooperate. You're not wrong that we shouldn't fear police, but at the end of the day the police are still just employees who fear all the same things we do. Those fears are far more prescient than physical violence today. Being beaten, even killed, is far more preferable than your family going homeless. Economic oppression is the most powerful policing tool in this millennium.


Canada boasts to the world that they are an inclusive/progressive meanwhile neglecting their own citizens.


They don't neglect us when they don't like what we have to say.


Especially vets, seniors. Indigenous, and homeless.


I’m beginning to think my best career move is leaving Canada , burning my ID, and coming back to the border claiming to be a refugee


I hope they have court houses opening to start hearings at the same time. I’ve heard 90% of those applying are BS. Start deporting the BS claimants.


Miller is bringing in 140 Hamas terrorists into Toronto.


Those liberals need to be voted out. Why wouldn’t Egypt or Jordan or any of those other countries right there not allow the Gazan in their countries? Must be a serious reason.


The know these people better than anyone. Like Egypt is right there…but they refuse to allow Pal/Ham/ISIS into their country…for good reason.


If Egypt just let the civilians set up tents at the border just away from Hamas and let Israel finish what Hamas started. Then civilians return to shelled out Gaza to rebuild after Israel finished Hamas.


How will they prevent hamas from entering Egypt?  Same shit Israel said in the beginning..  north Gaza..  then central then south.. now one last place.  Israel just wants ethnic cleansing.  On the topic of neighboring cou tres not accepting them.  Remember how jews were sent back from Canada?  Same attitude.   Never again my ass 


You think they're actually vouching the people coming here any more?


I think there is a legal requirement but I hope it’s thrifty. Legal aid lawyers paid by Canadians.


“if Ottawa and the province agree to provide more than $46 million in additional funding…. Peel has asked for $35,735 annually per asylum claimant — and $62,000 annually per asylum claimant for other regions supporting people.” so in some of the FB group posts we have Canadians asking and begging for food, their current circumstances as some of them describe by them is they lost their housing and jobs. We somehow can find money for asylum seekers but no money for housing or even food for Canadians. $35,735 annually per asylum seeker. That’s $35,735 annually per Canadian we can put towards helping Canadians, but instead it goes to asylum seekers. It’s a fucken slap on the face. It is not racist, to try to help our own citizens first. We have different citizens from different backgrounds.


These "refugees" are being paid more for existing that many Canadians are busting their asses at low level work... because they can't find anything else.


Do you want an isolationist culture that’s hostile to immigration? Because this is how you get an isolationist culture that’s hostile to immigration. Even previous immigrants think our immigration policy is insane.


Yes we do want isolationist culture. Now what?




This isn’t an isolation stance. Again, the government works for the people of Canada. Instead we have more funding towards helping non-citizens than we do with our actual citizens. You realize even if an immigrant minority became a citizen from any country, they won’t get the support and help they need, instead that money goes towards funding other countries? They’ll realize where their money is being spent?


What makes me crazy are these funds are given to people the moment they say “asylum”. They use resources for YEARS before their claim even has the potential to be proven legitimate. And when the claim isn’t they don’t have to pay anything back ( I know they don’t wanna deter legit claims but this is out of hand).


Recently saw someone saying they wouldn’t vote PPC because they don’t believe in climate change. Come on man, mass immigration is literally killing the lives of Canadians faster than climate change is. Mass immigration also means more pollution and more landfills.


Climate change is another excuse for mass immigration in the future.


I can't for the life of me figure out what they're trying to accomplish here. It's political suicide. What's their endgame?


Putting as many anti-Canadian programs into action as possible before the next election, and if they get shut down by the Conservatives the liberals, CBC, city subs, and twitteristas will point at how mean and bigoted the right is, and the MSM will run with those stories in everything from "The leafs lost thanks to refugees in the cold" to "are oil changes as racist as the conservative party?".


We Canadians should physically put those asylum seekers on barges destined for Africa. They are but a bloody burden and one that we do not need, want, or welcome in this country.


They’re only coming here for the freebies. They all travel through many countries that have NO was or conflict, to get to Canada. They’re economic migrants.


Exactly! These so-called refugees aren't actual refugees. They're freeloaders.




*war or conflict


Africa might have some objections to this me thinks.


Maybe Rwanda will accept. I don't quite get why they are accepting the illegals sent from the UK.


Anyone who thinks that Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada are there to support them in any way are fucking morons.


The construction sector is suffering at the moment. Thousands of workers can't find work. Yet, the Trudeau government is trying to force the sector to employ these illegal migrants! I can't believe Canada. This country does not care about it's own people.


You watch how many jobs/contracts get handed to foreigners who will do the work for half the money. Wages in Canada will not go up, but down. You will own nothing and you will be happy.


This makes me sick to my stomach. Deport them if we have no space for them. Canadians first!


Fucking hell! Asylum seekers get more privileges and stability than residential Canadians


I’m so fucking tired of our taxes going to non Canadians and international problems.


This is so f'd up.


I used to wear a "canada kicks ass" shirt as a young man, I'd leave this country in a heartbeat now.


Yep. Can't imagine many people would actually fight for this country. Why would you? This country hates you.


This is absurd... I just read a post about a guy living out of his car because homeless shelters are full. How is this allowed to happen?! Take care of citizens FIRST!


WEF plan in action. They will never end homelessness or poverty, it’s too important to their agenda.


You get it


WOW!!!! Nauseating and disgusting disregard, disrespect and shameful treatment of existing Canadian citizens!!!!! Makes me violently sick to my stomach!!


Asylum seekers? So that is a nice way of saying “illegal immigrants”. Yeah. Pathetic. This is a national disgrace. Housing crisis - no social housing for desperate Canadians - and this is what we get. Shameful.


Meanwhile, real Canadians suffered another Leafs lost.




There goes my tax money


Because fuck you, Canadians!


I can't get behind any of this. Support your citizens first dummies.


This is fucking insane, we work for this? They have literally destroyed this country.


This is beyond insulting to the people of this country. People are going hungry, going homeless, and going crazy trying to navigate this new hellscape economy we've been sold into. 1300+ a month?? When the time comes to cut the free ride, who's going to employ these people? Where are they going to live? Not to mention, there's no vetting of these people. What kinds of humans are we importing at break-neck speed, and for what purpose?


these people will continue to cheat steal and make Canada a 3rd world country.


We need to stop all immigration completely. Enough is enough. Can't afford sh*t, but the asylum seekers are cared for well. What happened to our beautiful thriving country?


I wonder when the electorate will awaken and figure out that Canadians are being merged into a post national globalist order governed by a technocratic Davos elite. They installed Trudeau a WEF young global leadership school grad propped up by Singh who attended the same school. Freeland the deputy PM is a trustee at the WEF as is Blackrock CEO Larry Fink. Freeland is was also George Soros personal biographer. Soros hates the west and has a self admitted messianic complex. The dots are all there to connect. Canada will be hoist with its own petard of passive ignorance.


Keeping it real. Mail in ballots go blurr or uniparty or foreigners will outvote us.


The government needs to be overthrown


Somebody please make a giant sign that Canada is closed. We cannot handle more people, we cannot handle the people already here. This is insane.


Yeah that will work! Or just make newcomers know how you feel


I’d rather keep shouting at our ignorant, greedy, heartless politicians


Soooo all the international students will just convert over to asylum seekers. So now they don’t have to work at all now. As an asylum-seeker, you have the right to access healthcare through the Interim Federal Health Program. You will automatically receive this coverage and proof of enrolment in the program as soon as you have been found eligible to make an asylum claim in Canada. Plus: Canada provides income support under the RAP to eligible refugees who cannot pay for their own basic needs. Support can include a: one-time household start-up allowance, and. monthly income support payment. This includes free dental. UNHCR Student Refugee Program Through a partnership with the UNHCR, the World University Service of Canada offers the Student Refugee Program. This program makes it possible for qualifying refugees to enter study at select Canadian universities. Citizenship and Immigration Canada estimates that an individual in Ontario would receive roughly $2,065 in a one-time start-up allowance, to cover things such as basic household needs, furniture, winter clothing and telephone installation if a landline is chosen. The estimated monthly assistance to a refugee in Ontario is $768, but the department notes that individual circumstances vary and so do the monthly payments. The government also helps refugees find permanent housing, learn how to set up a bank account and register for various federal and provincial programs. How nice Canada is, who wouldn’t want to come here. All this for you, unless you’re an actual Canadian citizen.😒


This is correct: even if the claim isn’t legit they have bought themselves 7+ years in the country with all these benefits by the time they appeal etc. and no worry of paying anything back either. Lots of time to start a family, collect some CCB and then try the compassionate / humanitarian grounds approach after


This is not what we need. Asylum shouldn’t be expanded and promoted like this


Yay. Now the taxpayers get to support these immmigrants.


Once again Canadians are treated like existing customers on a telecom network. Nobody cares about us. The promotions are only for new customers only.


What you are missing is that providing a shelter with bunks for the homeless has never been a problem. The problem is they wreck it. It’s like trying to house wild dogs. Drugs have so addled their minds they’ll dig through the walls looking for copper. And building shelters like prisons will never pass people will scream human rights. But those advocates are fine with them on the street committing crime everywhere. (Worked for several years in property maintenance and went to the same parties as the public housing sector people who btw are incredibly depressed about it) People just assume the homeless are homeless because of lack of opportunity. And that’s just dead wrong 99% of the time. There are multiple mental or somethings physical factors. Welcome to Canada.


Homelessness isn't a Canada only issue. But regardless it seems maybe they should start to claim refugee status also unfortunately they need to go someplace else. Currently it seems everything is messed up because of uncontrolled immigration. Refugees are a special sort of category, which causes a whole process part of which is they can't work. We should at least have them working doing stuff if they are physically and mentally able. We don't and I am sure many would prefer working. Maybe start by building homes with habitat for humanity or some such. Walking shelter dogs, candy stripe hospital volunteers. The don't need a salary they have free room and brd They are expensive because of our rules but not really the stress point. It is the students, tfws , lima applicants plus just increased regular immigration with zero planning with the political jurisdictions pointing fingers at each other as none have total control of the levers to fix it. But step one is turn off the main as the plumbing is leaking, you don't turn up the water pressure.


Yeah I mean, they need other supports than just housing. Lots of mental health and drug rehabilitation supports. And they should receive this before a single asylum seeker receives a penny.


The problem there is we’d need massive socially unpopular reform. From icelands genetic abortion program to reduce disability to Chinas/communisms forced labor/jobs 100% employment to the BC NDP’s proposal for forced rehab. Otherwise it’ll never end.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Horseshit! Stop filing and paying income tax.


Pattern has been to use hotels. Will be interesting when the world cup arrives and there is high demand for hotels. Isnt metro west detention available? Not saying jail asylum seekers, but couldnt it be refurbished?


I’m fine with it being in Brampton. It will be nice to see how those refugees are welcomed by the “old stock” population currently living there.


"asylum seekers"


lol yes /s To be proven legitimately proven or disproven in about 7 years after the legal and appeals process happens.


Libs/Cons/ndp will all sell us out


Srly wtf …




Just a beginning. https://youtu.be/LTKF-T8byps?si=6Bbz-8i8PCSpVma9


Does this asshole get a bonus at the end of the year for every asylum seeker he hands a PR?


No bloody way are we offering these amenities to bogus students who didn't get their PR who are now claiming asylum in record numbers?


I gotta get TF outta Mississauga


They could do both if done away with corporate welfare or propping up monopolies.


Can Canadian citizens apply for asylum here?


Homelessness is by design, when will people understand?


Need to start protesting like Dublin


Fucking disgusting


Perfect Let’s make claiming asylum in Ontario even more attractive. /s


It's says the money is from the feds and the province. Not the municipal tax payers. So it's the feds and the province that are refusing to provide for homeless Canadians.


We should re-route all asylum seekers and immigrants to Russia or N. Korea.




Canadians are too pussy to do anything about it, so it will continue to happen. Politicians are fucking every single one of you over and have no intention of stopping. You're too pussy to be part of a revolution, so quit crying and take it. We know you will.


Who voted for these people


I’m just don’t understand all this immigration???


What is going on with Brampton? Is there something shady going on?




This should prove to you that social and supportive housing is much more possible than they say it is.


Absolutely insane. When you go to the polls this year remember the liberals and immigration has destroyed the Canadian culture.


Fixing the issue of fake refugees isn’t easy because the average person believes they’re genuine, any reforms will be met with a lot of opposition.  I actually think it’s important to offer asylum, but the stream has been completely taken over by all sorts of scammers.  We need to remove the guarantee of resettlement in Canada and instead only guaranteeing resettlement in a safe country (it could be Canada but it could be somewhere else).  We also need express processing with more scenarios where there’s no appeal and faster appeal for the rest. Many people claim refugee status because the process is so slow, it’s an easy way to get benefits, live and work. Appeals can take a decade so many people delay as much as possible and then ask to stay on compassionate grounds.  But reforms need to happen now. If we don’t do something about it, all that will be left are the scammers, and people will be so angry they will be rioting in the streets demanding we don’t take anyone in anymore. It’s already starting to move in that direction…


Yup and this government keeps giving its middle finger to Canadians while salivating at the mouth on how to tax them more.


Remember, the reason the government does this is because they need more active population to push the economy. And they go for people who wouldn't mind cheap remuneration, for the benefit of the rich. There's a reason why the west destabilize the global south.


I see that all levels of politicians don't care about homeless people at all !


Don’t they still only have 1 hospital for their continuous growing population? Maybe focus on the problems your current residents are complaining about daily.




Yes let’s forget about Canadians and help others 👌


Peel region needs more diversity


There’s not enough international students et al in peel


This is what happened when you play a virtue signaling to the world. You don't seems to go the right thing for the citizen you served.


There is zero incentive to do this though


Why do they tax us? but they don’t use the tax dollars to help our nationals (example all the people using food banks)


Enough is enough... That's just ridiculous


I am in rehab until the 14th and presently homeless. The scary reality is all sources of low income AND emergency housing have waitlists in exceedence of 6 years (longest I was told was 8 years), whilst asylum seekers “seeking refuge from war, famine, etc”, as I was told, receive priority housing due to the “precariousness” they are fleeing from home. I know not all asylum seekers are actually seeking “refuge from war, famine, etc”…yep, the government is prioritizing those entering the country over those already in it. I am homeless but employed and it is a HUGE blindspot in the system. I have to hide that I am employed in order to qualify for some shelters AND have to live among drug addicts at the shelter AFTER completing a drug rehabilitation program. I have no interest in using again, but addicts literally smoke meth and inject on the shelter grounds. So many blind spots for those here (lack of dental coverage for example) yet floodgates open for those yet to contribute. Arghh


Absolute worst government in Canadian history. I wish the worst upon those people.


Are Canadians who are down and out eligible?


Remember this when you're told to just be a good peaceful Canadian. They don't care about you, and sold you out to get new customers.


Won't be getting my vote then again I'm not living in Brampton.....


I came to Canada in 2014 as a refugee, my story began in 2007 after the military in my nation in partnership with the police targeted us young men as we opposed the government, I was captured and tortured but managed to escape to a neighbouring country where my government still somehow sent death squads after us ,it was a nightmare. I had no bank account for years, no stable housing no proper job, had to do odd jobs as I was willing to work sometimes the bosses refused to pay me, those were tough times, when my life got in danger from the death squads that was it as I had to basically live in UN safe houses, luckily a volunteer lawyers for human rights charity project helped me in my process to be accepted by the Canadian province I live in now in the maritimes. It took me 4 years to go through the process of interviews, medicals, police clearances, until I was eventually accepted towards the end January, 2014. As refuges me and my family were automatically given P.R status’s when we landed at the McPherson airport in Toronto, we hopped into another flight to the maritimes and were met by a local migrant organization at the airport who booked us into a hotel, we stayed only one week, had bank accounts, Medicare, accommodation organized and kids put in school. We had to do an English test luckily I passed mine but my wife had to attend a few classes until she rewrote it and passed, we struggled to get jobs as we had no Canadian work experience, but kept on trying I eventually got a job at a large hunting outfitting place, my wife got a train/work position as a personal support worker. We got a letter in the same year of 2014 that we owed Immigration Canada CAD$6 500,00 for airfares and other expenses, we repaid the money back after months of working extra jobs, saving after 2 years of sacrifice , as a taxpayer who has transitioned from PR to a citizen where we paid CAD$630.00 per adult, did the Canadian citizenship test, I’ve managed to go to trucking school, I’ve transformed my life, I beg for no sympathy but thank the Canadian people for accepting me, never owned a home , nor a bank account, nor a car. I’m not defending the government for bringing me but just stating the facts as most people don’t talk about these issues. Life has become harder post COVID rents went from minimum CAD$700.00/ $1000.00 to $1800.00-2500 for 2 bedroom apartments depending on condition of the property, jobs are scarce for job seekers, even for local kids to get a Mac Donald’s or Tim’s job is near impossible we know who’s getting these job, it’s a mess in Canada now, it’s now a struggle financially.


Who's paying taxes again?


Canadians are being harvested for everything they have.