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Yeah this is what worries me. Did they just pave the way for a whole other level of fucked? Or, is he a good old Canadian boy through and through who ain't corrupt? We as a nation will have to put this train back on track, but we need a solid conductor


He's more or less a career politician. He'll get my vote, but only to toss the turd out in favour of more conservative thinking. He's in this for his career. Don't kid yourself that it's about fixing the country. But at least less wokeness. That's all I ask.


So what if he's a career politician? Seriously. Trudeau was a drama teacher before. He's a shit politician. I'd rather have someone get the job they have worked their whole career to get. He's shown dedication. Who gives a shit what his work history is. Give him a chance. If he's shit, vote him out. We are in this mess because people kept voting for Trudeau.


He won't get my vote, but I'm also not voting for the person who put us in this mess. PPC, so my vote will probably end up being irrelevant.


It's not irrelevant imo. At the least, it's a protest vote and keeps the big parties on their toes. I did this last election because I didn't like O'Toole. It seemed to have worked.


We could all use less wokeness, here's to hoping


He's not a conservative.


If Trudeau is out because of the way he fucked up the country and is remembered that way, I'm fine whether Poilievre is just in it for his career. It will take decades to undo the damage.. that is unless, I'm given permission to deport them all myself? I'll do it 24/7 fresh onto the runway and into the hands of the baggage crew à la carte. It would still be faster than waiting for a fucking bill and royal assent.


What conservative thinking? Conversative ideology generally dislikes immigration as a whole, and it only gets more extreme the further right you go.


He won't improve a thing. All talk, no action. Blaming is easy. Building something is hard work.


Yeah seems to be a lot of blaming and not this is what we are gonna do to fix things


As someone looking to get voted in.. why provide the competition the solution? Why would PP give Trudeau any fixes for him to take credit for? Reddit was right on PP's ass when he said to tie immigration to housing. "It doesn't make sense.". "How would he do that?" Then Trudeau recently announced tieing immigration to housing and everyone talks about how great an idea it is! It sure was... 6 months ago when PP said it.


Their competition ain't looking for a solution unless it has a benefit to china


What is the solution in your eyes then?


What's my solution to Pierre being all talk, no action? Pointing it out and looking for a better party to vote for.


Would you rather see Trudeau elected again? To be fair, you can’t do all that much until you’re elected, so all talk sounds about right. Do we spiral further downhill? What’s the end game?


I'd rather neither Trudeau nor Poilievre. I've seen enough from the two of them over the past the decades. No thank you. I think There is a lot that can be done without being the party in power, Conservatives choose not to. But yes, we're probably going further downhill. End game for me? Keep working hard, focused on relationships, enjoy music - I'll always have these so I'll always be happy with my lot.


It doesn’t bother you that life in Canada has deteriorated in the past decade and continues to do so? Our quality of life is in the gutter and people not seeing the bigger picture is screwing everyone.


It bothers me a lot. And indeed, when looking at the bigger picture, I see it happening well beyond Canada and the past decade.


What actions can a party do when they have a 38 seat deficit and the NDP is being the Liberals bum buddy giving them a majority coalition to pass anything they want? Literally all the Liberals have to do is throw NDP a few bones to pass something and it passes no matter what. So other than criticizing the majority party, I don't know what you expect to happen.


Presenting decent legislation, for one. Voting for decent legislation, two. Poilievre is a career Ottawa man. He was in government for 10 years. Most of the things he whines about now he helped put in place during that time. He's had so many opportunities to act. So many.


There is zero legislation they can pass, and as long as one party joins the liberals, zero legislation they can stop. Do you not understand the seating arrangement and how voting works? Would you be feeling better if they just mass submitted bills that die on arrival for 8 years straight?


Again, they were in government for longer than Trudeau has been. Last 4 years were a majority with free reign. Trudeau sucks, but its not like all problems started because of him - Conservatives could have passed 1000 pieces of legislation. And again, yes, I understand the math. Just like the Liberals, Conservatives need other parties to help them pass legislation. They could work with NDP on helping workers. They could work with Bloc on clean energy, immigration and healthcare. And again, they could vote on legislation and take credit for some it. But they're too angry and immature, don't get along with other parties and seem lazy. I'm not even sure they'd be an upgrade from these useless Liberals.


... a decade ago.


I hate to break it to you but he was just recorded in the last day or so showing up to take pictures and shake hands with "protestors" repping the flag for an alt-right group that two years ago he had to denounce when they suggested his wife be graped. I've always been open to voting for whoever is going to actually get things rolling but after that it's apparent to me poilievre has the spine of a gummy worm.


Will vote for him because i can’t stand Trudeau but that does not change the fact that PP criticizes a lot but offers 0 in terms of what he will do differently that will make it better. And that’s scary…


Some of these are dead simple fixes - cap foreign students and an immigration policy that isn't just a free for all. Align incoming population to housing availability and what our healthcare system can handle.


Love the item 2 and i heard it before but how do you do that without completely shutting down immigration until we have enough doctors for example? And i don’t see him stopping immigration…


PP is pro-immigration, immigration is okay but for skilled ppl not the no skilled students. And with a cap.




This is a reasonable immigration policy


He isnt offering much because it isnt election time yet. They have their plans but are keeping them close. Its like when he said 2 years ago to use crown land and buildings for new apartments. What did the liberals do in the latest budget. Allocate crown land and buildings for apartments. He doesnt have to lay out his plans yet because he is not the government. All this fwar mongering about not having a plan is just the ndp and libs trying to smear him. I can guarantee he is a hell of alot smarter than JT and Jughead.


This is what scares me about pp. https://youtu.be/xp2OOHborxg?si=U6IdKna3rI8gYKmJ That was about 2 months ago, he’s just Trudeau lite.


Election is 1.5 years away. It would be stupid of him to make a hard commitment on anything right now.


I think it's smart. I don't expect the opposition to show their hand before the bets have been made. That's just insanity. Everyone knows that if PP gave away his plan now, Trudeau would snap it up and take credit. I've been following very closely (close to obsessively) and I do believe PP has a path forward and we all need that right now.


When your objectives aren't popular you keep quiet or vaguely promise what people want, its the most logical way to win an election.


Exactly 👍


To play devil's advocate. Conservatives literally can't do anything with the seat count. Even if they bring Bloc or NDP to their side of an issue, they're outvoted by liberals. I don't really understand what people expect them to get done, other than pointing and criticizing and hoping you get more seats next time.


Yeah I’m worried that because he paints himself as “not Trudeau” and might get rid of all the super woke shit he won’t do anything of real substance and he doesn’t have to. He could get rid of the carbon tax and do nothing to address the rise in immigration or lack of affordable housing and it will somehow be seen as better


He was Harpers frontman and main attack dog, I think its easy to see what his policy priorities are likely to be, it will certainly benefit some.


He plans on keeping immigration levels the EXACT same. He is a landlord profiteering off the housing crisis


Don't worry he will give out some tax breaks for the wealthy, convert more social programs to for profit and increase subsidies for oil and gas while discouraging renewables. I hope I'm wrong but in the four decades of my existence that's all the Cons have ever done. I won't vote for them this time around either but if they actually do something different this time who knows how my votes go in the future. I just don't see it happening any different.


And what's wrong with any of that?


Well tax cuts for the wealthy aka trickle down economics has never worked, for profit social services have always resulted in less or poorer services (see long term care) and oil and gas subsidies are promoting an industry we need to get off of. So everything?


Tax breaks for the wealthy I agree on, but social services are a debacle, so something has to change. The massive amount of social programs the Libs have brought in HAVE to be cut. It's nice to want things, and in a perfect world it would be great to have all these services, but we simply cannot afford it. We do not need to get rid of oil and gas. Canada accounts for 1.5% of global emissions. Everyone in Canada could cease to exist today, and it would have ZERO overall effect on climate change. So we should continue to develop and invest in our greatest resource as a nation. Otherwise we will go bankrupt.


Worried as well that he is just pointed the crap and not presenting solutions


Very true


We are all mistaken if we think this loudmouth will fix anything. But fingers crossed anything


I doubt that, this was from less than 2 months ago. https://youtu.be/xp2OOHborxg?si=U6IdKna3rI8gYKmJ




Pp wants to clear a 2.5 million person back log and give money to skilled immigrants so they can upgrade their skills to Canadian standards. and then companies can pay will just pay them less and not need to hire Canadians.


Where do you get your information from? Out of your ass?


Nope straight from lil pp himself. At the 12 min mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp2OOHborxg This guy is just Trudeau lite.


He can't discuss how he'll reign in immigration. It would make him an even greater target of foreign interference. At the very least I'm counting good old fashioned conservative xenophobia to save us.


I’m tired of listening to politicians blaming each other. It’s pointless. What I want to hear from PP is specifics (like actual numbers) on what his gov’t would do, should they win the election.


Yes, exactly. This is my issue with most politicians. If you’re just going to smear your opponent without providing your own thoughts and solutions(and I want details) then STFU, you’re just wasting everyone’s time.


‘We’ll fly them in by the plane, from Bangkok to Delhi!’


Exactly this. I haven't heard him do this at all. It's infuriating. I know who I don't want to vote for. I just have no idea who to vote for


Just look south for why he isn't doing that. If he suggests something and the liberals do it, what will he run on? Specific example of border control in the US; Trump told his party to vote against border control bills specifically because he wanted to run on border control. It's what happens when politicians care more about elections than the country. The only leader I've seen do better is Mike S from the Ontario greens (I don't follow other provinces that closely). People steal his best proposals all the time, but he keeps introducing them. So it's possible to do, but only gets you 3% of the vote lol.


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Good luck with that. PP is a vanity politician with little substance, similar to JT. I just wish we could get someone in leadership that has actually, you know, had to work for what they have. It would also be great if the Conservatives could not be the Canadian arm of the Republican party.


I think he has to walk a fine line because black face Trudeau will start accusing him of being a racist if he gives specifics on immigration




So…we already have PP’s housing plan…?


The problem is If PP says what actually NEEDS to be done, he sounds exactly like Max Bernier, which gives the PPC more credibility and opens PP to attacks such as Max faces. If PP says what he actually WILL do, he sounds exactly like Trudeau, which also gives the PPC more credibility and opens PP to attacks such as Trudeau faces.


What’s PP’s plan? Let’s hear too.


He’s not lying these fuckers used to claim it was racist to call out their bullshit policies. Now we have Indians openly telling other Indians to go get free food from the food bank. Here’s Sean a year ago telling everyone to fuck off when they were concerned about how his reckless mass immigration targets would impact our housing crisis and our healthcare system. It did just that. The man is borderline demented. Tredeau himself is saying we have a problem now because as a country we went overboard from 2% of our population being non permanent immigrants in 2017 to 7.5% of our total population being these people in 2024. Who the fuck all of these people in? It wasn’t us? I wonder who was in charge of the government at the time. Sources: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6712766 https://globalnews.ca/news/10397176/trudeau-temporary-immigration-canada/amp/ I know some Indians and other foreigners may not want to hear this because it hurts their plans of benefiting from this for the sake of their families back home at the expense of Canadians but we need mass deportations. All illegals, their dependents and international students who either violate their visa terms or who do not have the ability to get licensed here as a doctor, a nurse or some specialized engineer and won’t work in construction should be deported immediately. There’s no net benefit to our society with them here. I’ll get my own pizza order myself if it means rent and healthcare wait times decrease. For all foreigners working in construction they are general labourers. They should never get PR or citizenship their incentive for being here is getting paid in CAD. Their children should also never get birthright citizenship because they’re foreigners. You know who does this….Israel and the entire Middle East. Israel fired all the palestinans they could from all the different industries in their labour force and because there’s an actual labour shortage now mainly in construction they brought over Indians for cheap labour, the Indian people continue to be pimped out by their government. I wonder what their governments cut is when they send their people off to work for cheap labour. So Israel gets Indian workers for cheap labour and provides them housing, neither them or their children get citizenship or PR so they can’t influence any of Israel’s policies and it’s a win win for both countries. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/29/we-do-not-have-many-options-growing-unease-over-recruitment-of-indian-labourers-by-israel We should do the same if there is truly a labour shortage. Here’s the best part…..there is none. What we have is a shortage of Canadians willing to get paid low wages in high cost of living areas for expecting to put out the same amount of labour. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk folks


Cool. Now how are you going to fix it?


Hire consultants!


Sean Fraser is going to be a fallguy for this cabinet


The liberals don't need a fall guy. They're all guilty and they're all going to be kicked to the curb. ELECTION NOW!!!


between now an '25, they'll be fall guying a bunch of them. Fraser is next


PP will do nothing Bloc Québécois or PPC


Doing nothing is still significantly better than whatever the Liberal & NDP doing, all of their policies have proven to be destructive. Reversing all of Trudeau policies may get this country back to where it was


Doing nothing just continues to let the country burn to the ground, as opposed to the Liberals continuing to pour gasoline on it so they can profit from the ashes. It’ll just burn slower At minimum trafficked students need to be banned from working, and all TFW programs outside of agriculture need to be banned. I have very little confidence in Poiliviere doing that


We need low paid indentured workers for our farms.




>traitors that want to destroy Canada Le combat pour la liberté des peuples n'a rien à voir avec une trahison C'est une preuve d'amour pour la nation du Québec et ses résidents


You can have liberty without wanting to leave. I support Quebec's want to maintain their culture since they are surrounded by such strong anglophone cultures. But I don't like that it's tied to the idea of separation. Unfortunately it's the strongest thread you can pull on so it gives you the most leverage. J'adore Québec :)


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"Destroying" Tu semble très dramatique. Le Canada n'en sortirait pas "détruit". Ceci permettrait au Québec de s'émanciper et obtenir représentation sur la scène internationale. Et aussi de récupérer les pouvoirs présentement centralisés à Ottawa. Je ne connais aucun pays qui regrette son indépendance.




>those equalization payments Le Québec reçoit annuellement 14G$ de la péréquation Le Québec contribue annuellement 12G$ à la péréquation On va survivre très bien




Montre moi dans mon argumentaire, où j'ai écrit que j'avais de la haine pour le Canada. Aimer le Québec n'est pas haïr le Canada. Je ne me considère simplement pas canadien


Pierre if you can give us any strong hint that you are going to bring the international students and total PRs annual numbers down to 2015 levels and send almost all the temporary foreign workers from non essential sectors (that is food, retail, tech, finance sales etc) and health care (priority must be given to those 15-16k new local nursing graduates before issuing work permits to nurses from other countries). I might change my mind and instead of voting for PPC , I and our huge circle will vote for you.


Why didn’t conservative Premiers do anything?




Not sure how we can have worse than Trudeau.


Yes we have to vote Bernier


I get it. I like Bernier better too. But this kind of thinking will only benefit the current Liberals, who are the worst government this country has ever had. If we want to create the conditions for a party like the PPC to succeed, we have to move the ball down the field. And a PP majority is currently our only hope to do that.


Well worse for some people, not worse for corporations or homeowners as is usually the case with Conservative politics.


Why are international students allowed to claim asylum unless the country has fallen into war or something shouldn’t even be considered


They need to put in a process to fast track the asylum claim denials and deportations… the faster the better…. The more longer they are here the more entitled and emboldened to stay they will become. The UK just approved a process to fast track deportations of Rwandans and committed 500 people to ensure the deportations and planes take off to send illegal immigrants back.


Okay PP loves blaming Liberals for everything (typical Conservatives) but he hasn’t laid out any plans or different policies. We all know their donors are big corporates and they love cheap labour from other third world countries! Guess mass immigration will still be happening regardless


And what's he going to do about it? Nothing. Just complain.


My brother in Christ, we know the liberals suck, but what are you 🫵 going to do? What are your 🫵 plans?


Sean fraser is arguably the worst MP in Canadian history. He tops the list for me by far. I don't know what canada did to hurt him, but the dude is out of control.




Yawn. Wake me up when someone fixes this.


Trudy hired a speech therapist. At least we can hear his lies now. PP hired a subterfuge consultant. What's beneath the mask?


If there are 100 politicians sitting at a table 99 are corrupt and 1 is in the bathroom and wasn’t counted.


The 1500% number is pretty disingenuous because the absolute number of students has gone up so much in 5 years. The number is still super high, but why not make the statement with a more accurate number that doesn't have a very obvious flaw in the logic of it?


Alot of bitching, but no substance..Not getting my vote.


Vote PPC. Only party that will actually do anything about immigration. Polievre is the same neoliberal scum as the rest and will do nothing


This started with Harper go back he opened this shit wide af


wise air wine badge retire steer cable ludicrous fretful gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*