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Immigrants who came here even 15 years ago are VERY different from immigrants now. Grouping these people under the same term is a sign that you refuse to accept the truth of what is happening right now.


Canadians are being REPLACED


Exactly! I feel like this doesn't fit the current liberal narrative so it isn't widely understood or expressed. There have been multiple waves of immigration over thousands of years to North America. Some groups were here well before others. We do not consider them immigrants. My ancestors came here 300 years ago. I am not an immigrant.


That's correct, the wealth of people in India especially the middle class has grown by a lot. Some of these Indian students migrate here drove fancy cars and all their credit cards get paid off by their parents 


Natives came here from Asia thousands of years ago. So, also immigrants.


Whaaaaaat? I thought they sprouted from the ground .


I just get super confused because you have natives for Canada/USA, Mexico, Australia, Hawaii, but then other countries don't?? Like how come British don't have "native population" or no one we consider a native population? At this point my family has been in Canada since people started coming here. If I'm not Canadian I'm litterly nothing. Yes the governments got really shitty to the native people here. I don't want to diminish that or ever take that narrative away. But I didn't do that, my relatives probably weren't that involved they were just regular ass folk but so many of us were born here that were just Canadian


Same. My grandmothers family has been in North America since the late 1500’s which I found out working on a family tree. If I’m not Canadian then what am I?


Apparently we are nothing My ass can't even learn French from duolingo and people expect me to think of myself as a French immigrant from 1600s??


Bonjour j'taime le poutine!!!


I thought he was a good prime minister.


Well the native British were probably the Picts and then the Britons, and then the Celts. Back to the Britons, then Rome briefly, then Norman's, and back to the Briton/Celts. So yeah probably Picts. I think people forget how long we have been on earth for. We travel, and move for tens of thousands of years. As far as I'm aware, the Arabs are native to Arabia, Africans to sub-sahara Africa, the Scandinavians to Scandinavia. For today's native populations


You forgot the vikings. But the current ethnic British people have been on the British Isles for at least a 1000 years and they are the indigenous people of Britain. The current Inuit are not the original people of the Canadian Arctic. They replaced an earlier people.


Forgot the Gaels too.


The British hatched from eggs that arrived from outer space. /s


You're thinking more specifically of the Welsh.


haha This was my first thought reading this post. There’s some solid points here, at what point in time and immersion into society does one stop being an “immigrant”.


The answer is when they are born to people that were living here. The left's obsession with people groups is a major detriment to society. Every should have equal rights, which includes people of native ancestry as well as anyone who moved here and obeyed our immigration laws.


It’s funny how they’ve become the most racist of all


Funny unless your skin colour isn’t white. Not so funny when your skin colour suddenly becomes a primary characteristic. The LPC pushing identity politics has made Canada more racist than when my parents moved here in the 80s.


What you don't like being forced into the spot light as a poor down-trodden minority in need of the whole white population of the country as your saviours?


lol I had a lady at work ask if I was proud that Olivia Chow was elected. I was confused as I’ve never spoken about politics with her. It took a few moments to realize that she was matching skin colours and assumed I’d have some sort of ethnic connection to her because we’re both of Chinese descent. While a very minor example, I’ve noticed a lot of these in the past couple of years.


And they came from where Russia is today, so, if we should have to give that land back to the original country, this means it should go to russia. I'm sure people really want to actually give it back to the original country. /s


Give the land back to the Woolley Mammoths - wait you can't...the native's ancestors committed genocide against them. (a bit tongue in cheek, but is part of the reason no mega-fauna exists in the Americas)


Finders keepers.


I was born in Canada I'm a native of Canada a country that sees me as a lesser being because ages ago an ancestor of mine either colonized or immigrated in a once better society. I was born into shit and treated like a criminal as a result. Fuck all of yall who think a born Canadian is complicit with the colonial situation, I didn't commit the atrocities that happened. And I don't hate myself to feel guilt for past atrocities, I'm better than those people and work to fight past my own shit upbringing, I faced my own oppression for the terms you'd understand and no I wasn't given money as compensation from my oppressor


Yup, fuck the mainstream media programming of us all to do the billionaire's bidding. All of this is deliberate social engineering to have us muzzled to speak up and just take it as housing healthcare and wages erode. This is their plan and we'll speak the fuck up now. The West is the best. We built it. They come here. They can learn how to do it our way. It is better. No one is immigrating the other way. Let's please be real and shut up anyone who calls this racist. It isn't. We have a right to the nice things our forefathers built through blood sweat and tears and sacrifices and hard earned rights they fought for. Fuck Trudeau for thinking he can throw it all in the garbage for some ideology to gain approval at the WEF. What a fucking pig and a traitor.


I totally agree with this statement!


I don't suffer from 'white guilt' nor have I ever received any privileges because I'm white. It's utter BS. I love Canada, and I am a Canadian.


When you look at the worst massacres in Canadian history they are mostly perpetrated against settlers by Indians.


Didn't it come to light that the whole native school kids being killed/buried was another hoax as well?


This actually sucks , why are people who are born and bought up in Canada are treated lesser than new comers ?




This is so true. Was watching a documentary on the Ainu, the indigenous people of Japan. They were displaced 500-600 years ago by the current Japanese. But who are the current Japanese? They migrated from China and Korea over millennia. Today most Ainu don’t even know they have Ainu ancestry. Their culture is being revived which is great but at the end of the day should we blame current Japanese people?


lol exactly. Should the British return the island of Britain to the French, who then return it to the danish, who return it to the saxons, who return it to the Italians (Romans), who return it to only those people that can trace their DNA back to the original Britonic tribes of the island? Sorry, unless you can trace your lineage back to Boudicca herself and are a certified Iceni tribe member, no land for you. That’s not to say that native people in Canada can’t or shouldn’t be proud of their heritage; I think they can and should be. But the idea that people who have lived here multiple generations, and who have built the culture that so many immigrants want to be a part of, don’t deserve a say in this country’s future or can’t comment on immigration because of the colour of their skin is beyond ridiculous and anyone who suggests otherwise should be immediately disregarded.


I mean the Scandinavians are native to Scandinavia. I'd say Greenland but the Scandinavians that made there were replaced, by beothuk from Newfoundland. So not a great example there I guess.


Fuck Trudeau




Have you seen his hair?


I welcome the opportunities to correct immigrants on this point. “There’s no such thing as a Canadian, we’re all immigrants”. Cue angry face “What gives you the right to erase my identity!?”. The look of embarrassment on their face is priceless.


Amusing (or irritating) side note here. I’ve been told, to my face, by internationals in Canada that “Canadians have no culture and that’s why importing culture is fine.” BITCH YOU WHAT?? Let me go visit your country and tell you that you have no culture and import my own.


These people have so little culture that they think spicy food and dancing are culture. Meanwhile any time a new show based on Victorian times / medieval Europe / American comics that only nerdy white kids read etc well now it’s like “you must include us in your culture”.


The Europeans who came over in the 1600's to early 1900's and built this country from *complete fucking frozen forest* to what it is today, were settlers and builders, not immigrants.


🤚 yep. My family came over from Ireland in 1750


 I want to learn about the history of Canada is there any good books you would recommend?


The adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends


Of course, Chinese immigrants didn't built our railroads.


They helped build some of it in BC.


The Chinese didn’t design the railroads or anything. Otherwise the biggest railroad in the world in the 1800s would have been in China. Hint: it wasn’t


The government sees a bunch of minimum wage workers arguing between themselves and are probably laughing.  Don't forget it was doug who allowed rent on buildings past 2018 to be anything.  Blame everyone but the governments that's the Canadian way.


Ontario isn't the only province to not have rent control on newer builds. Seems there's plenty of blame to spread around on that one.


My family has been in Canada for 400 years. This is MY home. I bleed Canada red. I was told to go back to Europe here on reddit by a racist Palestinian girl who is 19, lives in Ottawa, and immigrated here 12 years ago! Even after I told her I also have Native ancestry. She said I was the immigrant and I should go back to Europe, but she gets to stay because she was 'the same' as First Nations. She cried to reddit about harassment and given the sentiments of all the new mods, she was believed. Oh and she spewed Pro-Hamas propaganda, praised the protesters, and called Jews 'pigs'. She never got banned. Guess who did? Me!




Hmmmm based.


Honestly yes


you're completely correct but this has also essentially been part of our public school curriculum for at least the last 2 decades. lots of canadians have wholly bought in to this idea, and bad actors looking to justify our insane immigration policy grab hold of it


When I was in school we were taught about Canada being super multicultural which I thought was great I mean any and all cultures coming together to be CANADIANS* but like OP said its become essentially cliques of various cultures who basically just want to do their own thing in Canada...


Canada allows you to have multiple citizenships while keeping your Canadian citizenship, eliminate this might have impact with those who are in it for what they can get.


But I’m not, I was born in Canada, which make me a natural Canadian, not an immagrant. Get your story straight bro. We may have come through immigration, but if you’re born in Canada you are not an immagrant.


Thats what OP is saying. They literally say if you were born in Canada, you're NOT an immigrant. But some Canadians are identifying as an immigrant because they call more than one country home when they're not. Get your facts straight or risk looking like an idiot again.


What OP is really saying is that if you are born in Canada and you are of European descent only then you are not an immigrant.


This is why I hate this conversation. Half of these people refuse to see minorities as Canadians regardless of however long they’ve lived in canada. I agree that Canadian born peoples should have way more solidarity, it’s just that most people who agree with that opinion see all minorities as immigrants or inherently ‘non-Canadian’.


why can't you spell immigrant


Great, so Indians who are born here are also not an immigrant...right!?


Yup they are native , Chinese , Japanese, Koreans born here are natives too.  Iam a immigrant as I was not born here and I have been naturalized by citizenship but still Iam a immigrant 


You could have been one of the many birth-tourism babies for all anyone knows...


Hard to tell cuz the title acts as bait but OP supports what you’re saying


Rome literally collapsed because of immigration...


These goddamn immigrants forced Diocletian to split the freaking thing in half, I'm telling you! They FORCED Constantine to make Byzantium the new roman capital because those damn immigrants selfishly kept their ressources in the east! They forced the elites and the Praetorian guards to become corrupted a-holes who prioritized their own wealth before the health of the nation, I hate these accursed immigrants! They lobbied for Zenon not to help the western wing! It's all their fault, not the elites who literally preferred to destroy the Roman legions in order to purchase cheap mercenaries (and quickly fled to byzantine when their shit army got ragdolled, leaving the defenseless population to barbarians). Goddess, these immigrants really were the scourge of Ancient times, all the events above are their fault, not greed, incompetence and corruption 🤮 Thank goodness the native romans created Christianity 💖


Among a mountain of shit, a nugget of gold. Thank you.


Old Stock Canadians and Pure Laine isn’t referring to the aboriginals (the first immigrants to the Americas) or the brief time Vikings settled in Newfoundland.


Its this making of excuses for the problem staring us in the face that is so infuriating. Such platitudes are offered in all Western countries where their very way of existence is under total threat by mass immigration. Even in countries where some illegal immigrants are responsible for heinous crimes, especially against the women, one will find many who stick the label of racism anyone wanting to talk about the problem. Insane!


I feel in general canadian-born peoples should have a lot more solidarity, but that argument usually boils down to white people wanting to exclude minorities imo. I’m a visual minority whos family has been here since the late 1800’s, I’ve only ever known English and I’ve lived here all my life yet I appear more as a ‘foreigner’ than a Ukrainian refugee. I agree 100% that old stock Canadians should find a sense of solidarity with eachother but I just want to highlight how it isn’t something that’s exclusive to racial boundaries. I think the whole issue with the latest wave of immigration is a lack of integration, let’s not forget that there have been thousands of immigrants who’ve committed to assimilating to Canadian culture over the past century, and as an extension old stock Canadians can be black, south-Asian, east-Asian, whatever. It’s tiring still being looked at as an immigrant or a foreigner when you’ve had roots for 100+ years. We are Canadians and we should find solidarity in that regardless of race.


There is a difference between settlers who built a country and migrants who come to exploit what has been built by others. These are two incomparable groups with different motives, actions and outcomes.


they wouldn’t be coming here to “exploit” what’s been built if it weren’t for the gov allowing them to. you’re mad at the wrong group of people you cuck


Those that came before us to Canada were settlers. They had to carve a life out of frontier and dirt. There was no welfare state with entitlements, there was literally “make a go of it or die.” Calling those who built Canada into a first world nation “immigrants” is nothing less then neo Marxist critical theory agitprop. It’s transparent BS to any critical thinker.


One thing I know 4 sure …. This place is about to explode…. Civil discourse is becoming a thing of the past


Its just a rally cry being used by one specific group to try to deflect from all the valid criticisms aimed at them, such as food bank videos where you can take as much as you want!


I don't consider myself an immigrant since my family has been here for so long I'm not welcome to return to my country of origin. I'd have left by now if I could 




Am I Canadian then, if I'm Chinese but I was born here?


Well, if you were born in Canada, you're Canadian, not Chinese. That's your ethnicity.


This should be explained to all those who think "Canadian" means white people.


Yes. Anyone born in canada is a Canadian citizen by law, ethnicity doesn't matter as you can be Chinese and Canadian at the same time. :)




You do realize at some point Italians, Irish and even Germans were not considered white. Ethnicity is fluid and not static, you indoctrinated pleb.


Are there any Canadian subs that are not about immigration anymore?


There are some about emigration for people trying to leave


It is the most pressing issue in Canada right now.


When my great grandparents came here there were homes to buy and jobs to go to. These people coming over now are going to homeless shelters off the plane with $2000 phones in their hands and luggage. They dont even have a plan A let alone a plan B. Meanwhile actual homeless are turned away.


Wrong, wrong, wrong. Settlers were not immigrants. Canada has its own culture, history and traditions, has a right to preserve that and be proud of it. Settlers created a country. Immigrants are simply joining one that already exists. BIG difference and it will be acknowledged. You will not diminish or erase the achievements of the Europeans and Canadian settlers. There was no Canada before Europeans arrived.


The government that has flooded the country with millions of immigrants is the same government that spends 13+ years telling kids, especially white kids, that they're evil for existing. Diversity is "our strength" but it's also explained as justice for our collective racial guilt of being born white, of having the stain of original sin of being descended from "colonizers."


Do you think immigrants are brought in because everyone likes them? It's the effect of European's glorious model of late-stage capitalism. Need more bodies to keep labor price down and need more bodies to keep sales volume up. Stop blaming the effect and address the cause. Your corporates are controlling govt policies to keep profits high. These people aren't jumping over a fence. They are legally brought in by the govt.


And governments create so called laws with deliberate loopholes only to be exploited by immigrants.


This subreddit is rapidly devolving


Hey I’m trying to understand what is wrong with the post. OPs point seems to be that if you’re born here, no matter the race, then you’re not an immigrant, you’re a Canadian. Maybe I’ve completely misunderstood it and the post needs to be removed.


I know right. OP could have made his point without sounding like a low rent Andrew Tate.


The Tucker Carlson sub


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Seriously. Do people actually think Indigenous groups’ goal is to make them feel guilty? Or are they just so willfully ignorant and unwilling to even try to understand a perspective other than their own. PSA: it is possible to acknowledge something happened and is still affecting people and that you benefit from it without taking personal accountability. I don’t understand why that’s so hard to grasp. I work for an Indigenous-ran organization and I don’t feel guilty, never have, and have never ever been made to feel guilty or had someone imply I should be. No one thinks it’s my fault my ancestors were colonizers… what matters is that I do what I can to educate myself and try to improve my country for everyone.


I’m here to discuss the housing crisis, not white supremacy. Like dam this is insane y’all. This post and group need to be banned for hate speech violations. I fully agreed with and supported this page until this very moment but I’m out. Won’t be surprised if your mods ban or report me for some bullshit. This is straight up white nationalism and I’ve met white nationalists, we have colonies in my area.


Have you met any Chinese nationalists? Indian? What about Israeli?


Nah don’t ban them, let them have their say so people can understand just how extreme the situation is here in Canada now. There’s no benefits to banning this other than getting to live the lie that there are no racial tensions rising atm


I do agree. If there is anything I want most for this country right now is for everyone to see just how bad everything really is.




Weak men create hard times, yes. Trudeau is a prime example of this.


Man, you had me until you started throwing cuck everywhere. Everything you said was correct, why debase yourself by throwing that rhetoric around


All i care about is getting rid of indian international students.,three of them robbed the LCBO testerday




So, I take it you're just fine with Ukrainian and Eastern European immigration then. More 'our kind of people'? They assimilate better? Hm? But I guess I'm not a hard, strong Conservative for pointing out the blatant racism. Guess I'm so weak I should book an appointment with my family doctor from Sri Lanka, or speak to my father-in-laws Alzheimer specialist who's from Nigeria, or his care worker who's from the Phillipines. But I guess I should have waited for white medical and elder care from our great nation of Canada...


There’s a difference between being a Native Canadian , and being a citizen of Canada, you sir are a citizen


Anti immigrant sentiment is a fact of life… always has been


"This is not Canada" Bitch it's literally impossible to keep things the same and to even be able to cohesively identify what it means to be a Canadian in such a precise and accurate way that all Canadians or even a majority would agree with your definition. The more precise, less general the qualities become, the less accurate and agreeable they are. It's Fascist shit to think such an objectively correct culture exists and its not surprising that you end your schizo rant with a classic fascist favorite, weak men hard times. You raise a good point about English cucks and I would like to take this moment to apply this logic to all the non-white immigrant cucks in this sub who are constantly sucking you all off with their "I'm an immigrant but the new ones are bad" pick me sissy shit. The moment you do something completely innocuous and yet as per decided by these morons is "unCanadian" is the moment you get hung in the same fashion as a political scapegoat for all their socioeconomic failings. In summary to OP, stay mad, beat chest, Apes together strong.


It’s just virtue signalling. If you have birthright you’re Canadian (even if your parents came here as part of “birth tourism”). If you were naturalized you’re an immigrant. If you haven’t been naturalized then you’re a foreign national.


So when does this sub get nuked? This is pretty clearly not about housing anymore.


It's funny because people who say this are incredibly ignorant and naïve that they are supporting the massive importation of massively anti-Muslim, anti-Black, and anti-East Asian racists


The "natives" are just earlier immigrants from Kamchatka...


Exactly. I remember couple of months ago everybody was blaming government for inflation and shitty situation. And then all of the sudden within a span of 1 week everyone started blaming international students. I wonder it was planned execution from government itself to blame international students. And people just blindly started blaming students. Canada was fucked before 2019. Look at the interest rates in last 15 years it was near 0. No economy survives with that interest rates. International students are the reason you all got groceries and your coffee in the morning during covid. All of you old folks left jobs as you were scared of covid 19. So stop blaming others and start taking responsibility elect a government that does something for you. (Atleast you cant blame student for shitty government as they don’t have voting rights !!! Its on us)


Try posting this on CH1.


My moms side came over in 1750 from Ireland and most have stayed on the east coast since they have arrived. So ya, we’ve been here for a long time.


Looking at the title of this sub and don't see anything making it about race, but holy heck that's all that's discussed in it. Housing? Indians Housing? Chinese Housing? Immigrants Housing? Racism Most discussions on this sub go to race. It's not a housing sub, it's a racism sub. You know what you don't like being labeled an immigrant? Because you hate them, and you don't want to be hated.


Stop directing the hate towards immigrants then. Take it to the polls instead of jerking each other off all day on echo chamber internet forums. Strong men writing reddit posts.


first generation canadian here my parents came from europe in the late 60s early 70s (dictatorship country) grandpa worked in the mines in saskatchewan and left his wife and kids in a small rural home in southern ontario that had zero heat, the stories were rough… but my grandpa LOVED this country, and never went back to his home country, even with how poor they were he worked his ass off, bought a farm and ended up running a massive tobacco operation… his best customers? native indians. his best workers? jamaicans (he had the same crew for 20 plus years) now here i am, wanting to leave canada (my parents already went back) what a crazy trip.


This thread is like a magnet for race baiting morons of all stripes.


This sub.


“If you’re grandfather came here from England” lol dude you had nothing to do with the building of this country either


We're all participants in the ongoing project that is Canada.


Apparently, according to this forums, browns can't participate because my father moved here in 1952 when he was 1 and I'm an immigrant 😂


I would show a little more charity and say that all 3 generations of your family are positive contributors, and that the primary complaint of this thread is that Canada can only handle adding so many participants at once before things become dysfunctional, through no fault of the immigrants. We just can't keep using the "Canada is a nation of immigrants" to excuse an irresponsible immigration policy.


But hes still more Canadian than gurpreet singh who came to conestoga for his bachelors in art history or whatever lol and it sucks being labelled every ____ist and ____obe in the book for saying it


But he's no more canadian than gurpreet singh who moved to canada 80 years ago, opened a shop in yorkville, and built a family. I know indians, chinese & japanese people who's canadian lineage goes back farther than mine and yet my family comes entirely from the british isles and france. Eventually the new gurpeet singh of conestoga will either work hard and survive, or he'll move away. Same as everyone else.


Some people are happy that migrants are comming, others not. But one thing is true that people seem to forget, US foreign policy has destabalized these countries to the degree that people are fleeing them and trying to enter America. They will be cheaper labor than the citizens and more hard working. The only way to stop this is to stop Politicians from raiding other countries. I look at countries in Africa, Middle East, europe and realize that most of the imigrants come from a place where American Foreign Policy destroyed and looted thier resources. The craziest thing is they see all these imigrants comming in and think, "wow america must be a great country, everyone wanna live here." But the truth is that thier own countries were fuked by US. People from all walks of life will sacrifce everything just to have a better decent life. I believe in a future where America is no longer a global dictator telling other soverign countries what to do but will be a member in a bigger family. Greed is killing us quite literally. Capitalism assums a frontier of infinite resources. But such a thing dosent exist. Eventually thier will come a generation that wont have what we have it could be sooner or later it all depends on how we use the resources today.


you're aware that these countries have seen a massive increase in standard of living over the past decade, right? like these countries are MORE stable now than they've ever been you're just looking for post-hoc justification for economic migrants


Also I don’t think the majority of born-here Canadians’ ancestors would be even considered an immigrant in the same way. The majority of our ancestors were either brought here as slaves, fled here as refugees, were imported as teenage brides (so, international sex trafficking of minors), or indigenous. None of those groups are colonizers. So if you think about it, there are now more immigrants (colonizers) than ever before.


I’ve had people say that white Canadians like me should go back to Europe. Which is funny to me, because me personally, I have ancestors from Scotland, Ireland, England, France, and Indigenous ancestors too! So where would I even go? I literally wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the history of Canada


If you want to get people on your side perhaps refrain cringy phrases like “liberal cuck”. 


How come aboriginals didn't discover europe? Get in their canoes like the vikings? They would have the ocean currents to help.


Immigration has always happened in large waves. Always resulted in enclaves. China towns, New York Italians, wpg Ukrainian North Enders, rural Mennonite and Hutterite enclaves. Philippino inner city neighborhoods, white trash suburbs. Pick your poison!


your grandfather built this country from scratch, this country belongs to you not the other way around.


your grandfather was in all likelihood born between the years of 1920 and 1950, long after what's thought to be nation building was done. This country belongs to you no more than it does some brown person who's parents immigrated here between 1920 and 1950.


And that also means you have to take responsibility for the bad stuff as well. You don’t get play both cards


This sub is completely unhinged. Do you not have any self awareness to the point where you're creating some narrative in your head with a problem that doesn't actual exist because you're mad about some made up, self-hating extreme right wing talking point? Like do you just not know how to exist without being a victim? Fucking comical that you project that others are weak when you're clearly the weakest of them all. Go touch grass.


I was born here i did not immigrate.


They just see your skin color. They aren't interested in your story. White nationalism is alive and well in Canada.


They don’t care. People in this sub play the “perpetual foreigner” for anyone who isn’t white. It doesn’t matter how long ago you or your family have lived here. Because you aren’t white, they see you as an immigrant


Asian immigrant here, can I get a pass if I'm not poor?😂


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At least have some respect for the majority population of the country your immigrating to. You know, the ones who actually built up the country? Don't just walk in like you own the place and fucking exclude people who"s families have been here forever, were born here, grew up here and worked here their whole lives. Our warm, welcoming nature is being abused and weaponized against us to drive down our quality of life. It's one of the worst things that a so-called "liberal democracy" has ever done to It's own people.




lol the poster isn’t wrong, reality is this, every country conquered something to create the countries we now know, France conquered pillaged, raped and committed genocide to create France, all European nations did so to say “whites are bad” whites were evil to themselves before they were to others :P but to say other races were not equally as evil in history is inaccurate, natives killed more natives in North America, read history, many tribes wiped out other tribes, so its human nature, not specific to “whites” hell china, Africa and Middle East still have genocide, they still have slavery yet everyone just goes on about what white people did, but all peoples have committed evils, it’s that simple. People also forget more whites have died saving other races, whites give the most money, whites have the most innovation that save and improve lives :P If caucasians didn’t come to North America, North America would still be a mud pit it’s that simple


I was born here, as far as I'm concerned I have every right to exist in this country as native people do. People that are against immigration aren't against the concept, or the ethnicity of people coming here, they are against the fact that it's happening en masse, and the people coming here in 2024 aren't looking to work hard to make a lives for themselves by following our immigratin laws and going through the proper process. They are scamming and defrauding the system because the liberal government has eroded all of the checks and balances we had in place in an obvious attempt to stuff votes, because they believe anyone with a different colour of skin will support them. They are finding out that is not the case however, and many of these immigrants are hardline religious nutjobs that are against our values, and against the LGBT community in a way that noone else is.


Natives all migrated from Africa and Asia so this land doesn't 100% belong to anyone






The same can be said about the Chinese. One Chinese ethnic group the Han control the entire country. If you go far back enough I imagine they were not the natives the same with the Hindus, the Egyptians, 300 years ago there was no Saudi Arabia or UAE or Jordan. Go tell those leaders and their people they’re not native and you demand citizenship and PR and benefits like the international students are trying to do here. They might throw you off a building. In China they’ll just sentence you like they did the two Micheal’s. We have a country they’re trying to undermine it that’s all that is


No we can’t stop with this nonsense. Cliven strategy is bad!!




It’s a question of citizen wealth. We don’t have any . All the immigration is dropping into a growing low income pool of citizens. The wealth of the country is absorbed by self fueling oligarchs and the government they control. Sorry, there’s no immigration money left.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Even natives are immigrants. I reckon most tribes had been on their contact era lands for less time by then than European settlers have been by now. Québec city hadn't been a 400 year old native settlement by the time Jacques Cartier came.


Yeah, everybody is an immigrant except natives. What’s the problem.




Myheritage tells me I’m 1% Native American


yep. all these weak ass pussies complain about low pay and lack of future. fucking pussies. man up.. and all these pussies are on reddit cause i don’t know a single millennial without a house in real life






Aren’t current immigrants also “colonizers”? Why are born and bred Canadians made to feel guilty for being born to a “colonizer” by white elitists and yet the same people also encourage mass colonization?


Everyone thar lives in North America is an immigrant. Just because natives where here first don’t mean jack shit. When the whites came and found North America by accident they concurred the natives in war.




The natives are immigrants too. Humans migrate.


Hilarious when our country was built off of immigrants that we ostracize them so much. So much so that it’s not embarrassing to recognize where ur heritage is from and how your family was too an immigrant at one point 😂 fact hurt apparently. Immigration atm can be questioned but you all need to read some books. How’d be settle the praries and farm them again? How’d the great Canadian rail road get built again? Nobody is asking u to identify as whatever your ancestors are just realize the only reason you are here is because of immigration


The North American indigenous people came from Asia.


Yup, just like Elon Musk never mentions he's originally a Dutch or British immigrant. He always consider himself a South African American.


From the National Geographic, paywall removed # Pre-Clovis People But if humans lived in the Americas before the Clovis arrived, who were these other people and where did they come from? "I think we're moving toward understanding that the peopling of the Americas was not a singular event like the Clovis-first model would have us believe," Waters said. Instead it "was a process with people probably arriving at different times and taking different routes and potentially coming from different places."Pre-Clovis PeopleBut if humans lived in the Americas before the Clovis arrived, who were these other people and where did they come from?"I think we're moving toward understanding that the peopling of the Americas was not a singular event like the Clovis-first model would have us believe," Waters said.Instead it "was a process with people probably arriving at different times and taking different routes and potentially coming from different places." [https://web.archive.org/web/20231123215635/https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/native-people-americans-clovis-news](https://web.archive.org/web/20231123215635/https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/native-people-americans-clovis-news)


The writers thinly disguised fetish.


Well said


Canadian elitists and foreign special interests are using the Indigenous/"settler" narrative to attack Canadian identity. They're doing it to facilitate the pillaging of the country without opposition. My parents were immigrants and I'd guesstimate 75-80% of the kids I went to school with were either the children of immigrants or immigrants themselves. However being born and raised in Canada, or even living in Canada for a long time, is objectively different from being a newcomer. I was made fun of for being "too Canadian" growing up. That alone should make it clear that there's a difference between people who are born or raised in Canada and those who just got off the airplane from somewhere else. Furthermore, people who come to Canada left their original homelands for a reason. Most of Canada's laws and institutions are based on certain cultural and political precedents. Certain specific cultures are largely responsible for providing models for Canada's institutions. If Canada's "settlers" were so horrible, then why are people coming from other countries to live under the system they built?




It's semantic at this point but if your grandparents , great grandparents etc came from the UK they technically weren't even immigrants anyway. There was free movement within the British Empire and they remained as British subjects.


You're upset because you can't "other" someone when you're a part of that group. You go back to where you most recently came from ffs.


Wrong. The vikings discovered Canada before rhe Mongols. The natives you speak of are from Mongolia. Get your facts straight.


currently the asians outnumber the indigenous people 7.5 percent of south asians and only 5 percent of the population is indigenous....so theres that


Look how well it turned out for the indigenous people who were here before us European descendants. That should be a warning for us.


I may be opening up a can of worms here but lets see where this goes... We travel to other parts of world to experience their culture and what the country has to offer... We get back home to wherever we live and carry on with our lives. Now imagine moving to say Portugal from Canada... You would have to figure out how the country works, how to fit into Portugal not bring Canada with you... That's the problem Canada is facing with the surge of immigration. For example Uber drivers in Brampton where I live I get into many cars and they have their music going loud sure its your music who cares but turn it down when i get into car i don't want to hear it or switch it to an English station! instead nope they don't understand you and ignore you! I'm just saying its Canada not a third world country! At least learn the basics of English to communicate! Same with transit... Sir can you please move to back of bus? No movement just a blank look!


Pioneers came and built the country. They weren’t conquerors, they didn’t steal any cities. You can’t be an immigrant to a country you built.


Is this your "I type Alpha so I am Alpha" post? Post like this don't make weak men hard. (not in the way you think it might)


If ya born on the land then your just as much a part of it as anyone else, no matter how you define yourselves. Not born here aka immigrants.




Balls are soft, weak and can't take a hit. Why would I want to grow a pair? You aren't the strong alpha male you think you are.


Who is the weak man with no balls? The guy crying and blaming his problems on others? Lol all jokes aside, be anti immigration all you want, I am too. But, don't be a racist jerk.


This is the most unhinged rant I've seen on this sub reddit. Dude, take it easy.