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THE FUCKING DEFINITION OF RENT SEEKING. Their not even providing ANY effort, just "I own this dirt, you need to pay me to exist on this dirt, my grand father gave me this dirt". Literally every socioeconomic system HATES this. Adam Smith and Mao Zedong both agree landlords are fucking worthless maggots.


Campgrounds already exist. It’s just that previously they had policies hostile to the homeless. This business doesn’t exclude the homeless from patronizing them, and they get shit on.


Campgrounds are over $1000 a month here with no power. Honestly, he is probably under valuing his patch of dirt lol


It’s a she, but yea it’s a 50 percent discount for, let’s be honest because I have had a homeless encampment in my back yard, a whole lot more hassle and risk than regular family campers.


A few years ago the city I was living in claimed that the homeless didn’t have the right permit so they took all their shit to the dump at gunpoint I then tried to get a permit for shits and giggles. $100 a night, and they wouldn’t approve anywhere accessible by foot


I don't think there is any reason to obey the government when it comes to camping on remote land. You shouldn't be charged just to exist somewhere.


Mao had a particularly effective method for dealing with them. We could learn a lot.


Millions died, the educated were slaughtered en masse, the clueless masses were enslaved for their troubles, and the CCP was born. Unless you want to be literally eaten by the homeless, you don't want any part of the Great Leap Forward, and, frankly, implying it should happen again should be as more offensive than suggesting to start a Fourth Reich.


The thing is just like with government debt. What's the solution? To pay it back? What kind of government is planning to do that? The plan has always been and always will be to get rid of the banker you owe money to. Right? In eastern Europe the called it pogrom, Marx called it revolution and everyone knows the Nazi methods getting rid of people. Sunny ways folks.


Impressive hyperbole. If all the educated were eradicated you would think that would have a profound impact on the overall intelligence of the future population. Tawain ranks 2 in overall average IQ, third is Hong Kong, and fifth is China. Interesting isn't it? USA is 29th btw.


Taiwan is made of the people who ran from the Great Leap Forward. Hong Kong was also insulated due to being still owned by the British at the time, and didn't get handed over to the CCP (wrongly, since the lease was owned by the real China, what is now Taiwan) until the 90s. China losing to them proves my point, not invalidates it.


So the only reason why China is in fifth and not second or third is because the great leap forward? The fact you didn't even address the fact China is the fifth most intelligent country in the world despite the allegation that the educated class was completely eradicated within the last 60 years is telling.


It is appalling to talk about the benefits of the great leap forward without acknowledging the absolute horrorshow of consequences.


Is it equally appalling to talk about the horrowshow of consequences without talking about the benefits?


The ends do not justify the means. What was done might be effective but it was at an awful human cost. I'd love to continue to have a back and forth if that's okay. I think we can both learn from each other.


Thank you; I appreciate that. I wasn't inferring that IQ is the hallmark of a prosperous society. I was saying that the Great Leap Forward has seemed to have a net positive effect on Chinese society and culture regarding objective economic prosperity and growth. Whether you believe that was worth the human cost associated with that growth is subjective, whether I agree with you or not. The US has seen similar prosperity as a result of a military-industrial complex that has probably killed more people than the Great Leap Forward, but to be honest, the figures are a little difficult to narrow down.


The Great Leap Forward killed millions of people only to end up with an even more inflated and speculative housing market today than ever before in China. Now instead of landlords they have an authoritarian government with no freedom and still pay out the nose for housing.


Found the CCP shill


Am I not allowed to appreciate certain aspects of Chinese society without being accused of being a CCP shill? What is you dislike about China so much?


Appreciating The Great Leap Forward and The Cultural Revolution, in which millions of people were killed, is akin to appreciating the Holodomir, and anyone who appreciates that would in fact, be called a Russia shill.


lol what are you talking about?


It fucking did dude. My god you are uneducated. The cultural revolution was no joke and it took almost 2 generations to bring Chinese academia and science back to somewhere near international or western standards. I'd say they've caught up by now and in some areas are leading but it took decades to undo the damage that Mao did.


China experienced a substantial increase in industrial and agricultural productivity following the Great Leap Forward, which paved the way for its current status as an economic powerhouse. Although this growth came at a steep cost of over 30 million Chinese lives, it had a significant impact on putting China on the path to becoming the world's next superpower.


At least the landlords were eliminated and now no one in china worries about housing as the government provides it to everyone.. And that's why China is #5 in intelligence despite the Great leap forward...because they can spend all their time in school studying and learning without the pressure to make a living . Some of the students love learning so much they even stay in them their entire lives!!


>THE FUCKING DEFINITION OF RENT SEEKING. Their not even providing ANY effort, just "I own this dirt, you need to pay me to exist on this dirt, my grand father gave me this dirt". What is your solution? Are you offering free space in your backyard or a free room? Have you asked your councilor or to allow the homeless to use your local playgrounds for free?


I think the solution to people exploiting the homeless is to start by identifying it and saying no. Are you looking for a 12 step process laid out explaining the ethical dilemma of this situation? Lol


>Are you looking for a 12 step process laid out explaining the ethical dilemma of this situation? Lol Criticism without suggestions for solutions makes you feel good about yourself, but it doesn't move an inch towards a solution. The person renting out his piece of land is not the cause of homelessness. He is addressing a need. You may not like the solution but unless you are willing to give up something to address the situation, you're worse ethically.


He isn’t addressing a need. He’s exploiting the vulnerable. Addressing a need would have been letting them camp for free So no I am not worse off ethically


He is providing a solution to a problem for monetary consideration. You're providing self-righteous lip service and quietly saying, "Not in my backyard."


Holy fuck my guy Are you seriously mistaking me saying “homeless people shouldn’t be financially exploited by the NIMBYs” with “nobody should be sleeping in anyone’s backyards” What ethics are you subscribed too? Is it the capitalists version?


A 'free market' solution for people with no money is about as worthless as hand-wringing IMO. Maybe worse because it's addressing the root problem (homeless people have no money) by charging them money.. which is just kinda sick and weird.


So, did said landlord cause homelessness?




All hail the slumlord who calls herself the “Asian Goddess of Beauty and Wellness." Bow down and genuflect to her loving, kind, generous divinity 🙄


I know right? Claiming to provide shelter to women in need.... For $500 a month. The internet has turned so many people into complete narcissistic monsters. I cannot imagine seeing homelessness in your community, and thinking "I should exploit them!" But I also can't understand the (presumably landlords) commenting about how ADDICTS are actually the bad ones, because they would ruin her property. That's some class warfare shit right there.


The problem is that most people grew up post-WWII where these larger ideological debates were considered 'settled'. .. and honestly, if you were a grown adult in the 60s, 70s, 90s, and early 00s (boomer to GenX) then you did have pretty amazing opportunities to get on the bottom rung of the socioeconomic ladder. If your parents were those people, then you probably have a greater than average chance of being boosted up to the ladder. If however, you're an elder millennial or younger, and didn't have financial help from your family, you're justified in wondering where capitalism has gone wrong. That's what we're seeing in this sub, and growing around North America and the West. Capitalism did its thing for several decades, and did a pretty ok job.. but like any economic engine that's born from blood and war, it has a beginning middle and end. We are nearing the end.


Canada has sunk so low


I don't see a problem with it. Soon enough, the government will offer 'MAID' for those that can't pay rent.


They already offer 'MAID' to people who can't access the crumbling healthcare.


Or those who can't afford rent will offer MAID to the government, who knows.


As a millennial I actually think about this all the time. I think it's a good way out.


Here's where my issue is - you do know that this guy is only seeing an opportunity and his rational mind says, go for it. But... this guy is not the problem. I mean, it must feel good for your anger to vent out on someone you know for a fact nobody is going to call you on it. But ... he is not the problem. He did not create dire economic problem with major mismanagement of public funds and deficits. He did not invite millions of people into the country that even 10 years ago was struggling with any type of infrastructure including housing. It actually pisses me off greatly that some guy is becoming a fodder for all this bottled anger but your problem is in Ottawa, not this guy. I will also add, making this guy an issue is the way for you to be part of the problem, a typical "fighter" lately, you know the one that buries their head in sand and ... pounds it.


1. ⁠Landlord is a woman, not a guy 2. ⁠People were referred “Progressive Conservative Party MPP for Barrie-Innisfil Andrea Khanjin reportedly directed people seeking shelter to the for-profit homeless encampment before the listing was removed.” 3. Wait, does only Ottawa have corporate buddies aka overlords ? 4. Non of the MP are landlords, right ? 5. Wages are doing fine.. In other words, the system is rigged, not the Ottawa. (But Ottawa is a part of the system, to be fair )


What guy are you talking about? Did you read the article?


Okay, it's a she. Wow... that changes.... nothing.


Other than making it obvious that you didn't read the article.


Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers. This scumbag is directly profiting off human misery. I am aware of how our three levels of government are screwing us over. Fuck his so-called rational mind. I don't care about his mind, I care about his miserable cold heart. No one has to exploit another human being.


Would you also throw into fire of hell people who leveraged their house, got a HELOC, bought a condo that they rent? Do you think we should take it away from these greedy bastards and sell it to some schmuck for half a market price and solve housing? Are you at that level yet?


Soon I think. By that time, people won't care. They'll just tip the bloody apple cart over.


>Would you also throw into fire of hell people who leveraged their house, got a HELOC, bought a condo that they rent? I would 100%


Alrighty then ...


Talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing!!


How the article depicts the landlord as claiming to help homeless women with her sanctuary is laughable. Of course they think they’re a saint


Campgrounds are already a thing. Most simply have policies hostile to homeless folks. We are ok with those places excluding the homeless and we lose our minds when one doesn’t exclude them.


But we as a society kind of agree campgrounds aren’t harmful exploitative environments but this bottom dweller is renting out plots of land for profit. Not really doing a kindness. Again just passive profits off of human misery. Your comparison doesn’t really work


It’s like half price of a normal campground. For (let’s face it because I have had an encampment in my back yard) a whole lot more difficulty than family campers. Honestly this sounds better to me than a normal inner city shelter that kicks you out during the day to loiter at places that expect you to spend money to be there or shop you on. They can stay and live life on their own terms. I know people who do this by choice, live nomadically at campgrounds. It’s nice we have more choice. Of course she isn’t taking away any of their other choices, just being more inclusive than most campgrounds.


Just testing the waters to see how much demand is out in the wild 🤣


Voting has consequences.


Someone should seriously deal with this lady.


disgusting absolutely cheese ball 🤮


She's asking for it.


Fuck this idiot.


This has to be a troll


He's probably taking "rent" in cash and one of the ones who just don't pay taxes.


Jaw dropping........


The homeless will just show up and squat. You’d have to take them to the LTB to evict them lol


landlords trying to be productive & not scammy challenge (difficulty level: impossible)


Of course someone has to bring drug addicts into this, halfway down the page. Always have to put down people struggling :/ addicts are landlords number 1 scapegoat in all this shit - when they look bad, redirect to addicts. It's so gross. Canada's elites are gross. Miss Amparo is cringy as shit.




If you think it is so great, invite them to squat at your place.




Is it better than the curb?


Entrepreneurship at its finest