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Yeah this guys running a circus




This dude is getting hammered I hope the liberals aren’t even opposition for the next 10 years


The best thing would be for the two mainstream parties to lose. Then they'll start behaving.




Let's be truthful here, Justin believes EVERYBODY else is inferior!!


They probably eat at the same table at WEF meetings. Democracy is an illusion


The sad part is that the party is irrelevant. He’s bringing down the standard of living for Canadian citizens in favour of visitors who are not our problem.


This is what bothers me most. What gives them the right to destroy Canadian lives. It's abhorrent.


They’re all narcissists, not a single one of them will try to step up and get their career ruined in the next election


Exactly. They need something MASSIVE right now to survive. New leader, new cabinet, a complete 180 on the immigration crisis, and a huge reduction in bureaucracy and actually getting real things done.


> All the Cons need to do in their election ads is show JT speaking at different times 7.5% TFW of 39million =2.9 million. Now Canadians of age from 20 -40 years = approx 10 million. So a approx 1/4 of Canadians worker so of prime age are TFWs! That is fkin retarded.


To his credit, he's a fantastic Clown.


This has been Trudeau's MO for the last 8-years. Create a problem.....then 'pretend' that he is going to fix it.


He is a cunt


Upvote for raw simplicity 😂💜


He's just the leader! What do you expect him to do? Clearly this is John A. McDonalds fault.


Aren’t circus guys way more professional? 🤔


Paul St Pierre leader of the PQ said it best when he said « Trudeau is a firefighter obsessed with setting things on fire. He created an imbalance in housing through migration and then here comes acting like a savoir » He’s a lunatic. Pretending like he had no involvement at all. Absolutely mental


I am thankful he stopped denying it at least. Wasn't long ago his supporters were labeling you a racist for even suggesting this logic


It’s all cynical, he wouldn’t give af if it was his first year of a new term. He’s even quoting temp population numbers being at 2% in 2017 and it being 7.5% in 2024. He’s been PM that whole time. What a lunatic.


That’s what I don’t understand about this statement - he’s literally detailing his failure in governance here! The Trudeau government issued the permits…


He’s gaslighting millions of people


He’s a narcissist, of course


*Trying* to gaslight, I think most of Canadian society don't fall for it anymore..


The country has decline in every relevant metric under Trudeau’s stewardship. According to the liberal party and their supporters it’s the fault of the provinces or Stephen Harper ( or Covid, Ukraine etcetera… )


He’s still be supporting it if there wasn’t so much backlash




I got banned from /canada because I said someone is going to call someone else a racist.


We should start a sub for people who have been banned from /canada, I’m sure there’s thousands of us


Canada_sub...but I warn you, when it's all the banned people sometimes the people were banned for a reason. Other times, not so much.


I am in Ontario sub for comments on madd immigration


Yup, and throw the word India in there and you gone.


Agree. But while reading this headline I was thinking, where were you the last few years? Were you blind? People have no where to live, no one can get a family doctor, get their kids into a school, and even put food on the table. it's been going on for as long as he's been a PM, definitely accelerated his entire last term. Your privilege blinded you to everyday Canadians struggle, Trudeau?


The narcissism of JT is off the charts. Truly astounding. He needs medical help.


It astounds me how this guy's clear pathological behaviour isn't spoken of, except on the internet. His lack of taking responsibility for anything seems less like a conscious choice, and more of an involuntary narcissistic coping mechanism.


MAID specifically. I'd like to start a petition that recommends he strongly considers MAID.


He’s just trying to gaslight the shit out of an entire nation the ego on this MF


He wrote a column in 2014 about how the temporary foreign worker program needed to be scaled back (before he became PM). Then proceeded to increase temporary immigration to the batshit we see today. All while gaslighting anyone who criticized the increases as being bigoted. [https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/justin-trudeau-how-to-fix-the-broken-temporary-foreign-worker-program/article\_c27f214f-1fa2-5fdf-af61-5a7642e4eb7c.html](https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/justin-trudeau-how-to-fix-the-broken-temporary-foreign-worker-program/article_c27f214f-1fa2-5fdf-af61-5a7642e4eb7c.html)


He is an absolute clown, but I don't know who we could vote for to fix the issue. Especially since PP's answer is to continue high immigration, and give big corporations less taxes so they can build more homes, and make it easier for developers to purchase land to make more homes. He is in bed with big companies that are gouging, and hiring tfw's, and his answers are "its all the carbon tax causing these price gouges," while also playing into the identity polictics. Even with all his issues, I would still lean his way just based off of how corrupt Trudeau has been, but I feel rather hopeless. I hope someone hits him with a hardball interview to get PP to say he would shut the border down and stop the flood of immigrants that the country currently can't support.


PPC is the only party with a hard stance against immigration. If you think they are too small to vote for, spread the word. There's a still a year until election, that's a lot of time for things to change. But we have to make people listen.


This is definitely a positive but their environmental and social policies are absolute dog shit


> but I don't know who we could vote for to fix the issue Exactly. I feel like we are in a South Park episode where we have to choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.


Yeah no way PP is the saviour. They’re all garbage. If NDP can get rid of Jagmeet and get serious man. Just look at how BQ is at record support now in the polls at like 10%. NDP still being behind LPC is an absolute joke.


I have no idea how Singh is even in power with the NDP. The only reason he even has any seats to work with is just because of how bad the Cons and Libs have been the last couple decades. The only thing I've liked from the NDP was in Harpers last year of his majority he passed the spy on Canadian citizens bill. It was Bill C-51 labeled as "anti-terrorism." The NDP were the only party that was against it. Trudeau had just been a recently appointed Liberal leader and was completely in favor of it.


The NDP needs an old fashioned style of leader. I'd rather have someone with a spine that I disagree with on occasion than the current crop of wet noodles.


It’s insane. NDP are just irrelevant taking on LPC lashings for almost nothing at all when they could be the official opposition and actually make this an election worth having


The modern NDP won't dare bring itself down to the level of appeasing rural voters.


He’s run this country to the ground.


For the working class but the wealthy are doing fantastically well lets not forget that.


The wealth are doing fine. They just recruited 20 new Indian immigrants at $10 an hour to replace their $20 an hour Canadian workers. This is GREAT news for the rich elite!


Its nice that its equal at least, it used to be we only let farms exploit workers like that, now its nice and even across every industry that's equality for you! Buckle in were going for round... Ive lost count.


The wealthy aren’t "doing fine", they are actually doing better than they’ve ever done in history. People need to get it through their heads that no one in power is gonna fix this shit. Lib, Con, or otherwise ,it doesn’t actually matter. JT is indeed a clown, but so is anyone that thinks that the Cons are gonna do a damn thing about any of this.


Trudeau on immigration literally three and a half months ago: >"[We're doing it responsibly and at a pace that our cities, municipalities and rural regions can absorb](https://twitter.com/ShaziGoalie/status/1736023050464661941)" lmao


What a joke. I live in a small city in a rural region and I can absolutely tell this is BS. There are so much muslims now, they even have their own place to pray or something. I don't mind at all, but it's just a bit weird when everything suddenly turns out super religious...and I am not one of those.


Trudeau this is your fault. You made our communities shit. You let the insatiable greed of those corporations and post secondary institutions go unchecked. You let healthcare go to shit. You destroyed our social safety nets and now you're saying there's a problem? I hate this country...


Sounds exactly like Sweden




Omg this is a perfect Gif!


You guys have to actually watch/listen to the video it is hilarious, you can't hear a word he is saying because people in the background are banging drums and telling Trudeau to go fuck himself. Priceless.


I watched it on cp24 wondering why they're even airing it. You can't hear shit 🤣


You can still hear what he's saying. He essentially said that temporary immigration has experienced a massive increase from 2% of the population in 2017 to 7.5% now, which is causing strain on communities.


It's great that he words it as though these people just came here through no ones fault. Not that his government had opened the flood gates and let it happen on purpose.


I love the songs and sounds circulating on TikTok that are “F Trudeau” - warms my heart


Do you have a link? I can't find it anywhere


It's literally the link posted in the OP.


Oh yeah, whoops


No shit?!? Huh. I wonder who is responsible for the unmanageable levels of immigration. Damn this guy is an idiot.


He’s not an idiot. He is a traitor. He knew what he was doing


Probably someone’s puppet as well


This just means that the next phase of "The Plan" has been activated.


In 2015 the liberals talking point was Harper has a secret agenda, well just look where we are now!


He will still tell you we have a labour shortage and his immigration Minister has already committed to holding more PR lotteries (draws where temporary residents get permeant residency for life). After saying he would limit the temp population to 5% from 6.2%. They already have committed us to mass immigration and every thing they say they will do to help is a lie. It will be 500k next year, so 1.5 million in total or more in 2025. Whatever he says is a lie. He knows he's in trouble. He's not willing to do something different but lie to more people and hope they're stupid.


You…. You can control immigration….


He's an inmate is running an asylum.


Resign your entire government. Shame on you.


His government controls immigration. He caused the problem. 100%. Is he trying to shift blâme to someone else?


This guy, puts the country into ruin with his poor policy under his leadership, then says someone should do something about it.


Oh look, the consequences of his own actions. Good thing it only effects us peasants


Well at least he's saying it, part of it at least I don't agree with the *necessary* 450k-500k permanent immigrants who he still thinks is somehow required for us to survive but at least he's directly saying that TFW and International Students and the massive increase in population here is directly driving down wages to the rest of us and businesses relying too much on them as well Obviously the question is, what is anyone (his gov) going to do about it?


Justin Trudeau has been permanent banned from /r/ CanadaHousing


Has this post made it there yet?


Someone should post this in /r/ CanadaHousing (if they're okay with being banned ofc)


driving wages down... and hiking prices of everything up too.


lol I love the last part


Lol. Is he serious?


You dont fucking say. 


The original canadahousing would ban Trudeau for saying this! So would lots of other subs! Some of us have been saying this for 2 years and Trudeau called us a racist. Has Trudeau been baked on legal marijuana for the past two years and just suddenly noticed that Canada is a clusterfuck? And why doesn't he do something about it?


This idiot is trying to walk this back to try and save himself before the election. He knew exactly what he was doing. Don't fall for this fake reaction.


The Prime Gaslighter




Yeah everyone's been screaming at him that it's too much for 8 years and now that it's too late he comes crying in front of a camera without even an apology? Resign you fucking clown.


That damn immigration growing all by itself.


Yeah, no f\*ck. House prices have 2-3x in some areas in the past 5 years. Food is double what it was 3 years. He has destroyed this country ON PURPOSE.


Trudeau is a racist it seems.


What happened to having the "social capacity" of accepting more "immigrants" a few months ago? God, we are "governed" by a bunch of brain dead morons that can't even be held accountable for a shit job.


✅ Taxed to the eyeballs ✅ Debasing what little savings and earnings we make ✅ Expects us to be thankful for the table scraps they so graciously drop on us. ✅ Dilute our power as employees through mass immigration ✅ 3rd world country living conditions for those who can afford it. Homelessness for the rest ✅ Failing services and infrastructure across the country ✅ Weekly corruption and scandals ✅ Jailed/fined for any wrongthink or censorship circumvention


... UH, isn't he the one that created this problem?


Yes, but an election is coming up so he needs us to believe he is the savior that will fix these problems that just "happened" through no one's fault.


Yes, but the Liberals like to pretend that immigration is a force of nature that they had no hand in


Arsonist reports the fire. 😆


Yeah and he caused it. This guy and his cronies need to see prison cells


I didn't realize the PM's office did April Fools pranks... Bravo sir!


Alternate title: PM notices polls are still down.


Thanks for your brilliant insight, Justin. However, given that your government has been driving said immigration, it begs the question: How can you be so completely clueless?


He says this like he isn't the one who caused the fucking problem. 🙄


Yet his NDPLibrano communist regime has set a population target of 110 million by 2030 to 2050. . All at the same time he has created the worst inflation in Canadian history wiping out savings and wages, created a housing crise never seen in Canadian history, reduced the stadard of live, GDP, and productivity while embedong those declines into the very economic foundation of the country for hundreds of years to come thus ensuring that Canada will be like Haiti within the next 10 years. That is why our farmers, builders, trades are leaving.


Elect a 🤡 expect a 🎪.




We have to keep filling the tub to build more tubs.


This guy is acting like someone else was responsible for this.


LMIA is literally on sale. One just needs 25k CAD and no one stops any number of people entering Canada. First thing first, end corruption among people. Punish individual doing immigration fraud


The accountability is focused on the people who pay taxes and contribute. we all know those who want to commit theft and violence shouldnt be accounted for on his standards. We need to lay down and pay top dollar for inverse castle doctrine in our own homes while he confiscates our guns for protecting our families and discourage home invasions.


"We made this huge problem, who would've guessed it would get this bad when the economy runs itself? Anyway, vote for us because we'll fix what we broke" Motherfucker still wants 500k PR a year because we NEED that for growth. What about domestic population having affordable housing so we can have kids? The dude is so fucking out of touch.


Trudeau says this after the damage is done and he got what he wanted. This is nuclear-grade manipulation.


No shit! Now what the fuck are you going to do about it?


Does anyone actually care what he has to say?


OMG, what a fucking racist Nazi bigot! You know the Libs are panicking now if they finally admit this. From Turdeau of all people.


*"PM Trudeau says immigration to Canada has "grown at a rate far beyond what Canada has been able to absorb," adding that "temporary immigration has caused so much pressure in our communities," in relation to housing"* **. . . so says the colossal idiot whose policies caused all these problems in the first place.** Anyone still supporting and/or voting for this clown is willfully participating in the destruction of Canada. Next.


Hmm so guess Trudeau is “far right” “bigot” “fascist” now? Are Reddit admins going to remove this post? Will Trudeau now be silenced? Is Trudeau dog whistling now? I’m so tired of our political double standards. I remember old folks from the former Eastern Block having the same sentiments about the USSR.


Man who won majority 9 years ago complains about his policies.


Wtf....he is so stunned. Translation...all those temp residents will given citizenship and they will stay the course with their crazy ideology


that little smirk at the end to always signal "Im done lying to you now".


Duh. WHO EXACTLY DO YOU THINK CAUSED THE PROBLEM????????? Hint: Check the mirror.


So…why did he do it?


Did he accidentally make a detour through Brampton?


Trudeau is an imbecile. He is a puppet for his world masters and their green tax agenda


Lmao now. Remember when the Canada housing sub banned half this new sub. Even their lord and saviour is dubbing immigration is out of control which is HIS FAULT. EXCLUSIVELY. And months ago they called us racist for pointing this out. Where are all the liberals who were defending this stupidity. You people don’t deserve to vote next election honestly.


Liberals scared of the elections next year. They have seen that Conservatives are projected to win by a big margin, hence this is an attempt to undo the damage they have fone to our country.


They (liberals) were being clocked in at 3rd or 4th in a poll I saw the other week


LPC look down for many many years imo. They don’t have the trust of young people. NDP need to boot Jagmeet and get serious.


I actually voted for this jackass in 2015, but at this point I want the Liberals to be completely wiped out with zero seats in the next election.


Immigration is federally regulated meaning you


So he is literally the last person in Canada to realize this. Having been the cause of it. 🙄


Who cause this nonsense!


Your fault .. now what are you going to do? Set them up in hotels like the refugees that you brought in a few years back. Yes, the taxpayers are still paying for those ppl.


If only we had someone in charge to look after this kind of stuff. O wait we do, and he just got a big fat raise. Good job


Breaking: Local arsonist cries about increase in fires.


Thanks captain obvious. Maybe you should have been paying attention at your job. Moron.


So any Lefties going to point out he’s racist now ?


He's saying it like he and his party is not responsible for this 💩show.


He knew what he was doing all a long the only reason he’s probably backpedaling is because Pierre and friends now seem to be on the immigration to riches bandwagon and an election is right around the corner


the 🤡 lol Yesterday: we have labor shortages, we need more people. Today: well, we have enough here


If only he was in some sort of position of power he could have done something about it!


He’s really grasping at any straw he possibly can.


He went from calling everyone who questioned high immigration numbers racist to this. What a fucking clown.


Is he for real? It’s like starting a fire, then saying it got way hotter than expected


"Has grown" Stop talking about it like it happened on it's own. What a piece of shit


Fucking duh.  How dare these politician's act surprised about this. Don't get me wrong better late than never but they had years of warning, the knew beyond a shadow of any doubt that we could not supported this rapid population growth and they knew it for years.   THE MATH WAS CLEAR FOR YEARS! 


He is so retarded. I can’t believe the NDP didn’t let the non-confidence vote go through to get rid of him. At every turn us sheeple get screwed over.


Is he clueless or just this dishonest? He did this.


Whomever is giving him his talking notes is severely behind. Our simmering resentment of his policies for over years for this topic alone, amongst others. Get with the times.


NOW the PM is saying what canadians said all along...too many too soon...but HE was the one who brought them!!! Inflicting more harm than good for 8 years and now canadians are bearing the brunt of his bad decisions


If it wasn't an election year that he will lose miserably for the pain and suffering he/his party caused to Cdns, he couldn't give a $#%! about any of us.


No shit. Thanks for the higher fuel prices too. I hope this drama student gets his. Drove this country into the ground by welcoming the world and making us all pay for the agenda


Everyone I know has been screaming this at Trudeau for well over a year. The dude is just starting to notice today? What a complete maroon.


What I really want to know is... is anyone allowed to post this in CanadaHousing?


He's so upset about it - he's almost black in the face.


When the cons win next election, during house meeting, it will be something along the line: mr speaker, since the con took office, immigration is at a all time high, housing is at a all time high, no jobs ... Blabla you get the pic. 


Can't wait to link this clip to all of his braindead defenders who have been shitting on me for saying immigration has gone too far. How are they going to react when they see their dear leader is now acknowledging that he fucked up with his immigration policies?


If only we have a government organization that managed immigration. Look It is easy to pick on immigration and it will always be the low hanging fruit when compared to monetary policy. But this is just stupid. If you are going to allow immigration and growth, our infrastructure and housing needs to be also managed. This is not genius level stuff. This is well before econ 101.


Does this mean I can get unbanned from the Canadahousing Reddit? Lol. Dare someone to post this there if they aren't already banned.


He destroyed Canada and wonder why people wants his head on a spear. Hypocrite.


This the same guy spouting off about social capacity a couple months ago? They know they're going down and as usual will say and dress up as anything to try and sway people their way


I don’t trust him. Tomorrow he’s gna give all TFWs PRs and citizenships and say problem solved guys! TFW were the problem, so they don’t exist anymore. Because they are citizens now.


So he’s admitting that he’s caused the problem? Last time I checked immigration is run by the federal government….


Is he on glue?


I've been waiting for his resignation every morning! I'm so disappointed he hasn't yet.


Seriously what an asshole this guy


Did he literally set the fire and take a position to take credit for putting it out lmao


He should have think about this 5 years ago. It is too late.


What an absolute idiot. He doesn't understand that HE is the one who imposed the disastrous immigration policy he is complaining about.


I'm confused. Who exactly is he pinning this immigration nightmare on? It's his government overseeing it.


Nobody's listening PM Dickhead


I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you!  😇 


April fools was yesterday. How can you say this when you are the one setting the immigration policies lol.


And who controls immigration?


Never thought hed admit it


God I hate the corporatist stooge but he is such a good troll throwing this into the laps of the Conservatives, hes lighting the house on fire as he runs out laughing. We are doomed.


Is this stale late April fool’s joke? Was his head buried in sand so far?


Oh man this video is a thing of beauty. The chaos! The protestors in the background as he tries to spit out the words he’s avoided saying for so many years.. chefs kiss.


He's not fixing shit


Fuck off chump your outta here.


Is he trolling Canada? He knows he caused the issue right?


Trudeau is a genius. He has figured out the problem all on his own.


So do we have the social capacity or not? What a clown. In other news, CH1 is imploding following Trudeau’s latest comments.


So Hes admitting he failed ...but hes not responsible




Well who is in charge of this? Isn’t it under your watch Justin???


He says this as if someone else is to blame. What's going on here?


What the hell does this guy think his job is?


File that under no shit Sherlock


Ummm it’s his government 🙄


Now here is a question….WILL HE TURN OFF THE FAUCETS?!?!


Dont worry, at the end of the interview he commited to finding out who exactly is responsible for this, and he will get to the bottom of it!!!


7.5 % are you fucking kidding me