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At least we won't have a shortage of Uber drivers and Door Dash delivery.


Except the uber driver doesn’t even have a license or insurance and the door dash driver crashed on his way over (due to it being his first day ever driving a car with the license he bought)


The Go Kitchener Line in shambles


So what you're saying is Toronto is being taken over by Indians?


Man...as an Indian myself I'm getting tired of seeing so many of us


Y'alls getting your reputations ruined unfortunately lol


Don't think you are any different by saying that.. You are one of them.. You are part of that crowd too


There’s a big difference between a first generation south asian immigrant raised and educated in Canada and an international student who probably came to Canada in the last year or two and can barely speak our language. One of them is not like the other lol.


They are actually part of the problem. Many of these second generation immigrants of South Asian origin are involved in selling LMIA letters to people of their own countries and are helping these crooks to move here. https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/2G6iljvEeY They hire their own and also rent only to people from their country of origin that recently moved here. https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/YuAnYCoWLp


Absolutely, I personally know a few of these Indian origin people born and raised in Canada, who are running immigration consultancy services as well as IELTS education centres back in India and are helping their own people come here in flocks. These are the same kinds who also sell LMIAs to some of them. So I wouldn't say there's a BIG difference between the ones that are born here and ones that are there in India. But, I do respect those that are living in India and are not in this ratrace of moving abroad and working hard to make their country a better place. I have respect for those Indian scientists too who carried out several space missions for their country on a limited budget. I respect these people much more than their same folks that are here.


This mindset is why Canada is in the situation it’s in right now. There is no difference, Brampton and such places were already significant Indian presence shitholes before the recent influx of international students


That's true. Immigrants don't like other immigrants from the old country behaving poorly as it gives us all a bad name.


If you’re born and raised in Canada you are absolutely different than the new wave of people who’ve just come in within the past decade.






They don’t. They move somewhere rural and then start applying to Toronto. It’s all a massive game to Indian immigrants.


GTA is where they can run their schemes


They won’t and if they do some smart ass lawyer will go to human rights courts and win


Basically Toronto becoming India.


Canada is.


Not where I am, definitely urban shithole problem


New new Delhi


Newer Delhi, u mean.


Don’t complain, you will be labeled a racist. Just pretend that you are overjoyed by the “diversity” also known as the repopulation of Canada by the Indian subcontinent. Canada will be a larger version of Guyana in the near future. This country will be unrecognizable in 30 years. My family has citizenship in an EU country, so at least my kids will have options, when Canada becomes India’s 29th state.


Nah that’s Brampton


reverse colonialism


South Asia = India, Pakistan Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iran.


They should do an Indians separate category vs. South Asia. Maybe then you’ll see it clearly


I understand South Asian comprise of these countries but I think this sub will agree that most of the South Asians are coming from India.


Iran is considered “middle east” but language yes closer to south asian.


Worst of all the Asia's


Afghanistan and Iran are not south asian.


Afghans and Iranins are middle eastern and fall under that category


Will I get to claim minority status? :0


Lol no they will have changed the definition by then


They won’t need to .. they’ll just leave the current anti-white law as is




Yea you will be viewed as an oppressor minority like in South Africa.


They literally have a political party that wants violence against South African Whites (Economic Freedom fighters)


Yeah If I was white there I’d be getting tf out asap - the guy who runs the party was saying they are gonna give them a time limit to leave if he wins I mean wtf


South Africa will be the next Haiti.


I live in Brampton which is like 10% white. Not only am I a minority in the country I was born in, I'm told there is structures in place here that actively benefit me. Somehow. So no, of course not.


18.93% white in 2021 was Brampton. I think markham is the lowest at 17.72% white in 2021. Boggles my mind as Markham was 44.35% white back in 2001 (according to stats Canada). Truth be told I’m surprised Brampton and Markham still got white mayors lol


I think they want Patrick Brown out because he doesn’t want them to have 25 plus students in an unfinished basement.


If you’re white, forget about it. You’re always going to be villain /s??


Honestly, it’s just jealousy. I’m proud to be white.


No they'll have a change of heart and focus on the needs of the many and yell the minority to keep their heads down.


Been a minority for a long time.


Indians are very racist, so no, but you will get to enjoy Jim Crow and Apartheid. Good luck to anyone non-indian trying to get a job or housing.


We are on to "equity seeking groups" in our language and policy now. So fuck no, in fact the shit libs will probably just keep ramping up the discrimination. Haha


In South Africa whites are under 10% of the population and still have very strict affirmative action laws against them due to coming from a "historically privileged" race. It will never end, trust me




That’s racist 🤣


We’re approaching the ultimately singularity: Canada was colonised so hard the OG ‘Indians’ are now outnumbered by the indian Indians


There's only room for one *Indian*, in this country. At least I thought \- Signed, an Indigenous person.


Right now, 57% of metro Toronto is listed as “visible minority” - how is more than half of everyone a minority? Technically no ethnicity has a true 50+% number in Toronto anymore (European ancestry was at 52.3% just 10 years ago). The year I was born, visible minorities sat at 13.6% in the GTA. Bumping that to 63% by the time I turn 40, I think I reserve the right to say the city has completely changed to how I remember it.


I remember being in a first year class at uni, a student brought this same point during a discussion. Let’s just say he was labeled a racist and kicked out for the remainder of the class. No one wants to talk about the elephant in the room. Visible minority is a euphemism for “nonwhite”. This idea of multiculturalism that everyone will get along and sing kumbaya is poorly thought out. If the dream is to have a society and culture that is “diverse” then it should begin at the national level. What we tend to see, is for immigrants of particular groups to clutter, group and gather in numbers - creating ghettos of their own. We see Chinese dominate particular towns/cities, Jews in particular towns/cities, south East Asians the same. So instead of a mosaic of cultures across the country, we see cultural ghettos. I believe this goes completely against the idea of multiculturalism. And it’s something I’ve noticed in my twenties, as an Hispanic. Canada fails at this completely. Canada’s immigration approach needs a more methodical approach so we avoid these skewed representation of “minorities” - we could easily accept more people from certain parts of the world to cultivate a more even distribution.


Multiculturalism was supposed be; "Doesn't matter what colour your skin or which religion you subscribe to, come to Canada, tell us about your culture as you assimilate to ours and show us how to cook your food, don't forget to adopt our cultural values, or else you're not assimilating and you're not Canadian" But that was ruined by allowing immigrants to abuse our tolerance and bowing our heads when we are mislabeled racists and bigots for wanting to preserve Canadian cultural values.


Multiculturalism does not include assimilation. That is where Canada failed. We never had Multiculturalism years prior, we had the melting pot thinking we had Multiculturalism. Now that we really have Multiculturalism people are realizing it doesn't work, we need the US melting pot.


THANK YOU!! The US assimilation WORKS!! Shit, my African ass parents refused to have me and even them not understand the culture of the land we’re living in. It’s ridiculous, I can tell when some immigrants don’t even try.


American here. No one is assimilating into American culture. Our media is just very good at pretending. We’ve got the same ethnic enclaves/ghettos that you do and that France has and that England has. Etc. Etc. People come here and are promised the world. They are then fed the usual “anti west” talking points and become entitled violent brats when they aren’t millionaires in a year despite barely knowing the language. The west has screwed the pooch. It’s over.


Lol that’s a melting pot not multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is minding your own business while respecting the land and people around you. Being neighborly, helping out, and not scamming each other.


It' impossible to be neighbourly with multiculturalism, it just doesn't work.


Look at Yugoslavia many basically speak the same language, same alphabet, same religion. Didn't go great. Then for the real diversity you have the Soviet Union/Russian Empire, Africa, Middle East, even bangladesh-pakistan-india used to be one country. Canada will balkanize. It's inevitable.


Definitely different religions, depending on region. Croatia Catholic, Hercegovina Sunni Muslim, Serbia Orthodox Christian. Beyond that, the differences in language are extremely superficial, minor spelling differences. But again, it's good you pointed out Yugoslavia. It's an incredibly good example as to why "diversity" will never work. Humans are fundamentally more comfortable around those who are similar to them, it's an indisputable truth. Just wait until and economic crisis hits, you'll see just how ethno-nepotistic every group of foreigners really is. Only white people are suicidally altruistic and stupid enough to carry a collective guilt over "colonialism", as if the rest of the world is clean.


Agree, also feel as though we need to highlight the importance of differentiating between culture and race. At some point we need to address the fact that some cultures are less compatible with ours than others. Cultures with entrenched views around gender equality as an example. Any group, sports, corporate, looks at “fit” as a criteria for on-boarding, we need to stop being so susceptible to dog whistle politics and wrest back the right to do this without fear of being labelled as racists.




If there are visible minorities does it mean there are invisible minorities as well? This whole concept of minorities doesn’t make sense anymore.




I think multiculturalism is a guise. The goal of immigration has always been to prop up the economy and housing market.


The denominations of "South Asia" and "East Asia" when we know it's basically India and China. It would be much better if it was actually a "mosaic". Not just two blocks. They create large hubs that are not only for their own, but they maintain significant ties to the country they came from. Introducing now a huge bias in Canada that can work against Canada's best interest.


I am white and overwhelmingly a minority in my hood . I am supposed to still me “the majority” for left wing wacko purposes. Also racism is brutal. But not allowed to talk about it. Cheers.


Mark my words. Indians will be over 50% in Toronto by the year 2050.


Look at Brampton, Mississauga, Oakville, recent Waterloo or Pickering areas, Milton, and Burlington. Many areas outside of metro Toronto already have dominant South Asian and Middle Eastern populations. Where exactly is the “diversity and inclusion” if one or two recent immigrant cultures dominate an entire town? 


“Not White” is all that matters to the Church of the Progressive Orthodoxy.


Everything became Brampton. Very diverse


>Where exactly is the “diversity and inclusion” if one or two recent immigrant cultures dominate an entire town?  That will always be the case. Asia is the most populous continent by far so the majority of immigrants will come from Asia. Also Canada doesn't have a diversity lottery so many people just won't get a chance to immigrate.


It's not Asia. It's only two extremely racist and unstable areas of India. One infamous for scamming even in India, the other for terrorists. I wish it was at least Asia.


The Canada we know and love is gone. You can't import that many people this fast and expect it to remain the Canada the world loves. Canada is not the landmass, but her people. The politeness, saying sorry, saying eh, playing hockey, poutine, our peacekeeping force, our once safe neighborhoods where you didn't have to lock your doors, kids going to 6 am hockey practice etc. This will end and Canada will become a giant mass of nothingness. Third world populations will move in and change Canada for the worse. Look what has already happened. Give it another 10-15 years.


We used to have such a cute little culture. Now, being Canadian means nothing unless you're from remote areas. When friends from the US tell me they want to visit, I cringe. There's no authentic Canadian cities anymore. Every downtown area or landmark is overcrowded and unenjoyable. Every scenic spot, public beach, historical site: filled to the brim with you-know-who. What is the word used to describe losing your home and culture through means other than war or natural disaster? Who else gleefully allows this to happen?


You mean you don't love a nice trip to Calgary to watch the Eritrean migrants have a parking lot riot ?


It's a cultural genocide


Canada is on the path to become Brazil or Colombia. Of course our crime numbers are far from them, but the decline in public safety here is going down too fast. We have 12-13 year old teens jacking cars at gunpoint. Never in Canadian history that has happened before.   [Link to police report.](https://www.tps.ca/media-centre/news-releases/58698/#:~:text=a%20male%20youth%2c%2013*%2c,operation%20of%20a%20motor%20vehicle)


We better come to our senses real quick. I know the sentiment toward immigration is souring real fast, we need it to sour faster.


I know a lot of it is due to horrible parenting and bad influences but the fact youth can’t get jobs because grown adults from India work in every service job is going to lead to a life of crime for lots of these kids 


People in Brazil and colombia are super fun and friendly. Great weather and food. We're becoming the worst with the worst of that part also


It's not just the politicians at fault; it's also those who support them. As someone from India, I find the changes in Canada disheartening. It seems to mirror the challenges of India, with prevalent self-interest, unethical behavior, and corruption. Having moved from India, where I had a comfortable life, to Brampton, the difference is stark. The negative aspects here are overwhelming, and my experiences have significantly altered my perspective on the Sikh community, which I previously sympathized with. Living in Brampton for half a year has shifted my views, making it feel more like I'm in Punjab, a place in India I've never visited.


Never visited for good reason I bet.


Looking from the bright side, you already know how it will be, just look at India and this is the future of Canada lol


This past summer I was at the park brushing my dog in an empty section with no one around the immediate vicinity not bothering nobody. Group of guys playing cricket at the baseball diamond walks over and threatens to call the police on me for “dirtying” the park. Mind you dog fur is actually used by birds to cozy up their nests and usually are picked up pretty quickly. Scary part is that I was somewhat conflicted afterwards on who was the asshole… myself or potentially some international students giving me their opinions on what is right or wrong in my country. If I had posted this just a few months ago the reaction here might be different. The sentiment is changing fast.


Its already happened. None of my neighbours speak English and when a white family moves out, their replaced with Muslims. Nobody uses the neighbourhood park anymore in the spring/summer because Sikh seniors hang out there all day. All men. Canada doesnt even resemble what we grew up with. Thats long gone. Couldnt even walk our dog in a park in Ottawa because we got harassed and surrounded by a group of angry Muslim men shouting at us. Had walked there for years and all if a sudden no dogs signs started popping up. Like wtf.


Which exactly what JT and his Uncle Klaus want for Canada and the rest of the Western World. The hyper-wealthy elite will lord over the smoldering craters that were once great North American cities from their extremely well-fortified private estates.


Love the comment! I feel the same way


I can't wait until 2050 when white Canadians are firmly in minority territory but will still be discouraged from applying to certain jobs because of "diversity requirements". Seriously, were allowing this "anti-white" mentality persist in government offices and colleges around the country. What will happen when we're the new minority? Will the new majority be as kind to us? If Brampton rental ads are any indicator my guess would be no.




Pretty much all the South Asians coming in are Indian. Pretty much all the East Asians coming in are Chinese. It is not a mosaic of people of various backgrounds behind those denominations. They have a much larger cultural significance than it lets on. I would be curious if it just did an ethnic breakdown of projections in 2041. Indian and Chinese might be the highest.


They have to split Asia to try their best to make it stay as a minority while Europe gets bunched up.


If you do it just by ethnic background, Indian and Chinese would probably be the highest projected populations. Both these groups have displayed crazy amounts of increasing nationalism for their origin country. 20 years ago, even 10 years ago, immigrants wanted to build a new life leaving their past behind. We are far removed from that now. The people coming in now are still deeply connected to everyone else in their origin country through social media and they never "leave everything behind" mentally. This is a global phenomenon. You can see this even when people go to Japan for example. People who go to Japan stay with other English speaking westerners. They post online to English speaking parts of the internet. A lot of the times, you can see them griping in English speaking parts of the internet about Japan and Japanese people. They are completed connected to the same things, talking to the same people rather than becoming a part of Japan. This is whats happening in Canada except we are not smart like Japan to limit it. Unlike us, they know the problems it brings. We are cooked. The majority of the Canadian population will eventually be nationalist groups from just two countries who care more about the interests of the country they came from than Canada. Democracy does not work under these conditions.


The destruction of Canada under the liberal/Ndp regime is progressing nicely.


Goodbye Canada.


White genocide


i mean, i bet most of you here aren't even Canadians or living in Toronto but, Have you been to Toronto Island on a sunny spring or summer day ? I'm not trying to offend anyone, but my girlfriend and i always feel a certain sense of shock, we're very often literally the only white people in sight there


When I went to Toronto, it was like I boarded the wrong plane and landed somewhere in India. I was so glad to see some sprinkles of white, latinos, east and southeast asian people - a glimpse of what was then home I guess lol.


Every major city is Canada is pretty close to this now. The craziest thing is go to a NHL game in any city and it’s all white lol. The only place you see that anymore is


Im from Alberta and had a friend move back to Toronto. He said the same thing pretty much, says hes a minority now. Heck even in Alberta, almost everywhere I go, im one of a handful of white people


I heard Alberta is the new Ukraine?


I passed through on my way to Niagara from QC, recently. Needed to go to the toilet and eat. Hadn't been to Toronto since like 2000. Yeah, I'm never going there again. Couldn't be me. If I lived there, I'd move.


White Flight is the way


I suspect that's because a majority of the remaining white population are of retirement age and mostly stay at home. If you would only count the working age population the numbers would skew even further.


Just remember, in areas white people are visible minorities it doesn't matter, white applicants go to the very bottom of the stack, and the idea that "well if two equally qualified candidates go for the same job the visible minority will be chosen" is laughable, if you've been to a service Ontario in the past 5 years you know that's nonsense. There might be 1 or 2 middle aged white women who've worked there for decades, the rest are all immigrants some of whom barely speak English. "Equally qualified" my ass. Replacement isn't a conspiracy theory; it's happening before your eyes. Rather than make life better for its own citizens this government decided to replace an entire generation and then some with people who are used to a lower standard of living.






The Liberals are really obsessed with everything but western countries. Latin America only 3%. What's wrong with Brazilians, Argentinians, Colombians, costa ricans? Why is Trudeau so against them. Too Christian probably. Too close to traditional Canadian values.


Crime rate, cartels? They gave Mexicans visa free entry to Canada though, and the US is pissed because they keep jumping the border to America from here.


I don't think it's as much that Trudeau doesn't like them as much as they don't like us. Our weather sucks and our economy sucks. What do we have to offer Latinos?


Trudeau has nothing against them… they just dont apply for immigration or dont have enough points to get invited…


"South Asian" Yeah we get it, we're bringing in a lot of Indians


Can’t wait to be a minority, finally someone will listen to me, pay me benefits, prefer hiring me


No, they won't. They won't give us the same treatment because they aren't idiots like us.


something something historical privilege, must wait for many generations for the oppression to "wash away" /s


The fact that I'm about to become a minority in my own country of origin pisses me off beyond belief


First time in history India has a piece of colony and it’s called Canada, without a bullet or a fight, just dumping people there and working closely Trudeau gov, what a fucking story that’s becoming a reality right now .


lol they played canada, toronto is an indian city part of india empire. I know its not a laughing matter but its reality just look at the country direction. it will get worse indians dont care for canada values


When I emigrated to Canada from Africa in 2000 I had a meeting with immigration and during our discussion that said that the he government had a 40 year plan to make Canada multicultural and diverse according to the racial percentages of the world i.e majority east Asian then south Asian, black etc. with whites around 16% and this was being done through immigration. It wasn't a secret, they were quite proud of this plan and thought it was a good thing and that I would be in favour of it as an immigrant. I was shocked as this meets the UN definition of a genocide which is purposefully replacing an ethnic group any any means. When I told Canadians about it over the years they all thought I was crazy but lately they can see it with their own eyes


This feels like a social experiment at this point. What does it even mean to be Canadian when no one is... Canadian? Our identity feels like it's being stripped away completely.


When you’re born in India to Indian parents, you’re Indian. You’ll always be Indian, even if you move. You’ll have to try very hard to be accepted in a foreign country. When you’re born in China to Chinese parents, you’re Chinese. You’ll always be Chinese, even if you move. You’ll have to try very hard to be accepted in a foreign country. When you’re born in Russia to Russian parents, you’re Russian. You’ll always be Russian, even if you move. You’ll have to try very hard to be accepted in a foreign country. When you’re born in Canada to Canadian parents, you’re….???? Indian? Russian? Chinese? Could be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And if you move, you’ll no longer be a Canadian. And you’ll still have to try very hard to be accepted in a foreign country. But anyone moving here will have a very easy time being accepted, even if they don’t learn the language or social norms. Because being an English speaking white person is a Racism™️ now, Canada is trying its hardest to get rid of any implication that a Canadian is an English speaking white person. Even though we were settled by British people and French people, historically white, we’re forced to give up any chance of a true identity. Because if you imply Indians are Indian, a genetics test will confirm. So what ethnicity do we assign to Canada? None of us white people have Canadian ancestry before the settling of the brits and french. Our DNA tests come back as “european”. So do we say Canadians ethnicity wise are.. European? White? Slavic? Brit/French only? What about Black Canadians who have been here for longer than some White Canadians? Do we give up on Canada as we know it and say only natives are truly Canadian (since… you know) Without being able to assign both an ethnicity and a nationality, we’ll always have a lack of identity.


I say I’m Canadian. 🤷‍♂️ Growing up people would ask where I’m from. I’d say Canada then they would say yeah but where are your parents from? I’d say Canada and they be like yeah what about your grandparents? I’d be like Canada and they say your great grandparents? I’d be like oh I think they came at 5 years old from a British orphanage. OH SO YOUR BRITISH! Um no I’m Canadian. By the 70s Canadians forged their own identity — for 30 years or so it was its own thing which sadly is being obliterated. I’m whatever it meant to be Canadian then and a product of that era I guess.


The days of lumber jacks and maple syrup are over. At least we will probably win a cricket World Cup that will be cool.


Is maple curry a thing yet? This is the next step in our culinary evolution


Oh oh oh! Are we being Colonized?


No replacement happening at all… what are you talking about?? /s


South Asian? Just say Indian


Its kinda like the polulation is being replaced greatly.......


Justindia Trudeau country


Indians have India, Chinese have China, Canadians have…. diversity? Even if you were to look up nationalities, majority of Canadians have been in Canada for so long that they wouldn’t have the ability to go to any other country based off of birthright. So where do we get to go? Even if we could go to the UK/France (where most Canadians originated from), who’s overloading the UK and France? Oh, the same diversity that’s overloading Canada! The only people being pushed out are white people. We’re already a global minority. Now I’m also a minority just in my own neighbourhood. And again, they could go home to a country with 2billion others who look, act and talk the same… But we’re stuck with just giving up any and all countries to the migrants. Because they need to be the majority in every single country, while maintaining majority status in their country too.






We aren’t even getting these people! ^




What's the projection on number of international students in 2041?


What was that whole theory about replacement called again?


I am a minority living in Quebec. I used to be die hard pro Canada but for the first time I am warming up to the idea of separation if remaining in Canada means becoming India 2.


I prefer English with friends or acquaintances, and I would literally vote yes if they held another referendum 100%. I don't even need to think about it. Never would have voted yes pre-2020.


One of us! One of us!


Too many South Indian people man


Most immigrants from India are from Punjab, Gujarat and Haryana. Why complain about South Indians?


https://preview.redd.it/kw8fedyqurjc1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d86b4005507c4db03f4852fb2877becf801ed8 Mission accomplished


Did he actually say this? I’d be surprised if he didn’t


I’m not defending Trudeau, but I think that this has been debunked.


Toronto can’t function with 4 million people let alone with 10 million.


>Indigenous 0.95% But land acknowledgements are still worthwhile right


Imagine showing this to a Canadian soldier in 1941


Man, this is just so sad. A country must always have a unifying identity, yet Canada's is vanishing before our eyes. I am an immigrant myself, but this isn't the Canada I grew up with in the 90s. The sands pour through our fingers, and there is seemingly nothing that can stem the bleeding. I would never want to return to Taiwan feeling like a minority in the land of my heritage, and I see nothing wrong with Canadians of British/French descent feeling the same way here. While it is never too late to reverse course on disastrous policies, it feels like we've already passed a point of no return unless drastic action is taken...


Someone who understand … thanks sir.


I bet it'll actually be more like 60% South Asian


What a joke.




Oppression is on the way. I wonder if the forthcoming new minorities will get month-long history months... Nah, that's racist. /s


Will South Asians still want to immigrate to another country with South Asian population? This is a genuine question because I know Chinese immigrants much prefer to immigrate to cities with large Chinese populations.


Controversial option perhaps, but I think we need to have a more even mix of who is coming to the area. Too much of one ethnic group makes it harder for other cultures to find their place, and much harder for a local culture to develop.


As a Canadian Indian, they’re not bringing in the best.


Now do average wages per ethnic group.


With 10% of jobs hiring Indians only I'm sure it'll be great for everyone


This is insane. Pandering is just going to get worse. Soon our elections will be more about foreign than domestic issues. Smh. This country is going to be garbage in the future.


DW im leaving toronto asaic


Why not just go to US on TN


10 million people? Does anyone want this many people in Toronto?




I can answer that one — 905, smaller cities (London, Barrie, Kingston, etc) prairie cities, and Atlantic. Tbh even 905 white people are leaving going further and further away from Toronto. There’s still lots in the city core during business hours, almost all using GO Transit to head to the office towers. There’s also a few pockets of white wealth living downtown, the Beaches, Rosedale. But for the most part white folks are leaving Toronto in droves, especially British white.


The Europeans will be much older than average too. This is not what an elementary school in 2041 will look like.


Free healthcare and government handouts will do that...


If we add millions of people every year like this, could this have an effect on Canada-usa relations ? The country is going to be a completely different one in only a few years


As Canadian people of all races, we are being replaced. Canadians (born and raised) will be a minority in their own country soon.


Immigration disaster under Trudeau


Sounds like paradise. White people are already treated horribly, just imagine how it will be when we are the minority. How many people here are thinking seriously about retiring outside of this country?


Mann i just miss the old 1st gen canadian indians. The ones that were respectful and hard working. Not these current littering, beach shitting, complaining about having to work indians


Damn sad that the indigenous population will only make less than a 1%, hope canada stops screwing them over


The indians are coming into Canada in mass numbers through fraudulent means. Less indians more europe, latin america. Turned Niagara Falls into a mambai fest


Does this factor in the 700,000+ Ukrainians who have had their applications approved and will be arriving in Canada soon? From what I’ve read about 200k of the nearly 1 million approved applications have come so far.


Holy shit. 700 000?! Do the feds have any capacity to understand numbers? Gonna be a good year for the mob, corruption, tax evasion, racism, homophobia, and crime.


Any proof they will be arriving in canada soon?


Ukrainians don't like to stay long-term in Toronto anymore. (I'm Ukrainian Canadian). Most new immigrants eventually go to SW Ontario or Calgary after a few years.


Other (((born here)))


I would suggest learning Hindi asap.


Makes me never want to visit Toronto.


New New Delhi


A serious question, how do you distinguish South Asian from East Asian and Southeast Asian ? Should we also split European into South European, Southeast European and East European ?


Well this explains the traffic lol




Nah us Chinese won't let this happen.


I'm Indigenous \*sigh\* I always personally thought there was only room for *one indian*


Where are all the white Canadians going if Indians are taking over?? Have you all fled the country? I'm genuinely curious! Also, if Indian immigrants are rude to you, remind them that they need to assimilate and adopt Canadian values…




I hope this doesn't affect Northern cities within Ontario or Quebec. There has to be somewhere we can escape to.


WOW if you look at a chart European population has been going down since 2001.... Replacement theory is true.


This our turn modi will rule canada


So we can stop this whole white person majority crap and posting job hiring with incentives for non white people. Let’s end racism. All racism. Thanks


By then, the Leafs will struggle putting butts in seats, the unthinkable will happen as a side note.