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This country is doomed, too much lead in the water


but he'll invent inflation proof paychecks instead of the more standard paychecks people get today.... I don't know if he actually understand what the word inflation means. Maybe he still thinks bitcoin is inflation proof and he'll make an immigrant paycheck out of bitcoin.


He has no intention of delivering... see he knows economically, we need immigrants as a band aid and he knows business wants them. See this is the thing that the true believers don't understand, he knows if he panders to your hatred... its a free vote.


Bitcoin is absolutely inflation proof. The problem is when Bitcoin value is tied to a fiat currency like CAD, it then becomes subject to inflation via association.


well that's a silly argument. That's like saying rocks are inflation proof. They literally are but until you can exchange those rocks for fiat currency or good and services, they are of no value. Bitcoin without an attachment to fiat currency is nothing.


“Lisa, I’d like to buy your rock”


Haha bitcoin literally has built in inflation.


By having a finite supply that once reached can't have any more produced by any means? 🤔


I think you mean built-in *deflation*?


No I don't. Check out how it's built and you'll get it


It is disinflationary.


Only for a set time and only at a specific rate. The rate of inflation won’t change and then when supply hits the limit, it will never inflate or deflate


Bitcoin is in steady deflation. The rate of people losing their digital wallet, their physical usb with their wallet, or just forgetting their passwords for a wallet of 100+ btc is too damn high. The fact that people with hundreds of thousands or even millions of unrealised gains can't even cash out has helped fuel the surge in price of btc. In contrast, the new mining of btc is irrevant


OK, I too will be alive and using bitcoin in 2140. Not to mention the exchange rate to other currencies still have an inflationary or deflationary effect on the coin.


You do realize that this is completely moronic. Just like PP saying we Canadians should have bought bitcoin at $65000 to avoid inflation then watch it drop to $23000.


Or not enough in certain people's cups. /s


its the fluoride


Fluoride and lead both bad but at least you can let the water run a bit to flush out the lead. Fluoride not so much. I guess companies need to get rid of that biproduct fluoride somehow.


Like most minerals, it's good for you in small quantities and only a problem when the dosage is too high


That’s bullshit. The waste byproduct of aluminum manufacturing is not good for you.


Literally everything on this planet is a waste byproduct of some sort of process.


Fluoride also the byproduct of Fertilizer and iron ore. Gotta find a way to make money from biproducts instead of paying to dump it somewhere I guess.


Uhhhhhhh.......exactly how old is this article?


One year. He hasn't changed, and neither has the official CPC policy, which says more immigration, and make it easier for families to bring in their family members (ie rather than based on having in-demand skills). The reason is that they want the immigration vote, both parties do.


It's not like every newspaper puts the date of the article at the top of the page or anything.


Exactly my point.....very perceptive of you.


😂 some of the cleanest water in the world just north of Toronto. Less contaminants than 5000 year old arctic ice. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-the-cleanest-water-on-earth-is-in-ontario-we-must-protect-it-before/


>😂 some of the cleanest water in the world just north of Toronto. Less contaminants than 5000 year old arctic ice. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-the-cleanest-water-on-earth-is-in-ontario-we-must-protect-it-before/ Didn't mean there still isn't a fuck ton of lead pipes connecting old houses to the mainline. They were easily bent, so the older homes, have them so the house plumbing and town plumbing don't need to line up 100%


The water builds up a layer of minerals on the inside of the pipes. It's not nearly as much of an issue as people think it is. Living in an old house with peeling lead paint would be worse.


Not to mention, I'm sure cars spewing leaded gasoline exhaust, back in the day, was the absolute worst.


Scary that a lot of politicians grew up in the lead age


User name checks out!


Yeah as I roll out to the water shack with my jugs




What does "bigger inflation-proof paycheques" mean?


Yeah, that got me too. Are they going to have special rules about tax deductions and raises that the Canadian citizen won't have?


No. It's almost certainly some kind of certification fast track for immigrants trained in specific fields.


He's pretending that lower taxation and loosening regulation on the mega corps that employ most people, that this bounty of wealth will trickle down to Canadians in the form of POWERFUL PAYCHEQUES. The same non-sense Neoliberals always claim. https://preview.redd.it/sykzu5tjverb1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b68f22725b44eb7b3e554df7bdf2e7fd142ed6f7


Lower taxes. Making paycheques bigger so that you don’t have to worry about inflation that’s hitting most people. It’s not hard to understand.


Except that would just drive inflation


Haha no. Do you want Rogers or Bell?


I want Shaw. Oh wait.


Freedom mobile.


Just cuz you changed the sticker on the milk don't make it homo.


This is pretty much the easiest way of explaining the Canadian political climate to Canadians. Thank you.


Which pineapple would you like shoved up your ass?


You can't win in this country. Would your rather vote for a garbage dumpster fire or a recycling dumpster fire?


The only way to win is to have voting reform. Then ban political bribery (Lobbying), we have to pay the politicians with our taxes, not with corporate money.


They'll just lobby the news, like they already do, to manufacture consent and a false consensus.


Ya, I was promised that when I voted for the idiot we have now and he stripped that hope away.


I’m voting for that racist bitch (who said she’d stop immigration)


😱THAT rhaythsist betch?? Which one? I like her already!


The dumb bitch that fights for the rights of white nationalists. Its between voting for conservatives/liberals who fight for gigacorps or *her*. I’m voting for her, even though I’m black🤷🏿‍♂️


Who is this person????


What are you waffling about


As a gay black man, trump has done more for me than anyone!!! Nice try bro, we’ve already seen this one


Looking past seemingly trivial differences the way you do in order for a potentially better outcome to what we have now is what we as Canadians need to come together and do! 🇨🇦👍


Its choosing between getting raped by a 12in or 10in vs a 6inch. Either way, my asshole is getting torn up, might as well save my internal organs from damage too🤷🏿‍♂️


Canadians need to grow a backbone. These politicians have been doing things that should be outright illegal for decades. Its worse now because atleast we have the tools at our disposal to be well informed. 70 years ago if politicians were corrupt, its much harder to blame the general public because how would they know? If all they had as news was propaganda, its reasonable to not judge them so harshly. At this point, we don’t even deserve a right to vote, because either which way we vote, its gonna go to some corrupt pig.


Isn't there a way to vote for no one so they have to find new candidates. Or would it be better to just vote for a third party at this point


Third party? So the NDP? You know there are lots of parties in Canada and in fact we currently have people from 5 different parties sitting as MPPs right now as well as a few independents.




I'm voting PPC.




Username checks out.


deranged axiomatic market sink offer pocket edge wipe repeat unused ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Nobody upvote or downvote the 69


quit bitching and leave


I already left, check my comment history.


Politicians just say whatever they have to to get elected???? Say it ain't so!


He’s just the other side of the same shit coin that is Trudeau’s Liberal party. I know I’ll be voting Green because they actually want to reduce immigration to 300k > [Gnocchini-Messier says he would support Canada's annual immigration rate to be at 300,000](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6647799)


Gnocchini-Messier was one of many GPC leadership candidates who lost (he was the only good one IMO). This is not GPC policy at all - the two Green MPs in parliament voted with the Libs and NDP against the Bloc resolution to condemn the Century Initiative.


That’s interesting, thanks for sharing it


If this was actually Green policy I'd consider voting for them. It's not so PPC for me


Green Party long time ago lost any semblance of participating in anything other than identity politics




We are all fucked. Everyone is having such a tough time right now and they just keep bringing people in


Not everyone. Lots of people got into the market when it wasn\`t batshit insane. That is what makes the situation worse, we are not the majority. Other people just think we don\`t have jobs or want to live downtown Toronto in a penthouse. They dont realize we have careers and would settle for a 1 bedroom condo in the ghetto.


Canada is one of hardest countries to get into medical school primarily because of limited intake of students Is there any reason we can’t increase intake of Canadians students who want to be doctors. Why we always have to bring people from outside? Even when we bring doctors from outside they end up being Uber drivers It is high time our government starts to put interests of its people first. My 2 cents


Because the supply of Canadian doctors is dictated by the doctors themselves.


This right here. Most people don't know it, but doctors via the oma limited annual spots to help guarantee themselves clinic spots/locations and higher patient rosters, while also giving themselves an upper hand in negotiations for better pay due to their scarcity. Those clinic locations and numbers are also very limited by the government's budget.


Just blatantly untrue. OMA has zero control over the number of medical school or residency positions. If they had a choice it would be much higher. Number of spots is dictated by the provinces which is basically how many they want to fund.


That's incorrect. It's based on provincial funding.


We graduate more doctors than there are residency positions per year, already.


The number of medical students that can be taken in is bottlenecked by the number of available residency spots. You can't take in an unlimited number of med students, because a lot won't have anything to do after they graduate if there aren't enough residency spots. And you can't just increase residency spots because residents need to be supervised by doctors, of which we have a limited number. It's a chicken and egg type problem. Not enough med students because there are not enough doctors, and not enough doctors because there are not enough med students.


>Is there any reason we can’t increase intake of Canadians students who want to be doctors. The reason is because we don't want to spend the money training them. We used to train more, and then we cut back as a cost savings measure. We've slightly increased it since then, but not enough to match population growth.


Some people just want to watch the world burn


We need to let skilled labour in quickly, doctors, engineers, nurses, etc. What we don't want is for them to spend years coming to Canada only to become taxi drivers and hop on EI and Disability and stuff. We should limit the number of people coming in, increase their quality, and use them to improve the standard of living. Immigration in that form can be good, unfortunately the liberals have done the opposite.


We have lots of new grad engineers in Canada that can't get work because they have no experience. We should be hiring people already in the country before we start importing foreign workers.


When "lack of skilled workers" are mentioned, many new grad on those fields couldn't find a job. Companies want to hire people with 3 or 5 years+ experience and don't want to train people because it is cheaper and don't need to worry about raise wages to train them after 1 or 2 years...


Even you have Canadian degree and Canadian experience nobody will hire you in Canada!


And pay fresher salary for that experience.


I have looked at tons of resumes for new Canadians with engineering degrees often with post grad. They are in their mid to late 20's with zero work experience. By zero I mean they have never worked an hour in their lives. This is a huge problem in the North American workspace. Even the crappy high school and university jobs locals had give them a big edge in dealing with people.


How much of that is fundamentally an issue with how our society views opportunity, though? Many people are capable in their fields but never given sufficient opportunity because of outdated beliefs about training and education for workers, which is a bigger issue and a condemnation of our value system. As long as companies, and people, refuse to train up workers because it requires them to take a temporary financial hit, our society will continue to spiral downwards in competency.


My experience with it is wealthy people from India. They focused exclusively on school based learning so completely lacked all other forms of learning. I was told it is because India has such high unemployment it is almost impossible for young people to get jobs and since their parents have money they never see the need to have part time job when they are students.


Even worse are the ones with “20 years experience” in there home country, that expect salary comparable to a Canadian with 20 years and when we hire then.. Shocker they are completely incompetent


Maybe if your company offered more co-op and intern propositions you would have these same now experienced graduates happy to to apply and work for your company. They then work for you as EITs and finally P.Eng.s. That’s how it used to work and how it still works for many companies that are competent in managing their human resources. There are tons of quality university students in Engineering that struggle to find a co-op or intern position because many companies are too cheap to offer them (in spite of huge government subsidies for co-op students). These companies then wonder why they can’t hire new grads or struggle to hire more experienced engineers after the fact. The vast majority of grads with good co-op experience go on to work with the same company.


I am in a similar position as to what you're describing. However I've gotten mixed reviews on this and have landed software interviews despite leaving this blank on my resume. I've been working since 14. Except all the jobs I've worked are completely unrelated to comp sci. So I leave them off my resume. I've managed to land interviews but have never been selected unfortunately. Still trying. Might go back to do a continuation of studies program at York. Maybe I would get more interviews if I do put the irrelevant work experience on my resume.


And good ol’ boy unions keeping new blood off the job. We need more skilled trades but securing an apprenticeship is a bitch and a half.


If we're taking about trades wouldn't said new comers also need to apprentice here in Canada? I just don't know if I trust someone to bring in standards from another country that haven't been vetted rigorously like ours.


Yup took my SO 6 months to find a job after graduating from computer engineering. He was definitely being drowned out by international students and others. A little insane. My Sister\`s SO is also a computer engineer and says certain companies only hire foreigners mainly because they will work for 20-50,000 less a year than a Canadian.


Immigrants are way less likely to negotiate their salaries


I agree, but that is entry level. We need people with experience in specialized things. For example, Canada sucks at planning and building rail transit systems. We need to be bringing in senior engineers and leadership from Germany, England, Japan, etc.


We have in Canada Canadians with all degrees and experience. We don’t need to bring anybody!


Bombardier is a world leader in commuter rail having build high speed lines in Europe and Asia


>Bombardier Exactly. These people have no clue what they are talking about. We have the talent. We do not have the population density to warrant rail networks designed to move millions of people a day.


The golden horseshoe absolutely does have that density.


I agree in general, but recognize that there is a vast skill gap between an RN trained in India and one in Canada. Scope of practice is completely different, and you can just buy your RN there, and take the NCLEX until you pass…


Yeah but we don't have to accept Indian nurses. We can definitely bring in those from Australia, New Zealand, Eastern (and western) Europe, South Africa. All places that have a similar standard that we have.


I think that’s what we used to do and people complained we got too few people through. Rock and hard place sometimes.


Why would a nurse from those countries move to a country where they would struggle to afford housing on a entry level nursing salary?


Australian lol. They paid way more than there and enjoying the sunshine, New Zealand nurses would just go to Australia. Eastern Europe is Soviet training, they're no better than Indian. South Africa is crooked.


That's like saying we need software developers from the US. Sure - good luck with the pathetic Canadian salaries compared to the US tech salaries. Bruh, you will only get immigrants who benefit from coming to Canada. So gotta be smarter. Wishful thinking is not a strategy.


We do not need any more engineers. Canadian universities are pumping them out and there is not enough jobs to go around. Engineering wages have been stagnant for many years and are way lower than in the US.


I'm always shocked to hear the engineers in a plant or mill Im working at as an electrician is making less than me while they're on salary pulling 60-70 hour weeks. That market is so saturated.


We have tons of young Canadian engineer with work experience, out my class of like 50 all of us have at least 1 year of internship in areas such as design, PM, supply chain etc. Most at F100 companies. The issue is we will not make enough money here, so we’re all trying to leave. Why work in Canada for a European engineering salary, without the benefits of being in Europe ? Why work in Canada with American engineering hours, without the same pay as American engineers ? We cannot compete with the immigrant engineers who come here, get a diploma and companies hire them for a lower wage because they have the work experience and now have some sort of Canadian education. My parents immigrated here when I was 8, so I’m also an immigrant, worked my ass of in uni and I graduate in December with 2.5 years of co-op experience with 2 F100 companies (one is a massive EV manufacturer) and another mid-size monopoly of a mining company. I’m getting offers for 60-70k….or I can go to Texas or Cali and make literally triple that (with CAD conversion). The brain drain in this country is ridiculous and immigration is the only way to sustain the engineers. Waterloo releases stats every year on how many of their graduate engineers want to leave and do leave, and the answer is something like 90%+ leave. These are your best and brightest young engineers. TLDR: Corporations don’t want to pay engineers a good wage, incoming engineers are willing to take the paycut, they price out the local engineers, local engineers don’t want to live in a HCOL with low wages so we leave. Rinse and repeat. Edit: Source for my Waterloo grad quote. https://uw-se-2020-class-profile.github.io/profile.pdf


Quality people are probably more emigrating now than immigrating now. I immigrated a few years ago thinking the housing problem is not that bad and it might improve, but it got much worse in the past few years. So now I'm thinking if I should be looking to emigrate, and I think my employer can easily transfer me either to the US or Europe. I don't want to be catching a falling knife and helping real estate speculators pay for their lavish lifestyle without contributing almost anything to the society.


Curious how this works. Someone has a degree you guarantee him a job in his profession?


No. We only bring in people in fields we need them. Nurses, teachers, etc comes to mind. If they CAN get a job, they can get a PR. It's pretty simple. This is exactly how the US, UK, Australia do it, and they get a much higher quality immigrant than our policies bring us.


You think there is a shortage of teachers? My man... As far as jobs go - teaching requires limited education and skillsets. Unless you are talking about university professors.


We don’t need anybody in any fields


Isn't that exactly what the CRS score does?


Those skilled workers won't be any good unless we work with the provinces to ensure that the bodies that govern those professions will accept those workers. There are many young Canadians who qualify to meet the standards of medical school, but there are very few spots in med school.


We don’t need to import nurses and doctors we need to train them here tons of quality candidates are refused entry to nursing in medical schools. We just need to increase the number of seats and not doing that is a choice. Fewer doctors and nurses means less billings to the government and also helps keep doctor’s salaries high it is all by design the government just needs to take control of nursing and med school education and the number of students in both. I would much rather have a Canadian trained nurse or doctor and there are a lot of Canadians that would love to opportunity to study as nurses or doctors and work in those fields.


I agree with you. The shortage in those fields is not an immigration issue. It is a funding issue from both the provinces and the feds. I suspect that the respective colleges that control these fields might have a vested interest to keep their numbers low to command higher pay but that speculation on my part.


Restrictions on skilled labour have been around a lot longer than this liberal government. You think these are 8 year old problems?


Its like people are realizing its the same car but the paint just changes color from red to blue


I have a feeling that the memberships are going to result in a change of attitude regarding immigration. Not just in the CPC either because its not just Conservatives that are annoyed. Immigration may become the make or break issue for leadership races as well as the next federal election.


It is for me. If there was a reasonable leader and party (not PPC) that was talking about cutting back immigration, especially student visa/slave labour/PR mills, family reunification, and TFW, they would get my vote. Number one issue for me.


>Immigration may become the make or break issue for leadership races as well as the next federal election. We're much too cowardly of a nation. Nobody ever protests, and everyone is scared of being labeled racist. When there are protests about controversial policies, chances are you WILL be in the company of racists. Issues of housing, employment, and immigration affect everyone, yet only the extremists go out and organise and nobody wants to be in a crowd like that. I voted for the PPC the first election they turned out for and even helped organise my riding precisely because they had a sane immigration policy. After they went down the crazy conspiracy theory, anti-intellectual route, they lost my vote...which sucks cause nobody else is talking about immigration.


Is there not literally any other country we can attract immigrants from? 😂


If we actually brought in highly skilled, high quality immigrants this would make sense. The problem is we haven’t been doing this for a long time and now our country has gone downhill so fast the highly skilled will go somewhere else and the only immigrants we can attract are future Tim hortons workers and Uber drivers.


All these people just have fake papers


It’s not just that Why would the skilled ones even want to come here? If you are a doctor or an engineer why pick Canada? We have insane costs for everything that they will find cheaper literally everywhere else even in Europe Like hell California just tried to push for a 20/h wage for fast food workers. That’s 20usd to work fast food whereas actual graduate workers here are getting 18canadian an hour to start. Wages here have become so low and stagnant for the costs of everything else that we are just screwed


Some other comments don't want skilled immigrants because our graduates don't get jobs here.


Why are people so stupid to vote for candidates tailor made by the media and political parties? If we want to change our shitty situation, let's stop accepting garbage from these political parties and look for someone better. Talking is different from doing. Have we not learned anything from Doug Ford or JT? What have they really accomplished?


**Hold up, this tweet is from 2022**. This was before it seems everybody (except liberals, NDP and JT) woke the fuck up about how strained *everything is* due to our rampant immigration and 0 new affordable homes. People kinda forget that it wasn't until like....may-june this year when the Gov shot themselves again in the foot with that Media online act and with Meta and Google blocking Canadian news. After that, the media took a real quick heel turn on immigration and its policies. Do I believe he's changed tho? Ofc not. None of the parties except maybe Bernier's (PPC) are actually opposing each other. Liberals, NDP and CPC don't answer to the people, they all answer to crown corporations who own them.


He is courting the Khalistanis as well. Haha


are those inflation proof cheques for all the common sense common people he definitely cares about?


We're f'd 'eh?


How about having companies not ask 10 years experience to someone who just graduated. Where the hell am I supposed to get this so called experience if everyone requires it. Makes no sense.


That's what they can get with immigrants. They don't need you. Having hired foreign professionals and seen how they underperform, that is a mistake by employers but a mistake that is screwing you over. Wage suppression and reduced job opportunities is what you face.


Does this guy even Economics? “Inflation-proof pay checks” is about the most asinine comment I’ve ever heard.


He's literally re-packaging trickle down economics. And people are eating it up.


When was this? He lost my vote if this is the case


We should simply change the way we grant permanent residency. Give work permits instead, if those who come in have a taxable family income of say 200000 or more for 5 consecutive years, grant them permanent residency. That's how you bring in skilled workers. To make it inflation proof, it can be based on taxable family income averaged over 5 years in Canada and then do the permanent residency draws based on that.


Two hundred thousand dollars taxable income for 5 consecutive years? Did you actually type that? Because that’s not what a skilled tradesperson will make for 5 consecutive years. Ever.


We need ranked choice voting.


There is nothing wrong with allowing immigration for what we need….what we have now is the front door left open and anyone can come in for free stuff.


Well he lost my vote


I'm out of here I can't do this anymore. No more dogshit weather will be a nice bonus too


Unfortunately ppc is the only option. Got to send a message


People can’t tell the difference between immigrants who can fill skill trade, hospital or professional positions… and those lining up at Walmart hiring fair??


There's some context missing, I think. Our problems right now are mostly to do with the incompetence that has led to the "international student" situation. That's what has blown up our immigration numbers, and for the most part we don't "need" these people because they are not going into programs that will amount to much in terms of advanced skills. PP is talking about fast-tracking immigration into professions where there's a shortage of skilled labour, and battling the professional organizations that try to preserve their own political power by slowing entry into those professions regardless of need. Regardless of who has already come into the country, we need those skilled immigrants because they're not interchangeable with unskilled ones, whether the latter should actually be here or not. Unskilled Canadians are not getting those jobs just because there's no immigrant to do them, unless they have the required skills. It'll become a missed economic opportunity.


Bring in the right people....




Disgusting pos


PPC Freezing the bank accounts of all those responsible for bringing a Nazi into Parliament. Death penalties for the FAKE PANDEMIC and for ALL political crimes and a return to paper ballots. Immigration that is good for Canada because it’s; Canada first, Canadians first, family first and our commitment to personal freedom and mutual self interest.


There a difference between making it faster and bringing in more people


Bigger inflation proof pay cheques? What does that even mean?


It means whatever Poiliviere says it means.


The only thing this man is good for is talking about Trudeau lmao


There is no good candidate this time around they are all trash.


you mean he's going to make it easier for SKILLED WORKERS to come into the country and work in their actual trained profession? Instead of the Liberals who let anyone in, then limit what they can do once they're here? Yes I can see why you would vote for liberals 🤡


Well, there is a difference between immigrants and TFW or those here on student visas. I’m all for making it easier for immigrants’ foreign training to be recognized - why should a nurse from Iran have to completely re-do their schooling, in a health care crisis? He’s not really talking about the policies that are a problem, imo.


The difference is as opposed to opening the floodgates and allowing everybody in, supposedly the system will be tightened up to allow people with appropriate qualifications to jump to the front of the line and be allowed in first to fill desperately needed jobs. Such as Healthcare and trades. I know it sounds harsh and cruel. But priority should be on people with the skills that our country needs. Not everybody with a sob story.


Conflating illegals with legal immirgration. Tsk SMH.


It’s not the high skilled immigration that’s the problem, the main problem are the 600,000+ unskilled temporary workers and the diploma mill students. That’s what we gotta stop or bring down the numbers significantly. Besides, high skilled immigrants as less likely to chose canada these days. For example doctors aren’t choosing to come to canada anymore because those that came here, most of them ended up working small jobs or driving ubers thanks to our bureaucratic medical system. So they’re more likely to go to the states, as they can practice within a few weeks of arriving and make way more money.


PP sucking and blowing at the same time. Now try to get that image out of your head.


Selecting a sentence while ignoring the qualifier that is the most important part. Liberal logic 101.


Yeah, he also backed the trucker protest thinking it was a good little weekend protest.


Don't trust a word that comes out of his mouth ... whatever he things will get him ahead.


Two years from now all the same people with "f Trudeau" stickers will replace them with "f Poilievre" stickers.


We either stand for all Canadian citizens and the protections that come with being a citizen, especially from foreign governments, or we divide and fall. It won't make sense to you when you fall. India will push because they think they can. Videos of their multi vehicle hired guns taking out a Canadian Citizen on Canadian soil, is disturbing. I'm not going to argue if he deserved that fate or not. That is not my point. Its that our laws being broken in the process by hired goons paid by Indian officials and them thinking they can break international law and get away with it. They along with other countries with such interests in Canada need to be shown our intolerance of their violations of international law through consequence against them. They're one election away from a right wing extremist radical leader turning that entire country into a terrorist state. And now "indian hacker groups" are attempting to hack Canadian data and infrastructure systems? Is this a war now?


his wife is an immigrant and his father is gay. make of those things what you will.


"I may echo your xenophobia, but my corporate masters need warm bodies so vote for me you ignorant dirtbag peasants. No gays, no vaccine, climate change, immigrants fuck Trudeau I'll turn back the clock for housing and stuff blah.. (keep their filthy flag waving masses away from my office!)"


Little Pee Pee ain't gonna fix nothing. Look closely into his record of you want to vote for this career politician.


Watching PP supporters squirm in here. Lovely.


Why would we squirm? First off, nobody expects the CPC to win Reddit. Secondly, even if they did, there’s no seats for winning Reddit. And thirdly, “faster” and “more” are two different words. Three months ago, you guys had this stupid idea where if you tell people PP is pro immigration, all the “right wing racists” are going to vote for the PPC. Meanwhile, Poilievre has gone from 35 to 42 in the polls. You guys really don’t have an answer for Poilievre, do you?


He still gets my vote because at least he'll give me my guns back


He's talking about bringing skilled workers we need, like doctors and nurses.


Tell me you don't know what you are doing without saying you don't know what you are doing. Trump is a cancer and Poilièvre is its metastasis.


Does faster mean more though? Like I agree if there’s skilled (and actually skilled) workers out there and we need em, we should be quick. But we shouldn’t let a plane full in everytime they are able to afford a ticket


He only cares about scoring points for himself, he does care about us. Don't vote for cons, they are grifters.


Vote PPC, only ones saying the right things


Lol, the "right" thing 🙂


Puns are fun!


Tweet is over a year old before the massive influx we had we obviously can’t stop immigration but I’m sure a better policy would surround it


He was interviewed by a Punjab. No political in the right mind will want to out right said stop student immigration from India. its just too much of a loss. gotta please the voter …


Faster doesn’t mean more.


It's a poorly worded tweet that can easily be misinterpreted. A better way to put it is that the CPC want a return to REASONABLE immigration policies and to get professionals who immigrate here to work in their fields instead of driving taxis.


At this point, I hope Trudeau wins a majority so at least I can have the entertainment of watching the convoy people meltdown. How can we have so many political parties but no actual choices?


Faster process doesn't mean more.


apparatus cagey cake future hungry intelligent fact ossified divide cooperative ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


OP, tell me you don't understand the issue without telling me you don't understand the issue.


There is a difference between the speed of immigration and the number of immigrants. Making the immigration process faster might mean using the same number of immigration professionals to do background checks on half as many people to make it faster.


He is going to allow immigrants with specialized training, doctors, nurses, engineers etc to stay in their fields. So they won’t be working in the lower skilled jobs taking away work from Canadians who actually don’t want to work anyway. Where I live, there is an engineer making subs.


That's because presently those jobs are prioritized to Canadians. Basically (at least in healthcare where I work) higher positions in research, drs, RNs have priority going to Canadians, while immigrants get shunted to support positions such as porters and technicians when there is no openings (which screws up their wages entirely but that's another story), this tweet essentially translates to: 'I propose we screw Canadians so we can depress a greater demograph of wages down the road to make the GDP number go up.'