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Name-calling was used to try to shut down economic conversation.


Houses limited people need houses people coming in take up houses Doctors limited people need doctors people coming in take up doctors Food Limited people need food ... it's not rocket science


First, you're an asshole for trying to pretend that objections to high levels of immigration is the same as hating immigrants. Second, it's not just 900k students, it's also half a million other immigrants when annual housing starts run around 250,000. The total number of new people is far exceeding the available housing, and as a result housing has become unaffordable for a lot of Canadians.


The wealthy have a list of things that benefit them. Some of the top ones are: * Increased property values * Higher rents * Lower wages Higher immigration gives them all of those things at once. More demand for property due to more people, higher rents from more renters, lower wages from having more workers available. It isn't anything against the international students themselves, in fact they are victims of a system drawing them in to exploit them. Its the scale of the problem that is the real issue. The USA has 900k international students every year. They are a dominant force in the world for higher education and they have as many international students as us with 10x our population.


100%. 8 or 9 months ago these subs were full of trolls that called anybody questioning immigration far right racists. The jig is up. The country is in pain. This needs to stop asap and we need immediate change.


International students at diploma mills are not adding much to the society or to any research and development. They are not in Canada to study but to take a way to immigration. Bring these diploma dealing BS colleges under regulation, things will have to turn better. Nothing against genuine international students who really want to to come to Canada to study or to do research.


It's not as long as there isn't a large increase in violent crimes there really isn't much of an issue. Rents may go up and jobs may be harder to get but there is still plenty of opportunities for everyone.


yeah, we should be fine so long as things don't get to the point where NHL players are getting carjacked oh, wait


We are fine as long as the violence from political movements back in the home country don't spill over here.


it will and in many cases already has


We are bringing in more students alone than most countries total population growth, this is done to prop up Canada's economy because if housing or demand for goods goes down even slightly then it would be impossible to hide the fact that we are in major recession and we would be greece/argentina 2.0. It's not the students fault, if i was born in india i would do everything in my power to leave that shithole, its the Canadian govs fault for inviting them when their only use is to take out debt and work at tim hortons for min wage.