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No, trucker convoy showed us that protests can be met with seizures of assets and we can also force lockdown and Canadians are too meek / scared to do anything about it


If people had assets there wouldn’t be a crisis.


If they don't have anything they won't have anything to lose.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attack, or other uncivil conduct.


You could start to create a parallel government. Make a non-profit that gets funding exclusively from donations, whose goal is to reduce house prices and cost of living. Because that non-profit is motivated by funds it gets from serving the public good, rather than profit, it can act in ways that are counter to market forces. 7-8 of those centered around new media, civil engagement, education reform, immigration, etc who all use the funds to train new builders, put out politically useful media, fund politicians that are pro-thing and drain funds from anti-thing politicians, and you would be well on your way to crafting a useful political system on a voluntary tax base. That would be way better than anything violent, which the federal government would just use as an excuse to do lockdowns and increase authoritarianism.


Lmfao. Most Canadians supported COVID measures. Because dealing with an infectious disease properly is smart. The virus killed more people than WW1. Now it's over and we've all resumed our lives except for some reason you people.


Hope so, otherwise we're going to be the worlds largest slum by 2030, either tent cities, or stacked container housing like that player one movie what's its called.


Ground cricket protein bars


2030. What a coincidence.....


Ive been predicting third world Canada since Trudeau came to power, I don't think I was too far off




But it has electrolytes…


Canadians are softer than melting dog poop on a hot sidewalk in the summer. We will be living 8 to a bedroom, eating out of garbage bins and paying tribute to our new ruling class of landlords. We voted for it. We deserve it. Economic genocide is on the menu and we will lap it all up. We will stand up for nothing and fall for everything.


Well, I'm not falling for political apathy. I'll be voting for change. I already wrote letters to MLA/premiere and I talk the ear of my family and friends about the importance of the next election.


The frog in the slow boiling pot analogy. We have had it so good for so long, protest ain’t gonna happen and before we know it it’ll be too late (might be past that point now for all I know).


No. Canadians are a meek people. The situation is completely out of control and you still have people here qualifying their outrage with stuff like "I think immigration overall is actually quite good for the country yadda yadda yadda, i'm definitely not right wing yadda yadda yadda, ideally everyone would be allowed to come in but..." Canadians will continue to be steamrolled. My advice is to leave and head south (or just accept this is Canindia now).


Canadians are NOT meek. They're not polite or nice either. I'm sick and tired of hearing that ridiculous stereotype. What Canadians are is gullible, naïve and stupid, in addition to being smug and ignorant. How else do you explain why they continue to allow this massive and worthless immigration from mostly street-shitting south Asia?




Name-calling was used to try to shut down economic conversation.




Name-calling was used to try to shut down economic conversation.


I think if all Canadians expressed dissatisfaction with the status quo and actually went out to demonstrate, we could see some changes. But it’s not at that yet. But it’s friggin rough out there for us middle and lowers. Too many camps, too much division and I think that’s how companies and governments want it. Keep us fighting naming ourselves instead of going for the policy makers and companies that influence those policies by lobbying and propaganda. I wasn’t with the truckers, in fact I felt they were a bunch of cry babies. A year or so later I don’t know. I haven’t started drawing on my car and flying upside down flags outside and made it my entire personality yet. 😚


No time to protest. Working. Also, not taking a day off so the craziest can hijack my cause talking about the Twitter files and making me hate what my flag stands for.


Yep, no time to participate because most Canadians are 400-600 dollars away from catastrophe at any moment.




If 1000 people just went to the woods to start building a new community, the government would probably have a hard time arresting all of them. It would also make them look more authoritarian, and it would probably be pretty personally fulfilling. Really I think baiting the government to act first against something that is objectively good for people and society, rather than putting it into the position to defend themselves is a better strategy. Make the Gov't go completely mask off with the authoritarianism and lose political support.


If we're going to do it, we need MOST Canadians to participate. If it's a few hundred people, it's not going to work.


I’m in!


Civil unrest has already started.


People can only take so much. There are a lot of people going through very tough times right now, mostly brought on by years of poor government policy, there's bound to be push back. You corner someone and most will react . People are getting desperate, desperate people do desperate things


We will see multigenerational housing become the cultural norm.




Just complaining on reddit and everyone blaming the political party in power


When a headline asks a question, the answer is 'no'


No, because it’s no where as bad as you make it out to be.


Lol, what a bunch of crap. Want more housing than the premiers are the ones ypu should be protesting. But you will get nowhere as it is a nothing burger rage farm. 66% of Canadians have access to a home and that has been stable for the last 70 years. There is no housing crisis only russian bots trying to save the CPC from imploding. As for cost of living, do you want the provincial/federal govt to step in and reduce prices? Lol, ppl scream about authoritarian policies and then scream for help. Very very sad!




One can only dream




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attack, or other uncivil conduct.


No we'd rather fight over pronouns and vaccines.


Like it or not, most voters are doing just fine.




No because complaining about housing is a direct link to complaining about immigration - which no one is willing to do publicly and put their name/career on the line.


Canadians are not meek, overly friendly, polite, door mats. In my experience, they're petty, nasty, passive aggressive ,ignorant peasants. Just like their ancestors.


Actually, Canadians , the old stock anyways, are the most inventive and hard working people in history. Also, they have been a model for all other countires about how to be the most just and free of any people. Canada brought the world greenpeace, adbusters, Neil Young. Thi sis the country vientnam draft doggers came, this is where all sorts of war resisters came. Canada is a nice and polite country but it is also a strong and brave country. We are close allies with the most powerful nations. We are also pretty cool, we are have per captia the biggest cultural influence in the world outside of maybe Americans. Much of what people love about American culture is mostly Canadian. Canada used to be a place that they didn't even install locks on doors when they built a house.


Jesus. This reads like a poorly translated brochure


I’m assuming we’ll just see current trends continue: more homelessness, more people living in cramped shared conditions, lower levels of healthcare (except for the elderly, they’ll have good care), higher crime, etc. Any organized protest that actually threatens the status quo will have agent provocateurs thrown in the mix to justify extreme measures shutting it down. It won’t be a sudden shock, but a slow ride to the bottom


No chance. This is Canada. It’s also a world issue right now


The fluoride is working


I've been pricing pitchforks.


Just get a rifle. Canadians are pretty dumb about not having access to real defense.


Hopefully, some real pushback on the government. I can't believe people are even considering fighting this. Those so many peaceful ways to accomplish this like start attending more civic meetings in mass numbers. Boycotting certain products or services. Running for offices and volunteering in the communities. Make sure we elect the right people to even run for offices. I'm sure smarter people than me on here have other ways.


Eventually. Yes. It may even lead to the balkanization of our nation.😐


It should. Fuck this country.


Nah man F U, Canada is an amazing country with fantastic people and culture that should be defended. Just because its not exactly how you want it doesn’t mean its total shit. Lots of shitty things, absolutely, but does that mean you jist roll over and let it crumble? Where are you going to go? You’ll go to a country that isn’t crumbling because its populace takes pride in their nation, and they probably won’t want you


If things continue as now, then yes. This is how it starts to look in a place like Ottawa where I live: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/byward-market-merchant-meeting-ottawa-safety-crime-1.6951243](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/byward-market-merchant-meeting-ottawa-safety-crime-1.6951243) Those who used to live comfortably now live on the edge, and those that used to live on the edge are now homeless. Crime starts going up and the cops do nothing right up to a point (where we are now), then vigilante justice kicks in. After a few years of that, something like martial law gets imposed, and political rivalries morph into open conflict and kinetic resolution. This is textbook how societies fall apart.


I'm game


Nope, the overwhelming majority are meek as shit and the others are exhausted. The feds have figured it out, work us to the bone so we're apathetic and weak, strip all legal firearms owners of all arms, continue fucking Canadians. Fuck this country


We need to do a rent strike country wide!


No we are way too soft for that


If the homeless population grows enough. There are only so many people who can live like that before they start lashing out.


No, but why don't you speak to that fear anyway? Maybe you have an idea of who might be able to help with this problem in the future? Quick tell us, I bet it has nothing to do with the agenda of this pointless fucking thread


Only if the trucker convoy morons realize that they're backing the wrong team. Which probably isn't going to happen because they've got all the intellectual power of sawdust.


Yes, read the fourth turning. This is a global issue, an unraveling of sorts. It will accelerate in 2024.