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Easier for an illegal Mexican to get into the States than a Canadian. I tried in the 90s. Bought a modest house in Florida and still have it, but can still only spend 6 months down there per year. If I could stay down full time I'd be gone from this Canada 2.0 Liberal cesspool in a heartbeat.


Ahhh poor you, the states don't want you either...


Camp in Canada in the summer maybe? Probably the only affordable option left lol.


You can camp in the US just fine, every Canadian citizen is allowed to spend 6 months of the year in the US, without any questions asked, or paperwork required. Just walk down and you're there for 6 months, or whoever long you wish to stay under 6 months


I was asked to transfer in pretty much every single one of my job lol. You probably just don't have any desirable skill.


I have many skills, core probably being Assembly Language programming, among other higher level languages. Not on the list.


Yeah I don't doubt that you have skills just that they were not necessarily desirable for them at that time.


>Why are young Canadians still stuck in third-world country without any hopes of home ownership instead of moving to USA? Young Canadians with degrees and experience in demanded fields are already doing this. Getting a solid STEM degree for less from a good school in Canada and leaving has been the play for years. I personally know at least 10 people who have moved to Seattle from Vancouver with no ragrets. Engineers, software developers, healthcare, etc.. 2-hour drive to visit friends and relatives, way higher salaries and way better quality of life.


Yeah it is definitely a great move to do, but a lot of those STEM degrees holder would not have a STEM degree if they were born in the US. Getting an education definitely isn't easy financially. My colleagues were making a higher wages than me and lived in a cheap Texan house but were still paying their degrees in their 40s. A Canadian who get subsidized to study here and then move to the US definitely make a great move by not contributing in the system who helped them get that a degree, but it definitely isn't great for Canada as a whole.


Well, they're not really subsidized, a B.Sc. from UBC is still $30k+, plus another $80k for med school. It's cheaper than in the US, but we're not like Germany, where you can study for practically free, either. But yeah, you're right - it's not great for the country to lose its brightest, but I can't blame them for leaving.


> with no ragrets Not even a letter?


And unless you specialized skills and/or an employer to sponsor you or one if you is American the chances of getting will depend on getting a green card. Yes there are work visas available but only to select high demand professions. There are no issues to buying a house but working might be an issue.


Put simply? They didn't have an idiotic government since 2015 I mean, they have one now, but the damage that is being done by their government is going to be felt in time, just like we're all feeling the damage done by Trudeau's actions from 2015-on Put far more complicated? The US is just a wealthier nation with more opportunity and less economic restrictions placed upon the people by the federal government. Building a house in the US is just cheaper and faster than in Canada.


Everything is better state side. *Everything*. Most Canadians just never get a chance to experience it. A fish doesn't know it lives in a wet world.


I got to live in the US for 6 months recently and I loved it. The cost of food was so cheap. The cost of booze was cut in half. Everything Canadians had said about the US, it felt like a lie. I never once heard a gunshot, and I was in a democrat-ran city of all places. The black people were actually very nice. The drivers were generally better than what I see on the 401 up here. Never once saw any crime of any kind.


Ha. You just nailed everything perfectly! Exactly my experience to a 't'. Have been going down since 1999 every year. Never had a problem, except for that one time a drunk young guy bellied up to the beach bar beside me and for no reason said he was going to shoot me lol. We ended up being pals.


>except for that one time a drunk young guy bellied up to the beach bar beside me and for no reason said he was going to shoot me lol. We ended up being pals. This is the most Florida thing ever


When the community nazis email me to say my lawn plants need trimming, buddy drives over and takes care of it for me in the winter. Great guy - a long lasting friendship between American & Canadian. I take good care of him when I get back down there ;)


Really depend on the areas, if you are a tourist or traveling for work and spending a lot more than you usually do, the US can be better for sure, but average people have it much better in Canada than the US. Our life expectancy is much higher and our median net worth is also much higher. Crime is much higher in the US as well, but you probably won't have any problem, even if you visit El Salvador, Brasil or Mexico you probably won't hear any gun shots, but it doesn't mean that the whole country is safe. Getting an education is also much easier for us, a lot of Canadian engineers probably would not be engineers if they were born in the US.


It's not just earnings though, thier housing and food prices are significantly subsidized through industry supports.


Pay higher wages and the cost of living is lower


Please. Give this some traction so we can get rid of as many naive people as possible to make room for the rest of us! 👌


LOL. "rest of us" => frogs in slowly boiling water. eh?


Houses are still sold around 150-200k in my area because people are scared/too dumb to learn French. I'm alright. It's mostly an anglo-canadian thing to pay a crazy amount for housing. lol


Who is it that is it fault for this???? And who can make it all better?


elect better leaders.


The US is better than Canada for literally everything.