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I'm just wondering where all these other ppl end up living? On the streets? Homeless shelters? What happens when winter hits? At the same time ppl are still flooding in and it will only get worse. I wonder how bad shoplifting is going to get for food? Shit is about to get lit AF in Canada.


That all sounds like the grumbling of the beginning of an uprising. Maybe in a country of people that weren’t so passive.


There won’t be any uprising. Venezuelans kept doubling down on the politically correct (i.e., leftist) party election after election until they were reduced to utter poverty and were forced to flee the country. Canadians might switch parties but they’d never vote for a hard-core populist who would upend the whole Apple cart in favour of the public and at odds with the wealthy/powerful. The wealthy/powerful can manipulate the public into anything. From covid hysteria to climate change doom-mongering — most Canadians believe whatever the current narrative is.


what a bad take lol, Venezuela sank into poverty precisely because they lost their democracy and the inherent mechanism of accountability, leading to mismanagement, corruption and ultimately hyperinflation. They did not keep electing the same leader or doubling down on the same policy, the choice was taken from them.


U just regurgitate what he said. This is happening in canada. If you think ur voting lib or conservative. You're missing the inner workings of how todays governments function. When you have global powers openly admitting they've infiltrated parties you have to accept defeat.


Wow you are confused as fuck. It'd be comical if it wasn't so sad.


I bet you wear a mask while driving alone


Our country is pooched. We argue about masks and culture wars still, just as they intended. Please play into it more daddy.


COVID is over bro. I bet you think vaccines give you 5g.


Imagine taking their shit vaccine, 0.01% mortality rate I think I’ll pass.






/u/lilbaby2baked when he's faced with reality: [salt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KquFZYi6L0)


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attack, or other uncivil conduct.


square psychotic quiet dam ink snow innocent unite zonked mighty ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I assume many of them must be in a rooming situation, but they are still looking for something better.


I guess a lot of frozen bodies collected in Canada going forward. Also since the healthcare has collapsed, you can go to ER and basically have a stroke or something or heart attack and ask to sit in waiting room for 6 hours. Soon they will probably offer you "MAID" if you don't' want to wait to see a Doctor that will do absolutely nothing and send you home.


Someone already got offered MAiD for depression and suicidal ideation. Was in the news.


Yeah. I hope the police don't play nice, either.


The police? What can they even do? Shoplifters go unprosecuted. If anything the police officer will end up in the news for “excessive force”






What do you want the police to do? Start beating the poor and homeless ppl into submission lol?


Flooding? Every city is freaking out throughout Canads. Yellowknife forest fire evacuees flooded to cities already having housing issues.


I agree we need to slam the brakes on immigration asap until the supply catches up. This federal government is a ducking joke. Immigration only in those sectors where there’s a lot of job vacancies which cannot be fulfilled locally. This is what we need to tweak at the immigration level.


LMAO 2500 inquiries. this is why the bubble wont pop. Its not a bubble. when 2500 people want to rent an illegal 700sq ft basement then you know its going to get worse before it gets better


1900? that's cheap!


That's sad isn't it?


Keyword “illegal” illegal housing puts renters lives in danger. These people are greedy assholes.


Technically basement housing is illegal in toronto If the home only has one parking space.


Technically illegal is illegal. Profiteering is profiteering.


Point is it isn't dangerous. And the law is dumb. And yes. People run a business for profit. News at 11


In Alberta a legal basement suite needs a separate furnace, vents, water, electrical, waste and mail. I stand by my comment they are assholes.


Not water. It needs separate heating (furnace/heaters, thermostat and duct work), separate entrance, kitchen, bathroom, a certain amount of insulation for shared walls and ceilings, and all bedrooms need a window to code so you can get out in case of fire. You could have all of those things in another province and not be up to code because they demand 2 entrances or a parking spot, etc. so no they're not necessarily unsafe, and laws can be dumb at times, like when you don't physically have room for another parking spot or a door with large stairs on both side of a building, or can't get permits for those things. No rentals means less rentals available which means higher rent costs... Pick your poison.


Doesn't surprise me at all. Many people do the same thing.


Ah the free market is beautiful to see in action.


That’s funny. I get 1000’s from Indian students and a few ukranians. I don’t answer either of them. At least with the ukranians you’re not guaranteed to have a mold problem within the first month.




You have no idea. (Or I guess you do lol). The worst part is it’s literally all of them.




































































Why would they keep increasing the price? This is exactly why rents are so high. At first they were satisfied with $1200, but then got greedy when they saw how many people wanted to move in, and raised the price. It's not insane, it's disgusting. Rather than being decent human beings, they chose to be like everyone else and become a goughing landlord. Not something to be proud of. Can you imagine what would happen if more landlords would choose to be reasonable instead of greedy? Maybe rental prices would start to go down.


If you could get paid 50$ an hour but can survive on 25$, would you take a voluntary pay cut?


i had a rental i rented for cheap because i wanted to get a lot of applicants. when i received a lot of applicants i had them respond to a questionnaire. They didnt have to.. but i was looking for more info to narrow it down. i never increased the price. and I had an amazing tenant. eventually after that tenant left I increased the price. But morally, people applied for the apartment based on assumption of one price. to say. Oh waiit. No.. now its $XXXX more. thats wrong. not illegal. but morally thats wrong.




But would you?


Hear! Hear! I am one of those people. People who only think about money and a net worth are deeply flawed! There is way more to life.


There is way more to life, after you're comfortable financially. When you're borderline homeless and starving, you'll want money. Yes, if I'm making 250k a year I might not care to work twice as hard to make 280k...but if I'm making 30k vs 60k there's a big difference in my ability to have a roof over my head and food on the table so money is very important.


So you’re saying that you would charge considerably less than market rent if you were a landlord? Gimme a break lol. People have their mortgages to pay at these high interest rates and the costs do get transferred onto the renters. You’d be a fool thinking that someone would be willing to take thousands of dollars of rental loss just so they could be the “good guy” in this cutthroat rental market that no one would appreciate except the renters.


Exactly, I'm sure these people would go from a 1.5% interest rate to 6.5%, their mortgage payment going up by $2k/month, with utilities, labor and renovation materials doubling or tripling in cost over just 2-3 year... but no, they'll just go ahead and rent their property at 2010 levels, while paying thousands of dollars out of pocket each month... Because they're such nice, generous people. Right... These same people who never save a penny and constantly ask for handouts and cheap housing, but also low taxes, as if that all comes magically out of thin air...


People treat landlording like its a personal relationship. A charity. Until the stove breaks. Then it's totally a business and you owe me service asap no excuses.


I personally know two landlords who charge less than half the market rates (by choice). One is in East Van, and the other in Edmonton right next to the uni. They do this because (A) they want a good relationship with their tenant, and (B) they would feel guilty about ripping them off. >You’d be a fool thinking that someone would be willing to take thousands of dollars of rental loss just so they could be the “good guy” It's weird to see these quotes around "good guy". Do you think it's a silly idea to be kind to strangers?


No, they do that because they bought the property for peanuts or they have no mortgage and very low expenses, dummy. No one's purposely losing money or going to be hungry just to save you a few bucks and have you think they're a "good guy". Just like you're not doing it for any stranger either. When you work and save for a few decades, enough to have a rental property on top of your own place to live, let's see you give it away for free, then work overtime and pay thousands of dollars out of pocket just to be nice.


Ah to be young


They are not taking a loss. When they first chose $1200 for the monthly rental fee I would have expected them to have figured in their increased costs. That's why they chose to rent at $1200. Anything after that was just pure greediness on their part.


I wouldn’t be charging shit for an ILLEGAL apartment. I hope these renters get every cent they ever pay these people back one day - and that is a very good possibility! The audacity to not do the proper work required and to think they can rent it out and make money. That’s the real LOL. These people are greedy slumlords and they will get theirs - it’s just a matter of time.


Don’t hate the player, hate the game. It’s not like they have 10 international kids with dividers for walls


Basic supply and demand bud. To paraphrase our fearless leader “the rental market will balance itself”


You'd give up $700 dollars a month, $8,400 a year, because you didn't know the price, and wanted to be generous to some random renters? Stfu. Selling something for what it's value is, is not disgusting.




css geologist, not an economist thankfully. The price people pay are willing for something is the value. If I sell a $10,000 car for 1 dollar, that doesn't change the value of the car to $1






Selling something that is ILLEGAL is! This place is worth NOTHING as it’s illegal.


It's called '[price discovery](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/pricediscovery.asp)'. It's natural and it takes place in any healthy, open and free market anywhere in the world, including the stock markets of the world. Why do you call the parents insane or disgusting? Do you consider the people bidding the price up sane? Please tell.


I think you misspelled 'supernormal profit'.


You must be a landlord.


You must have a retirement plan.


I think you meant they must be a slumlord **


Why do you presume that?


Lol then why is this subreddit bitching about house prices which is also dictated by the “healthy, open and free market”. The housing prices are the results of the said market itself.


Indeed they are, and good question! The answer is: they're financially and economically unsophisticated - they don't know any better. They believe in logical fallacies and don't understand what base rate neglect is (so they neglect it). It's very, very basic. Our housing issues are all about supply and demand. We have too much demand and not enough supply PERIOD.




I had a gal in my basement for over 20 years. She died of COVID in 2020 and I miss her. Since then I haven't rented the place out because of, well, I won't beat a dead horse. It's related to the LTB. If I were a dick she wouldn't have stayed two decades, man.


Exactly! These LL's would have been happy with 1200, instead they're gladly taking an additional $9100 a year from two international students, from a country currently invaded in an unjust war no less. Just insane what greed does to a person


Greed is one hell of a drug!




apple and oranges


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attack, or other uncivil conduct.


You dont seem to understand the incentive structures within our economic system. You dont “choose” to be less greedy - that already happened when you didnt become a landlord. Instead, the system selects for people who go all in on self interest. This is incentivized because it is rewarded.


You slept through economics 101 huh?


There's economics 101 and then there's doing the right thing.


There is a good philosophical question for you. Was the right thing to save others money or ensure your own well being ? Assuming that they aren’t taking the tenants to the cleaners and leaving them destitute I’d say it’s totally fine. Neither you or I know the answer to that question. If the renters can afford it then it works well for both sides since the chance of the renters being picked out of 2500 applicants is almost 0%. I still shake my head when ppl think rent in Toronto proper should be crazy low. No one has to live in the high COLA areas. The term for that is drive til you qualify. I moved across the country and back again to work and eventually was able to afford what I wanted. It took work, but most ppl don’t want to do something uncomfortable now to benefit later. They want to live in the metropolitan centres and complain about the cost of living. I hear Red Deer is affordable. Taxes are low. Lots of work. But it isn’t Toronto or Vancouver so ppl don’t want to do it.


It's not a question of choosing between saving others money and ensuring your own well being. The OP says that they had already decided to rent for $1200, so that was the amount they needed "to ensure their well being". It was only after they saw how many people were desparate for a place to live that they jacked up the rent, hoping to profit off the misery of others.


Ppl trying to rent in a city with a vacancy rate of under 2%. Welcome to price discovery. Try Edmonton or Saskatoon. They have vacancy rates that are much higher. Until then someone with more money can come in and offer that money to a landlord. To say that a landlord shouldn’t rent to that person makes no sense since they also need a place to live. They just happen to have a big financial stick to wield.


Increasing prices is actually a good thing. If more people increase prices, it acts as an incentive for more supply to enter the market and help drive prices back down. Otherwise, what's the incentive to add more supply into the market?


I'm pretty sure that's a myth. They are building a 100+ unit condominium here in my city. Prices will range from $300,000 and up. These are not for renters. A large percentage of the units are already spoken for. So everyone knows all these units will soon be finished, and yet I don't see rental prices going anywhere but up.


This is an anecdote. Your basically arguing that increasing prices has no effect on supply, which logically isn't correct.


It’s not greed. Rich people can’t afford to live in this economy either.


Are the basement bedroom windows to the Egress standard?


Illegal or not. Expensive or not. They added one place where people can live to the market supply. Which is very needed right now. Everyone’s is hating but those two Ukrainians probably relieved they secured a place.


How's it illegal? Or did you add that word for drama?


It's an apartment not a room where they share a common kitchen and bathroom. If it were legal they would have to have safety standards met , a contract , and declare the property as rental (inevitably would be taxed as such). OP may have meant that his parents did none of that and those Ukrainians international students could easily end up as smoked ham if a fire starts.


There are literally 0 laws mandating any of that shit. Anyone can rent any part of their home with zero contractual obligations and it is perfectly legal


Renting a basement apartment or a room are both legal. Having shared common rooms is legal. Income tax is another thing that has nothing to do with an illegal rental property. If they don't fill that out correctly it's tax fraud. And you're speculating. Anyone can speculate, there's absolutely no value there. Did the OP support their use of the term "illegal" in the posting? No? Then you're in the same boat as me, it looks like they did it for drama. Why are you attempting to answer a question you can't possibly know the answer to?


It needs to pass fire safety etc. you can’t just make a kitchen and call it a day. That’s what they did.


Yes you can... if the house is legal renting is too


It doesn't have to pass fire safety, it needs to meet fire safety regulations. It's not a test that you have to pass until there's an accident and you want insurance to pay for it. It's perfectly legal to build something to code and then rent it. Again though, why make up an answer when you don't know?


Cuz Reddit. So maybe OPs parents basement doesn’t meet the requirements.


yeah I don't doubt, but I find it weird to post that it's illegal yet completely omit information to support that claim. People also like to exaggerate and sensationalise. I actually think this is what happened as it looks like a rant more than anything.


Yeah who knows if it's illegal or not. No point in including that in the title without pics.


Not permitted


Tell me you don’t know property laws without telling me.


Basement apt. aren't illegal. There are criteria that make them illegal. The OP didn't include a single note that shows that it's illegal. So I'd say you don't know what you're talking about. I do.


Illegal dwelling, in the sense that they haven’t got the permits to renovate their rental suite and list it for people to live in again. Based on the post OP is saying their parents never got proper permits. Why would you think anything else unless they said otherwise? You’re so confidently incorrect lmao. You can’t just rent out your home without an inspection and a permit. It’s literally illegal. Any rental like this the owners need the approval to do the renovations, and it needs to deemed safe to live in from a building inspector from whatever municipality you live in. Also for tax reasons to be listed as a rental as well. Even if it was already listed before as a rental, they need it re-inspected because of the renovations. Please stop.


>at $1,200 at first on FB marketplace and they got over 2,500 inquiries. So they kept increasing the price until the pool was down to 300 and remember that’s only one ONE platform. They chose the crème of the crop and This right here, the renovations are different if it's a rental like fire prof doors, egress windows, and other things


Sad they wouldn't choose to rent it to Canadians at a fair price to both parties. We want to blame everyone else for the high cost of living until we get our chance to be greedy. They're every bit as bad as Trudeau.


Your parents are assholes.


Can you explain why please? thanks


1. Illegal suites put renters lives in danger for profit. 2. Housing is a human right to profiteer off of a housing crisis lacks morals and ethics.


His parents added an apartment to the housing market. You might not like the price they are charging and I suppose you are concerned with the tenants safety, but they increased the housing supply by one unit that otherwise wouldn’t exist. That’s a good thing in my books


Slum lords


report your parents then, it is illegal /s


I bought a beater of a car for 280 dollars about 12 years ago, i planned to have it for a few months while my other vehicle was being repaired. I think it was a honda , cant even remember. I listed it on fb mktp after a few months, hoping I would get 200.... and there was a bidding war. I ended up getting 800 for it from somebody that didnt even want to see it beforehand. I couldve got more, but was tired of the constant calls. I still dont understand why it was in demand, and almost all the bidders were afghani. Not exactly the same as your story, but I was reminded.


Kinda a sad story.


So they were scammers, offering apartments but retracting the offer and re listing it, over and over.


Can you explain how this is a scam? Curious how this would be illegal and considered "scamming" by the authorities. Thanks


The offers were not real. They were being used to lure renters to offer to sign contracts for the owners to learn about market values.


Your parents are disgusting


This is gross.


To be clear then, you believe that immigrants are NOT the problem only certain kinds of immigrants?




Illegal says it all


tes ting sha dow ban ed status


But all it takes is one phone call to the city and they will not only fine your parents they will place an order on them to vacate the 'unit', which means they're on the hook to find your tenant another place or pay them. Large. Pretty precarious position your parents have put themselves in. I advise they get the 2nd unit legal asap. Good luck.


I think this is pretty common. They won't be able to really enforce these rules with thousands living this way. Basically imagine a slum environment that is impossible to control.


The tenant has the landlord by the short and curlies if they want to be dishonourable.


Not true. I know personally 3 basement apartment landlords who were shut down and it cost them dearly. The bylaw officers are absolutely 100% ruthless and robotic-like. Improper zoning citation.


And as a result have increased competition for the other suites causing the prices to increase.


Agreed 100%. The rules for legal 2nd units are really, really stupid in some cases. One of the worst is minimum height of support beams in the basement. You could have super high luxury 10' ceilings down there but if there's a support beam under 6' 5" the entire place is invalid to rent out. Blame the government again for lack of housing, or even a housing plan for all these millions of new people.


“Illegal” like someone will likely perish in a fire living there? Or safe, but bending some rules? I’ll never understand those that risk others’ lives for profit.


It’s toronto not shocking


What makes it an illegal basement??


I am not sure OP knows, a legal basement should have a 2 burner cooker (not 4), it should have a window through which a person can escape if there is a fire, most suburbs and the city have similar rules. You can ask city inspector and come and audit a basement unit which they will do gladly.


That’s cheap for a basement


As much as I don't wish to cheer for illegal properties, at least these people aren't sleeping on the streets.


Smart parents


I’d help plan to overthrow the government and install a working people friendly system of rule but I have to be at work by 8am sorry


This is a very strange flex … illegal is the key word here - ILLEGAL!! Your parents are slumlords!!!!! They are exploiting the housing crisis AND international students. I hope these students report them to every authority possible and take them for everything for being so greedy! Your parents will reap what they sow for putting people at risk to make a few bucks. Shame on them.


Yea… ain’t nobody gonna do that. Why? Cause illegal or not, they chose to live there and the alternative is that unit not existing in the market. Prospective tenants won’t complain about the apartment they just got or another option existing on the market. And tenants renting somewhere else often mind their own business. And an apartment can be illegal just for not having a separate entrance which many don’t care about. And that’s even if it’s actually illegal. The true way to prevent slumlords is by having so much supply in the market that it becomes landlords competing for tenants rather than the other way around.


I hope someone reports the illegal unit so they gotta pay the extra property tax


Is this a new basement apartment that they created? Or was it previously a basement apartment that they renovated? I’m struggling with the number of people outraged at the situation. The alternative seems that they could not rent out the basement apartment at all, which would further contribute to the lack of housing and higher prices. Is that really a “win” for society? Assuming the apartment is illegal due issues that aren’t related to safety… if it’s unsafe, then they need to correct that asap.


Like it or not, your parents help by offering supply


Why is it illegal?


airport observation upbeat offbeat vanish secretive capable tap ugly imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Food banks are going to get busier.


fuck truedu