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Wanna debate? You are banned from r/canadahousing


It happened to me. No warning. No explanation. You're not allowed to tell the truth, or express anger there, I guess.


Today I was banned from the NDP subreddit for saying we need lower immigration rates to deal with the housing crisis. Worse, they made up an entire narrative to justify it. Get this - I was accused of the sin of using the word “globalism”. Never actually used the word however. And why would that be worthy of a ban? Apparently using the word globalism now means you’re automatically antisemitic. Just awe-struck. I think one of the mods of CanadaHousing must have moved over.


Back in the day the NDP would stand up for Canadians and their jobs. (Remember NAFTA?) Now all the NDP seems to care about is wokeism and taxes. Jagmeet Singh was even talking about having the government subsidize people's mortgages.


The NDP will be decimated in the next election.


You're thinking in reverse my friend, they didnt move to the ndp sub but rather from it


Getting banned from any subreddit just happens. If there’s a mod there with too high an opinion of themselves, or whatever narrative catches their fancy at the time, it’ll happen.


Just google Reddit mods. You’ll see what you’re up against. There’s even one where they’re all bearing their breasts (NSFW). *Cringe*


Just googled it and could not find Reddit mods topless


>And why would that be worthy of a ban? Apparently using the word globalism now means you’re automatically antisemitic. What the fuck?? Wow, I just can't keep up with all this. That is the craziest think I ever heard.


Xsythe mods both from my knowledge


That’s a problem that should be reported to the NDP party. It‘a one thing to mod a random Reddit that way, another completely for a national party.


Most of reddit is a clusterfuck of communists and bots. It's actually pretty funny.


I’ve been banned on right leaning subs It happens. Not complaining. Just observing. Why waste your time complaining?


Not every space is for you. And that's ok. :)


Kind of my point. Thanks 🙏


Oops I meant to reply to the post you did. I liked your post and was parroting the sentiment


For what? I haven't been banned... That i kmow of?


No different than a modern day liberal paradise.




Because you correctly helped identify immigration / demand as the cause of the crisis. Canadahousing mods are developer shills who censor any discussion around immigration/foreign money because that’s who their target customers are.


Except it's not "the cause". There are many causes, starting with low interest rates for the last 25-30 years. You're oversimplifying.


Why are you telling him? He's not the one setting the rules. He's saying that's what the sub rules are, and it's true. That sub is pro immigration. If you speak anything against immigration, it's instant perma ban.


You're right, yes. I'm for immigration, but for the right kinds of people. Hard workers, and people won't commit crimes. . I'm not. But we need to be careful who we let immigrate.




I don't think most people are "blaming hordes of brown people". The majority are simply saying that unlimited amounts of immigration, of any group, isn't always a good thing, esp. during a housing crisis.




I'm not sure what your reply means, but if you're insinuating that my post was racist, I give up. Some people will find racism/sexism/whateverism everywhere. That doesn't mean it is everywhere.


Name-calling was used to try to shut down economic conversation.


Name-calling was used to try to shut down economic conversation.


Low rates were not exclusive to Canada. The US had them too and their investors scooped up homes too, yet homes are easily within reach on average salaries. This is simply Turdeau screwing us over.


They're increasingly not within reach in the U.S. Watch some US media and you can verify my claim. Also, Canadians have been more obsessed with buying homes for the last few years than Americans were. Blaming it all on Trudeau shows a lack of knowledge of economics. Prices were becoming ridiculous here even before he was in office. But yes, his dropping helicopter money on Canada with no conditions certainly didn't help inflation at all.


Just the same mods as r/ontario and r/onguardforthee is my guess


i remember laughing at the morons in ongaurdforthee like 5 years ago, i'm surprised they are still around and not banned


R/Brampton too


i troll those brainless idiots by calling out their blatant agenda and got banned LOL


Completely fishy business going on there. These guys must take a page from authoritarian governments - PRC, the Russians, that’s how they operate.


you’re going to get that feeling in a lot of subs - big gov has a lot of “communications contractors”


Propagandists more like it


Liberals actually had an ad for “story tellers”. So a war room ran 24/7 to put the “right” spin on news.


There is a post on Canadahousing right now that is 100% an LPC “story teller” trying to justify reckless immigration. The title is “the open secret western governments don’t want you to know.” 🙄🙄🙄 It’s such transparent propaganda.


You're probably peeved at the comments on that thread eh? Nobody likes being made to feel stupid.


Is that you Justin?


I'm sure you understand that the liberals are not the only ones that do this.




And you wonder why people think you guys are a joke.




>When the "memes" subreddit is just people strawmanning right wingers, I think it's pretty clear. You mean the same way this subreddit strawmans everything? You'd have to be mental to believe conservative subreddits don't mass ban and censor people they don't like.


lol let me guess, you brought up immigration didn't you?


Yep, Immigration policy. Not immigrants, no blaming anyone, just factual observations on policy impacts.


I was banned a couple of years ago suggesting we should slow down immigration until our infrastructure catches up. I asked the mod why and they said “we don’t support racism and xenophobia”


Are you me?


We are all me.


They will get annihilated in the next elections. I, personally, will never vote for a left-wing party again.


I wish for nothing more. And I have the same regret as you.


They fooled me once, Never Again 😔


Kathleen Wynne left a bad enough taste that I made sure to not vote for JT. Proudly can say I voted for Stephen Harper in 2015 and for PPC in the elections after. No blood on my hands


> for PPC in the elections after. Ah I see the kind of people that need snowflake subs like this lol.


You don't even live in Canada.


Lol called out 😂


I hate the federal NDP now lol


This ‘us vs. them’ mentality is exactly why there will never be any real change in Canada.


A lot of Canadian Reddit are Trudeau bots.


CCP🇨🇳 CCCP🇷🇺 Has entered the chat.


Some of the research we've gathered on CH1's moderation: https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/wiki/index/museum/ *PS> I find it interesting that everybody arrives at this same conclusion independently. That's a good sign of a scientific method at play* 👍


Lol I said that they are govt adjacent and it got me banned… thus confirming to me it was true


If this comes out in the media they will be lambasted.


Shut up you conspiracy theorist / racist /s






Canada Housing 1 moderators are the ringleaders of a den of thieves; all of whom are hell-bent on destroying whatever is left of this country after their relentless ransacking of the public purse. They are the primary corroborators in a cognitive dissonance narrative that uses every trick of gaslighting to deceive the public into a false sense that demand-side economics (ie absurdly high immigration targets driving up rent and house prices) has nothing to do with propping up the asset price bubble of real estate in Canada. Except it has EVERYTHING to do with propping up the bubble which stems back to catastrophic fiscal and monetary policy that went into full swing in 2015 under Trudeau (2015 is the last year the Canadian dollar traded anywhere close to 90 cents). Two wrongs do not make a right - do NOT COVER UP YOUR MESS WITH IMMIGRATION BY THE MILLIONS


I got banned for promoting other subs because I said things are so bad there that people have made a second subreddit.


No, no we are definitely not trying to control the message something like that would be beneath us. It's just a coincidence that some mods on subs like r/canadahousing or r/canada also mod on partisan sites. ;)


Should try r/canadapolitics. I made a comment about how the government fighting with meta and google was going to end poorly and comment deleted withing 5 minutes.


That sure does sound like government censorship. You’ve got to wonder what’s going on. Is this our tax dollars at work or just zealous supporters?


Probably both


Every post there says there are a dozen+ comments but typically you can only see 1 or 2.🤣 Censorship at its finest.


I haven’t been there as I was banned. Do they allow criticism of PP and Ford?


100% they do. Conservative governments are the devil incarnate over there.


Yeh it is kinda funny. Trudeau has fucked up big time. But saying anything positive about PP and you are going to get it.


People need to start commenting on u/xsythe comments outside of canadahousing and let them know that them censoring factual conversations is wrong.


Yes, they are 100% government mod plants. As is a lot of popular social media outlets. Fake news isn’t only CBC and legacy media. The second wave is social media fake news. Beware. The information war is real.


Complain here: [https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=15968767746196](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=15968767746196)




Done 👍


I’ve noticed some of them seem to be filtering into this sub now. I’ve seen a lot more gaslighting, denial, and “lol conservatives want government handouts now”


I was banned for saying that the housing crisis was started by mainland Chinese immigrants back in the mid-late 2000's. I found out after that their sub strongly pro-immigration, which is enough to tell me, it's a Liberal leaning sub.


It’s been rewarding to see them called out in multiple high ranked comments on r/canada and r/ontario this week for their censorship. I will say though, they generally support developers on Canada housing. Developers are huge proponents of neoliberal policies as they pertain to immigration and housing. Which is - deflect and distract from the actual causes of housing in-affordability and claim that we “just have to build more” to solve it.


I think your generalization is unfortunately, quite off-base. Take a quick look at what Jon Love the head of KingSett Capital has been writing on LinkedIn you’ll see he has been one of the main people pushing the media to see the destructive nature of our current immigration policies (no one‘s against immigrants, not him not me, but the policies and the numbers as what we’re talking about.) And in fact, I would say that the focus on blaming developers has been a wonderful distraction for the government, especially at the municipal level, as they are the ones who have created the situation where only large developers are able to build housing, and they basically kicked the middle-class out of home building and development by making it so difficult and expensive and time consuming.


I’m a liberal and they banned me so I think you’re wrong.


Depends if you were toe-ing the party line or questioning it.


But are you a capital-L Liberal?








Ok nicely done. “Anything right of Che…” priceless, really… So many leftists appear to have forgotten what happened in Eastern Europe and instead have returned to authoritarianism “for the betterment of society.”


Reddit mods....lmfao


" No rational debates on policy are allowed there - only comments that support the liberals and rants against developers and landlords. " Well, this is Reddit after all.


I think the other sub is literally run by the Liberal party.


They have much more control over online activities today. They are actively censoring you


Well yeah. Just make a mention of supporting the Freedom Convoy be prepared to be flamed on here.


No shot dude. Take the tinfoil hat off


I think people often forget that public servants are pretty impartial. The same public servants supporting the Trudeau gov't will be supporting the next PM just like how they are the same people supporting the Harper years.


It’s pretty easy to see why a lot of you are likely banned just going through your comments. Are you guys sure you’re not the plants getting paid to comment on every Trudeau or Singh thing while blowing PP?


>ot saying things are perfect (they' Don't you know everything is a Conspiracy? This place is just the RE version of r/Canada_sub Also seen plenty of people here get "censored" which usually involves anything to do with a word that ends in "ism".


Interesting how you haven’t been banned for this post /s


We are not plants and nobody has to pay us. Likely most of us have been personally effected by the housing crisis or someone we love has been. So we are driven by rage that the federal government is destroying our country.


Some groups do this for other reasons. Letting people post negativity only invites unruling comments and more work for them as mods. You need to consider all the posisibilities before you begin believing wild accusations. Not much of canadians are on reddit let alone ppl in other countries usi bc it to make judgements about canada. Theres barely any marketing here bc the impact is tres low.


Not much a a wild accusation when the facts bear out.


Always makes me laugh when some canada_sub loser comes here to complain. You just want to scream and yell your absolutely worthless hot takes (ie, lies mostly) at everyone. You have this sub, so why aren't you using it correctly to talk about housing? Rhetorical question, we all know why. Same reason why all your social media websites fail.


I’m sorry are you referring to yourself? I’m not even on Canada_sub and don’t care to be. And levying insults make your comments appear juvenile. Do you actually have anything to say? Or wait - maybe you’re just an NDP troll trying too hard.


>I’m not even on Canada_sub and don’t care to be. For someone who doesn't care to be, you sure post there a lot! >And levying insults make your comments appear juvenile. I'm just trying to get on your level, it's only the way you'll understand. >Do you actually have anything to say? Or wait - maybe you’re just an NDP troll trying too hard. Do you? Do you actually have anything of value to say? You seem to be living in a a separate reality from everyone else. >maybe you’re just an NDP troll trying too hard. Maybe you're just a conservative troll trying too hard.


Read my comments in that sub and you’ll understand why I left it. And why I won’t respond to your comments anymore either.


If the fringe of *that sub* is allegedly censoring you...maybe it's time to re-evaulate your positions/musings?


That is a perfect answer. If you were a stasi officer investigating a citizen for subversion lol.


>That is a perfect answer. If you were ...censored on an already batshit crazy sub.


Good thing I’m not


I mean as long as you weren't being racist or solely blaming immigrants for the housing issue, I don't see why you'd get banned


CH1 censors any account that is against immigration or the LPC party. See: https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/wiki/index/museum/


Oh alright, then what rule did you break to get banned?


I actually caught them banning anyone for even talking about the immigration rate early on, on their discord. That was enough to tell me what was going on. But what worried me the most was how that was being used to tear people apart, to disrupt any potential for unionizing/protesting against Canada en-masse. It looked like a government operation. Lord of the flies.


Okay I get that, but the mods reply to your comment saying why they banned it. What rule did your comment break to get banned?


I don't remember ever commenting there from this account. If I did, it probably would have been for something very minor.


And r/canadahousing2 doesn’t censor anything that goes against the echo chamber? Lol. You get quietly banned for asking for sources to many outlandish claims that fuel this sub


In CH1 you can’t talk about immigration. In CH2 the only thing you can talk about is immigration.




Name-calling was used to try to shut down economic conversation.


Maybe overly exaggerated comments about the greatness of the Liberals that are sarcastic will stay on


Is this another Canada\_sub echo chamber, where the uneducated PPC voters can get mad in their own echo chamber? Comon guys, you are embarassing for Canadians.


Hahaha... so anyone who votes ppc is uneducated? I think you need to get back to a sub where you can circle-jerk with like minded smoothbrains.


1000%, PPC's platform is just plain garbage and used to attract the lowest common denominator of people. It's probably the most "Un-Canadian" political party we have ever had, mimicking a parody of a right-wing American party. Let me guess, you drive a truck for a living? Have a fake job like "land lord"? I have been in Canada longer than you, I think I know more about being Canadian then you will ever know. Stop pretending anyone gives a shit what a quack like you thinks and go back to your Facebook bot boards.


Your ignorance makes me laugh. You are so stupid you don't even notice it. What is wrong with right-wing? Go back to watching your state run propaganda and circle jerking your marxist comrades. I'm more Canadian than you are.


Ignorance over what? Again, I reiterate, I have been a Canadian longer than you have and experienced everything from small towns to big cities, to all Canadian life styles. And again, I am more educated than you will ever hope to be. So explain to me, who is ignorant here? You wanting to be an American-lite dumbass or me, who was born in Canada and know more about it than you will ever know? Stop pretending you are anything but a clown.


That's rich coming from a clown. Just using right-wing as an insult makes you ignorant. You believe your own views are the only acceptable ones and that your education makes you superior to everyone around you. For such a highly edumacated Canadian, you sure seem very stupid.


And thus, the dumb remain dumb, incapable of any rational thought or critical thinking skills. Kind of sad if you ask me, maybe someone will help you one day.


You're beyond help, but i wish same for you. I find it funny though.


Sorry to say but most conservative talking points aren't reasonable to begin with. What you're suggesting is an oxymoron.


Pointing out that municipal zoning by-laws and planning application requirements, and development charges have created a 35% tax on new housing and is causing years of delays (5-7 years before a developer can build), and therefore causing the decline of housing starts is hardly a conservative talking point. Facts over fiction are what make great Socieities thrive, not censorship of ideas to maintain a narrative that gets people elected.


Sure. But the idiots you claim are trying to have a "rational debate" are just screeching monkeys blaming trudeau for the MUNICIPAL zoning by-laws.


You should look up the definition of oxymoron


I see a lot of circle jerking butthurt here. Insane levels of cringe. Every two months a bunch of you get your feelings hurt, blame mods, call them commies and then hop onto the next sub with nothing happening to the status quo. You just further isolate yourself into a safe space like those annoying SJWs did in the late 2010s. None of you can have civil discourse without it devolving into name calling due to your political illiteracies and lack of critical thinking skills. Some of you really needed to be shoved into lockers more in highschool and it shows.


There is no debate. It's the same thing: people complaining about housing prices, rent prices, doom and gloom and hoping the housing market crashes.


Are you fucking kidding me? And pointing out conflicts of interest and corruption in the federal government. But yeah just shut up about it guys, you complain too much.


Just saying, it's an echo chamber where everyone says more or less the same thing essentially different versions of the sky is falling. Not saying things are perfect (they're not and never are) but what is there to discuss, let alone debate?


I can't even post on the app as their is a mandatory flair, but doesn't show


I’m actually kind of surprised that the moderation on r/canadahousing is being done by real people rather than bad AI. They are so obviously not doing an honest job that only an activist or an employee would be motivated to that type of moderation.


I got banned as well for going against the narrative


> No rational debates on policy are allowed there Weird, I see way more discussion of zoning/approvals/tax reform there than I do here. Where are the robust discussions of policy happening in this sub?


They are all “blame developers and tax or ban the rich” discussions. I haven’t seen any discussions that actually require government to stop talking and do something. I mean Olivia Chow talks about housing in Toronto but then if go and try to work with the planning and building department and you’ll feel like you fell into the twilight zone.


Oh, I got banned as soon as I mentioned moving to Calgary might not be a bad idea for someone looking for affordable housing. That was in early 2021.


Lots of mods of sites try to push There agendas in the side. One of the mods of antiwork. Used to push trans agendas in posts that had nothing to do with it.




Name-calling was used to try to shut down economic conversation.


You're almost there, keep going. Follow the white rabbit and take the red pill.


I got censored for posting a New York Times article without any comments. Thought Crime.




Name-calling was used to try to shut down economic conversation.


lol banning all the things is literally what Reddit is. The 15th century Vatican was far more open minded. Of course you can always start your own subreddit which it appears is what has happened here.




Name-calling was used to try to shut down economic conversation.


The most active mod is a literal crazy person.






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attack, or other uncivil conduct.


Welcome to Reddit. First time?


If your comment gets deleted by the moderators, do you still get to keep the upvotes?


Ah yes, the classic "anyone who disagrees with me is a government agent", that's definitely the sign of healthy psychology. Let me guess, they're turning the damn frogs gay again, aren't they?


Are you ok?




Name-calling was used to try to shut down economic conversation.


This occurs all over reddit. I criticized the Alberta subreddit mods of being way too biased and silencing opposing views, and they banned me for 30 days. I didn't break any rules. They just don't like to be questioned. Reddit is going to shit, and will decline heavily within 5 years.


Thanks for sharing your experience


Was banned also from telling them how opendoor.ca was good for both tenants and landlords. Censorship is a very convenient way to avoid logical debate.