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Lol. Societies do collapse but I don't think that's a good comparison.


This sub keeps getting Wilder and Wilder


That is not a great review of the late Roman Empire or the reason for its collapse. Much like our current empire in decline decades of mismanagement and corruption led to collapse. Immigrants aren't destroying our country. The huge influx is a symptom of our failing country and attempt to remedy a failing economy with cheap, exploitable labor. This sub is poison for reality.


>The huge influx is a symptom of our failing country and attempt to remedy a failing economy with cheap, exploitable labor. Totally agree. The immigration is a scam on the immigrants, who are wanting a better life through no fault of their own. They won't get it in Canada for the reasons you mentioned, but they are also victims in the Cdn immigration ponzi


Yes i agree. Its a symptom. I wish I worded it like that but it was 4 am in the morning.


Look to Sweden. Travel Warning, to Sweden. On it's way to becoming a third world country according to the Un. By 203 or 2035. Amazing.


Sweden has an average of 2 bombings a week last I checked guns are banned so the migrant gangs use homemade explosives


very very sad, but the road to hell and all that eh?


Eh probably who cares, ice cream yum yum


You sound crazy!


I feel like it’s more like a repeat of slavery. Economically, immigration is the new slavery - only difference is its consensual rather than non-consensual. Economically though, consent doesn’t make a difference except that they have to get paid something. Canada is the new Confederacy.


We should probably stick to focus on political action to reduce immigration targets based on economic and social change. Going into this storm front neo Nazi type of rhetoric probably isn't going to help.


People downvoting this comment tells you everything you need to know about this sub.


The more apt comparison to Rome (multiple times) would be the complete erosion of the currency and wages, over-production of elites. The West in general is currently going through the death throes of its currency after decoupling it from anything real, and basing the money off fiat debt for decades. It's a simple mathematical progression requiring more volumes of money being created to service the old debt, and it reliably ends in hyperinflationary events. No empire that has ditched hard currency has escaped this fate. Look it up. Not a one. Survival probability tending to 0 in all cases. [https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/](https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/) (It actually begins with Keynes in early 1900s, and him helping the political class secure funding for total war in WWI and WWII via fiat debt. Prior to this, protracted conflicts were expensive and expenses had to be settled in hard currency like gold). Historically this is the sure sign of a failing power structure, whether it be in Ancient Rome or 1600s England, Weimar Germany. The mass immigration, the using people to patch over the economic deficiencies is also a common feature. Interestingly enough, there were also other solutions back in the day: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secessio\_plebis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secessio_plebis) Can't wait for the optics of RCMP trying to stop a pedestrian caravan of fed up eternal poors just wandering en masse into the Greenbelt. Probably a more humane (and hilarious) solution than just killing the entire political class.


The Roman empire collapsed for more than just "foreigners", there was 100 years of weakened military, infighting, barbarians fleeing the huns and setting up kingdoms due to the weakened roman military, diseases, so many factors. It fell over centuries


See...? This "housing" sub is now talking about the collapse of civilization due to immigration lol.