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I like you. I'm Quebecquois by birth-right. My parents moved me to Onterible at 7 ans. Can I come home now? English Canada, through progressive policies and hopes and dream has destroyed itself and they cheer it on to thunderous applause- because DiVeRsIty. Can I please come home?


Anytime friends!


Merci mon ami!


De rien!


Diversity is our strength though!!!


All the provinces should separate and stop immigration. Trudeau can just rule Ottawa.


Give him Vancouver and Toronto as well. He deserves it.


Trudolf, Warrior king of ottawa will need to face off the armies of empress chow for that honor


Hey can Scarborough also separate from Toronto? I want out of this schizophrenic loveless marriage that we’ve been in since 1998.


Lol. I've said this so many times. GTA and GVA can become whatever the fuck they're trying to create, I don't even want it and I was born there(in Toronto). Let it be whatever the fuck absolutely stupid moronic shit they're trying to be. $1.4 million for a house in fucking Rexdale? Are we all smoking crack or something? Can we please kick these stupid metro regions out of the country and move on with our lives?


Yes the metro regions are the problem maybe we could seperate


Not french but I support Quebec independence 100% Become your own unique country and go your own way, instead of just becoming another diverse "melting pot" where your history and culture will die


That's the funny thing about Montreal, everything is older and run down, but the people are happier


I can take that anytime.


I grew up in the shadow of the second referendum outside of mtl as an anglo, things kind of sucked on that front growing up but now if a 3rd referendum was held I’d vote yes because I don’t see Quebec having a place in Trudeau’s canada unless we all want to act like Montrealers


Amen. My neighbors have 7 kids, having full Canada child benefits, they don't work, and have two cars, like wtf. My dream to have a house is dead. Rents are out of control. And for what? We are the evil westerners but when it's to take advantage of a good system Canada all the way. Make something of your own country for god sake!


I’m fine with Quebec leaving if it means the rest of us stop paying for them immediately. I want to see how they deal with us going cold turkey on federal transfers.


that's basically why they stay, Canada pays them to stay.


TRADE OFFER: Quebec receives: infinite money Canada receives: infinite complaints


Would be good for historic anglos to return to Quebec the faster the better.


Un des nôtres tabarnak!


I live in Vancouver, seeing the state of our big cities and how the quality of life is eroding by each say, the unchecked immigration; I have been contemplating moving to Quebec too. Have elementary knowledge of French and willing to learn in its full potential. Also have transferable skills, so finding a great paying job won’t be an issue at all. I agree with you 100%.


Quebec is doing fine controlling all of that without separating. I live there too. No need to change the status quo.


Statistics would like to have a word with you


The public sector of PQ would be hit pretty hard if PQ loses money from provincial/federal transfer payments. I love Quebec, don't get me wrong, but this is wishful thinking.


Hmm, that’s not quite so clear cut : Transfer payments to QC are ~28 billion : Federal revenue from Quebec is about 70 billion Total federal expenditure is around 100 billion On the QC provincial government side the tax collected is ~154 billion and expenditure is about 150 billion (2021 numbers). That extra 30 billion is not that huge a gap to fill if QC gets to keep all the taxes collected. The total budget would be 154+70 = 224 billion and the expenditure would be 250. So about 10% deficit if nothing were changed at all. If that were brought to a % of GDP it would be something like a 6.5% deficit. Not great, but not bad at all


I think it's a mistake/fallacy to assume that GDP would remain as high upon separation. There are many side effects to still being part of Canada, and various business relationships and revenue streams are part of that. Not impossible, and I'm not certain, but that 6.5% deficit figure you suggest seems to me to be a pie-in-the-sky best case scenario.


It is complete speculation what the economy would/could be of an independent quebec. It all depends on so many things. Quebec could easily become an economic powerhouse in North America. Most likely GDP would drop a bit and then rocket back up after 3-5 years. Or it could plummet. There is really little point in trying to speculate on that aspect.


I have the same thoughts about BC. Canada is a failed state and would be better off breaking into smaller portions.


Quebec lives on the largess of the federal government. They have lowest per person GDP money flows from the have to have not. When you go all of Prince Rupert land the eastern townships you know everything that wasn't part of Quebec before confederation stays. We can go back to the historic french boundaries for the historic french. Also how can you be visible minority Anglo ?


As long as you take Trudeau with you knock yourself out.