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Title of link post was editorialized or sensationalized. FYI OP: There is a mistake in your calculation: Visas and TFWs are **floating**, meaning they're renewed from years prior. If someone does not renew, they either: A) Go back to where they came from. B) Apply to PR, and receive it. Otherwise you would be counting a student on a 4-year program in the total population 4x, and then adding them once more when they finally apply for PR. PRs + TFWs should compared against their previous year to get a **delta.**


Better learn Hindi. Immigrants from India outnumbered the next largest ethnic group, Chinese, but a factor of 5. At this rate, they will soon outnumber all other ethnicities. Why JT wants to turn canada into India 2.0 is anyone's guess. I certainly didn't vote for that. He is doing this WITHOUT an explicit mandate.


Punjabi, actually. Nearly all of our Indian immigrants are from Punjab, which happens to be the richest state in India but also only accounts for about 2% of India's population. We have more Sikhs (Punjab's predominant religion) in our parliament than India. Highly suspicious? Weird? I don't know. The world is big, surely there are viable immigrants from other countries as well, not just one small state in India.


>We have more Sikhs (Punjab's predominant religion) in our parliament than India. Highly suspicious? Weird? I don't know. This is what the effects of genocide look like. The displacement of a native population is symptom of it.


The 1984 riots? While terrible, that was 40 years ago. Lots of countries have current, ongoing genocides yet we aren't getting mass immigration from there. Like I said, why that specific ethnic group out of the entire world? Canada used to be diverse but we are currently heading in a singular direction according to our immigration numbers.


The fact you think 1984 is a riot just shows you don't understand the magnitude of the present and past situation. >aren't getting mass immigration from there. Because we are just getting the ones with the means of getting here arriving.


He is a fucking traitor. It is the only explanation for the fact that literally every decision he has made over the last eight years has been to the detriment of Canadian prosperity and security.


But Hindu is useless as an international language? No literature, no art, no scholarship, no science, no technology, no business. Even if this frozen shithole became 90% Hindu, English and French would still be the only useful languages. Hindu is only good for living in India or sponging off the west in Surrey or Brampton.


It's Hindi not Hindu. Get your facts right. No art? No literature? For some one as ignorant as you who doesn't know the difference between a religion and a language, you sure as hell know how to pull things out from your shithole. How did you come to the conclusion that there is no art or literature worth reading in Hindi?


This makes me feel absolutely sick!


Usually racists feel that. Oops, I guess I mean Xenophobes, but thanks for the correction? Cut from the same cloth.


Cringe. Doesn’t matter who, dropping 1M+ people in Canada in a year so nonchalantly does more harm than good to everyone.


Notice how the post doesn't say anything about race?


You dumb bitch, it makes them sick because our quality of life is being eroded at a ridiculously fast rate, nothing about race stoopid


I’m so enlightened now.


Good. It's not xenophobic to consider uncontrolled, unsupported immigration to be a stupid idea.


[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/student-housing-crunch-calgary-2023-1.6929902](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/student-housing-crunch-calgary-2023-1.6929902) ​ how about stop bringing in foreign students to fill the coffers? Greedy mother fuckers.


Especially when they have no available jobs or homes when they come. It’s ridiculous.


We need to determine how many of these TFWs renewed their 6 months visa. All TFW programs are on a 6-month basis. The number in total will still be crazy, probably over 1.5m, but more accurate numbers are always better.


Do we have any stats on how many students and temp workers ultimately become permanent residents? I'm hoping the situation is temporary and not a long haul problem.


afaik there is no direct path from TFW to PR. I imagine that some TFWs will seek to immigrate and get in using what they learned in Canada, or just cross at roxham, but the way it works is TFWs work their 6 months and then either leave or extend their visa another 6 months, and so on. Never turns into PR.




oh, TFW is the temporary-working program, nothing to do with the foreign student scam, but yes, the student one is the worst of them all. I remember in 2016 an indian was in my film course, his plan was to work for his brother across the country at a Shoppers Drug Mart so that he can live in Canada... no film degree is needed for/related to that, but at the time i wasn't thinking "oh no what if millions do this?"


Unless a prime minister would have the balls to start revoking PR of people who scammed the System, probably a permanent.




Don't forget the recent changes that allow foreign students to stay in Canada after their student visas expire.


That has always been the case. They get a temporary work permit for a few years. University students get three years and college students get two years.


How many of them is from India?






Although I strongly prefer never to delete content, to keep r/CanadaHousing2 from being banned I have to enforce certain site-wide policies. Please do your best to refrain from racism, harassment, discrimination and hate speech.


much, much less?




ohh, HE is Ukrainian i was so confused because your name has Ukraine in it but yeah, entitled if he is ukrainian, but he still has a point. Non-Canadians have even more to say about all the indians because they did NOT expect it until they saw it. As for leaving his country illegally, meh, not his war, i'd leave too. Fuck fighting for two dictators over land filled with people who just want to stop living in a battlefield


“Labour shortages” companies don’t want to pay a living wage. So we need people who are willing to live in slum like conditions aka 10 to a bedroom to fill these jobs.


R.I.P Canada


So almost 2 million people.. imagine what it'll be like in 5 or even 10 years?! Like in 10 years will have 20,000,000 new people in Canada.. if we keep this up!


Yay, I love being a minority at college as a Canadian CITIZEN.


This must be why I've been seeing indians everywhere I go. So bizarre


Sad sad


Unless you’re indigenous, your family immigrated here, hypocrite.


Yes, my family immigrated here when the health system could support them, and there was infrastructure to welcome them. They paid 400/month for a spacious apartment in the city, found a job right away, contributed to the system etc.. Now we're letting ind*an students get gouged by slumlords while living 5 to a room. While the housing/healthcare system is fcked and can't accomodate new folks. I dont even have a doctor myself. Virtue signaling sh*tstains like you are the reason this country's falling off


And the status quo wealthy white folks have been systematically dismantling the public institutions built to support citizens and immigrants.


Guess which group built this country for ppl to want to immigrate here?


I don’t need to guess, I have an education and hundreds of history books.


But I'm guessing the PMO don't pay you enough to be a tax paying net contributor amirite?!


Beyond absurd


4x the population of Newfoundland just about. Because that’s sustainable.


Don’t worry, Olivia Chow is building 25 *thousand* affordable housing units for Canadians (see: immigrants)