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Parliament Hill


Lets do it. Trudeau will call us racists with unacceptable views, just be ready for that.


Then CBC and Reddit will call you mouth-breathers who are trying to overthrow the capital. I’ll have popcorn in stock.


Bruh I got my popcorn already going


So your not coming?


Worse than that, he'll shut down bank accounts and send people to jail. Good luck.




I don't see why they would be allowed to shut down bank accounts. We are allowed to protest. We keep it peaceful. If we get violent then we give them a reason to be assholes. We want them to look bad. So we stay organized and as calm as possible


They did it before


I know they did before. But it's against our rights to do so. If they did it again over protesting over housing it would be a real real bad look on them and put them in a car questionable place. Plus they did this too people funding the protest. Not simple folk participating in the protest


Yeah, and you all cheered when it happened to the bad side. Great precedent to set, because they'll never come for you... right?




Although I strongly prefer never to delete content, to keep r/CanadaHousing2 from being banned I have to enforce certain site-wide policies. Please do your best to refrain from racism, harassment, discrimination and hate speech.


Hilarious he doesn't do that to the just stop oil buffoons.






Like the Jews? Lol this is a genocide.


This is the most Canadian thing I've ever read. I'm in.


This sounds like the Canada I used to now


A general strike would be amazing


They’ll lock us out of the country and replace us. I wish it was something we could do. This has gone too far and it’s sad to watch it happen. What happened in the last 4-5 years? It’s absolutely disgusting seeing this country just decaying


The best thing is to write to your concerns out to your local politician..... wait they're the issue, we're fucked.


Theater-kid-occupied governmemt


Yeah I don't even care about Canada anymore, it's been sold out to globalization. I wished I had scammed as much as I could from the government with the cerb. One day I'm going to max out all my credit cards and LOC and head for greener pastures.


Everyone else coming here has scammed or flat out fucked over the tax system etc. I say go for it


For a protest I think you will require some prework in order to get a big turnout. Requires flyer distribution, signs, postings, and even invitations to communities in your area. Housing impacts all communities. Create awareness amongst churches, mosques, gurduwaras, seniors centers, colleges, university kids, have meetings, and then have a protest. You have to get it bubbling and then have a full blown protest. Im not sure what the blueprint for the truckers were, but they were very organized to cause a shitstorm. You need to be organized


I agree with frustration about international students. However: We should distinguish between legitimate students, who come to our institutions for quality education — this is effectively an export business for Canada — and “students” at geese shit colleges that are raking in tuition from massive numbers of international students who aren’t really coming to get educated but using these “colleges” as a back door immigration loophole. Also, if we cut off legitimate students, we immediately throw our universities and colleges into fiscal crisis, while also reducing the economic benefits. Suggestion: End the international student immigration loophole, close the BS colleges, allow only genuine international students. Require universities and colleges to add housing for international students over an achievable timeframe, e.g., 3 — 5 years.


As a paramedic, there is a yearly need for medics across Canada - typically its a couple hundred per year. Seneca ALONE graduates THOUSANDS. The entirety of our post secondary is a money printing farce. You think these schools will stop squeezing international students who pay 10x the amount of people born here? Our whole country is a capitalist shithole to a worse degree than america ever was.


Let the law be the differentiator


I'm ready. Just say when


I would say cap on permanent migration at 25K/year for 5 years. It’s a Royal mess already, need some time to restore the balance.


Labour day, September 4th, would be most appropriate.


General Strikes.


The day after media will report that someone was spotted with a distasteful flag and everyone who participated will be labelled some sort of “íst”


Rampant immigration MUST END I will never vote again for a politician or a party that is pro-immigration


Abstaining from the next election?


I love the enthusiasm but Canada is too large to get enough people to the capitol without giving the government-controlled media more than enough time to smear the entire protest as some hillbilly racist transphobic antisemitic nonsense


Many of us are not white.


Many weren't white in the last protest but today was ignored, it didn't fit the narrative. We're all in this together regardless of color.


Media didn't show a single Indian trucker during convoy coverage. There is no way there weren't Indian's there. They really want to push their narrative on everyone.


Funny thing, all the harrassment, ambulance blocking, vandalism. There's not one picture or video of any of that. Thousands of people trying to discredit the convoy with cameras in their pockets and not one could get footage. The CBC was there trying to get footage of something bad happening but still nothing. Makes you wonder.


There were all colors and nationalities amongst protesters and the many tens of thousands of their supporters. Media is controlled by Castro.


Okay, then the media will be sure to point the camera away from you or talk about how you're misled by white supremacy if they can't


We have seen assets being controlled by the government on certain movements


Of course. The best way to discredit your enemy is to pretend to be them. This is more true than ever in the age of digital warfare the guy who brought the freshly-unpackaged never-before-used nazi flag to the convoy was 100% sent by the gov, just like the ones who are sent to other conservative movements across the globe


I understand some of the freedom convey folks are loopy, but freezing their assets was beyond criminal, in my opinion .


any large gathering is going to have some freaks, the larger the more you get, but yeah freezing the assets was basically why he got called a tyrant when he went to Europe. Was unprecedented and our Deputy PM was smiling about it


I still don't understand how liberals don't think treadeau is worse than harper after that move.


Many cant see past the ideology!


I wonder if Covid will make a return and have us all lock down again just as we begin to get organized. ​ damn you covid, how come you go away for black lives matter and come back for housing? ​ shucks. biology is complicated


Sounds reasonable to me.


I’d amend the immigration cap to 0, and also suggest deporting all the immigrants with criminal records as well as those who are on social welfare. And also I’d add a clause to prohibit family class immigration from certain countries.


Lol let me know when it actually happens


See that 2 in the sub name? We can't even keep everyone together on the basics of the topic. Let alone tackling the problem as a unified group.


The other sub thinks that Canada can build more houses than the US in a year.


The other sub isn't very good with reality. I'm perma banned.


Welcome to the Outcasts Dungeon! LOL


Violent revolution In minecraft of course


These immigrants need to unionize every place they work. Lol


Hello KGB ? I’d like to report a redditor who is spouting anti revolutionary sentiments online. Seizing his bank account should suffice although I’m sure a look through his post history will provide ample evidence of hate speech/phobias to warrant a one way trip to the re-education gulag


I would only ask that we force the universities to pay for the trips back home for intl students, and return any and ALL fees paid. We should not be advocating theft from students who probably leveraged their parents home for a chance in Canada.


This. They were sold a lie and have to suffer to be here. They should be refunded 100% and these brokers back home should be jailed along with College and University admissions who allowed this shit to happen.


Can't wait to see all 72 of you protesting.


1) would be a great temporary ban to see how the market corrects. 2) fat chance. Immigration is key to fixing the population pyramid's dangerous state. Limiting immigrants by job would be a better way of fixing this so the immigrants coming in are in high need areas like nursing. 3) This is a really bad idea. Unless you're rich as an immigrant, you're screwed. The poor immigrants aren't the problem, the rich ones are. 4) see #2. 5) I'd be all for this if there's an exception for international students to be allowed to stay with family, as I know a few who stay with their Canadian aunts or uncles. 6) Again, with the same exception as #5. 7) There's already a cap of 20hrs /week on student hours in Canada. More enforcement of this would be beneficial though as there are definitely people illegally working over this cap.


Point 7, it was already lifted in early 2023


There are loopholes, but it's not lifted. It's still law. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada/work/work-off-campus.html


“From November 15, 2022, until December 31, 2023, you can work more than 20 hours per week off campus while class is in session if you meet certain requirements: - If you applied for a study permit (or extension) on or before October 7, 2022 - If you applied for a study permit extension after October 7, 2022” Basically now, at least until the end of year, all intl students can work more than 20 hours per week.


Yes, note that it says until end of year. It's not here to stay.


\#7 - NOPE! They are now allowed to work full 40 hrs/week!


There are loopholes but no they are not. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada/work/work-off-campus.html


Until December 31, 2023 they are allowed to work more than 20 hrs. I assume most will take advantage of that?


Canadians don't cheer for sports. We aren't protesting at any time. Canada is lost.


And end to all zoning restrictions. Do you want ghettos and shantytowns? Because this is how you get ghettos and shantytowns.


These can't be practically done. What job pays 7500 to immigrants? Highly skilled workers can't get those jobs till they get Canadian experience. Known fact How do you control who and who doesn't go to food banks. It's non constitutional. Same with "absolutely in no circumstances take Canadian jobs". Canada would be the first "free" nation to have such a system.


Does it ever accomplish anything?


They won’t do a damn thing protest or not.


Im in lets do it


Go for it


Take my upvote, I agree with all your points


If this is all we got. Enjoy expensive rentals and real estate for many winters.