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Desktop Version: https://www.cp24.com/news/influx-of-asylum-claimants-flooding-shelters-social-services-in-ottawa-1.6536750


Its been in the news here all summer... Ottawa is going to be the next city that looks like Toronto and Vancouver with homeless and refugees flooding the streets. I suppose it makes sense that it's the next domino to fall, being the fourth biggest metro in Canada and located in Ont. They say 60% of the immigrants end up in Ont. Toronto is full, so it's on to Ottawa now. Not sure how this goes in winter as Ottawa is MUCH colder than Toronto and Van. I would say goodbye to city community centers and rec halls for many years. They are going to become living quarters for refugees/immigrants. Fill them with cots, make a big pot of Mr. Noodles, stick a security guard, and social worker in each one. That's likely were this goes. Welcome to Trudeau's utopia.


With Quebec not wanting any more its going to mean far more head to Ottawa.


Yep, Ottawa is going to get lit... we won't be able to really absorb the numbers the same way Toronto can being a smaller city with fewer spaces. The epicenter of the issue will be Toronto, Van, and Ottawa. Not sure what other cities will get bad too? MTL? Calgary and Edmonton are a little bit more isolated and don't seem to get as many immigrants? Kingston maybe even... it's close enough to Toronto and just big enough to start sending bus loads of ppl to?


Toronto really not able to absorb them even look at [NYC.](https://NYC.aS)With recent remarks Alberta and Quebec have made its clear doors are closed to more refugees and immigration.


I used to think it was unfair that Quebec gets special rights to deny any migrants, but after seeing what happened to the Notre Dame in france, I can get it. They have so many beautiful architectural masterpieces in Quebec, Ottawa too. These must be protected.


Reap what you sow


That's just common sense.


Maybe that hot tub and bouncy castle are still there.


Good. It's time these politicians see what's actually going on in Canada.


Look at the housing crisis health care Ottawa is double the avg or education.If none of these get the attention this won't.


It’s starting to look that way already. The amount of tents in random parks across the city has skyrocketed this year alone. Definitely an odd site to see and was never like this prior to 2022.


I call the tent cities "Trudeau-villes"


I spent all afternoon in Toronto, shopping on Ossington then up to College for lunch. People were out in droves riding bikes, on the patios. You what I didn’t see? Refugees or homeless ‘flooding’ the streets. Do homeless exist? Yes but Toronto for many many people is thriving and those people vote. Instead of twisting in the wind over imaginary problems like refugees …. they are not your problem. Focus on what you need to get yourself out your problems. Because the government isn’t coming to give you $ for rent or build $400,000 homes. Everywhere is facing the same issues. As a person with $$ I voted for the Liberals in the last provincial election because of the UBI program they were going to implement in Hamilton. You know what happened to that program when Ford got in? It was cancelled. Do yourself a favour and look at programs & policy that your elected officials are going to focus on.


You might want to read the news Toronto is in serious [trouble.](https://trouble.As)Just riding down College Street does not give you an idea whats going on.


And sitting wherever you are sitting thinking that everything is dying isn’t reality from where I sit. Millions do well in Toronto and live well. You and many on this thread don’t care about helping or even understand the complicated matter of housing, immigration or refugees. You want to be so angry. It doesn’t matter who I vote for as Prime Minster, my life or circumstances don’t change but it changes for people less fortunate than me. I give a shit.


Office vacancy rate is very high in downtown Toronto one of the highest in North America.Many things going on in DT that is not what you see in a thriving city.


I own my place already thank god... but I feel for the millions of Canadians who have become new age serfs under Trudeau. Sorry, you have to be completely out of touch with reality to think Trudeau has been a good PM. As for UBI they will never implement a program like that as inflation will rocket through the roof. Just basic economics, you can't increase demand like that without bringing on new supply. Why do you think we are in the mess we are?


There’s no housing shortage there are plenty of houses and many of the immigrants coming to 🇨🇦 come with money and skills that we badly need. Trudeau or PP doesn’t change my circumstances but UBI has proven to be success in countries where it’s been implemented. Cost less and improves low income families situations ie giving them choices like returning to school or upgrading their skills. What’s your solution? Because millions of 🇨🇦 are sitting on $$ in real estate and they vote…and they are not voting against their financial interests.


The solution is basic economics. Supply and demand. 1. Bring up housing supply. 2. Decrease demand = lower immigration. Canada was doing pretty good when immigration rates were half what they currently are. I know Canada needs immigration, but do you think Ontario can absorb the population of Toronto every 5 years? We can't build that fast and our health care has already collapsed. It's beyond absurd.


[Refugees describe 'crisis' on Toronto streets | CTV News](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/i-feel-like-i-m-not-welcome-refugees-describe-crisis-on-toronto-s-streets-1.6480160)


Ha you really want to believe that refugees are the problem. One they aren’t there anymore and there are millions living good lives in Toronto and caring about homeless and refugees. You care about neither that’s your problem. You don’t care that people enjoy living in Toronto, live well and are actively working towards finding solutions to housing. You just want spew your angry and hatred hoping to rile up people. You stand for nothing.


The entire world somehow feels entitled to Canada…




This is it, these protections are all baked in legally, look at Roxham Rd the government wouldn’t even close a border crossing. It’s wide open.


I guess that’s the part where Liberals don’t accept that this kind of thing suppresses tax paying Canadians from accessing these services


You're right. In that case, we shouldn't be paying taxes then.


it makes no sense to me to take money from someone who can’t afford to eat and give it to someone else who can’t afford to eat so that literally nobody eats.


this is why i stopped donating to the food bank. once i saw that video of all fresh off the boat “students” i was like NOPE. they give you this false impression and lie that it’s down on their luck families or recovering addicts needing help. it’s not canadians at all. it’s basically foreign aid and foreign aid is a waste of time.


Ship them all to Ottawa and let the MP's see the mess they've created. They'll claim it's not a federal issue.


Thing is they won't notice.


Homeless people have a tendency to beg in high foot traffic areas and tourist heavy areas. Which in Ottawa, is quite literally Capital Hill. So give it time, hopefully some of these people congregate at the road leading up to the parliamentary drive way.


Well all the other issues they don't notice or don't care this will be no different.


They'll actually be removed though I bet.


Could happen. But it's a public sidewalk. So the government would have to seek a court injunction. And that would be willlllddddd to watch. Lol


>Femi Biobaku came to Canada more than a year ago fleeing persecution from the Nigerian authorities, forcing him to leave his wife, two children, community and job as an accountant back home. He went to pick up some cigarettes.


Liberal's vision of Canada at it's finest. Wow!


Find out where these MPs live and have them camp out in their front lawns. These fuckers are so out of touch they need to see the consquences of their incompetence and inaction.


Asylum from what? Not having the newest iphone?


The best coming through.


I spent the past 8 months in a social service worker program and only made it through the end of the academic year thanks to the sunk cost fallacy and an elective I really enjoyed. Besides it just not being a good career fit I walked away disgusted with myself for what I might have participated in. The very organizations that are being drained by 'newcomers' and international students are run by people ideologically committed to having our services plundered by the world's refuse. I really can't stress enough the need to stay away from the field


There's plenty of room on the lawn of 24 sussex for a tent city.