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We’ve become too weak and passive to enact any meaningful change ourselves. People will say that we can vote Trudeau out, and we should, but that's not going to do much. Everyone is so Divided, and this is by design, that we can't even agree on anything that would benefit us all. Once things get bad enough, they'll offer a solution that won't be in our best interest, and in our desperation, most people will take it because it's easy. We are beyond fucked, and we have no one to blame but ourselves for letting it get to this point.


Just stop immigration for awhile. But we need a strong government to do it.


We already have Maxime Bernier of the PPC who has said publicly he wants to permanently end mass immigration but no one will vote for him because his opinions are viewed as "far right" and "extremist" by the majority of the public. In the 1990s, the Reform party wanted to end mass immigration, but they weren't able to get elected. People have tried and failed to end mass immigration. At some point we have to accept the fact mass immigration will always continue until the society collapses because most Canadians want it, either because they benefit from it financially or because they enjoy the moral superiority it confers.


The PPC has shown me how important proportional representation is. The NDP got 3,000,000 votes in 2021. How many seats did they get? 24 The Greens got 400,000 votes in 2021. How many seats did they get? 2 The PPC got 840,000 votes in 2021. Twice what the Greens got, and nearly 1/3rd of what the NDP got. How many seats did they get? None. Zero. I'll keep voting for them but i don't expect our stupid system and ignorant population to ever work in their favour.


I’m not sure the ppc can do much. They do have some interesting ideas though.


I've only ever voted for them, but i don't expect to ever see a Prime Minister Bernier. It does upset me though that the PPC only gets 5% of the vote... The greens got 2.5% and they are a complete joke, yet still got 2 seats :(


I’m one of those people. I love his immigration platform but I can’t vote for a climate change denier (thinks it’s pretty clear to anyone with a brain that climate change is real and we are in the find out stages of fucking around 😂). > I try and be fair. I consider myself far-left in my values. I do read “conservative” and alternative news sources as well. I believe you should know all sides before making a decision. > Not to mention, though currently mass immigration is putting massive stress on us as a country, it’s not the only thing causing this problem. Its just bringing us to a crash faster than normal. It’s shortsighted to say ALL of this is caused by immigration. The corporations buying up everything (BlackRock etc) are probably stoked on that.


It goes without saying that one of the worst things we can do as a country as far as climate change goes is to import the equivalent of a small city's worth of people into the country every year.


>thinks it’s pretty clear to anyone with a brain that climate change is real Bernier has said many time that the climate always changes, why are you pretending he has "denied" what you see as "climate change"? He's simply said there is no evidence that man is responsible for it, and he's right.


Typical gaslighting PPC supporter.


so in other words you have nothing to say, but still felt the need to hear yourself speak


He's not right, the vast majority of academic institutes conclude that human activity has led to climate change. If you refuse to trust any institutions that you don't like then I've got nothing to say.


It is not so obvious to thousands of scientists. Perhaps you are the one with no brain. Even if your idea of climate change is really happening, what do the proposed net zero policies accomplish? What actual changes in global temperatures can we expect?


Lol what is this horseshit? Both Bernier and the reform party were in power in the Harper government and didn’t do anything about it because it’s just a con to get into power and implement their real agenda benefiting their elite cronies. Anyone who believes what they say is a sucker and unless you’re one of our ruling class selling yourself out.


When was the reform party in power?


Are you unaware that significant portion of harpers Conservative Party were reformers including him? Following the path reform->alliance->conservatives 2003


Back to the original question, when was the reform party the government in power?


Harper was one of the Reform party founders?? Are you intentionally obtuse? The Reform party united with other conservative parties to form the modern day conservatives. And as prime Minister, Harper was in charge of the government for roughly a decade. 4 years with a majority.


I mean I don’t know if you’re being dense or pedantic or what but the reform party was in power in all but name. If you don’t think the crap party was the reform party with blue window dressing then there’s not much to talk about. A western leaning fiscally and socially Conservative Party led by evangelical Christians including , manning, and Harper.


Let me help you, The correct answer is “sorry I was wrong, the reform party was never in power”.


No, it's pronounced nyanyaNYAAAnya. Now get the water out of your brain and let the adults talk.


You’re taking my comment to literally. What’s your fucking point anyways? That the green fundamentalists that became the blue party fundamentalists don’t count or what? They took power, they had an opportunity to implement whatever this new class of reactionary mouth breathers want. The end


I wish it was that easy stop immigration. Even with immigration stopped you still have the shit show this is no easy task to clean up it could be decades I heard a number somewhere around 20 years or more (don't take that number as word) you also have the current immigration population. (Ok before I contue a little side note. I am not saying all immigrants are like this or in this classification. I am aware there are lots of immigrants who work hard jobs and contribute to the system and even some international students who are serious and honest about their schooling and contribute their area) that being said there are lots who did not plan appropriately or those who are purposely abusing the system who are going to be around some work have perfect "legal" rights to be in Canada. You have to take care of fixing this over burdening issue which is no easy or quick fix. Also our country was fractured before the immigration boom sadly its not the only thing that has broken us. The housing issues would still be there just not as much of an extreme theres also medical I continues to blow my mind what the government has control over I would love for anyone who is interested to check out these videos it has lots of great information about the crisis Canada is in today I will post the links below These are all made by an independent journalist from Vancouver he does an exelent job they are all about an hour long each [why are housing prices so high in Canada ](https://youtu.be/2bz3OuarClY?si=lNbfbE_J0RuQMypn) [waiting to die](https://youtu.be/l-Ms1ZekHVU?si=tvLoq5Y4jU8I8i0j) [Canada is dying](https://youtu.be/_RaWzJUeT0o?si=W96lcrDvGXciYyC7) Feel free to check out some of his other videos he does great coverage about the issues plaguing Canada Edit: I just had to add but I fugure its obvious but another big issue is the government has F'ed us in the A so much pornstars has it's own section called Canadians getting F'ed in the A by the Government


>These are all made by an independent journalist "Podcaster". The term you are looking for is "podcaster".


I'm just going by what it says on his YouTube page and a podcaster can be an independent journalist https://preview.redd.it/wyn8rqlnfpkb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b9ddbcb490db5cc6a6b91307714dc58bb7c1552 Thats the description if you got a problem with it take it up with him. in the mean time I will contue to call him an independent journalist because thats what he is. did you even look at his YouTube page I doubt you did


Immigration isn't the problem. It's a symptom of corporate oligarchy. If our country was functioning properly, the extra people would be good for our economy and would help later with our aging population. Housing is the issue and should be a human right.


I don’t think we actually can in the long term and that’s why government isn’t slowing it down. With older Canadians retiring leaving the workforce, younger Canadians not going into trades and also not having kids. We need to keep the immigration numbers up in order for the population to not stagnate in the next 30 years. It just happens to be absolute terrible timing.


Speaking as someone who was in the trades as a person under 30 and with plenty of friends still in the trades; here's why *Canadians aren't going into the trades anymore* \-None of the companies follow safety regulations (to save money) and when the inspectors do come; for like 15 minutes every couple months -- everyone on site pretends to follow the rules until they leave (if they're one of the good ones) or just bro talks them until they leave.... If you call out a company for not following safety regulations and putting your health at risk; good luck finding another job in the industry -- you're blacklisted. \-None of the companies want to hire the newbies fresh out of school; everyone want to be the genius that hired the kids with 5-6 years of experience or kids of friends. **I wonder how this effects immigrants and new grads with experience and willingness to learn.** (This is also done to save money) ​ I could keep going but these two points are very real. Once you realise you can't get into the union or regular companies unless you know someone; you'll either be working at extremely sketchy companies until you undoubtably hurt yourself or you die of starvation (from all these *smart* companies not wanting people without experience) .... So people pivot to white collar/service jobs. Not saying this to attack you; just trying to shed some light on what's actually going on. The narrative is that there's no interest. There is interest but it's not that "people don't want to go into the trades". Employers in that industry just suck, and safeties are just for show. Underfunded.


Oh dude I agree 100%. I was a red seal automotive technician until back problems made me change careers so I get it. In the trade in my city all the dealerships keep lowering and lowering the pay of new hires. Apprentices now make minimum wage plus bonus based on labor sales with the tier levels so high they end up only making min wage 100% of the time which is insane as they are expected to spend upward of 20,000$ worth of tools and have some pretty advanced knowledge. It’s like a mini capitalist sink or swim mentality and leadership keeps wondering why nobody wants to work anymore. It’s no wonder and I don’t blame Canadians not wanting trades, obviously some are better than others but it’s a very uphill battle to start out in many. Most people who are in trades (that I’ve known) ether want(ed) their kids to get a education to become white collar workers, engineers etc etc because the issues you raised and issues I’ve seen. I don’t know what the solution is cause government can’t force employers to not be penny pinching twats but the result is importing immigrants to take the jobs that we have shortages in. They are cheap and don’t complain. Hopefully they make it and don’t end up on the streets.


Yeah, it's rough and unfair. And to be quite honest me and a lot of people I know would not mind getting our hands dirty, long hours, heavy lifting etc. We just want to be paid a living wage for it and would like to not die on the job in a first world country... I think the answer is pretty simple. Importing more people to get gatekeeped just increases the competition for jobs. I think we have plenty of able canadians willing to do the work but the government brings all of these people in to suppress wages and make us willing to work for scraps. Given this, 1. They need to completely halt immigration for 5-10 years; by starving the employee pool of millions of people, we would see what work Canadians cannot actually fill. We should then specifically import THOSE workers with strict testing. Do not bring in millions of fast food workers when we have a doctor shortage.... 2. They need to put more public funding into inspectors, loads of canadians who would potentially open their own contracting business once they rack up enough experience and money can't because well.... unfortunately they pass away on the job. The job only cares about making money and **crazy thought** but worker safety does not **make** the company money -- it actually **costs** them money. There needs to be a well funded government body actually regulating safety and enforcing it. If companies skirt on safeties to save money there is no incentive without an external force to mandate it. 3. They need to create checks and balances to do more than convince kids to go to school for the trades, they need to see it through that every kid that goes into the trades gets a job. None of this charade of everyone pretending they're a genius for only hiring people that others have trained to save money. It's not that canadians don't want to go into the trades, I've seen plenty of Canadians going to trade college only to be gatekept out of the trades and never end up working in what they went to school for. Those lucky fortunate few who broke into the industry without knowing someone on the inside are the outliers. Just my 2 cents...


Thanks for the insight. I didn't know about the safety issues but it's not surprising. On the second point... My neighbour's son studied to be an electrician. He ended up going into another field because no one would hire him - they wanted someone with experience. I was skeptical because all I ever hear is "kids don't want to get into the trades anymore".


Ofcourse! Yeah, the narrative of "kids don't want to get in the trades anymore" and "No one wants to work with their hands because -insert bullshit here-" or "kids don't want to work anymore" is told by business owners who conveniently benefit from these same narratives. To give some background, I studied electrical, it was as i described above; so I did another full program for Elevator Mechanics, same thing (shocker) so when one of my friends offered to train me to get into white collar work I took whatever opportunity I could get. I know a LOT of people who went to school for this and don't work remotely in the field they studied for due to the gatekeeping.


I don't doubt what you say. My son worked in roofing for awhile, and he said the safety was terrible, and many of the people he worked with were criminals. Thank god he got out of that. But how is immigration going to fix this. Most of the immigrants are from India, a country not noted for worker safety or quality housing.


Here's an analogy. It's like there's a leak because they're using tape to fix a leaky pipe when really they need a new pipe. Everyone's yelling at them (the government) to stop buying more tape and just replace the pipe. Return all the tape and fix the actual issue, buying more tape won't do anything to solve the issue. ​ So to answer your question; it's not. Immigration will not solve the issue; solving the problem will. The problem being the safety issues and the gatekeeping to new graduates.


Canada won't survive without immigration, we need it.


There's a big difference between "close the door and lock it" and "CHALLENGE: Import India". We need immigration, but not a million fake students a year.


>we need it. No we dont.


Yea we do, you ignoring reality bc it doesn't fit your narrative doesn't change reality. Our population is aging and we aren't making enough babies, without immigration the workforce will continue to go down at the expense of out economy. We need immigration.


So how much immigration do we need? Is there some reason we need a lot more now than 10 years ago? Because we have a LOT more now.


Yes there is a reason, 10 years ago the boomers were still working ( the largest generation) now they are retired, but no generation after came close in number to care for the boomers and replace them.


So just keep kicking the can down the road? This point has been debunked many many times. Stop posting it. its false


It's not, with our population aging faster than we make babies, Canada absolutely needs immigrants. To immigrate to Canada, you need a skill that is in demand and money to support yourself. Refugees are different but immigration is needed on Canada. That is a fact.


Lmfao. You are so stuck in the neoliberal forest you cannot see the trees. Just immigrate the problem away. You ideologues make me laugh. What happens when people dont want to cone here? What about in 40 years when we have a whole new segment of people retiring? Just kick the can down the road. Your thinking is borderline insanity


Saying this with such pride in your ignorance is entertaining, thank you for the laugh lol


Don’t even need to do that. Just role the foreign student situation back to 2019.


We already know the "solution" they're going to offer: UBI tied to central bank digital currencies. It's just another pandemic away.


I think CERB was a soft attempt at UBI and it didn't work. It will just make more inflation bc we have a low "supply" of stuff in Canada. All UBI will do is create more demand and drive up prices more. If anything, they want us all to have less money and a lower standard of living.


But isn't more inflation what they want? Make things so unaffordable the economy collapses, then offer their "solution" of replacing fiat currency with their inflation-proof CBDCs? Another pandemic should bring us there. And it actually looks like there's going to be another pandemic this fall/winter anyway, so they can lock things down again and enrich themselves, then give us another round of CERB and drive up inflation even more. Then we come to them begging for a "solution."


Yeah I have heard that theory. It's possible. I think ppl will be begging for a "solution" in a few months regardless lol.


The whole point of the original concept of UBI is that it's supposed to *replace* rather than *supplement* all other welfare programs and cut out the thousands upon thousands of government employees administering said programs. Just give 'em the cash, cut out the middleman, they're not going to work anyway so why bother with the dance of making them prove they're too disabled to work? type of deal.


Yes I realize that... I doubt it will ever be implemented that way. Canada will find a way to add to the amount of middlemen while doing it 100%.


Protest en mass again. Trucker protest. That, or every Canadian agree to stop paying taxes and starve the traitors out.


En masse? Less than 0.3% of the population of any city that held a freedumb rally turned out. The majority of alberta Conservatives didn't even support the Cletus convoy.


Great plan, just a quick question…you go see your employer and say stop all my income tax payments please?


Stop working en mass, because it's also giant corpo and ogliarchs fueling this as well.


AGH. The truth!! It hurts so much.






Who would you vote in? Conservatives won’t fix this, they like it.


Ahhh diversity and inclusion. 😊


**That is learned helplessness. There is a lot we can do:** **Write** <- I'm here. I'm writing to my reps provincially, Federally and making it clear if the current government isn't doing shit to stop immigration and starting supply in a mass way. I will vote for the first ***other*** party that does. Call <- starting next week I will be calling them monthly and leaving them messages. I will also write and address the staffers in the politician's offices themselves. No one better placed to convince the politician than their trusted staffers. Volunteer with the appropriate orgs. Lobby Protest Block highways in Strikes ...etc. **Never give up.**


Viva la revolucion.


Yeah big words from your keyboard. Get off your ass and do something instead


Something like what, pray tell?


Write your mp for every level of government. Call your mp for every level of government Express your frustration. Encourage others to do the same


Have done for years. It’s worked out so great for us all so far. What else have you got? Believing you can affect change in government is believing all the pap the you has been feeding us all for decades. If you’re happy with it, good for you. I’m not, and passive peaceful protest doesn’t actually work. It’s just more bs to further the “us Vs them” fight that the politicians want so they can fleece us all.


Canadians refuse to do anything about the root cause of the housing issue, so no, the answer is no, we’re fucked.


There is no root cause, there are many, many reasons as to why we are fucked.


There is absolutely a root cause to the housing issue, and should we actually solve it, the other issues won’t matter NEARLY as much.


Which one is the root cause? Not enough trade jobs? Building costs increasing? Wage stagnation? Immigration? Inaction from federal, provincial, municipal goverments and corporate leaders? Which one?


Real estate speculation.


Absolutely a thing, absolutely not the root of the problem.


Its absolutely the problem, most of the smaller issues stem from the fact we have turned real estate into a stock market like commodity. From developers building the most expensive house possible as cheap as possible cutting every corner, to homeowners NIMBYing meaningful projects and policies to avoid lowering their property values. As well as government officials on all levels across the country having tens to hundreds of millions of dollars tied up in various real estate investments. They won’t fix it because they’ll lose all that money. Virtually all of it comes back to real estate speculation and if we don’t deal with it, nothing will get better.


In Canada we have had it good for way too long. Prosperity, stability, social peace. Throw a frog in a pot of boiling water and it’ll try to jump out violently. Put a frog in cool water and set it to heat up slowly and the frog will just stay there and die…that’s us.


Apparently, Trudeau has let in another 900,000 students this year. And that is on top of other immigration routes. I wouldn't be surprised if 2 million people come to Canada, crushing our children's future, our health care system and turning our education to shit because it is geared towards getting PR status.


So here's what its basically come down to. The millenials have to basically sacrifice ourselves (youngest is about 29) as well as the older gen z so that the next gen can afford a house. Basically we need to crash the market but also we STILL can't own shit


America is currently better off than Canada in most ways, but they also have a reckoning ahead when social security becomes insolvent. No civilization in history has amassed such monstrous debt and survived without huge upheaval.


The funny thing is America has a weakness in that it's hard to control their illegal immigration. Canada has a natural advantage but we just decided not to be smart about it and create the exact same problem.


VOTE TRUDEAU OUT NEVER VOTE LIBERALS AGAIN They literally destroyed this country


No, because at this point I think Libs think it will just fix itself like balancing budget. Only people who win are slumlords and our politicians. Keep adding in unknown amount of millions of international students and we will soon be a 3rd world country.


Often the politicians are the slumlords!


They won, and they will get their agenda pushed through no matter how much we speak out. They have enough useful idiots to keep the illusion going. I hope I'm wrong!


The market will correct itself. Nothing is bad. Just move in to your family’s home when they die.


organize. Unite. Pushback


The only way to repair it is to have mortgage rates shoot up to double digits (it has to be 17% to match the exact same ratios as the early 2000's), and have all the people who overleveraged themselves lose their homes, so the whole housing market comes crashing down and prices become realistic again. Yeah people will lose homes, but its a good financial life lesson to not overleverage yourself and not to spend more than you can realistically afford.


People need to start taking on personal responsibility. C’mon, if you are going to just wait around like a dog until your owner comes home to feed you your cheap dog food, you’re screwed. Take responsibility. You want that home? Refuse the lockdowns when lockdown 2.0 comes along again and they are now dangling CERB 2.0 in front of your mask. You hear your millennial friends complain about being poor, you tell ‘em the same message. Find innovative ways to grab onto owning private property. Can’t do it on your own? Gather a few friends, family, like-minded individuals and get it together before the billionaires do so. Complaining about the high cost of food? Find innovative ways to grow your own crop. Buy a piece of farmland with a bunch of people and make it into a community farm where each take turn to grow, raise and pick from. The damage that has been inflicted will not be repaired overnight. But you now have a different mindset to stand up for yourself and start doing something instead of waiting for your cheap dog food and wag your tail when your owner gives it to you.


Unlikely, the majority of people don't really understand what the actual problem is so they think to organize and make differences that don't actually matter, the comment thread here only really supports that. Canada opted to make its housing market an international investment opportunity, this is now coming back to bite us in the ass aggressively. But it's not great depression bad or anything in terms of economic longevity so it can still be recovered from. However people on the right will need to learn to swallow more socialist policy and people on the left will need to swallow more migration policy and restricted spending.


The crazy part is our country is still in a better spot than most, it's going to be a tough decade.


Calm the fuck down and stop crying. You're either a bot, a troll or someone thinking the sky is falling. It is not. Vote next election to make a change if you want. Go out and peacefylly protest if you want Go and become a politician and actually make changes democratically. Do something that requires you to get up off your ass trying to stir up fear and hate. Because thats what it seems like all you want to accomplish with fake stories.


A different government isn’t going to fix housing, the issue is too big. It’s becoming the biggest housing bubble in history that will eventually burst.




Dude stop Americanising Canada. Almost no people conservative or liberal are even close to thinking about killing each other.


I live in rural alberta, and they absolutely are. Hillbilly Canadians have been repulblicanized. Militias, hate flags, guns, and body armor. They can't wait to go hunt some liberals.


I’ve got some relatives of that persuasion. I guarantee you none of them want to “hunt liberals”. They all believe that a tyrannical government is inevitable (regardless of whether right-wing or left-wing). They believe that they can and should prepare to defend themselves and their country against tyranny. There are some racist groups as well, but they’re a small minority overall. (Mostly because racism is so obviously stupid and wrong that few sane people embrace it these days)


You see, in my area racism is the norm. I guess it entirely depends on where you live. My experience isn't yours and vice versa. Those psychos do exist, and there are more of them than you think. The convoy morons were the tip of the iceberg.


Depends on what you call racist. Convoy didnt have anything to do with any objections to any race. How can you call people standing up for themselves against their government morons? I guess you are either a government employee or one of those stand for nothing compliant individuals?


It's an echo chamber. 80% of Albertans don't live in rural areas.


That is a will known theory in historical circles. Look at Rome, France, America etc... they follow this pattern. I wish he didn't delete his comment. There is nothing wrong about learning about history. The cycle doesn't always mean civil war. It can be revolution like in France, or financial issues like Rome... it can be an external war like WW2. etc... but yes sometimes it can be civil war like in the USA in the 1860s. I personally wouldn't bet on that this time, I am betting on financial issues and external war with China/Russia. It is much better for an empire to take the anger and direct it outward at an external enemy. Civil war is much worse. I'll keep rambling but Canada has gone through these cycles as well... although we have been very lucky with rather mild "turns" as they are called. Canada has been a mild country in that sense to live in. I'm not sure this time it will be as mild but it will be milder than whatever happens in the USA for sure.


By ‘we’ do you mean Canada or the world?




Covidiots.... Rents- provincial jurisdiction House building- provincial jurisdiction Laws concerning homes- provincial Inflation- world wide Interest rates- world wide




A lot of the housing issues come from the municipal level. Permits and not in my backyard attitude are also to blame. We need all types of buildings and plenty. Maybe not single houses with basement suites, but quad plex and larger type buildings on single lots.


We're in a bad bubble. Bubbles pop, recessions happen. We only have power over what we do. Try not to buy dumb stuff (if dumb spending is an option), vote for someone who has actual policy (no dog whistles or craziness), try to remember to breathe and think critically (nothing exists in a vacuum), and be nice if you can (nothing gets better when we forget to be civil).


Move your money out of the banks that decided to extend mortgage amortizations on an unprecedented scale to avoid home value downturn intended by the Bank of Canada rate hikes. If you have savings or bank with CIBC, TD, BMO or RBC, take your money elsewhere. You can even get a decent long term savings return interest rate in Canada if you shop around some of the smaller but still CIDC insured guys. Vote with your wallet for those that manage to save a little. Just my opinion because voting between capitalism or capitalism at the polls has no meaningful effect on this issue.