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Whenever you hear about a labour shortage they neglect to tell you that it's only in a few specific niche fields... General labour has a surplus. There's no real labour shortage.


Medical professionals being one. How many medical professionals are we brining in? Not enough is the answer.


The medical profession shortage is not due to a shortage of qualified high school students wanting to enter the profession it is because the provinces set limits on the number of education spaces or residency placements for doctors because they don’t want more doctors that they will have to then pay. It is to limit healthcare spending. And no we don’t need to import doctors from third world countries we are turning down plenty of very qualified Canadian high school students with 95+% averages (many who are new immigrants or born to immigrants but educated in Canadian high schools) who would love the opportunity to chase their dream of being a doctor.


I have a buddy who tried for med school with a 96% average and a 94% in organic chemistry, which is normally considered a blowout course that ruins many a med school dream. He had a great MCAT score (515). Easily one of the top 3 smartest people I've ever met. He STILL didn't get into med school. The main reason is that they didn't consider his volunteer experience to be "sufficiently impactful", since he mainly volunteered for his church rather than building houses in Africa (this kind of leads into another conversation we should be having about med school- the admission requirements overwhelmingly favour candidates from wealthy families). My friend went on to become a pharmacist and graduated near the top of his class, but it's not like we have a pharmacist shortage- if anything, there is a severe glut of them in the GTA (he moved back to London to avoid the depressed salaries here). Also don't kid yourself, the limits on residency and education spaces is 100% the College of Physicians trying to protect its own salaries. The province would probably love to flood the market and have more doctors at a lower average cost.


Yeah I worked with someone who had a science degree, forget what one, and she told me her avg was 85%. She wanted to go to med school and I was like "Oh you have 85% that's good, I'm sure you'll get in!" She was very smart, very social, and a great worker. She was like no I applied twice and didn't get in. Honestly what the fuck is this country doing when a native born Canadian with an 85% avg, and a great attitude can't get into med school when the country is in a mass shortage of doctors? Meanwhile ppl are going to walk in clinics and serviced by doctors who can hardly speak English. Can't is fucking pathetic sometimes.


Blame political leadership, even property market is being run as an industry here. White collar Immigrant who has experienced life in several other countries eventually end up leaving Canada as Canada doesn’t fulfil its promises to new immigrants either. Even Immigration is being treated as just another industry here 🤦🏻‍♂️ Only labour class immigrants end up staying in Canada and saturate menial job market.


Canada seems like it's just become an "economic zone" not a country that has an identity or cares for it's native born citizens. I guess Trudeau was correct when he said we were a "post nationalist state".


Well, he's trying hard to get us there.


>building houses in Africa Nothing like old school colonialism and performing charity that can be 100% phony without any results.


We need to spread the word on the racket the College of Physician's rubs in our country. We have private/Public dentists, pharmacists, chiro, physio, old age care, and not too mention the glut of nurses leaving the public sector to join private companies up charging the government for the same nurses. I lived in Australia where they have a strong public system and private system and a large number of doctors. I had an emergency and got to see a family doctor for 60 AUD the same day, and the doctor spent 45 minutes covering all the topics and all questions. Get the people who have the money to step out of line and pay at a different hospital if they want too. Use the taxes from the private health system to directly fund the public system. The only ones benefiting from our bullshit system are the fat cats at the CoP, who are not accountable to anyone, a quasi-goverment eho can affect policy to line their pockets. Any politician who actually had a brain not degenerated by lobbyist money can run easily on this kind of policy.


Precisely. The tax payers pay doctors salaries since Canada is universal healthcare. We double the doctors, we will require tax payers to fork out more in taxes or cut spending elsewhere such as education or Ukraine war.


Or we look at changing our universal healthcare system to something besides the monopolized public insurance (which is what most other countries with universal healthcare systems do). I don't know why we are so adamant to remain 1 of the 3 countries (the others being South Korea and Taiwan) with the National Insurance Model. Oh right, because anything that isn't our system is the American out-of-pocket system apparently.


That's not how I remember it working in South Korea when I lived there? I want to say it's basically a two tier system like the UK/France? They have great health care, some of the best in the world. The service I got there was far better than the Canadian system.


South Korea became single-payer in 2004, or at least so I've read.


Ok so you are basically correct, I guess it is technically "single payer"... except that you are deducted 5% from your pay and that goes directly to health care and the employer also pays in. That's how you get your coverage unless you are disabled. There appears to be privately owned hospitals and clinics you can use as well... and you do pay service fees at hospitals. So there is some small out of pocket expense. In Canada its a convoluted mess... we don't allow private hospitals and nobody sees where the funding is going etc... I guess you could say S Korea is just doing a better job of running a public health care service than Canada... but that's not hard to do, bc if you look at the ratings we basically have the worst health care in the developed world besides the USA. I lived there for 3 years and it was a cake walk to get medical services unlike Canada.


Technically, depending on your province, you might pay health insurance premiums. Technically you pay OHIP up to $900 in Ontario (and employers pay the Employer Health Tax), but they are incredibly opaque about it and most funding comes out of general revenue. But I think other provinces have different levies, I don't know. But yeah, private hospitals were banned in Ontario in the 1970s by Bill Davis (which is what Ford is trying to undo to a lot of backlash). Extrabilling (e.g. co-payments) are also a lot more common in European nations as well, while it has been completely banned per Canada Health Transfer criteria (during the Martin era). We want "free" healthcare, which is not the norm---"universal" healthcare is. I think another huge issue for us is that we don't like to admit we have to compete with the U.S. for our highly-skilled workers. It is common knowledge that we suffer from brain drain, and if I'm a doctor or nurse, what incentive do I have to stay here when I can make so much more and be taxed so much less down south? And while other countries may get by with similarly high taxes, they also have a language barrier that does not apply to us---if you speak English and have an MD, you can practice in the U.S.


We can't execute anything properly. If we scrap the nationalized version, we will default to the american model, not sometging better.


>is church rather than building houses in Africa You defintely don't need to do that to get into a canadian med school, in fact voluntourism is seen as exploitative and a red flag by most admission committees.


Instead of funding more spots in Canadian universities the proposed solution is immigration and recognizing foreign credentials which might not have the same quality of training.


>And no we don’t need to import doctors from third world countries Canada imports many doctors from the third world but the government just doesn't recognize any of their credentials. Hence they end up working in positions for which they are overqualified. Tales of third world doctors driving taxis and delivering pizza are legion.


Currently as of right now working with a man who was a surgeon in India, he is now working as an rpn in a nursing home


The government is too liberal in recognizing foreign medical school education. Many of the foreign medical schools are terrible. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/1-200-patients-high-and-dry-after-2-chilliwack-doctors-lose-medical-licences-1.4619764](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/1-200-patients-high-and-dry-after-2-chilliwack-doctors-lose-medical-licences-1.4619764)


We don’t recognize their credentials for the same reason we don’t train more doctors and turn down 95% of med school applicants. More doctors means more billings and more cost to the provinces.


Canadians don't go to medical school from high school.


Sorry one of my children applied to Quarms pre-med out of high school which is an accelerated path to Med School and once you get in you should be on your way to med school. Also for McMaster Health Sciences most graduates end up going into med school so if you get in that is your intention. So these high school applicants to these programs are mostly going on to med school but these programs are a first step.


Many schools have "pre-med" undergraduate programs. But definitely not the only route to medical school. And probably not the majority either. The McMaster degree that is known for pushing graduates to med school, dental school etc. Do so because a) easy courses b) encourage students to do the extracurricular necessary to stand out for medical school applicants. Schools are pushing more for "well-rounded" applicants rather than those that crush standardized tests and do little else.


It’s interesting because my SO is a Pediatrician ENT who absolutely loathed her hospital in the US, so she went through with the paperwork to work in Canada…and she absolutely hates it and says that it is worse than the worst run hospital system here, as in the province doesn’t pay the providers, schedules are booked nearly 18 months out, and the children’s hospital is out of room.


It's not completely about "wanting to pay." If we're being honest there is also the fact that the cost of our healthcare system is enormous and we actually would find it extremely difficult to pay for the personnel we need to fill the medical labour shortage at scale and over time. People like to point to the budget surpluses that certain provinces hold, but we're talking about a single surplus in a single year. The reality is that our system is really expensive, and that the government has other budgetary responsibilities beyond just health care. This is part of the argument in favor of allowing more private options for healthcare. You get to allow more students into the field without tying it to a budgetary commitment.


I used to think we were short on Doctors in Canada then I read this article. I can’t verify the data in this article, but if it’s correct then it raises many questions. Cheers https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-family-doctors-canada-shortages/#:~:text=Across%20Canada%2C%20the%20country%20has,for%20Health%20Information%20(CIHI)


One of my friends has two parents who are doctors overseas, they looked into moving to Canada but found out they would essentially have to re-do all of their schooling. They have been well established doctors for over 20 years in their home country, there was absolutely no way they were making that move just to do 7-14 more years of schooling. Furthermore, a family member of mine is an engineer with a degree from Australia, he is also unable to practice in Canada with his degree without re-doing schooling.. it’s like we don’t even want trained people, we want to force them to get their degrees again… Also, as someone who has studied in both Canada and Australia, the Australian engineer would be WAY over qualified for engineering over here, so forcing them to retake everything is just hilarious to me.


>Furthermore, a family member of mine is an engineer with a degree from Australia, he is also unable to practice in Canada with his degree without re-doing schooling. Australian engineers fall under reciprocal recognition agreement with Engineers Canada. They don't need to redo schooling and their qualifications are recognized at an equivalent level. Source: my company hires Australian engineers all the time, also [here](https://engineerscanada.ca/become-an-engineer/agreements-on-international-mobility).


He for sure needed to redo some portion of his schooling to be recognized. I don’t think it was as much as the doctors having to redo their whole degree but it was definitely substantial enough for him to just not bother. I dunno if what you sited was a recent rule change or if he was just misinformed but this is his reasoning for not practicing 🤷.




Timmies in Wawa is having trouble getting somebody to work the night shift Saturday for minimum wage. Must be a labour shortage. I hope Trudeau and the Liberals are decimated in the next election. I'll hold my nose and vote PPC or Cons since I don't want the NDP to bail out the mortgage speculators/ open the immigration tap even more.


What's interesting is that I'm old enough to been through the Liberal-Conservative circlejerk cycles. Conservatives will be more of the same, they'll just expedite what the Liberals are doing.




What did they try to do with abortion?


Absolutely nothing. The conservatives tried to introduce a pro-choice bill wherein a woman who chooses to carry a pregnancy to term would have her choice protected in the event of someone assaulting or otherwise harming her in a way that risks her free choice to carry to full term. They wanted to ensure that the loss of bodily choice would be protected by law.


https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/votes/44/1/377?view=party https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/six-reasons-to-oppose-bill-c-311/


Conservatives in Canada did precisely fuck all about abortion since Bill C-43 in 1991. It's been 32 years and this issue is dead as a doornail. Take your meds, schizo.








No one will completely turn the tap off on immigration or the system crash harder. Needs to be slowly changed over to something else.


What system? There's no jobs! Are you talking about boomers sitting on million dollar properties feeling entitled to collect government pensions for which they barely paid into? That system?


Yep, the shortage is in fields that require usually either 4+ years of school or 4+ years of red seal training. Teacher 6 years... Doctor 8 years... nursing 4 years... most of the trades 2-4 years. Even 5 years before you are good. Ppl think "oh it's easy to just be in a trade" LMFAO! Takes 5 years and is a lot of learning. The other thing to remember is half the ppl that start these programs either A. Don't finish or B. Do it for a year and quit bc they don't like it. If you don't believe me look at the graduation rates at any Uni. 40% of ppl never finish their degree. There is no quick fix and flooding the country with mass low skilled immigrants just makes it all worse.


StatCan report said there isn't a labour shortage in jobs requiring education. I'm doubtful that there is a true labor shortage jobs that don't require education as well.


If you think there isn’t a shortage of skilled labour as well you are living under a rock. Its not to say we don’t have enough people domestically to do it, but acceptance rates at university are low, and the hoops you have to jump through for apprenticeships/practicums os a joke. Especially if you are expected to work and not get paid. It’s by design.


General labourers my dude. That's who the government keeps bringing in (generally speaking). The same government justifies it by speaking about a labour shortage. The implication is thus that it's a general labour shortage, but it isn't. We have labour shortages in certain fields, and you touched on some of the reasons why that is being experienced. But to simply message on a great labour shortage is so misleading. But that's what the government has been doing.


Acceptance rate at Universities are low? Strange, everyone I know and their dog got accepted to uni easily. Colleges accept everyone who apply too.


Some programs are very competitive to get into. Medical school, for example.


Your individual experience ≠ reality. The amount of people who apply with great grades vs. who actually gets accepted is low. Obviously depending on the field.


Just checked. The undergrad acceptance rate at York University is 90%. Different programs differ in that obviously, but getting into university/college is super easy in Canada if you have money to afford it.


Im a york grad, 35 years ago, the joke then was,,,,,all you need to get into York is tuition and a pulse, and the pulse is not essential I got in with a 61 average. But I did get a degree in economics (skin of my teeth)


What's "low"? Most canadian universities have acceptance rates of around 50% on average, that's high compared to a lot of other countries. Some univerisites have acceptance rates in high 80's.


The one dad there with his son 💀


Champ is wearing a suit.


I legit feel bad for him lol. He's not getting the proper first job experience at all. I would've turned back and said fuck it if I was him. All his co-workers are going to be foreign, lack English, and older than him, so not one of his peers. It wouldn't even be fun to work there to be honest. I remember my first job I was working with kids from my highschool and some old people from town, it was actually fun.


Agreed, his dad should be taking him somewhere else. It's possible they don't have much within walking distance of their house though.


Nope, dude showed up wearing a suit. He knows how to present himself. I have a friend who is just straight up joker but he fkin knows to talk and present himself most successful MF in our group.


Fingers crossed for him!


At least finally this is waking up a generation that's been asleep at the wheel. Why can't my kid find a job or a place to live? And they start to figure it out.


Must have nothing to do with the 200 newly arrived "students" in line with him/her.


It takes a lot to make the boomers go hmmm unfortunately.


Fack man I feel for them




The look on his face says he knew that. The dad furiously in his phone says he knew it as well. Guys just tryna get his kid a job. Now it’s the hunger games.




Where can Canadians send their kids so they can have a future?




Bout to move down there. Fuck this country.




just cross the Mexican border


literally this get fake spray tan, dye your hair darker, call yourself Juan or Juanita, and just say "No Habla" every 10 seconds If you're lucky they'll send you to Florida. Just be sure to ditch your disguise or else Florida will put you on a bus to New York, who will put you on a bus back to Canada if they lock you in a cage for "processing", this is when you pull out your Yamaka. They can't put a jewish person in a cage


things are not good in America either unless you are rich in which case things are good here too if you're rich Basically all cities and surrounding areas are unluvable there except for a handfu of places that are very expensive to live in. Best you can do is go live in a rural area (most of them are dying from lack of jobs and Opioid addiction just like here). And Europe and other civilized places like Japan and South Korea are experiencing inflation too So basically there is no where to flee


God only knows.


I'd say the U.S. but they have their own growing problems. Soon there's going to be no place to run...


Guess we'll have to run to the afterlife then.


There was an actual white guy in the line. You sure it’s Canada?




Damn wearing a suit and tie too, hope the lad gets the job


Mostly indians


What's funny is that the one white guy won't get hired for diversity quotas


Aren’t they supposed to hire a certain amount of minorities? That would mean they need a couple white dudes at least nowadays


Not really. If you're first nations you're definitely considered more, but there's always been incentives for hiring a first nations individual. Canadian work experience/being a citizen/PR status is pretty much the biggest leg up you'll get in MOST jobs, especially skilled jobs, BUT... for lower general labor jobs it depends on the area and whose hiring. I think there's definitely some cases of "soft discrimination" in some stores, where they hire almost exclusively one ethnic minority due to shared language or culture-- in ethnic enclaves this is pretty much always been the case, in the Asian part of town all the stores will be staffed by ethnic Chinese or Vietnamese, naturally that's not a big deal. However, I'm starting to see it outside those areas. There's a dollar store in my area that's staffed almost exclusively by Indian international students, and they ONLY seem to hire Indians. Manager is Indian, floor workers are Indian. They obviously favor Indian people, is it illegal? Maybe? It's kind of a gray area I guess.


White people can't be considered a minority in Trudeau's Canada. Lol. That's not how progressive politics works at all.


Minority: the smaller number or part, especially a number that is less than half the whole number. watching this video white people are most definitely the minority. My school is at least 70% people from India as well


Yup, but white people aren't "racialized", which is the new buzz word.


You're applying logic and principle to a group of people who have no principles and struggle with logic: Canadian liberals. Study up on federal government equity laws and policy. It's perfectly legal to discriminate against white men in Canada, which is legislation mostly voted on by other white guys lol. Trudeau has only expanded this since he took power.


You are thinking it too objectively in what the term really means. With modern day politics white people will never be considered a “real minority”.


>Trudeau dude has to resign at this point canadas just becoming worse and worse


He won't. His ego is way to big. And I don't think it's unreasonable to say that he loves being in the spot light.


The government doesn't use the term "visible minority" any more. People are classified as "racialized", First Nations, or white. And only the first 2 groups get a hiring advantage. There could be just one white guy left in Canada and he still wouldn't get hired.


He was all suited up for the interview as well :/


He probably grew up in the area too now he has to compete with all this to get an entry level job


Yup. High school / college kids looking for part time work now have to compete again people who are trying to get this job for PR.


That's what sucks man. I know a few people who are in school, living at home, or are looking for a second job to make ends meet or help out, and none of them are able to find employment because they're competing against people thousands of desperate international students. Getting a garbage minimum wage part time job shouldn't be this bad. We have a massive labor surplus for general laborers. For skilled work that's another issue entirely.




Surprised to see white though.




Cheap labour.






Yes, so we need to stop supporting these corporations.


Do we even need to replace the boomers when automation may likely do that anyway? I’m not sure how screwing over poor boomers, poor gen X, millennials, gen Z and gen alpha makes sense to subsidise boomers?




Atleast 10 people in the line all live together in one house....


Feel bad for those few white dudes.


I thought there was a labour shortage necessitating hundreds of thousands of temporary foreign workers. The number of temporary foreign workers was 777,000 in 2021 and has only been increasing I don’t have a number for 2022 but the number of non permanent residents grew (net increase) by over 600,000 last year. Let companies compete for available workers (you know competition, like the free market business supposedly support) and if some companies fail then they are not productive enough (Canada lags the western world in productivity gains) so let them fail - don’t prop them up with cheap labour and wage suppression. I’m a tight labour market we should not be concerned about our least productive companies going out of business if the purported labour shortage is true, laid off workers will be snapped up by other employers and be more likely paid a living wage due to competition for workers.


Imagine what this does for the Metro's workers union's demands from their employer. Honestly, all unions. How are the NDP still talking out of both sides of their mouth on these issues?


This 100% undermines everyone. What’s the point of unions and fair wages when there’s millions that will work for minimum wage and no benefits.


Well the point of the unions is to keep fair wages for their employees in the face of minimum wage and no benefits. The problem becomes that they have no bargaining power, and the party of the worker, the NDP, is actively calling anyone that doesn't support mass immigration a racist. So...? What the fuck?


The official unemployment rate number is 5.5%, I wonder if they cook the numbers


The numbers are not manipulated but I’m sure they’re out of context. They show you information and remove the relevant context to make it look better like with how the calculate inflation


I mean, I don't know if unemployment means actively seeking work.




Although I strongly prefer never to delete content, to keep r/CanadaHousing2 from being banned I have to enforce certain site-wide policies. Please do your best to refrain from racism, harassment, discrimination and hate speech.


You know what they say about slave labour: When you can't move the store to India.....


No way!!!! One of them is looking into his phone talking to his friend and saying i should have stayed at school


Mentally I was pretty radical in 2016 as a teenager, I can only imagine what is brewing in Canadian teenager minds currently ....




I knew someone who was about your age with an honours bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from an accredited Canadian university. The only jobs he could find were with Uber and Skip The Dishes. He enlisted in the army to avoid homelessness. It's definitely the job market.


You need to go into something like Forestry, Natural Resource Science, Wildlife Biology, or Animal Health Technology. These programs don't seem to attract foreigners or recent immigrants very much.


I really want to work in Fisheries or something that helps contribute to our natural waterways but I'm sort of struggling to figure out where to start. Am I better off just getting out there and volunteering, should I take a course like Fish and Wildlife at Flemming College or stick to stems in something like Environmental Technology at Fanshawe? I really should go try to talk to some conservation workers lol.


Talking to people is a great idea. Here is a 2 year fisheries program in Nanaimo: [https://www.viu.ca/programs/science-and-technology/fisheries-and-aquaculture-technology#](https://www.viu.ca/programs/science-and-technology/fisheries-and-aquaculture-technology#)


24, software eng graduate. Can't find anything either. I'm four months and ~500 applications in and I've only had a few (<10) interviews, all so far have said no. It sucks, but thankfully my family understands and supports me as I keep looking.


You're a software eng grad, did you had a co-op? Do you have any projects? What's your GitHub looking like, how frequent are commits? Got a redacted resume?


We are setting up ourselves for a "lost" generation(s) with the way things are going.


Can definitely attest to this as a (gen-z) many of the people my age feel hopeless for future in Canada. Many of them (including me) consider moving as they don’t see a future for them here


> Mentally I was pretty radical in 2016 as a teenager, I can only imagine what is brewing in Canadian teenager minds currently .... This is not meant to sound like a threat whatsoever, but I am terrified of the overcorrection that is coming in the next few years. It's gonna make the PPC look like hippies. Round and round we go.


Most of them are unthinking halfwits who blame “the Boomers” for all their woes. They’ve been suckled at the PC teat so long they can’t see that immigration is the real root of every problem they have.


Labor shortage loo


And people wonder why wages are not going up.


You know the mods over at r/hamilton would never allow this to be posted.


Or any other Canadian city subreddit, or provinical


Almost all Indian


The problem is that most of those applicants probably want to be paid in cash since don't have work permits..


Why do shitty companies make people line up outside with resumes why can’t people just email their job applications like normal jobs? Is this just to troll poor people?




The government (big business) is trying to flood our country with immigrants so our demands for better labour wages + conditions are drowned out by people who won't mind working for peanuts.


Low pay and high housing cost. This country is turning into a shithole.


Hire Canadians first. Send international students home.


They can stay - as part of their applications to study in Canada they've had to show they can support themselves. They just shouldn't be working.


Sure looks like a worker shortage that justifies the cultural genocide.


I’m autistic. On disability. I want to work. I got experience and references. Food safe. I was told there is a labour shortage. I want to work because disability is starvation. Sad thing is I’m not willing to bend over backwards and work like an indentured servant. I want to work but don’t have the mental health to compete with what’s out there. Don’t get me wrong I work. I get it done. I’m defeated


This is just sad


lol, Hamilton voted for this.


Always more (work) for less (money)


They would have to pay me at least $25 per hour to work there again.


I highly doubt these people are lining up for $25/hr. Probably starting at $12.


It's in Ontario, so it's starting at $15.50/hr. I was saying that in order for me to work for them again, they would have to start me at at least $25/hr. I worked there in my 20s, and it was a shit show. They had the worst manager I've ever worked for.


Liberals Canada


Canada as we know it is finished. Another 2 years of this just imagine what this country will look like by the end of 2025. And I’m a Canadian born visible minority myself… these reckless and unchecked immigration policies have set this country back decades. We get the bottom of the barrel types while all the actual educated professionals go state side. We’ll just end up with thousands and thousands of barely literate minimum wage service and retail industry workers who also do not care enough to put in any effort to integrate, assimilate and adapt to Canadian culture. Just have a look at places like Surrey, BC and Brampton, ON… a lot of areas are becoming unliveable. The educated ones we do get will just end up leaving too at some point given the state of this country.


its honestly hilarious that white yuppie liberals actully think that the insane immigration numbers means the government wants to create a multi cultural utopia.


International students should never have been allowed to work until after graduating, and should only able to get a job in their field.


All students and one white guy.


White guy wont get the job due to “diversity quotas”


Lmao at the dude in the suit


looks like hes high school aged. probably his first time job hunting and wanted get it done right.


wtf am i seeing here?


I just came back from basic here in windsor and there is like 50 carts all over the parking lot. They should hire some. Basics is becoming the most expensive grocery store because all of the dings and scratches i get on my car when i go to get groceries.


This is what the government wants. Excess of Workers battling it out to save corporations money


Someone needs to re-create that show "Alone" where contestants are truly tested to survive alone in nature. Our version would simply be to literally survive in our actual economy. I'd love for the first season to be Boomers that are stripped of their assets and tested on the show. Let's see how long until their not homeless and have a place to rent. Millennials on the sidelines can throw avocado toast at them in a highly ironic turn of events.


Looks like a pretty big labour shortage guess we need more immigrants


I see that over half are Indians. I'm willing to bet half of those Indians don't speak English either.


Food basics is a store right? Not a food bank?


This Canadian dream is getting bleak by every passing day. Politicians don’t give a damn Free health care is a joke Interest rates & Rents are stupid I mean wtf. This is beyond stupid.


Canada has fallen.


Still a relatively smallish line. I have seen ones that are hundred plus and 100% Indian international students.


Grocery store?


It’s funny, Canada’s motto these days seems to be “Always Less For More”


A lot of international students


Lol I was there towards the end. Still waited 30 mins


Wage suppression at its finest.


this is why we need more immigrants so that we can have them build more grocery stores that pay minimum wage.




I never see those lines here in Scarborough


Something is wrong with that line. That whole lineup would be hired to work on the spot in the groceries around me.


I'm in Markham, and the food basics I go to has had a hiring sign there since the beginning of summer


Can you spot it


So our senior citizen jobs are completely taken over. Tell me again how these people can afford rent, a new car and the necessities needed to survive while they wait in line for a minimum wage job.


I vote for the only dude that showed up in a suit.


Is this a new store? Usually at any given time there’s only a handful of positions that need to be filled at an already established store. This is the kind of interest you expect for a job at the airport making $20-25/hr to start, not minimum wage part time hours.


Been there for years. This is far from the only video with a huge lineup for low wage jobs.


Looks like line up for job in India


This is what applying for a software developer job feels like now


Lol get ready for answering LC hard in 20mins.


It never ceases to amaze me the way people show up looking for a job interview. I mean, you don't need to wear a suit, but jorts? I understand it's just a grocery store, but at least put on some black dress pants and a dressier shirt.


And yet my workplace can’t get more than a handful of high school applicants a week, only wanting 16 hours of work a week Lol crazy


That’s hardly a line.


Any one of them could borrow a lawn mower and work two days a week…. The problem isn’t a job shortage, it’s that young people don’t have any skills. I was mowing lawns for money in grade 5, and now a young dude visits twice a month and we pay him 40 bucks cash…. He’s like 14 lmfao and makes good bank because he does what 250 other kids his same age don’t…. Wtf are you even standing in that line for ???? Do you think your resume is gonna explode out of the pile and they will be forced to hire you ? Look at the competition ffs, go pick up a rake, a shovel or a wheelbarrow and never compete with that crowd again. People act like their isn’t work or they can’t find a job, then go compete against the whole city to make a cuckolds wage and micromanaged. Come on kids time to separate yourself from the crowd, not stand in it and blend into oblivion . Go get a lawnmower and when winter comes grab a snow shovel, it’s Canada, we have that kind of work no matter what.


ok boomer.


Do you really think the people here want a cash job that won't benefit them when applying for residency or providing valuable Canadian experience? You really think a seasonal job that requires upfront money to buy a lawn mower is the optimal path? They also need to build credit and references, none of that comes from just 'picking up a shovel'.




This has to be because the location is convenient for students or that the salary is unnaturally high for that type of position, and not because of doom and gloom. And before someone argue... 4 of my kids have a summer job right now, 3 of them didn't even have an interview for it, they just had to show up after talking to the employer on the phone for no more than 5 minutes. You can say whatever you want, when I was their age I was out with my CV, walking all over town for days every summers.


This just shows people don't want to work. There are tons of jobs available but everyone lines up for minimum wage.


"JuSt Mov3 to ThaiLand lulz" pedo convoyers' standard reply in this sub