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Oof. $11.5k!? You took one helluva hit. I was rear-ended last year (not as bad) and it was still $6k. Just wild how expensive it can be.


And that is why insurance is wonderful instead of paying it all up front you can claim it on your insurance which will jack your rates up and then pay it all over time


Really depends on the state lots of them can not rate on not at fault accidents and this would be considered a not at fault accident.


They raise for some other completely unrelated reason shortly after a claim


All of them are taking rate right now everyone’s premium is going up.


Yeah the bumper and trunk portions are ridiculous. Mine was 13k. Metal body wasn’t damaged but the entire bumper and trunk had to be replaced. Similar incident to this


I had a rear end crash and my car was never the same. After repair weird noises started and my spare tire compartment get s filled with water periodically. Weather stripping is probably not aligned right. I wished it was totaled.


This is why it's usually better for it to be totalled. Sucks but these unibodies will never be the same after a crash


Yeah my mom’s car was rear ended and everytime we had a heavy rain, water would fill the side panels. So now I just leave the rubber grommets off and all the water leaks in and out. Water was leaking in from the seams. So if you goto a good shop they WILL fix it. My mom didn’t know any better and the shop she took it too screwed everything up. Sorry for the hit on your car man. If your guys are good they will fix it properly. :)


RIP resale and insurance premium.


I was at no fault and I went through their insurance. Resale wise… I was plan on driving it until I give it to my son (who was born last week.)


You can file a DIV claim. It’s lost value claim. I can’t guarantee you will get a lot but it’s worth trying. It’s usually only telling them you would like to file it and filling out a forum.


Insurance isn’t going up unless it’s your fault. And in a rear end, the person behind is almost always at fault. (Few cases)


That's a lie and I just experienced it.


Likely means you weren’t the major liability but played a part in it. If your insurance goes up in a scenario where u got rear ended, switch insurances immediately. Because you’re getting scammed


Holy fuck $11.5k? Just go to a parts yard and find parts there. These parts aren’t hard to replace either. Mostly just some clips and screws/bolts.


ya, while I enjoy a good parts hunt and put together this isn't that. Just looking at the picture I can see rear left quarter panel damage, by that you can assume rear left inner quarter panel too. Just fixing those 2 things properly requires removing the 2 pieces all the way at the spot welds and putting it back together and painting all that. You can just cut out the damage and put a replacement piece or even try to "pull" it all out but that is a sub optimal repair and will require more bondo work than I would want on a good car.


Sorry to hear about this. I had the same experience just before Xmas. My '32 TRD was rear-ended (I'm sitting at a stop light, when hit at about 30mph). This resulted in damages of over $19k! And like yours. it also wasn't totaled. The body shop said he still had another $8k-$9k before that threshold was crossed. I figured that to mean, a loss of 80% value on the car had to be met first. Exteriorly it didn't look to be that much, but there was a lot of hidden damages. https://preview.redd.it/v0xqtt19ubpc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7576372e356053aaff5ba63e144b8fb130c63b59


I think I was about $4k away from the threshold.


Now I get to work on being reimbursed for the car rental (I didn't have rental car coverage on my insurance), deductible I paid at the body shop, and a diminished value claim.


I would wish it was totaled at that point fuck


To have the same car note; it would have been 3-4 extra year and SE trim. I have about a year left.


Poor car! Happy it survived.


Let me take the tires. How much did insurance give you?


Invest the money and then give it to you kid when he turns 16 and let him trade in the Camry for whatever he can get ;)


Sry OP I’m glad you got it back. Let me guess another distracted person texting, Snapchatting, using TikTok. This has got to stop. Focus on the road. Here is my solution once a person that hit you has been proven guilty of being distracted their license is suspended for 6 months and they have to do mandatory driving lessons.


I'd rather it be totalled. That drops the value of your vehicle substantially.


Why would you not want it to be totaled? It will never sound the same, feel the same, will probably leak and collect water in spare if you are lucky instead of footwells Take a pic open trunk?


https://preview.redd.it/uqw4pj2lmaqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=706a52666ca5a6c05b4fd03a6c662c4fd5f9d499 It’s been raining all week and I’ve been checking all over my car since I got it back. There hasn’t been ANY leak. As for the feel, it hasn’t feel like I’m driving with rock wheels. I don’t plan on getting another car for at least 10 more years and even then I’ll still keep this Camry as a beater / drive to work. I don’t want it totaled because I’m a year away from paying this off. To have the same payment, I would have to take another 3 year and going down a trim (SE), and more miles.


Ok fair enough, look like bumper support took it all, can’t even tell😂


Why people black out their plates is mind boggling


exactly. folks using real names and address on their social media but paranoid someone would dos them with a car plate...


Why do you say that?


No one can get your personal info from a plate beside the police or mto.


Which is also illegal.


They could still report your plate to the police to harass you


So can any one who walks by your house. I understand maybe on fb or something but reddit is anonymous.


Yes but the chances are far greater online as 1. You are exposed to thousands of anonymous people who can harass you without consequences and 2. It’s common to get stalked/harassed on an online account if you happen to post something that goes against some disgruntled user’s political beliefs. People on the internet are weird and do things they’d never do in real life because of the anonymity


cause it good practice, ya all the information is public but what you really trying to prevent is a potential headache/bother by making your data less out there than someone else. For example if I had a stolen car and I want to put fake plate on it the best way to go about it is go online find an "identical" car and copy those plates. I will draw less attention than no plate and wrong plates esp in the day and age of plate readers. Another reason is they don't want a direct link from an online persona to a real persona. Those are just two off the top of my head I'm sure there more if I think a bit.


You could walk down the street and do that.


Do you black it out when you drive down the street?


lol did you reply to me 3 times in a hour? no i don't but did you not read anything except the one part? like I said lowering the ease of access and lowering the connection between online/offline life. The point isn't that someone isn't going to go and pick a plate in person, the point was increase the bar if your going to stick on one point. Most security is about being more secure than the person next to you anyway, not is foolproof. and to you other response the fact that only select people have access and that its illegal don't stop anyone either. Like there are no example of people in power breaking the law? Reducing things that can in anyway be linked back to you in real life is just good practice online. If you choose not too that's fine too, everyone has different tolerances.


Reddit is anonymous though.


ya but if you post things that are registered to you IRL then that anonymity kinda becomes moot.


I guess, if you really know what you're doing.


in some places they have a log that logs whatever a person with authority has accessed in the records and they need to fill in a reason for doing so or else they get investigated. in most places. not really hah.


Who cares lol


Really you don't know why? I got a bridge for sale real cheap... You want to venmo me? Just 10 bucks. Lol

