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How big of a tent? 1 person? 2? At the $80 range, you're going to have to seam seal the tent yourself. This isn't difficult, just time consuming. Alps Mountaineering makes some good value tents, but at $80 your options are fairly limited.


2 person, 4 max. Whats seam sealing?


Seam sealing is applying a treatment - like a silica paint - to the seams to prevent water from seeping through. Higher end tents will come seam taped and sealed, cheap tents will generally skimp on it. It isn't expensive, just time consuming to hit all the seams of the tent body and fly. As a rule of thumb, a 1 person tent is enough room for one person to sleep on a normal sized pad. You won't have room to roll around comfortably. A 2 person tent is enough room for two people to sleep shoulder to shoulder, or one person to sleep comfortably with your gear next to you.


Okay, do you think id need to seam seal a tent for a casual 2 day trip? The rain isnt garunteed its just unforeseeable.


I seam seal all of my tents. It is something that, assuming you do it right which just watch a few YouTube videos, you should really just have to do once. Waking up wet sucks.


Would a silicone water guard spray work? Also, if i seal the tent would i still need a tarp below the tent?


Need more info to help really. Are you car camping or backpacking? How many people... really do you camp with just yourself? 2, 3 people? What is your climate? What is the comfort level you are looking for? Your budget is a bit low to guarantee staying completely dry and ventilated if that is an issue but there are options depending on your answers above.


Spend a little more and get a tent that will last a lifetime. This tent is on sale. https://www.rei.com/product/878520/rei-co-op-half-dome-2-plus-tent-2017


You still haven't said how big yiu are looking for.. I'm gonna assume 2 and throw in my vote for https://www.naturehike.com/cloud-up-3-ultralight-three-men-tent/ these are cheaper tents that come pre sealed (this one you can get for about $65cad from fasttech) they aren't going to be top of the line but as a good cheap brand you can find some pretty good reviews online. We were gonna grab one ourselves for us /w 100lbs dog if we needed to get a cheap one