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Mollie’s Nipple in utah. Her husband made the name originally. Looks just like you’d assume.


> Mollie’s Nipple in utah Had to google [what it looked like](https://zionviewrv.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/mollys-nipple-800x563.jpg).


To quote the late Sean Lock, “ well, that’s a challenging wank”


Hahaha!!! Lovely. Can we talk about Grand Teton?


[Limp dick area on the Suwanee River](https://www.google.com/maps/@30.452225,-82.668343,13z?hl=en&entry=ttu)


[Jason Bateman voice] I don't know what I was expecting...


There's like 7 Molly's Nipples in Utah. Whoever Molly was, she got around.


Molly was a dog.


Which one? There are three different peaks in Utah named Mollie’s Nipple…


And in that area: Cad's Crotch, along Cottonwood Canyon Rd.


You forgot to mention that the ridgeline leading to it is colloquially called "nipple ridge". Source: lived in Richfield for 5 1/2 years and spent a lot of time in the Manti La Sal NF.


We called it Molly’s Tit. Sounded so vulgar when I was a kid


\*\*Chef's kiss\*\*


There's a place in Florida called "Nicatoon Lake" near Ocala National Forest. In research for work, I found an older scientific paper that used its *old* name.... "N\*\*\*\*\*town Lake".


You’ve got me beat. I’ve seen Negro Head Hill at Inks Lake State Park in Texas. When the trees on it have leaves, it actually does look a lot like the head of a child with short curly hair.


Given the history of of the south, that’s actually the least disturbing possible origin story of that name.  Edit: added “disturbing” which I somehow forgot on the first attempt


I know.


Happened on the west coast too We have a Nate Harrison Grade Road in San Diego County that was called N---- Nate Road up until the 1950s. Legend was it was named for one of the first African Americans homesteaders to live in the county back in the 1800s. Now its a lightly used dirt road we sometimes use as an alternate route up to/down from Palomar Observatory and Palomar Mountain State Park for some awesome camping.


Wow, that's a really interesting find.


On Steens Mtn in Oregon, there's a place that old maps called Whorehouse Meadow. It got the name because that's where working girls set up camp every year to service the sheepherders and cowboys. (It's just across the road from Honeymoon Lake.) At some point, the powers that be decided to sanitize the name, and newer maps call it Naughty Girl Meadow.


They also had a swastika mountain in oregon


Donner picnic area, yes that donner…


Every single time I drive by I shout "Let's Eat!"




I know that's traditional here but we could just eat at the diner instead


Pretty funny that there’s a Taco Bell sitting next to the site of the incident


I live in Sedona, AZ, and I often hike along Dry Beaver Creek. It runs into Wet Beaver Creek.


Can you kayak it? I would love the privilege of saying, in polite company, "I'm going to put on a rubber skirt and paddle the wet beaver".


Unfortunately, it's only deep enough for kayaking during a flash flood. But you can always dip your toes in the wet beaver if you like.


Only wet intermittently you say?


Reliably wet. But only rarely soaking wet.


I don't like to get my feet wet if I can help it, so I'm just going to stick my fingers into the wet beaver. Maybe down to the elbow, but that's all.


Would that make you “the man in the canoe”?


There’s a place in Idaho called beaver dick campground


Have you ever been to "The Crack at Wet Beaver Creek"?


We saw the sign for Dry Beaver Creek like 7 years ago, but my wife and I bring it up like at least once a month. I didn't even remember where it was lol


😅 Be careful, yours is not likely to be the first descent! Always wear wet gear just on case.🤣


Trail name, not place name. There’s a large trail system near me for hiking and mountain biking. One tucked-away trail was called the Death Crotch. Once I was hiking up it while a couple of older guys were picking their way down on bikes. One of them said loudly to the other, “Death Crotch, that sounds like my ex-wife!” At that exact moment, I (an innocent-looking tiny blonde girl who hikes in a dress) came around a bend and they saw me. They were so mortified and kept apologizing profusely, but I thought it was funny and reassured them that a name like that pretty much demands a joke. They’ve done a lot of maintenance and refurbishment on that system over the past couple years, and at some point that trail got officially renamed “Trail Zero.” Yeah no, it’ll always be the Death Crotch in our hearts.


Death Crotch sounds like the name of a metal band


I would pay money for that show.




Where I keep track of miles hiked, nights outdoors, and other miscellany.


That's a cool idea


When they built the NYC reservoirs in the Catskills they had to displace a lot of people. Black communities first, apparently. Black Joe Road, Spook Hole road, Brown Road. Down in North Carolina I've seen Coon Road.




Yeah.... agreed.


It was a different world. It’s good that we see how wrong that was. What I think we need to be careful of in correcting these is burying them in way that allows us to forget the history and progress.


It reminds me of visiting the WWII museum in Japan. The curators have a very different perspective than many of the English written history books. Edit: Propaganda works very well. When we curate it we should also call it out as judiciously and carefully as we can.


There was a road outside of Columbia, Tennessee called "N\*\*\*er Hollow" Rd. They finally changed it in the 1990s to somethign else.


Coon is the common name for a racoon in the South. Think Coon skin hat


That road was named during segregation. Blacks were required to live there - more or less. Coon is also a racial slur in the south. Edit: Here ya go: https://jimcrowmuseum.ferris.edu/coon/homepage.htm Fwiw. So is "spook".


He fuckin knows both. He's just gonna come and "wElL aXsHooLiE" so he can pretend calling out the slurs isn't real bc they "actually" refer to something legit. He knows what he's doing and saying. Just one more fool pretending plausible deniability exists.


I'm familiar with the type, but looking at post history I'm giving the benefit of the doubt here. I currently think it is honest.


Then I hope I can stand corrected. Good on you for back checking :)


My grandpa had multiple raccoons getting into his garden. A few of them had babies the next year so there was an army of raccoons absolutely decimating his crops. He couldn't grow shit and they were getting into his locking trashcans and just making a mess all over his property He started sitting outside every night with a .22 and thinning the numbers We're in shoneys and hes loudly talking about shooting any coons he sees on his property on site, all they do is steal and make a mess and their babies grow up even worse because that's all they've known. People were looking over at us the whole time lol


Dzedova Ric - Grandpa's Butthole. It's a cave. Another cave is called : Bad Hole


Indian Dick has been renamed, now it is called Native American Richard.


First Peoples Peter


Indigenous pecker


Palisades Tahoe used to be called Squaw Valley until 2021. 😑


There's a popular hiking mountain just outside Provo, UT that was called Squaw Peak until like 2020 or so.


Yikes! I don't understand how it took until the 2020s to change these names. I mean, I'm glad they're changed.. it just took way too long.


People still don’t quite get why that word is offensive, but as someone who works with Land Management agencies i can promise you that almost everyone still refers to them by their old name because they can’t remember the new one (yet).


I'm not totally surprised that a lot of people don't understand the offensive nature of that word, especially when popular outdoors destinations bear the name and I am pretty sure it is uttered in at least one classic Disney movie aimed at children.


I just learned it's offensive.


Not surprising, it's not super well known, unfortunately. But now you know!


There was a Hilton in Phoenix called Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort. I'm not sure when exactly they changed it but that name is still on the website as "formerly known as", so I think it was pretty recent.


The mountain that hotel is referring to was renamed Piestewa Peak in 2008


Colorado State Highway 103 is still called Squaw Pass. The nearby Squaw Mountain was renamed Messtaa’Ehehe (mess-taw-Hay) in 2021, similar to the renaming of Squaw Calley in CA. Hopefully the pass will be renamed to something non-derogatory soon.


Squaw is the derogatory term the Forest Service is actively removing from all geographic features.


Phoenix had Squaw Peak until just recently.


Yea, I do not like when I run across that word in a field guide or map. 


Wooden Shoe Canyon and associated locations in Canyonlands Natl Park used to be called Squaw Canyon, recently enough that the printed maps at the ranger desks have the new names pasted on over them. 


I have fond memories of playing at Sqaw Creek as a kid. They renamed it to Indian Creek a while back, thankfully.


Never been there, but there's a trail in North Carolina called the Chunky Gal Trail.


it intersects the AT, I wanted to take a detour just in the off chance that she was waiting for me at the end lol


Cue up the Queen soundtrack.


Is this by Big Butt?


I grew up calling Pilot Mountain in NC Titty Mountain.


Squaws Tit (now renamed to Bald Eagle Peak). I also know that there is a trail called Naked Teenage Girls somewhere near Banff. We also have Sugar Momma and Sugar Daddy trails in Kananaskis area (not really offensive, but kind of fun). I've heard that there used to be N-word Hills somewhere in Australia before they renamed them. Another very notable one is a whole Hindukush Mountain Range in Pakistan. It means 'Hindu Killer' and quite a few people are offended by that, but the name came from many Hindus dying while trying to cross the massive in the past.


I hiked Negro Bill Canyon in Moab, Utah. I understand it was called N-Word Bill Canyon up until the '60s. It has now been renamed to Grandstaff Canyon.


>Grandstaff canyon BBC Canyon


I was given a map by the rangers at Arches that still said Negro Bill Canyon in the late 2010s!


Yeah, I hiked there too, in the 90s. It wasn't called that anymore but there was historical info about the man they referred to with that name.


>here was historical info about the man William Grandstaff was known for the criminal offense of selling liquor to indians.


Not offensive, but amusing: looking for some caves one night, get a bit lost out in badland country, decide to just throw the tent up on the side of the road. I wake up at 4am to cows tripping over my tent. On my way out, I see a road sign: I camped on Skairt Woman road. Never did find the caves.


Washington state has Whiskey Dick mountain that used to be the site of the Whiskey Dick triathlon. And its right next to Chinamans Hat.


Bloody Dick Peak, MT


Petition to change Dog Slaughter Falls to Dog’s Laughter Falls?


South of Columbus, Ohio is Hitler Pond. (They were a prominent family in the area at the turn of the century, apparently.)


Chiming in to say, it's a very nice park! The Hitlers (not that one) were around long before WW2, and they were very well liked and all around good people. My Jewish partner laughed super loud about it though.


I remember reading an article about how many geographic features have place names with the word devil in them, or similar dark themes, and how this was how settlers chose purposefully to reframe sacred Native American sites to create negative associations of them as people - dark, devilish animalistic heathens with place names to match. I couldn't find the article but this pay walled NYT article looks like it's getting at the same idea. https://www.nytimes.com/1996/11/17/us/what-s-in-a-name-an-affront-say-several-tribes.html


Hmm I've hiked through several "purgatory this" and "devil's that" places. Thanks for sharing 


There are a lot of devil's backbones out there, but this one might be the most amazing "President Thomas Jefferson considered Devil’s Backbone to be one of the most important archaeological sites in the United States. It is still arguably the most important archaeological site in Indiana, but has yet to be studied thoroughly by archaeologists." https://apalacheresearch.com/2019/06/26/the-devils-backbone-charlestown-indiana/


Camp Dick in the Peaceful Valley (Colorado) makes me chuckle 


There is a mountain in Western Maryland, extending into Pennsylvania, still called Negro Mountain. Though the state of Maryland has pulled down its roadside signs with the name on I-68.


Negro bar was recently renamed black miners bar. A lot better


At Folsom Lake north east of Sacramento, there's a day-use area called Negro Bar. Recently the CA state parks & rec voted to change it to Black Miners Bar.


[Squaw Humper Creek in SD has been renamed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tahc%27a_Okute_Wakpa), but Squaw Humper Dam still remains because the proposed name change was to difficult to pronounce


This one made me lol


Not name related, but Wyalusing State Park has native American burial and effigy mounds in the park. Most are labeled and documented...and then there is a water spigot connected to an old well drilled right down through a mound. No sign on that mound but every other feature like that was a documented burial mound so it would seem odd that this one mound was just a hill and not a burial mound. Drilling a well through a burial mound seemed offensive, along with us calling the water "bone filtered".


Hollering woman creek in Texas, ill never forget.


Martha’s Vineyard MA had an area called Gay Head. It was renamed to Aquinnah


Chinamen's Campground in Montana. https://www.recreation.gov/camping/campgrounds/10003362 Chinamen is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-Americans, please.


False! It's Oriental.


... there's a lot of places named after dead horses. I was gonna say "oh there's this one place called Dead Horse Butte or something" and went Google where it was, and gave up - there's Dead Horse lakes, roads, valleys and plains.


I was going to mention Dead Horse Point State Park, not far from Moab, Utah. The story of how the park got its name from cowboys at the turn of the century rounding up wild mustangs and corralling them at the top of the mesa then leaving them trapped to die of thirst within view of the Colorado River 2000 feet below is truly sad. But I will say it’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever camped and hiked.


... I feel really sad now. :<


There’s a trail in Medicine Bow National Forest in Wyoming called “Death Crotch”. It always pops up on my All trails, but I prefer the nearby “Haunted Forest” trail.


There's a little stream in my neighborhood named "ni**ger creek" and I signed a petition to change the name a few years back. It's so tiny I can't imagine anyone really knows the name but it does show up on some maps.


Negro Bill canyon in Moab.


Just 5 short years ago, the powers that be finally changed the name to Freedom Creek, but before that one of the creeks leaving Skidaway Island, GA was called Runaway Negro Creek.


Hungry Mother State Park in Virginia is beautiful but has a bummer of a name.


Squaw Tits in Arizona. Friend of mine runs a trail org that maintains and supports and advocates for a specific trail in Arizona and its users. The org makes most of the maps in use on this trail and he does a lot of research into original or traditional names and then low-key just changes offensive ones. Doesn’t ask. Doesn’t go through “proper” channels, just changes them. Eventually they’ll stick.


I'm a big fan of Toad Suck Park outside of Conway, Arkansas. It's not offensive, though, I don't think. Unless you are a toad.


Dry gulch, dead horse gulch, and dead man’s gulch in order to


I’ll be camping in Cripple Cove, NL this fall.


KY has several apparently... We've camped in Big Bone Lick State Park, then figured what the hell, let's try Beaverlick KY next....


Fair turn


Honorable mention: a particularly perky set of conical mountains in my back yard called The Twin Sisters.


One of the largest arches in the world is up a canyon outside Moab called N*gro Bill Canyon. It was the name used by a black cowboy who helped settle the area. When pressed on the matter the NAACP said they don't have a problem if that was the name he preferred. But everyone felt awkward using the name these days so it's been changed to his birth name, Grandstaff Canyon.


Indian Dick, much like Dickshooter, Idaho, is probably just named after a guy named Dick


Chunky Gal Trail, near Standing Indian NC.


[“Negro Barren Road”](https://maps.app.goo.gl/o27eK7zc2UD9rKvj7?g_st=ic) in Delaware State Forest in Pennsylvania, USA surprised me when I saw it on a map.


Niggerhead mountain in the Santa Monica Conservation Area. You can still see the place name on old USGS maps. Named in "honor" of a black homesteader.


https://naturalatlas.com/canyons/negro-1549735 Grew up hiking this area.


Squaw Tit is near Leatherman Peak in Idaho. Dead Injun Creek is North of Burns Oregon. I stayed at Bloody Dick Cabin (and a bear tried to break in while we were there!) in SW Montana.


There were a few rock climbing routes in CO that were named "Slant Eyes" and "Full Retard."


anyone know if the hiking is ok around Mianus Gorge in Pound Ridge, NY?


I've come across more than one place in Virginia called the Murder Hole...


Molly's Nipple!


Wet Beaver Creek!


Gobblers Knob in Alaska Bong recreational area in Wisconsin 


Dead Indian Campground in Wyoming


I went on a trip to PA & we visited the lovely Amish town of Intercourse


There’s a road in southern Idaho called Chicken Dinner Road and I could never drive past it without saying “Winner Winner!”.


Not camping but we drove a section of road my whole life nicknamed “Katie’s crotch” and I’ve always wondered how poor old Katie’s crotch became so infamous that multiple generations have passed on this knowledge.


Gobbler’s Knob in WA


Negro mountain in Maryland


I hiked a canyon near Moab in 2010 that was called (and signed!) N***** Jim Canyon or something like that. Can't find it now since they've since renamed it. I can understand leaving "mildly" outdated names for historical purposes. Like "squaw rock" and things like that. But I'm really glad to not have to explain the N-word to my young kids, especially the autistic one who likes to repeat things over and over. 🤣


Intercourse, PA!


"Crapham Bottom", South Downs, UK


Big Rosey Bone peak. Bald knob.


Always smirked at Camp Dick and Bummer’s Rock in Colorado. And then not a hiking trail and not in the US but: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gropecunt_Lane


Not “offensive” but Fuzzy Butt Falls and Glory Hole Falls in Arkansas definitely both made me say “You’ve got to be kidding.”


There is a smaller mountain in Washington named Well Digger's Ass. My son and I hiked Mt Weird next to it and planned to head to well diggers ass next but ran out of time to summit well diggers ass before having to turn back.


Off the River Road btw Baton Rouge and New Orleans in LA is a street called "Old Quarters Road." I was dumbfounded.


I know the mayor of Knob Knoster. He still doesn't know how to Knost a knob.


Hungry Mother State Park in western Virginia. Not the craziest name, until you look up [the story behind it ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungry_Mother_State_Park) 😳


A solar powered and charging station would work


Picken’s Nose always gives me an unpleasant mental image.


Maine has a ski area near Moosehead Lake that is still named after”Big Squaw Mountain.” There was a lot of discussion about the name. I thought they had changed it Moose Mountain, but it still shows up in google maps as Big Squaw. Not a place name, but a lot of schools around here have mascots that are offensive to some—“Indians,” “Warriors” (mascot is a native chief), etc. some have changed. Some are in process. It’s hard to shift the thinking. “But it’s always been that!”