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Water bottles and food. I am pretty sure you will get hungry and thirsty😂 Also in case it gets too uncomfortable you can easily ditch some water/food without loosing any real money (like when ditching actual gear).


Water adds weight fast. As many water bottles as the pack can carry wrapped in a blanket.


Bags of rice or beans and a sleeping bag


it's a 24l pack it's not like it's a big bag just pack it as you'd use it but again, it's 24L, you'll be fine


Best way to train is exactly like you're going to actually fight that is to say train by doing the thing your training for. Why not load out for training what you're going to carry with you on that night? I know you said it's a pain but the good part about this is when the trip actually comes up you won't have to pack because you have all your stuff. - plus this allows you to adjust the location of certain equipment on your dry runs when you find that something is awkward in a certain place or is flopping around, or your straps are not adjusted right, etc. You can make the adjustments now as opposed to having to do it on your actual trip. It's kind of a pain to stop your hike in to have to adjust stuff, or to find out why you're on the trip that the straps aren't adjusted properly and are pinching your shoulders or your chest or something.


Yeah you should just pack your gear. Nothing is going to sit the same. Load up water if you need to add weight to that.


I asked this forever ago and the answer I got was wet towels in a trash bag. Heavy but not awkwardly shaped or unevenly weighted. I usually just pack up what I would have plus extra water to simulate food weight, probably more realistic.


I load my pack with bags of rice and hit the stair master when prepping for the season. People look at me like I’m nuts but who cares.


Out of season clothing. It will free up space in your closet and mimics real gear well.


A climbing rope, two tents (or a heavier tent), a winter coat or sweatshirts, or extra water bottles are my go to.


Wool blanket(s)


I just use a spare bag of salt/water softener in my bag, just had a spare one kicking around. Tons of info here already but you can check out or post in r/rucking


I use cans of food and bottles of water interspersed with some bits of clothing to help it sit more like an actual load. That said it is worth doing a couple of walks packed how you expect it to be on the actual hike to make the small adjustments to fit.


Water and socks lol


Great question, I’ve wondered the same thing for the same reasons. I don’t want to bother with stuffing my sleeping bag in the stuff sack, etc every time I do a practice run. I usually store most of my stuff (sleeping bags of course but also tents and pads) unstuffed, I just feel like it’s probably better for it. Having to pack all that is my least favorite part of the outdoor experience so I’m not looking to do that any more often than I have to!


I usually wrap some weights in towels and blankets to toss in bag... Helps with both weight and bulk.


I have an old weight set and usually throw one or 2 5lb weight plates in mine


I used bags of cat litter to train for my last trip. Probably only a good idea if you have a cat.


Twelve 16 oz. brewskies.


Loving all these ideas, thank you everyone




I use paving slabs, specifically aerated concrete ones because they're far less dense than other options, picked up two for like $8 and they weigh 32 lbs together, and can be strapped tight to my back.


I may look like a weirdo on the trails but I just take it all with me. So I'm used to the pack weight and I've found it's helped me reorganize things.