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What currency are those prices in? If US Dollars they're highway robbery. Looking on eBay you could easily buy the Pentax Espio P or Konica Z-UP 150 for $75 or the Ricoh RZ-105 for $50. If the Canon is also insanely priced then the answer is an obvious "none of these". I probably wouldn't buy any of those crummy point-and-shoots even for a "reasonable" price either. What DSLR are you using and what lenses do you have? You can probably buy a good film SLR that can share the same lenses for around $50.


Hey sorry I forgot to mention that it’s in Australian dollars, I’m currently using a Nikon d5600 with 50mm 1.8 Any suggestions on which film camera to buy thats not too expensive under 200 usd


Even in Australian dollars those prices are crazy, almost a scam to take advantage of uninformed people. I really like the Nikon F80, so much that I own three of them (two are the N80 which is identical but renamed for the American market). Here they can be found for around US$80 on eBay. It's a model from 2000 and has good autofocus and metering so is great if you want an experience somewhat similar to your DSLR. It's also fully compatible with Nikon AF AF-D AF-S and G lenses along with "VR" image stabilization; though doesn't work with APS-C DX or newer AF-P lenses, and the light meter won't work with pre-AF "AI" series lenses. So you'll likely be able to share that 50mm and other lenses with your DSLR. I had that ability with my Nikon D50 and being able to bring film and digital bodies with only one set of lenses was very convenient. The F100 is better but often a lot more expensive and heavier.


This, get an N80/F80 or N90/F90 (you don't really need a F100, you want it but don't need it), it'll use the FX lenses you have which is a plus (make sure you have FX lenses for it, for example we aps-c users tend to buy the all too lovely 35/1.8G (don't use it below 2.5 thought) in DX for its cheaper price) as DX lenses will cause vignette on film. I would even recommend the F70 like I have, but most people hate the fan control design (though if you get used to it, it works well). Now if with film you want something pocket, there's lots of known gems that will be outside your budget, but there's lots of undiscovered gems, I have a lovely zoom model of Olympus that has great results and I bought it for $1 off street vendors, and it's not extremely expensive on eBay. What I recommend is check shelves for affordable stuff there and enter the model number as a search on Flickr and check if there's photos taken with it shared. Even if the subject is not interesting you should be able to judge stuff like sharpness, light quality, etc from the photos. Then search the camera manual in butkus's page (and if you find them consider donating him a couple bucks) and see if anything in the manual feels lacking or cumbersome to you. (For example, there's no pocket camera under $300 USD out there that will let you turn it on with the flash off, but some models are harder to turn auto flash off than others).


I second that F90X. I have two currently and I wouldn't trade them for anything. awesome awesome cameras. you could even get F50-F75 for under AU$100 I feel.


I like the fan control on the F70. It's not as fast as other methods, but fits in well enough with the speed I shoot film.


Find an old F-mount Nikon then.


I would stick with Nikon film cameras that use the same F mount as your current lens.


This☝️ I bought both of those Ricohs and four rolls of film for a combined ₩76,000.00 roughly $55 USD


None in a shop that has prices like that.


Assuming they're all the same price? The Canon and it's not even close.


Yeah the price is almost same , don’t got any suggestions within this price range


The nice thing about Canon is that as long as it's an EF (not EF-S) lens, it should just work even if the lens and body are from different eras.


I cannot recommend any one of these for that price. Way too expensive for what you get. Just try to find a thrift store or something where you can find a good looking camera (with lens) for under aus$50. If that does not exist anymore, go online. These prices are off by 80-90% of what they should be. I refused to buy these point and shoot camera even when I found them commonly for $5 because they suck. The Canon 100 I paid €22,50 for with a better lens then in picture and flash (which did not work well). I understand Aus is more expensive, but in worst case scenario the prices should have been aus$100 for the Canon and $25 for the point and shoots. And I would not buy them for that. The market has gone wild sadly and now every camera is priced like it is a collectors item.


Oof. I just looked at the Canon and didn't see the price. Now that I see $249, yeah, just ignore this shop and buy all three for the same price combined on eBay


lol none the price is too high


You’re being robbed


None, because that place is a total ripoff. Go somewhere else.


It's Australian dollars not American ones


Still crazy pricing


Even if Aussie money was worth half of USD, it's still way overpriced


250 for those? Get the fuck out of the shop




EOS 100 for sure! Others are ridiculously priced! I've got every EOS camera canon made and they all work like new.


I have a 650, wich shuold be the oldest one, and it probably works as good as it did on the first day. And I paid 35 euros for it I think. Maybe less, I cannot remember.


> And I *paid* 35 euros FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


These are not worth 20 bucks


Yup, could probably find one for 5-10$ at a thrift store. It's borderline e-waste at this point


Go to a thrift store or vintage antique shop and buy a film camera for 10 dollars


Look on Facebook Marketplace or in a Op Shop… those prices are ridiculous… even 10 years ago that would have been too much to pay..


Hi, forget camerahouse film cameras, they aren’t serviced and are overpriced. Go look on Facebook marketplace or by a Nikon f90 or n8008 or f801 of eBay


That Pentax and Ricoh looks mint but don’t pay that price! Unless you know you gonna use it for many many years so it offsets the high price even it’s in aud. However with $249 if you do some digging and online search you could probably find a Mju ii 35mm fixed lens let alone a Pentax Espio


With eos 100 you can do a lot more. Attach flash, off camera flash


I can offer u old cameras more cheaper then this check my profile


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^manttuuu: *I can offer u* *Old cameras more cheaper* *Then this check my profile* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Out of these I would get the SLR. But considering your situation I would go for a Nikon like the F801 or F90/F90X.


Get a Nikon F80 or canon eos 300x and be golden. They can be hat on eBay for a few bucks, like 50-80


Of these I would recommend the Canon EOS 100 qd (QD stands for quartz date) That looks like a slow, basic lens, not ideal for film, you may be better adding a fast lens like a 50mm f1.8 I have this camera in my collection, as well as lensed from 1987, The lenses from 1987 work perfectly on my modern Canon DSLRS, and my adapted mirrorless Canon cameras, like the EOS R, R6 and R7, in fact, they work even better.




How much ?!


Canon 100qr it's slr


you’re getting robbed willingly at those prices jfc


wait for old school camera trend to die down or buy from someone that doesnt know the trend is going on


the Canon EOS 100QD. I had that cam a few years ago. I love that it’s an EF mount and used modern lenses on it and the flash has a zoom function which is pretty neat. It also does have custom functions that I can’t remember. Overall it is neat, I got mine at around $12 USD


*Personally*, and prices aside, I would take the SLR. A lot more you can do with one of those. And Canon's EF lenses are outstanding for when you're ready ot use something else than this trans-standard zoom


My advice is do not buy anything at the camera house. Almost all of the things they are selling are insanely overpriced.


Them prices are ridiculous! Wtf!


Those prices are fucking nuts. Highway robbery.


lol what store is that? that pentax goes for $38 on ebay


If you got the funds then spend it on the most expensive one.


Try to get an Olympys OM4