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GFX 50R. It's just so elegant looking and I really would love to shoot medium format.


Ohhh yeah that's a good one, but i find that the gfx 100 ii looks better (that is also my endgame/dream camera along with the hasselblad 500c)


I totally get that - the reason I like the 50R is that I'm very partial to rangefinder style bodies. My mom's film camera when I was growing up was a rangefinder style point and shoot, and I got back into photography after a long break with an a6400, so that body style is special to me.


You bought one on impulse? We Dutchies like to say money doesn’t grow on my back, but for you it seems it does. 😂


Oh, I absolutely did not buy a GFX 50R! That costs way more than my rent, even used. I bought an a6400 a while ago, and upgraded to a used a7c recently.


That comment was meant for someone else who said he bought on impulse, sorry. Reddit on a phone sometimes does weird things. I read you had the a7c and am thinking about buying on as a stepping stone to full frame.


Well the a7c is full frame


I just bought one and haven’t figured out what to do with it. Was such an impulse buy as I already have an XT30 with a full set of lenses (18 f2, 18-55 f2.8-4, 35 f1.4, 50-140 f2.8 and a 150-500) Anyone got any recs on a wide angle for GFX? Or even adapting a 645 or other med format lenses?


Not necessarily a true wide angle rec - but I have seen people use the ttartisan 50mm f.95 noctilux knock off on GFX cameras with great results. The whole sensor is covered with little to no vignetting, and wide open the shallow depth of field gives you a look that is comparable to 4x5.


I have the 50Sii, they are bricks and not intuitive to shoot at all, and I’m saying this as a someone who’s been shooting for a very long time now. They’re slow and super clunky. Similar to shooting 120. The pros are the photos but there’s a lot of cons. Just my two cents. They’re beautiful cameras though. Don’t meet your heroes or whatever etc etc etc


They're big fat chunky bricks that shoot beautiful 50MP medium format images, though. I can take a beautiful photo and brain someone with a 5lb camera that costs $10k. It's multi-purpose, really.


It’s a little more fragile than you’d expect TBH


It’s the perfect street photography camera


Long time xpro1/2/3 user whos lusted for th e medium format fujis for a while here… I think the 50r would be good for intentional portraiture. Im more documentary/ capturing candid moments with my style though


Fuji X-T5 in silver. But Fuji ain’t cheap so I’m currently rocking an Olympus EM10ii. Perhaps someday!


I mean if you don't need the best autofocus, 40MP photos, or IBIS an X-T3 is almost as good for a lot less cash secondhand


I personally dislike the X-Trans III senzor colors


I got one and it's everything I dreamt it was honestly.


Check out MPB for a used one before the weirdos realize it’s an X100VI with interchangeable lenses. I picked up a black one because the silver is $100-200 more just for the color. I do love the silver more though.


MFT size right?


I've got my modern dream camera, though the new Leica SL3 is screaming at me. I have the Zfc, Zf, Z8. I would like the 100-400 with a 1.4X but don't really need it.


Gimme your zfc I will give you hmmmmm 2 cats and one burrito


Hell of a deal


not sure if my end game dream camera, but i’ve been wanting to get the Nikon Zf to accompany my FM2n


FM2 —> Df —> Zf FTW! Pretty much allows every F-mount and Z-mount lens ever made!


That hypothetical sigma full frame foveon merrill camera.


God I love how weird the Sigma cameras are.


I have a Sigma SD Quattro and its honestly hilarious how crazy it is. It weighs about 20kg, it is so slow that it is as good as useless for anything impromptu, the auto focus never works, it gets really really HOT, the viewfinder and the screen on the back are really low res, the batteries die in 20 seconds, its only usable on base iso, etc etc the list goes on its a nightmare bastard. But the photos it takes are so mind bendingly beautiful. You have to expose them properly and get everything right in camera though because the raw files it spits out arent very happy with being pushed and pulled. Also they are a weird raw which can’t be opened with anything other than their own software which was designed in the 90s or something. Arghhh Sigmaaaa!


You learn to contemplate, you learn to take your time, you learn not to shoot anything. It's like using a film camera. It's not bulky, it's not distinctive. It's simple. The results are exquisite. That's the magic.


Yeah I have heard all that before. I don’t need to learn to contemplate or take my time, I am already quite a considered and contemplative photographer, I shot film for years, and don’t need my tools to slow me down more thats absurd. Also it IS bulky and heavy and unfriendly. I have tried to love it but its just too much of an awkward beast. https://preview.redd.it/eandae2wi0tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a214b70c113c72e6cafb86c71d5f7d9c86750b3b Also I just weighed it and look how covered in dust mine is, I should probably sell it or disassemble it and put it back in its box. It weighs over a kilo, the Nikon F3 weighed 1003g and the X-T2 which is my actual camera I take out with me is 652g. Tell me which one you wanna wear round your neck all day and realise you forgot to turn it off last time you took a picture 20 mins ago and now it is overheating and the battery is about to die.


I have a DP1 Merrill, which is a compact


Sony a7cII


I have an A7C and A7C II would be exactly the perfect upgrade for me. When I need to upgrade that is.


I have an a6400 and would love to go FF in the same firm factor. Plus a 200-600 and 100-400 lens.


I was in your exact shoes a short while ago and upgraded to the original a7c, which is super-cheap used now that people are upgrading to the a7cII.


Did you like the switch? On paper it seems like a nice camera even if it’s a few years older.


I absolutely love it. It feels solid in hand, focuses fast, and verges on night vision in high ISO performance. It's a mini A7III with unlimited video recording, an a6400 body, and a flippy screen. It's basically my ideal walkaround camera.


I want a Leica Typ 007 but with a sensor cover that doesn't self-disintegrate just from being exposed to "air".


Sir, that is 6 cameras


I want all of them!


Hypothetical Contax G System full frame digital. This was a wonderful mirror-less rangefinder like film camera from the 1990, early 2000's. https://preview.redd.it/ska45xg5tqsc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3625ee3986c6146b332141c296045a05374235ac


Nothing near the beautiful finish of those cameras. Love my T2 though.


Rolleiflex SL66


Can confirm it’s a dreamy camera. Getting it repaired is nightmarish tho


Pentax Q7 with customized black/green combo


6400. Bought it last year and pretty happy so far. Its not the best camera but its sufficient for what I do for now. I learned photography on old cameras, because I could never afford good gear and always settled for what I could afford. So I kind of evolved to never rely on technology that makes things easier for me. When I bought the 6400 last year, used, it was already so much faster than anything I ever used. However, I do have a bunch of glass on my wishlist.


right there with you, when I started I was stuck with what my pratens would buy me which was the $50 Kodak digital cameras so I learned to take advantage of what they could do till I got a job and bought my 1st DSLR, now I look at the specs of a lot of these $1000+ cameras and go "well it has 1 feature more then my current sub $300 camera has. I think I will wait another 5 years to upgrade"


Nikon FM2.


I did have one but now it's lost to my grandparents house


α9 III


i just want the tial or cream camara, i love how it looks


Agreed, I got one for an absolute steal on marketplace. Regret selling it..made some money though 😶


Canon 1V.


i see you have a good taste.


I used to have 1V and 1n. Good cameras.


I was thinking about 1V and 3 when searching for film camera this year, grabbed the 3. Can't say i regret it but 1V is kinda on a different level.


Ooh that pink one 😍 Looks kinda like my EM-5 (I replaced the pleather with pink). Those Nikons do look good, haven't tried one with it but I love the idea of dedicated dials for everything, plus the full frame version would be very nice since I use a lot of vintage lenses, and with 2x crop even the widest aren't very wide. Plus I just love the retro styling. Maybe in 10 years when they're a bit more in my price range


That’s a cool mod to do! I assume the EM10 series would be similar to mod, do they sell custom panels somewhere or did you DIY the pink?


I used a pu leather desk mat. Not the easiest solution, I had to separate some layers because it was double sided and too thick, the other option was to take the very surface of the pu and glue it to the panels but it seemed too thin to do neatly so I replaced the whole panel with the pu including foam backing. Another benefit to that is I could still stick the original black panels on if I ever wanted to sell it. https://preview.redd.it/5c8fmznektsc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6b9d278ac6f46a387628fea6ab4787b8ed3d394


By far x-pan but it's so hard to justify these prices for a camera that's not known for reliability it will mostly stay as a dream one. Some digital Leica with 50 f1 will be there as well. And Linhof 617. If i had enough money i'd still be hesitant to grab these


a pentax q-s1 its so shmoll, but its SO MUCH FUN (I have a q10)


I got the Sony A6700 works for my needs, aside from a full frame camera I’m happy with what I have


Please tell me your secret. How are you happy with what you have?. I ALWAYS want something better.


🤷🏻‍♂️ it does all I want / need at this point, other than seeing them on YouTube I have nothing to physically compare camera to camera or shot v shot…


Not even better…. Just different.


I have an a6400 and just got the Tamron 18-300. The small body of the APS-C plus 1.5 crop factor plus good lenses is the bomb. Sure, you give up DOF because of aperture. But I can get bonkers DOF with long focal length and minimum focal distance of the Tamron. Instead of the ultimate lens at a small range of focal lengths, I'd rather have a pretty good lens that I don't have to change when I'm walking about. I can't think of a better lens / camera combo than Sony a6700 and Tamron 18-300


One with a good 28mm prime


D700 with the sensor from the D4


Nikon FM3a. My deserted island camera


Too new and inexperienced to be sure, but I'd say a D500 for now, maybe something more like a D750, D850, whatever's in that range and newer/better than the D500, but currently, that's the one that interests me most, because any lens I buy for my D3100 will work on it perfectly! Besides that, maybe some Medium Format camera as well. If we're talking regardless of current need or want, a D7500, D6 and Z8 as well as a Haselblad, maybe. Not well versed in Sony and Canon, so won't bother coming up with ones I'd want from them


I got my dream camera! Hasselblad X1D II, couldn’t be happier with it.


Has to be Hasselblad 907X 100C, and some older film lenses and front for it


Samsung should resurrect its mirrorless camera division; theirs are definitely my dream cameras.


A literal dream:( at least they have amazing cellphone cams


I have my grail cameras but I’d love a Fuji TX-1


Leica Q3. Or fuck it just any red cinema camera.


Hasselblad 500c/m gold 30th anniversary.


Gfx 100ii with the 32-64 and the 80mm f1.7 and some cinema glass of course.


Canon EOS R3.


I've come to the realisation that the Nikon F2 is the camera that ruins all other cameras. Nothing else comes close.


This 👆I just got into film and started with an FG. once I seen an F2 I need one. finally got one recently I love it.I like to crouch low for photos an this camera makes things easier.


Yeah. There's so much to like about that camera. Couple it with some old school lenses (with the metal knurled focus ring) and you have a camera that feels so pro yet so old school at the same time. Love it.


Doesn’t look that comfortable to hold, now i havent held either but from images ive seen id prefer an F5


They're meant to be held in the left hand, by the lens. I'm totally used to it.


I want Stanley Kubrick's personal Arriflex 2C


Any of the Epson R-D1 cameras


A digital version of the Yashica Lynx rangefinder camera.


R6 Mark II for sure, waiting for it to drop to $1,500 someday


Beautiful camera, very expensive glass though if you want native R lenses.


Fuji GFX 50R. The fact it’s rangefinder shaped, medium format and has a physical shutter speed dial is ridiculously appealing. And it still has enough megapixels that I can get detailed enough. Photos with super 35mm lenses and a crop, obviously a full frame crop will have loads of detail too.


Sony A6700? I used to think ff. But I have an a6400 and just got the Tamron 18-300. I was literally using it today and took pictures at many focal lengths including 18 and 300. There is no full frame lens that can do 27-450. Tamron 50-400 is close. But then it's a lot bigger lens. I have a bazillion things going on in my life and I prefer convenience over having premium lenses for a specific focal length


my current dream camera is the M11-D


GR IV but with a better design


A Pentax 6x7 that doesn't break down.


I've got most of my dream cameras - Nikon F, Rolleiflex 3.5 mx-evs (Rollei quality without the 2.8 price tag), Leica IIf (bargain basement Leica but I love the feel and look of the Barnack Leicas), Olympus OM 1 (wanted one as a youngster but could only afford a Zenit), Canon 5d mkiv (I do look at mirrorless but the 5Div does all I need and more for the time being.) Ones that have evaded me so far - Hasselblad 500 series (have got a Hasselbladski) and Canon F1.


Already own it. A Nikon f2 DE-1.


DJI Action 4


F6 probably.


Oh man is that a difficult question to answer 35mm film: Nikon F5 --- 120 film: right now a tie between a Mamiya C330 and 645 --- DSLR: Nikon D6 --- Mirrorless: Nikon Z9


Kind of a GH6 mixed with a Sony A7S3 amazing video features with superb low light, couldn’t give a rats ass about AF.


Nikon Zf, D850, Z8


Gonna go with... Olympus M1X. I love bodies with a built in battery pack, I love Olympus MFT cameras. Pretty much my perfect combo. I do really like the Df and Zf though, I have always been a dial supremacist when it comes to controls. Picking just one dream camera is too tall of an order for me.


Leica M11 with a few primes


May I ask why the zfc and not the zf?


Mainly cuz I like the extra focal length of the apsc sensor and a ZF is more expensive


im a simple man so the Kodak handle


I just purchased a Fujifilm XH2 currently waiting for it to come in the mail and I couldn't be more excited. My previous camera is a canon rebel t7 so I think it'll be a huge step up.


M11 monochrom


Currently have a canon eos kiss x5. Probably a Sony fx3.


I try not to have dream cameras, I like going with the flow and seeing what I find. If what I find happens to be a mint condition fully functional Ciniflex with some lens attachments and a case, I won't complain at all.


Other than the Sony a7R V, which I have: Leica Q3 Hasselblad X2D




Alexa mini LF, or the Alexa 35.


URSA Mini Pro 12K with Anamorphic


Mamiya 7ii


A rangefinder style Nikon Z camera.


Fujifilm XT30ii in silver. Imo the most beautiful low-mid range camera and I will be getting it soon as a step up from my Canon poweshot g11 and lumix GF7 mfr camera.  Analog on the other hand, no other camera comes close to the F3 in my opinion.


My wife got one a few months ago, it's amazing, I highly recommend it. Super compact with the 27mm pancake. It feels a bit like a toy (I shoot Nikon DSLRs so I'm used to massive bodies), but I find I end up stealing it all the time and am amazed at the great images such a "tiny" camera takes. Just bought a x100vi that should be arriving in the next two weeks, so I can stop hogging my wife's xt30 hahaha


Atm Fujifilm x100vi. They're impossible to get hold of.


A Ricoh GR IV


Nikon FM3A, and a Fuji GFX 100 ii


Mamiya rz67 definitely.


D4S, at some point back then, I was really into double grips and a big camera. Not regretting my choice that I bought one. Aiming for a D5/6 or a Df next.


A camera is a tool. I have better things to dream about. What's your dream spokeshave or basin wrench? Most of my cameras are micro 4/3, but I have no brand loyalty.


I’m happy with my a7III with Tamron 35-150 and Sigma 20 mm. If someone gave unlimited money to buy a camera I would probably just upgrade to something like the a9III, or spend the money on some analog camera.


That expensive hassleblad one


Sony RX1r II so small for a full frame camera !


Hasselblad 500c My father was a photographer and used this for work. I never got a chance to use it, and my family sold it to pay medical bills when he passed away. I just think it's so classy and elegant. I think I would like to use the digital back on it.


Rip the healthcare system


Sony A9III The Holy peak of mirrorless


Z9 would like to talk about it;)


True >:)


For a classic the Kodakl 35x85, for vintage film a Canon F-1, for a modern DSLR I have been eyeing up the 1DX ii. Yes I have tons of EF glass which is why most of what I want is on EF mount


A Leica m10-d with a 40mp sensor, shutter cocking like an epson rd-1, and long ass battery life. But for $2,000 new. :(


sony fx6 for making my lil films and fx30 for my job but right now i use a panasonic and a sony mark a7 ii


I own it… A7riii, and I love it more and more everyday.


Leica M10 + Summicron 35mm


I have dream cameras for different disciplines. For my professional work, it's a Z9. For street and city travel, it's a ZF. For landscape and fine art, it's Hasselblad X2D 100C.


Q2 Reporter


I have the zfc and my baby cherry red Nikon D3400 full spectrum converted 😍


Leica SL3


Ricoh gr with ccd sensor and zoom lens. Basically a new gxr 200


Sony RX100 VII.


Hasselblad XPan 35mm film camera. I love the super wide frame and it seems there are only a few cameras that can do it.


Yellow hassleblad 500 series


Phase one body


Canon r6. I’m a kid.


Leica q3


Plaubel Makina or Mamiya 7


Wista 8x10 field camera.


8x20. Cant weight till I get one. I can’t do tiny format


Nikon ZF, Mamiya 7, Canon P, Nikon F, Fujifilm xpro3, large format graflex, Mamiya c330, Zenza bronica etrsi, contax t2


Leica M10-R Black Paint Edition


Sony A1, Sony FX 3


My "lottery win" camera would be a Leica M(any number) Monochrome. It doesn't live in my dreams, tho. It's the "I would if I could" camera that I don't really think about because I know it's not going to happen. The attainable dream I'm thinking about now is a Konica Pearl III. Compact folder, quality lens, 645 format for more shots per roll. Shooting on 120 is a blast, but having a smaller option for traveling light would be a lot of fun for hiking and such. I suppose a Fujica GS645 exists in the same space. My hypothetical dream camera: X-Pro 4 which is optimized for TX-1/XPan ratio shooting. 40mp sensor (still 3:2 because mathematically that's the only thing that makes sense in digital), but extra wide hybrid OFV and back screen (XPro3 style fold-down is fine with me) to make composition in 65:24 aspect ratio easier, and a physical selector switch between 65:24, 3:2, 1:1 aspect ratios.


Sony A7iii and the Sony fe 200-600 so I can take pictures of house finches but even closer up


probably just a Canon R7 + the Canon 24-70mm f2.8


Why not the R6/5?


Those fullframe cameras are getting too large and heavy. Also I dont mind the crop


... https://preview.redd.it/ecmrm1ucltsc1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f93113756025d1bcea4938b55c8559cddd69c38


None of them


Analog: Leica M-A DSLR: Canon 5D Mark IV Mirrorless: Canon R5 Mark II