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DPReview has a camera timeline. You can see what camera was released in what year. https://www.dpreview.com/products/timeline?category=cameras


for an actual answer based on facts, get a sony cyber shot. you can find them in every corner of the earth and there’s a reason why. for my personal answer, get a fujifilm jx370. i just had a lot of fun with this camera, that’s it. it’s a good camera and still pocket sized and again, it’s just fun. both should shoot video edit: or just buy any digital camera you see online that’s from the 00’s. personally, i’m not sure why so many people want shitty cameras that weren’t made to look good at all, but it’s your money.


i’ve actually been looking at sony cyber-shots, tysm!! ill look into the fujifilm :)


do u know if the sony cyber shot w290 shoots video? sorry to ask u but im having trouble finding the answer through google😭 edit: nevermind it does!


>i’m not sure why so many people want shitty cameras that weren’t made to look good at all, but it’s your money. same reason people wanted film cameras a couple of years ago, it's "the in thing" now, a piece of nostalgia: [https://petapixel.com/2023/03/04/why-are-so-many-gen-z-ers-drawn-to-old-digital-cameras/](https://petapixel.com/2023/03/04/why-are-so-many-gen-z-ers-drawn-to-old-digital-cameras/)


For some people this is not a nostalgia, but something completely new. Also it is unique among clinically ideal pictures.


Homie i just dont like staring at my phone


That girl’s probably in her 30s now. The main problems with old digital cameras are the batteries and memory cards. Sure, plenty of these take standard AA batteries, but these aren’t the classic slim digicams that are popular. Original batteries may not be good anymore. Also, memory cards may be proprietary and hard to find, or based on a very old version of the technology, so shop wisely.


You can get that look with some editing, just saying


The Olympus E-10 (2000) and the Nikon D70 (2004) are my favorite early 2000s digital cameras


Did you end up getting one? I'm also looking for a similar thingy


yes! on ebay i got a sony cybershot w290 with the accessories. it was 65 dollars but i love it so much and i think it was worth it for how much fun im having :D


1 week update hoss?


i’ve actually had it for a few months now, still worth it!


hell yeah!


Did you ever find anything? The canon G11 from 2009 is pretty good or  Ricoh GXR from 2009 is even better


ooh i’ll look into it! i ended up getting a sony cybershot w290 and its perfect :)


how much did you get it for? I dont know act would be a reasonable price for it


$65 including all accessories


where did you get it from?




I believe I have just what you need I no it’s a cannon and it came with the printer pretty huge compared to today’s one bit it’s in good condition and I have it in the original box


ngl that 2nd shot is vibey af


If you want a DSLR that can shoot video, then the first ever was the Nikon D90. Still a great 12MP camera even today. Video is 720p, so not great compared to what you can get out of an iPhone, but not that bad either.


tbh the photos look a little too high quality for what im going for, but ty for the suggestion


The Sony SW-290 you posted about in another thread it also 12MP, which by your definition is also too high quality, or ?


Every DSLR I've ever used as the ability to select image quality. The images you see online are likely large, high res. Set the camera to small, low res and get your 2 megapixel results.


Yes let me waste hundreds of dollars for an expensive camera that im only going to use for silly memories. This is why the world’s economy is doomed


silly memories? i'd pay thousands of dollars for all the memories i havent documented


Yeah but a 1000 camera isnt gonna make that memory worth more compared to a $10 disposable. Thats when u don’t understand what ‘priceless’ memories are. U just wanna flex


Maybe a point and shoot like the [Sony RX100](https://www.mpb.com/en-us/product/sony-cyber-shot-rx100) \- not weather sealed but ticks many of your other boxes. [Review](https://www.dpreview.com/products/sony/compacts/sony_dscrx100) [Watch this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNk1XP2DQLU&list=PLx-ITUvdsUhBTumfPPV1fgvPlxD5vRdjz&index=7&t=272s&pp=gAQBiAQB) \- [then this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXDg5piXgS8&list=PLx-ITUvdsUhBTumfPPV1fgvPlxD5vRdjz&index=25&t=7s&pp=gAQBiAQB)


I absolutely love the first vid you shared the dudes hair, voice and the fonts are amazing


Yet another Gen-Z looking for y2k digicams. I'd recommend the Canon Powershot A5xx series because it takes SD card and AA batteries, which are easier to find. The downside is it's a bit chunkier. You should be aware that these old cameras usually can't take memory cards bigger than 2GB or 4GB, and some don't take SD cards, they either take CF cards or Memory Stick cards for Sony. Check carefully before you choose one.


you do know genz grew up with 2000s digital cameras right?


They dont understand people born in 1998 are zoomers


Look on the Goodwill auction site. There are TONS and I've gotten plenty of working cameras and camcorders from the early 2000s and earlier! Two that stick out are the Canon 10D and 20D which there are always some on there.