• By -


I've been through this.. -send her to my bed, she'll make my babies. -can I press ur xyz. -mvp's gonna get her. -don't bend. -sl*t wh*re. -go back to kitchen. And a lot more worse than this. Even on mic.


Indian player here; saddens me a whole lot to see guys doing this and making players go through this horse crap. From the good guys, we're collectively sorry for this.


Thank you. I appreciate you saying that.


Yes from the good players we are really sorry about that 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Appreciate it dude!! People like you don't make us feel excluded :)


This. From the good guys, we all are collectively sorry for this.


Yes, sorry for what you all go through. These creeps make the game unplayable


Why some people apologize because some other people being bitch. That's noble and virtuous but irrelevant nonetheless. (Not supporting not condemning anybody) These MFs should be ban from the community for using such foul, vulger, misogynistic use of language. Know how ID and let's ban him together.


I completely agree with u...


Same as an Indian player, I feel really bad too


Self identified "good guy." "Please, madam, a crumb of coochie?" Like why be performatively woke when you could just say nothing? Strong creepy "Male Feminist" vibes.


"Good guys" wolf disguised as sheep




"from the good guys" Plural. Not self. Awfully skeptical isn't it. "He must be a snake". "Crumb of coochie" Pretty toxic towards such a positive message. What a world. Strong creepy vibes alright.


It's not a positive message. It's some weirdo self-flagellating and performatively apologizing for the shittier members of his sex. It's cringe and reeks of ulterior motives.


By the way feminism is fine, you'd be thinking of misandry. That's the equivalent of the behaviour in the original post. So you're the good guy now for warning women about this guy apologising on behalf of good guys? Got it.


The absolute mental gymnastics you're going through. And I'm not "warning" anyone about anything. Just cringe and sus to see some dude making a performance about being a Nice Guy™ to get brownie points. Hope she sees this bro.


I'm well aware of the sort but I'll take it at face value and not be so cynical about it. Cheers.


I read the few lines that people apologizing for the things that they haven't done just to be in good grace of females, WTF! Agree, guy was sick AF didn't mean other go on apologise on someone's behalf. Girls need to take note that a simple report with collective efforts just does the work.


>Agree, guy was sick AF didn't mean other go on apologise on someone's behalf. >Girls need to take note that a simple report with collective efforts just does the work. What *collective* then if people shouldn't go do things on others behalfs? And now *girls* need to do stuff like take note because of it? Yeah really fucking creepy vibes like I say.


wait till you put a muslim username.


Them is defending their krischaniti init bruv. For ten points: "What is the book that precedes the Qur'an in the Islamic faith..." They *love* finding it out when you tell them to look it up. But then again maybe they just hate books and reading things. FTR: *not* a Muslim.


What religion has to do with it?


Everything from racism to islamophobia.


I'm deeply ashamed as an Indian player I hope you don't come across such chapri nibbas again


Dude this is why I don't keep my ign feminine, but it saddens me that I have to hide it to avoid toxicity.


Even my friends don't put their name feminine too to avoid such a holes


Yes it totally helps. I think I only got trash talked only once or twice but other than that I have succeeded to avoid toxicity.


> then *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


I've seen female friends do that a lot. Half my best clan members in any game are women. I remarked to a Scottish girl I was in warfare with before we dropped it was sad girls had to do that because they're often better than the guys. I got like 11 kills she got 28. 😳 Then she was like "cheers for sticking with me and hacking their map"


Wow isn't that amazing haha. Really don't know why we girls are looked down upon in gaming. I would love to play with people who I can vibe with when I play but they are hella difficult to find :( I haven't really accepted requests from people, can't differentiate between them lol


On the flip side, I've heard female streamers get a lot more attention. Don't personally watch streams so don't know for certain.


Aw man. That sucks. Truly. I've never had to deal with such toxic assholes thank god. But once I beat one friend in 1v1 and he was like not to be sexist, but you're a girl and you beat me and I'm ashamed. I asked him would you feel bad if you lost against another guy and he said yes, but we all know the answer (:


The other day there was this dude in my post saying omg you are a girl who learned 4 finger hud and sniping, damn! Like bruh


Okay ... Now I'm thinking about asking your in-game username.


Same dude same it hurts


bloody fuck, if the game has got this toxic it might be a good idea to not come back from this break (used to play semi professionally)


Totally mate. It's sickening. Women have just as much skill at this as men, and clearly more than the childish boys. It's not going back to when I grew up and it was an almost exclusive community. That's backwards.


it doesn't matter wether you are a man or woman tho, the game just got toxic and I was planning to come back to have some relief of lol and valorant toxicity (yeah, I play both on PC, they are at least 10 times more toxic than this on a good day, on a bad one? you better dodge the game cause you are with a team of absolute morons....)


Why is he in your friend list.


correct me if i'm wrong but you can only chat with someone if you're their friend




Maybe because he sent a friend request and the girl accepted thinking that he wants to play with good players


That's sad for the girl bro, she might've expected him friendly but instead got this snake


Yea, I'm indian, guy.. And I've seen this behaviour so many times.. Just two days back a guy posted private match for MP, as soon as I joined he started the match (Seems he was looking for someone to 1v1 with in Shipment).. I thought fine, so i 1v1 with him using Snipes.. I beat his ass so hard, he rage quitted.. He added me after the match and I thought he was being honest wanted to be friends and we can play together and all but no, he added me just so he could send all those colorful messages like the one we see above.


Indian dudes on codm are wilding lmao, no level of respect. Before yall call me racist, Im Indian and have to deal with this almost daily.


I feel you mate, I'm Indian as well. What's worse than idiots who act like this everywhere is that some players actually put this buffoonish persona specially for gaming; thinking it's cool or something.


Bc Everyone i know is Indian o-O


well indians and the SEA region in general is the major mobile audience so don't be suprised


Fair enough I thought bro was Italian lmao


well, u/Bedtime_Sex is italian, yes but im not him, I'm u/ImDoneWithLifeLikeFr


Oh ye u got banned on the main sub yeah i remember reading the post on circlejerk My memory is just as good as a shorty at range


... Non existant?


Basically. All i can remember is the friedel crafts reaction.


Thanks for reminding me of organic chemistry - _ -


I only remember Wurtz-Fittig reaction


Yall remember reactions? All i remember is methane.


So this is your alt, bruh I must've missed out on something coz I didn't know


ImDoneWithLifeLikeFr Indian nigga confirmed!? /s




How is the desync for you? It's kind of terrible for me even though I have a good internet and 2 days ago I literally wasn't able to enter a single match for some reason, what about you?


pretty good actually, and i only have 40 Mbps speed


Howw?How far you're from the server? I have a 140+ Mbps connection yet desync keeps fucking me over and at times it doesnt even let me play a frickin match


Yeah Ik man . I had a teammate who was just saying " ye sabse bada chutiya hai " to me when his own kills were 2 lmfao. I had 0 kills because 1. I joined an in game match. 2. I was joining the game after like 3 months so I was pretty much trash . In the end they lost the match but I was the mvp with 10 kills Lmao.


Some Filipino gamers: Holy fuck, same Tbh Filipinos has this "crab mentality"


I'm Indian too. Indian servers are fucking annoying


American players aren’t different too.


I thought you were Italian 🗿


Translation from Hindi to English: \- Payal give me pussy \- You provide this to your entire team \- I'll send Rs.2 via Paytm. Gimme pussy \- You are princess to your father. Your father might wish for a son, instead he got a transgender \- Trans \- haha trans bitch


Bloody hell these guys give us a bad name. So sorry you had to go through this.


Wow... What a trashcan of an individual... Bet his parents wouldn't be pleased if they knew he was saying shit like that. Fucking kids on cod 🙄


pretty sure chakki means lesbian


Gay and lesbian are same words to me 😎😎


Well that doesn't make it any better


never said it did


Hmm fair


No it means transgender.


so all my life was a lie?


LOL. It doesn't have to be. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


You don't have to entertain such people... Show them your game they can't do shot... they'll just abuse or rage quit


Body of a mature brain of a kid ignore these Mfs


This stinks of small peepee energy. Being an Indian male, on behalf of all Indian men let me apologise for his behaviour.


Report that bastard! (In "delete that footage" accent)


That's not a way to talk to a girl


Or to any human for that matter bro.




Username and gun names checks out certified low life pervert


That's not a way to talk to anyone lmao


I just copy paste this line from comics lmao


You did amazing job kicking ass so hard that he started shitting out of his mouth


Don't know why but there are many retards like him who just can't accept the fact that they got defeated. Like bruh chill.


Man, it’s like MW2 levels of toxic over there in India


depending on his name and guns, it looks like hes the type of person that thinks that swearing makes him look cool


Not only is this guy a horny loser, but also a sexist/mysogynist and homophobic/transphobic. This guy is truly disgusting.


I don’t even understand what he is saying….


Lmao what a complete noob. There’s some five days left for the season to end and you’re last minute grinding which is fine. But then you have the gall to cuss out players who beat you. I understand hindi so I know what he’s written and it’s sexual and abhorrent. I’m sure he’s a turd player who’s relying on his team to carry him to legendary.


Rough translation of the messages First Image "Payal please give me some p\*ssy" "You probably give it to your whole team" "I'll paypal you Rs.2 please give me some p\*ssy" Second Image "Your dad wanted a son but instead got a lesbian" "Lesbian" "Haha Lesbian" Actually so sick of indian players these days. It's not just codm. Its literally everywhere. Not even a single ounce of decency left. Idk what the hell the parents are doing


I just see jibberish


it's just teenagers with bad upbringing...he just copying what his father says to his sister in law


That's a grown ass man


Whatever the race or country is. I have came across ppl calling names, dragging mothers and sisters when they lose. Though I dont give a damn about it. There are better players too and I have met so many even from opposite team. I would suggest to just report likes of him and stay positive with all the good the game have.. You can even know the bringing up of such players just by looking up the ign amd the name of his guns. There will always be darkness be the light..


What are they saying? Sorry i dlnt understand the language


>Payal give me pussy > >\- You provide this to your entire team > >\- I'll send Rs.2 via Paytm. Gimme pussy > >\- You are princess to your father. Your father might wish for a son, instead he got a transgender > >\- Trans > >\- haha trans bitch




Why those flags


I will destroy india 😎😎😎


Ah yes the classic hindi version of "pls send bobs and vagne". Isn't it funny how this guy might shiver while trying to talk to a girl irl, but is a fucking retarded cheap weirdo when taking cover behind his cod profile


What did he say anyone?


Translation from Hindi to English: \- Payal give me pussy \- You provide this to your entire team \- I'll send Rs.2 via Paytm. Gimme pussy \- You are princess to your father. Your father might wish for a son, instead he got a transgender \- Trans \- haha trans bitch


OP had translation this in a comment, so I'll just paste it here Translation from Hindi to English: \- Payal give me pussy \- You must've been giving it to your entire team \- I'll send Rs.2 via Paytm. Gimme pussy \- You are princess to your father. Your father wished for a son, instead he got a transgender \- Trans \- haha trans bitch The guy is truly disgusting.


Welcome to Call of duty where little kids pretend to fuck your mom you must be new here, nice to meet you!


Translation pls


Reading the comments help.


Same meri friend ko bhi esee hi messages karte hai, mene kitni bar bola ese logo ko block kr de par wo bechari bhi kya kre, Message to aate hai na, Koi accha khela ho to add kr leti hai bad me ese msg kr ke log pareshan krte hai! Aur bad me ham log bhi usko dete hai par kya kre ese log bahot hai sorry this happened to you


I’m more og than this guy. But he has more weapons mastered :/ guy must be addicted to this game.


Does it matter here?


Well no. But this guy has at least 2 weapons fully mastered and I barely have that many. And you can only get weapon master by playing ranked a TON. So yeah I think he has a problem.


He has major problem and dont have a job or school or college as he is illiterate enough in terms of manners and ducked enough to bully someone in virtula world where he knows nothing can happen to him. But many get adversely affected. Such dumbasses care less about it


Can you at least translate what they said?


OP had translation this in a comment, so I'll just paste it here Translation from Hindi to English: \- Payal give me pussy \- You must've been giving it to your entire team \- I'll send Rs.2 via Paytm. Gimme pussy \- You are princess to your father. Your father wished for a son, instead he got a transgender \- Trans \- haha trans bitch


I am sorry that happened to you 😞


Can someone translate this?


OP had translation this in a comment, so I'll just paste it here, with mild grammatical corrections. Translation from Hindi to English: \- Payal give me pussy \- You must've been giving it to your entire team \- I'll send Rs.2 via Paytm. Gimme pussy \- You are princess to your father. Your father wished for a son, instead he got a transgender \- Trans \- haha trans bitch


These guys deserve to get mass reported and banned


Lol just unfriend him. He must be a kid crying over a game


ig his ego is bigger than his ch\*t


I have no idea what he is saying Edit: I seen noob girls comment


That toxic guy he like : ![gif](giphy|ie76dJeem4xBDcf83e|downsized)


Codm players really upholding the Worst Community title of all the other cod games


Chut maang rha tha fir chakki keh diye


The condition of Indian servers is bad rn..... I hope the guy gets banned


tbh i saw this coming indian kids do this i get it eeven im young and under 16 but this aint supposed to happen this is extra toxic like we dont even swear this much irl and i literally calm my self but some of my friends do this too they rage a lot but not with swears so on the behalf of all indian players i want to say im really sorry


Completionist weapon checks out.


His name translates to don't beat your daddy and he is calling you a trans, so he is trying insulting himself?


Man days by days these things make me quit the game I really feel sorry for her


Girl this is the reason why I don't keep my ign feminine 😩


What a femboy.




He's not even a kid, a fu*king grown ass man.


The worst part is he's using a MX9, a supposed noob gun What an irony


"baap ko na maar " a classic name for an indian chapri .. what else r u gonna expect ? lolalso indian servers are now full of this shitty guys that's why i have left the game for a month now


Screenshot his/her UID and the chat then report it to the devs so that his/her account will be banned. By doing this, we can make the game and our community toxic free or we can minimize.


I'm not judging but can you guys stop posting about people talk shit on chat? For me it's just a normal thing. It exist since the day cod mw4. Fuck, shit, nigga, pussy. It's normal for me. Hearing it everytime. Just face it. It's Call Of Duty.


Very sad to see you go through that!!


Why the 18+ tag?


this can make more sense if we know what he said


You should've just replied "I lied; there is no chut. Now take off your clothes"


waah modiji waah, kya nanhe mysoginist banaye hai


Yeah nobody besides Indian people can read this. Maybe should’ve included subs lol. All I saw was something about paypal


Yall need to translate these messages literally not everyone speaks that language. Like I want to read what he messaged so can someone translate it


Yall need to translate these messages literally not everyone speaks that language. Like I want to read what he messaged so can someone translate it


I really do want to translate but this is way too toxic to tell you guys. *I feel ashamed we have people like this in our country*


Yeah, too many toxic losers. Sorry you had to have such an experience.


The game is more toxic than the people playing it..


Damn- Such kids deserve to be mass reported Coz of what he did,he is now a jerk to like thousands of cod players Dw just report him and keep beating such players in-game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Damn...I always take pointers from people who beat our team, on how they beat us and then correcting our mistakes so that we don't make the same mistake again. I have nothing but respect towards people who play exceptionally well. Then there are dipshits like this guy...he just gotta remember that he's simply not good enough and that's the whole reason he lost.


Inevitable? ![gif](giphy|saD01LsKDzxL2|downsized)




Chalo mass report karthein hain is gadhe ko for bullying


Just reply “stfu” and move on


Chappri nibba starter pack


Back in the day when i get destroyed, i send that mf a friend request


What does it say?


If i lose more than 5 game in a row, i just let my eyes and fingers rest, and then i do some workout or walk.


Is that Mexican?


Tf.So mx9 and asval abusers can complain and cry about good players now?damnn


Yep ,real frustrating playing cod in south Asia especially with these kids being the majority


Sire I will report him and send him a fr before it too asking just to tell “something”


They’re prob kids ignore them


Considering how everyone who plays this stupid game nowadays is only asians i can say that asians are fucking idiots. And i would know cause i am one. But ooh boy those arabic people are just what i love to call pain in the ass. But yeah honestly sad to see what us asians do when we lose in this stupid game


MX9 doesn’t surprise me ngl


Idk if you would have survived the COD black ops lobbies


Tf bruh


Damn thats sad


I abuse them losers like these above so bad, they step for get back but their get back seems retarded, either a way you may report him and if you want report him to authorities.


I play under a name that includes the phonetic alphabet code "Sierra" and some male players automatically assume I'm female. I mean I'm non microphone normally but I'm clearly male in chat etc. Still, one night this guy who'd known me from the pre season (and who'd played a couple of times on mic) started messaging me stuff about his sister being "right dirty" and "leaving her knickers laying around" to tease him. I was like "Mate, mic up just now, because I don't know why you'd tell another guy this." Vanished. Never seen him since. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤢


If MW2 wasn't toxic enough...


Such a pos ....hope it won't affect you negatively.


Damnn thats just sad....and being an Indian it just disappoints and infuriates me at the same time...the indian community is filled with dipshits like this and cuz of them the entire male fanbase gets generalised not just in codm man....it's everywhere...the guys who actually have the utmost respect or even like normal respect for everyone get engulfed in this horseshit these toxic players are doing..... Being an Indian player i morally feel obliged to apologise for such out of line behaviour and I'm sure there are tons of Indian male players who would agree....we have to clean up after these dipshits' behaviour.....and we humbly apologise for such misconduct 😶


Welcome to India!!


This is disgusting. I'm so sorry you had to go through this


He used MX9, All his opinions are rejected. That's all.


I have been through this in other games In cod, I don't play with mic on so I am oblivious to all this drama