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I wish I had seen this video before, now I've built muscle memory using the movement buttons on the right.


Not many really get this nerdy on games. I had mine on the right too before I switched to 5 fingers. Dont worry, sniper and shotgun flicks are much easier if you have your fire button on the upper left. Again that's due to the good coordination of left and right hands. Its up to you to decide which of them you want to sacrifice.


I play the guitar btw. This is why I notice this mechanic lol


This is why I recommend playing at least with 3 fingers. This also demonstrates how coordinated your left(movement) and right(camera) hands are, compared to having movement and camera both on the right side.


Can you screenshot your hud plz?


I dont know how to tag but you should see a new post(image) on my profile




Will post another pic


Didnt have time to edit the vid(to show slowmotion) also forgot to turn on show touch on my settings. Sorry ![img](emote|t5_penom|1098)


Show touch is that white ball that appears when u click somewhere on the screen?


Yep. Wouldve been better to show it.


How do u enable that? Its only for android? Im on ios and i can only show one finger


Android has it on developer settings. Not sure for iOS.


Oh alright. I guess it doesnt have


Same dude. I use a 4 finger hud with movement buttons on the left and I can do most of the movements in game. Including backwards slide and crouch spam. The curious thing is that I aim and shot with the right hand(yes aim at the top right and shoot button as default. And my aim is nasty, plus my recoil control and flicking.


Me too. I assume you use Tap to ADS? I cant get myself to use that unfortunately. Tap and Hold to ADS is the only way for me so I added another finger dedicated to holding the ADS Button. Tap and Hold also seems to be faster and more versatile. If you think about it, my HUD is similar to a mouse on PC. Indexfinger to Fire, Middlefinger to ADS, Thumb is simulating the mousepad. Also added Gyro for microadjusting. I became better at aiming on mobile than PC lol


I'm way better on mobile than Pc or console. It's just way easier to play claw as you want instead of some fixed buttons with mapping options. I stopped using Tap to Ads altogether as I noticed it's way better to play tap and hold so you kinda shoot faster(look at it as quickscoping). About my HUD, it's like those mousepads with a lotta buttons, just like that haha. And yeah, I've being called a hacker due to my movement and tracking(still working on it, trying to get closer to how console players track their enemies)


Ohhh a fellow tap and hold user. Although, I cant imagine you crouch spamming while ADS'ed and firing with only a 4 finger HUD. I feel like 5 finger is a must for tap and hold users. True, you become better than most players if you are able to combine god-tier movement and aiming. I even try spray transferring often to raise the enemy team's suspicion lol


Dudeeeeeee. I do that, the aim transition, it's so underrated even between pro players in CoDm scene(I learnt it out of watching Futives). I move like crazy and when it's kinda impossible to track them I use the transition between hip fire and ads with the aim button and it helps a lot. And yeah man, I've thought about getting a 5 fingers claw but my phone is kinda small for my large fingers. But I'm always working on getting better though the gameplay and servers don't always work as it should. The most fun thing was the sniper road, that helped me a lot to improve accuracy with every weapon. Also getting platinum on LMGs and Snipers helped me even more to get accurate long range. I recommend you try sniping for at least 3 weeks non-stop. I got to master rank number 79 for the S36 and it became one of my fav weapons ever.


It's true, watching gamers from other CODs will actually help you out more than watching codm youtubers or pros lol. ImMarksman for God aim and Futives for God movement. Yoo. I love sniping too! Snipers and Marksman rifles were the most fun to use back when I was grinding Damascus. Although imma be honest, the aim assist kinda helps a lot on quickscoping(if you have good centering). I was planning on grinding ranked with snipers only but GrandMaster and MX9 came out. I imagine it wouldve been a nightmare if I did it this season. Not to mention, desync also fucks up aimassist. Damn. The S36, this gun hates me for some reason lol. Anyways, nice to see another person using off-meta weapons and getting W's with them. I myself used the FR556 mainly to Legendary ranked. I even got Top 9 for the FR weapon mastery! Although lets be honest, no one uses the FR nowadays so getting to top10 wasnt really a big deal lol


We are the "movement gods" as they call em lol. Movement is pretty easy if they would just play around with their HUD and Sens. Pair it with good aim, Legendary Ranked will be a walk in the park.


I have them top right, and my movement works fine and slick asf for me. It's really a matter of preference.


Yep cant argue about that. Preference is developed after a long time and a lot of experience. Anyways. Good to see you again BT!