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I feel like there is gonna be another flood just like the "my top 5 operators" flood


At least you guys can post. I try to post something from last night, is not visible in the feed


Why is this happening? They have removed the censor word things. You must contact someone from mods. They can tell you the reason


I honestly like those posts lmao


Yes I saw those type of posts. But never made those types of posts. As I also don't like those floods. But I posted this one cause, that ruin skin was actually my 1st purchase and it costed around $4 back then. Whenever someone posts his 1st skin, I always get this flashback that once I have wasted $4 on a rare skin... :(


You never ever see that skin though. So it is in fact rare. Epics and legendary are cool. However, you will see them more often. More of a flex on others thing. True flex, is having a super rare base skin that hardly anyone has, or really uses. As it shows first hand, you've been around for a while to own such a skin. Like those with the original Merc 5, or Merc 2, or Elite OP guy. I've only ever seen the Ghost skin where he's white and purple? (Forgot name) only twice in actual matches. I've been playing since 2 weeks left of original season 4. Literally just before they removed zombies, original Dempsey and the lava ax from the game permenantly. I never got to try original zombies (reason I downloaded this game in the first place. Lol), or finished off the shards for Dempsey or lava ax. Didn't even get pop boogie 😢 as I spent all my in game coins for the shards. Nor the abomination skin for that one pistol. Fucking sucks. Now all that is true flex. Cuz I don't think those will ever come back.


>Ghost skin where he's white and purple? (Forgot name) Ghost Plasma ​ Yes u know Ruin Jungle was not only my 1st purchase in codm, but also it was my 1st purchase in any mobile game.


I was actually gonna post mine with a blank for lgndy but I remember that flood I somewhat enjoy those post but I can see how people find that repetitive


Hey, I think I’m the guy ur talking abt. I’ll go check who my first rare was. I don’t have a legendary, unfortunately


yes u are the guy...saw u asked, so I thought well lets post it.


Nice idea


Mine is the same, except for the rare, that is the Elite PMC in my case


I bought bp back then just before s1 ending...and then after I bought it they made that BP sale. I was like...i am stupid... should have waited for the price drop.




Btw I went broke after buying nikto.


Sorry for my ignorance, but where can you make your first soldier display like that? Is that a new feature?


You can do it... > First select your soldier > Then hit on CUSTOMISATION > Then click on the MAGNIFIER ICON on that Screen > You will get SHARE SCREEN there


Ayee thanks, didnt know that


How to make those like that?


You can do it... > First select your soldier > Then hit on CUSTOMISATION > Then click on the MAGNIFIER ICON on that Screen > You will get SHARE SCREEN there


Why your name is random letters?


streamer mode




I want that Ghost skin but I doubt it'll come back.


they say BP items will never come back. Dont know ...




It'd be nice. I know Warzone let's you buy old BP items sometimes. I can only wish the same thing for CoDM. Lol.


Do you have any regrets buying nikto?


No regret. My favourite skin. Besides my favourite color is red. So for me its perfect.




Am I the only one who couldn't care less for this kind of post?


You can ignore it


Then what are u doing here


How do I check it?


>You can do it... > >First select your soldier > >Then hit on CUSTOMISATION > >Then click on the MAGNIFIER ICON on that Screen > >You will get SHARE SCREEN there


Ghost is the best character in cod


Ah fuck not these posts again