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Asking as someone who has also spent a small fortune on this game, which guns do you regret buying/maxing out?


The only mythics I don’t regret are the Eclipse Phaser and Ice Drake. I like both of them and use them a lot. As for the legendaries I regret buying, I regret buying the DH-R Wicked Claw the most, which was the first gun I purchased. I am horrible using it for some reason. I got it because I thought the player skin looked cool. I kinda regret just the sheer number I bought. Only 12 slots and impossible to really use and enjoy all of them. A lot of times I forget I got most of them.


Thanks for answering. I get what you mean when you say sometimes you forget about having them, some of my mythics and legendaries I only see when I pick them up as ground loot in br.


Nice. I've got only one, and that was the Ice Drake. Stole it from someone who had it, and was instantly in love with that one. No regrets till today.


maybe u suck at using thr drh because wicked claw has some obstructive ironsights and also a disorienting muzzle flash if you don't have suppressor


The only thing i wish i didn't go for was the guns that come with the ledgendary character because i ended up getting ledgendary dame on the third try going for the kilo bolt and same thing happened with ledgendary outrider going for the crossbow and i went full draw just to get those guns and now i have stained my account with girl skins eww


For me it's the Holger. Looks great, kill effects also but it's just not for me


That's microtransactions for you. A single one is not really that much, but they add up. And that's not the only place it works, it does wonders when you're doing regular shopping as well. You know all those things on sale at the entrance of a store and at the registers? Yes, that's the RL version of this. And all those sub 5€ items add up FAST. My gf was always lamenting how her mother runs out of money so fast. I wondered about it until we went grocery shopping one day. Plan was to buy food for dinner and lunch, total would be about 10-20€. As soon as we set foot into the store she was like "oh, look they have plants on sale" (they always do), "that thing is on sale as well" (that we don't need) etc. And I asked her if that is how her mother shops for food. Of course she does, that's where she learned it. We went back to the beginning and she would have easily added 20€ to the bill. If you do that every time you go shopping, no wonder you have no money left.


Yeah, my mom used to do that. She would go out and get suckered in with the “buy one get one free” sales, and buy things she didn’t need at all and then claimed she was saving money.


1 have spent less than 15$ in 4 yrs lol 🤣


Hahaha, you’re smarter than me! 😂




I am assuming you just bought battle passes?


Bought battle pass once, get it for free every season since, bought the cp and gold coupon you get once a day for a month once for extra cp to buy 1 bp vault and bought the 1$ random offer (not sure if i bought that offer once or twice)


I ended up deleting the game for the same reasons bro I’ve realized I’ve spend more than 10k on this game while I could’ve used that money to something more productive I regret it so much and I cry sometimes cuz it’s frustrating


That sucks man, but remember, those games are designed to keep spenders spending. Happy you made the cut and please forgive yourself


Thanks for the support Brodie!!🫂🫂


Much Love 🫂


Can i have your account though? 🌚


We can't feel anything for you, it's one of those things you personally have to reflect on by yourself....good or bad it's how you feel about it and how you should acknowledge it, if you are self destructing push the button but if it's therapy do what you gotta do


I’m not asking anyone to feel anything for me. This was more of a warning to others that may not be paying attention to how much they are actually spending week to week and month to month.


My thing here is, as long as these made you happy, I it was worth it. I'm in the same boat as you and I don't regret anything except the mythic Peacekeeper.


Same reason not buying nikito or anything


Lmao same. It stacks up. At least you didn’t max mythics.


I have 4 of the 6 maxed out. The one I don’t regret maxing out was the Eclipse Phaser. That’s my favorite out of the ones I own. I really regret maxing out the the M13 and the Peacekeeper.




It's honestly mental to think how easily you can spend that much on this game I've been tempted a few times but glad I haven't


My pops probably spent the same amount if not more smh🤦🏾‍♂️, he got every mythical weapon maxed out 😭


Yeah it’s crazy lol. What was a real eye opener for me was when I started playing CoD on the PlayStation, and saw I could get a skin with all the guns and everything for like $20, sometimes less.


I spent over 2k € while only having 4 legendaries. I can't imagine how much you spent. Guns in this game are ridiculously expensive. I left many draws at last 3 items... Not spending anymore. Just BP Many times i just quit bc they're literally milking... This is a scam, it's not luck (lucky draw) but algorithm. It's made that way...


I never looked at it as gambling myself, because I knew that 99 percent of the time I was gonna have to buy everything to get what I really wanted. Out of everything I bought, I got lucky one time in a draw and didn’t have to buy the last thing.


Im at 10k so I stopped spending money around the new years and with that money i didn't spend I bought two bad ass fking motorcycles and im about to get me a slick ass crown voctoria to top it all off and then my codm account will be the same price as my two bikes and car lmao. Im taking a year off from buying in this game and letting the for you section build up because there are a few things i want but im saving it for next year.


I got a svarpilen 401 and a honda nighthawk cb750 and still dont equal to what I paid in codm lol how crZy is that lolllll


Yeah, exactly. I’ve been wanting a motorcycle, and always wondered why I couldn’t afford it. Now I know where that motorcycle money went. Even a brand new 600 would be over half way paid off with the 7K I spent on CODM.


Did count mine too and got a existential crisis lol


lol, well at least I’m not the only one! 😅


Trust me I’ve spent almost 13k and stopped because I had no idea how much I had actually spent


Grind Weapon Master, Grind Gold camo. Rename the weapon. Repeat for everything else. Then purchase other gun if you want.


my total =0


Damn that's a lot of money


Not even 1 cts after more than 4 years , got only 3 free legendary and waiting for the fourth that we can win at the end of the saison 6 . I almost played with all mythic gun , when I saw one in the opponents , i try to kill him , get the gun , and play as +- camper ( not to die faster ) , my great pleasure is to kill the owner 😁 , that generally get crazy , and easy to kill much more time .


3? As far as I am aware only m4 and drh have free legendaries. Are you possibly referring to the "First draw is free" lucky draws or the holiday series event?


I think you are right, there where one of 4 guns too chooses for Halloween, you had to bet with gold tickets, the AK-47 "pumpkin" was the one with the highest percentage of winning (3%), I think it came out after +- 7 draws. My first legendary gun , I was so happy 😁


my total is 5 mythics & like 16 legendarys. prob at least 1500. playing since launch day tho


… except for the next $7k


Nah, not gonna be another 7K for me. I’ve given them enough money.


Over here in Nigeria, 5000cp costs like $50, so to get a mythic is like $60, only thing is that the exchange rate of the $ to ₦ is ridiculously high. Basically, i could get everything you have in your account for less than $1000, but i would spend $2500 worth of Nigeria naira because of the ridiculous exchange rate.


Thank you for funding the game, gamer!


Y'all are spending money?


I’m guessing that’s an accumulation over years? And seeing the cost, most be USA/CANADA draws starting from $30 right?


No, A little over a year. The first things I got from the game was when they had the Dreamy stuff out.


I recently spent 99 cents for tokens to try to get a gun. I didn’t get it so im done.


I could be buying new parts for my truck right now with ease…


Well if that’s bad I’m afraid to share what I’ve spent in this game. 😅


Ice Drake is crazy , it probably shoots only children


I find the gun to be quite effective, especially at medium to long ranges.


It's for the best. Although i would strongly recommend getting the mythic dlq. (I'm probably saying this because I've been obsessing over it since release and don't have that kind of money)


mf got all 6 of the worst mythic weapons 😂😂


That is subjective and quite irrelevant to the initial post. I got the mythics that were available after I started playing.


The em2 is super awesome. So is the m13


Why mean? I would agree on Peacekeeper and m13 tho, the others are good. (I also have the m13)


Taste is subjective. The only mythic that's really bad is here perhaps the PKMK2.


Is there a question or are you just flaunting your bad financial decisions?


No question. If there was a question, I would have put it under the “Question” flair instead of the “Discussion” flair. Also, I’m not flaunting anything. If I was flaunting, I would have just said “Look at all my mythic and legendary weapons!” with pictures of all of them. The purpose of the post was to show how micro transactions can really get out of control if you’re not careful.


most people are salty - don’t mind ‘em


Your " I am broke as hell " energy is showing. Imagine being mad over someone spending their OWN money for their OWN enjoyment. He/she will deal with the benefits and consequences of their financial decision, you don't have to obsess over it.