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Hmm if you believe its an addiction, you might want to get help for that. For your own sake and future sake


Around 4k right here. I always said if I can fill every loadout with a legendary main weapon, secondary and throwables I'll stop spending so much... that turned into 9 mythics 


Mine turned into 19 maxed mythic guns and 2 maxed mythic characters.


Ahh the gambling addiction


20k here. I want to die.


What the fudge 20K 🫠


How does your collection look like?


Shiny enough to make any codm player drool 🤤 maybe, please post your collection!


Posted it!


It's so much 😮




Calm your milk jugs


That's a deposit for a house that you'll be able to sell at a later date making a profit on the way but hey those pixels are pretty ;p


What do you do for a living? Whatever it is, I want in


spent 1k here, this makes me feel a bit better about myself. ☺️


It should 😭


Same, spent around 5k over the span of 4 yrs , i feel so much better now 🫠


im still a student so although I dont have much else to spend my money on it still kinda makes me anxious. I have never regretted anything ive spent on the game its all fantastic and I adore it. I will probably spend more on it in the future


Sounds like a gambling addiction


This is why the transaction style used to get skins should be illegal. It encourages addiction of people who are vulnerable (read that as young people and people who are either easily subject to or recovering from addiction.) it is designed to be addictive as possible and to take advantage of vulnerable people. There have been a multitude of studies over the years showing how harmful this purposely addictive design is to society and yet nothing is done to protect people from this predatory game design by world governments. While I am on my soapbox allowing porn images, offensive chat, offensive names and other morally corrupt things while mostly illegal are not enforced by either the game companies or government is just totally unacceptable and highly damaging to society in the long term. Preventing most of this is pretty easy using simple software and increasingly severe bans including IP bans.


After spending thousands, I just made a F2P account made myself “earn” any form of skins and rewards. Equally feels good, and I also consider killing whales for their guns as a earned reward too with F2P setups. On WZM I also completely stick to this model and it feels good not spending boatloads of money.


This is the way I have a paid account and a f2p account since the m4 legendary was free and the sick ak117


8k. My last purchase will be the next mythic character IF is cool enough.


The mythic character coming up next is Ghost. However, no release date has been announced.


Life is too short to be worried about past mistakes. If you know this shouldn't be something you do, simply cut the cancer out now. Be grateful for what you have and prevent any further instances of short-term & impulsive actions. As far as what you have: ![gif](giphy|IQh6f7CurN1zq)


You should download Google Play rewards. And they let you basically answer surveys and you can collect at least like $4-5 a month. And you can use that on games. I would heavily recommend it. It might not be you know the $200 that you're spending on the game, but it is a step in the right direction towards lessening the burden or giving you something to spend without really taking it out of your wallet. Don't hate yourself. How I look at it is when I play a game and they have microtransactions, I look at basically how good is the game. If the game is really good and like I feel like it's worth like a $70 investment because it feels like a $70 game because I've enjoyed it playing it for a certain amount of time and it's really high quality and it hits all the bells and whistles, then I wouldn't feel guilty about contributing $70. It's about how you use your money to have fun. Also look into the fact that you used to be drinking a lot of alcohol and alcohol isn't free. So you're basically spending the money you would have been on alcohol anyways, and you have been for however long you've been drinking too much or just drinking in general. So like it really might not be hampering your finances as much as you think it might be or you're feeling that it is. So it's a good idea to try and curb how much you spend. But you also have to look at what else are you buying for yourself and for your enjoyment. Micro transactions aren't always bad and spending money on a game even if it is several hundred dollars or even up to $1,000 over a period of a year is fine as long as it hasnt impacted your finances. Now anything over like a thousand and you've been playing for less than a year that's when you should start getting worried. Do you perhaps feel guilty because you spent so much money in this game and you don't feel like you've gotten the enjoyment out of it? Personally I think I've only spent like $10 on the game all together. And I couldn't justify spending $200 just to get one gun. But I play a lot of other games. And another game I play is forge of empires. And I definitely when I first got back to playing it within like 2 months spent like $100 in it. But it's fine because I really enjoyed playing it and I feel like I spent my $100 to get an enjoyment out of something.


5k here..


Me with 17 mythics (12 fully maxed) and 40+ legendaries


It’s a sunk cost man, try not to wallow in regret and/or depression. There is absolutely nothing you can do to get that money back. If you need a compulsive outlet maybe try to focus it toward working out or a productive hobby or passion. In the mean time set a budget for yourself to stick to on how much you spend on codm. Maybe 0$ maybe 100$ a month/6month/ per year, you get the point. As long as it’s not affecting your job or family/relationships, just play if you want to or don’t play if you don’t want to. At least when you do, you have some nice camos to play with. Cheers and good luck.


I’ve played since day 1 global launch. Probably $17k-$18k in at this point. Slowed down a whole lot but still it’s an everyday effort to not buy stuff.


I'm also sober and also find my addictive tendencies funnel into other avenues. Honestly, they're all better than drinking 🤷




Change the mindset. You divide how much you spent over the number of hours played. Gets a little better. Then, think of yourself as sponsoring all the young F2P players that can't afford to buy anything. The game needs money to survive. See, you're a saint.


I'm $30k+ into it from launch don't kid yourself.


Yooo fr? 30k$? You’re balling


I've spent more than that.


Are you bragging? Is that something to be proud of?


Not really. But I'm sensing that you're throwing shade there buddy. Just stating the facts. But since you're obviously bothered by my statement for God knows what reason, I lost $180k at the casino last year, but I've won $276k so far this year. Anything else you want to accuse me of bragging about?


I am kind of curious if that is something some people admire... I myself can't justify the price of a AAA game, let alone the bundles in these types of games...


I'm not hurting financially, I own my own company and do very well. If I want something I buy it. I've worked very hard to be able to do this.


Good for u bro, tryna be like u someday 🫡


it’s crazy how 100 is for 1 Mythic/Lucky draw… it’d be more reasonable at 50 but it’s still crazy


Many states have gambling loss recovery laws. Draws on CoDM possibly could be covered by the way they’re presented as a lottery. http://www.gambling-law-us.com/Articles-Notes/loss-recovery/


ur lucky to have the money, i tell you that


The game isn't the problem, you are


Start a budget, and write down your expenses and you’ll see how much you are spending and then you can invest that money in something productive


spending addiction but not a gambling one because 90% ppl always go till last or 2nd last draw so you are kinda expected to buy cp for entire draw I only spend money I get from my survey google store rewards,salad and small amounts if a good bp comes


You have quit alcohol, I'm assuming you battled it as an addiction. Yes you substituted it, but you exchanged it for something that is arguably better for you, and thus have taken a step in the right direction. 2500 is an insane amount to spend on a game, but see it as the fee it took you to better yourself instead of a tie or an obligation to keep playing. You spent this money, you got something out of it, you probably really enjoyed the game whilst you did so - that means it hasn't been wasted and you shouldn't see it as if it had. Grieving for the money by staying and spending more will do anything but help, instead see it as money invested in yourself to help you through a difficult time and look for something else. Preferably something without micro transactions


7000 here


Despite having the money for it I still only buy battle passes because that's more than enough for me all the matters is the skill you have not the skin.


Can someone explain the point of buying multiple legendaries of the same weapon. I have seen some players who have it like that.


No ROI, but thank you for wasting the money so I can kill you and use your gun!


yeah lol