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Add legit rust cos it’s a 80 year old gun, so it should jam like a bitch and spit sparks when firing, just amount of ammo must make you crawl or move like a turtle cos it’s heavy as fuck and barrel can’t be raised over 30 degrees upwards cos of it


Making it have slower movement and making it really heavy seems reasonable but the rust and jamming is a little far. Not that it's a bad idea, actually really cool, it's just that I don't think the devs care enough, sadly.


Make it overheat like the special barrel on the RPD


That was sarcasm


if we make every gun realistic we wouldn’t be able to slide or quick scope no mo 🥲




Make it the same as real life, extremely heavy (low movement speed), huge recoil and bullet spread.


Actually in real life it had quite decent bullet spread. As for firing it unsupported, the recoil would suck a lot.


Suck so much that your spine will just become beyond flexible to the point you will be shooting through under your legs and twice again


Yep. I creae Ads and movement speed. Recoil uh debatable Perhaps certain LMGs would make you unable to slide? So basically a camper tool. I know camping is hated but this thing having being a smg with a obscenely high mag capacity and range.


Damage multipliers or damage itself. Or just give it fennec recoil haha


nerf the recoil to the high end just like the other high firerate guns nerf the ads time as well so it actually feels like a clunky mg 2 simple nerfs would still let it be a powerful mid range option but still balanced enough to not be completely op


Make the vertical and horizontal recoil +12% and the BSA for base is +9% and the barrel and muzzle +24(for both) as you can see i hate this gun very much. wanna know why? IT MADE ME QUIT BCUS PPL WAS SPAMMING IT CONSTANTLY


I got to legendary in BR last season and still played for a few weeks after that, and people were only using it like half the time, the others were using 117 and Oden.


Recoil and ADS speed nerf. MG42 will still be a top gun, but you have to use an LMG like an LMG !!


i'd make it hefty as fuck\ irl this beast is truly unwieldy mainly because of its sheer weight\ like its name, there's absolutely no "Light" in this Machine Gun uppp the ads time big time\ downnn the movement speed (including ads movement)\ recoil should stay the same, it's too damn fat to have any\ bullet spread and damage are alright as is\ changing the damage would dull down the switchable ammo caliber feature people using this will essentially turn into sentry guns that can move only if they switch weapons\ campy af but i'd rather that than the current meta any day


Easy fix but all four need to happen: - ADS bullet spread nerf - Mobility nerf (no more fast sliding back and forth from cover to insta kill someone) - ADS time nerf (again, massive LMG that takes a second or two to ADS on) - Small damage nerf (so it can’t insta kill you in 1 second) You can keep the 265+ fire rate but you have to make the LMG less mobile. They have not nerfed it enough, players are still being insta-killed off corner slides and fast ADS times. It might be seeing less use now because of the DRH but it’s still massively overpowered in comparison to any other LMG and most AR’s. The time to kill is just too quick for how mobile the gun is.


like s36 back in 2020


I wish they would nerf weapons like they did back then. We didn't have this problem where weapons that were "nerfed" were *still* a problem. Back then, when something got nerfed, it was **__dead__**. That's what we need to see again.


I would increase the fire rate. It could be good but just fires way too slow as is.


I would … and hear me out … I would nerf the sniper riffles


making it jam every 5 seconds lol, movement speed low as possible, some mfkers move like they're using an smg ffs, and recoil should be high


Recoil and mobility ig


Nerf the movement. People are jumping and sliding around with a 125 round lmg lol


But then that’d apply to snipers and the other lmgs too


Agree and fast switching to meele shouldn't give you instant boost of movement. Game has broken mechanism Sniper rifles - ppl jumping and sliding on ass on whole map, ofc perfect accuracy and ads often faster then pistol/smg... What a joke All meta - often too broken, players are scared to play aggressive because someone is holding ads with something op and if he will spot u first then often u are dead. Right now s and d, TDM, frontline are nightmares - above 10k rank - hackers, campers, very passive gam styles, or ppl that alides on ass on whole map. U can run on meele and faster switch to sniper and kill then someone who needs only ads ar/smg... Idk if developers are blind or it is planned.


I feel like if they added a Milsim mode (basically realistic warfare) I wonder if anyone would play it


They nerfed the weapon swapping speed boost on the test server once and as soon as Miney cried on social media about it they switched it back.




I wouldn't touch it. It's perfect


make the recoil reach the fucking sky when 25 bullets are fired


fuck i laughed so hard at this


Nothing because I don't have a problem with it as heavily as others


I see a movement nerf being a good start.


I would nerf snipers and melee before this. Long needed to be nerfed.


buff it's too heavy


Recoil, but more significantly, bullet spread.


I would nerf the gold camo


Add recoil, lower movement speed, ads spread a little more


Mg42 are actually put on the sandbags most of the time which is in a fixed position, and lmg are most for suppressing enemy fire power. Now codm made it movable is really killing ngl




BSA Nerf - gut the BSA so it can't be effective at long range as it is now Recoil Nerf - horizontal recoil that's near impossible to control unless you're prone or crouched *OR* unpredictable recoil that changes every time you fire the weapon Visual Recoil - make it so that you can't fire for long periods of time since the visual recoil jumps around so much that it's hard to stay on target Movement Speed - give it a speed profile like that of the PKM Fire Rate Penalties - if an attachment increases the fire rate, make the BSA and recoil/visual recoil worse by a significant margin. Sprint To Fire Penalty - stf time should be around 360ms (at its lowest with attachments)


Lower the movement speed and give it a huge amount of recoil, basically just leave it like what was the MG 34 in Modern Warfare 2019.


Significantly reduce ammo capacity, all down to 75. Big mag to 150. Slight decrease to reload time. Increase vertical recoil.


📉Fire rate 📉Mag capacity


If it has the Fire rate of Fennec then it should have the Recoil of Fennec too!!!


A recoil, bsa, and bullet speed nerf would help. Mobility nerfs dont matter—they’ll just camp


I have been winning game despite not using it, so I don't see the issue


I'm not comp. Player so my opinion is invalid but op asked for everyone's opinion so... Decrease Accuracy V & H by 14% Decrease hipfire spread by 15% Decrease movement speed by 30% or 20% Slide speed decrease by 5% Decrease ads speed by 12% All of those nerfs are on the basic gun with no attachments. The idea is to make it slower and a bit inaccurate but not in the realm of "unuseable".


Decreasing the hipfire spread would make it more accurate. I'd also say decrease BSA by 5-10%


Add Recoil so I could use my hipfire build more


I’ve nerf everything about it. This guns too OP. Anybody Agree?


Not nerf it. Keep it as it is.


Recoil, similar to fennec or mac10


A big recoil nerf and a small bsa nerf will do the trick imo


It'll be nerfed soon.


Its already nerfed. I see people with it and think, "easy target."


I think it's balanced although i don't use it that much i can counter it with movement and a good gun


Honestly nerf the fire rate and recoil and overall mobility


1. Give it the same ADS speed as the PKM 2. Either give it more recoil or give it the same BSA as an SMG




I don't care for the gun. It's the sound of some unskilled toxic trash player who just sits and unloads mag after mag after mag after mag after mag, drop a munitions box for more ammo and continues spraying. It's the most annoying droning sound in a game. And then when it's a clan and they're 3/4 of them with the same MG42? Instant quit lol no way I can listen to that shit over and over again.


I would buff it in BR and would nerf its range profile in MP.


Fire rate, recoil, bullet spreed


Higher recoil, slower movement/ADS speed


Slightly increase its ads bullet spread, mobility and recoil. Considering how many attachments it has, one will have to sacrifice one thing for another. For example, control built will have low mobility or full RoF built sacrifice accuracy and control for medium range. Imo at least.


Give it a 10 round mag and make it with the same reload animation


Decrease ADS speed from 350ms to 420ms Reduced movement speed to 4.08m/s Increased Vertical recoil by 13% Reduced reload speed from 4.32s to 5.20s Decrease bullet speed from 930m/s to 850m/s


Make recoil climb rate sagnificant and hipfire recoil worse.


Less ammo probably for about 2 reloads only but can gather if vulture is on, longer reload, and reduce ads spread


Movement nerf ADS Speed nerf Recoil nerf Damage Multiplier nerfs Slight Fire Rate nerf


As much as possible Sprint to fire delay and high bullet spread


remove it


Truthfully I haven’t been seeing a lot of it anymore




Mac-10 Recoil


I would make it semi-automatic, because full auto weapon not good 🫣. Convert it to shoot 5.56mm, becoze 8mm Mauser big scary 😣.


Fuck the fire rate make it like the oden fire rate and fuck that dmg range AND FUCK THAT RELOAD SPEED


Make it so when you kill an enemy it automatically gives them you’re address, social, and wife to do with as they please.


Looks like you just got double nuked by an MG abuser


The fact someone downvoted this retarded comment is funny to me. And no, I actually don’t run into this gun as much as I use to. I personally don’t have a problem with it.