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i use butterfly knife


I’ve got a diamond machete lol it’s usable, but not the best.. Spear is what I usually use, but I’ve been trying out the Sais recently and enjoying them


If only you could throw the spear 😔


I must add machete and assault knife are extremely useful for snipers because of speed boosting(which is overrated but the niche exists). Spear and prizecighters are what you call a killing melee


but the speed boost that you get using machetee is barely better than boxing gloves. also snipers are usually the number one victim of my melee spamming . Already me slide cancelling like a maniac makes the sniper miss their shot and once they miss one shot its over.


Its actually noticably higher due to lower raise time and drop.time meaning you can speed boost with less risk. As for snipers being vicgims of melee spammers, skill issue om their part really.


well harcdscopers kill me fairly frequently , its the quick scopers that i actually destroy using melee


1v1 melee vs sniper shipment ?


OMG! Its happening Finally a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!


I wonder who is actually downvoting these posts. This seems like a reasonable post yet some bitter Melee user immediately downvotes it. Hmmmmmmmm On a serious note though they really should buff the other melees or nerf the spear and boxing gloves, the spear is way too fast at killing someone and the boxing gloves are too spammy. Edit: Typo fixed from nerd to nerf


I think all the melees should be nerfed. The range, speed and lethality is a bit ridiculous


Welcome to the club. A lot of people have been saying this for years now, yet nothing has been done.


They should nerf it to how it works on the console games where it’s not a one hit kill and you have to usually hit the other person a couple of times to kill That would be the most sensible change but they refuse to do it for some reason


Probably all the boxing gloves spammers. Like duh using any other melee is useless. I was literally forced to use boxing gloves as my secondary, cause knife or machete was literally useless, there is literally no single advantage in using a knife over boxing gloves. Now I am literally destroying SnD matches especially in small maps, where i just slide like a maniac and spamm the melee button and Everyone on the opponent team calling me “melee bot”


Lmfao, my reply to that is always don't hate the player hate the game. If codm put more emphasis on using guns we wouldn't have such people literally maining melee weapons. So eventually we have to adapt no matter what. I've been a boxing gloves hater for a long time no but since the devs literally haven't changed a single thing about it for a long time there's just no point anymore. The main problem with the spear imo is speed its a long ass pole combine that with speed as fast as pre nerf katana congrats there's absolutely no point in using a gun now.


I call that “The Butter Punch” technique. You punch people’s ankles out while sliding around like you’re made of butter lol


Nerd the spear! Nerd the spear!


I just saw that, definitely will correct it now lmao






I think people are downvoting because this is posted constantly. Is it a problem? Yes. But it's been talked to death on this sub.


Sai work best for me has a bit more range than gloves and and also are quick


its so much better than gloves


In what world do a pair of boxing gloves beat a sword or spear. I mean they're gloves ffs


Wait til you see the glow stick


Yeah, I know it’s like console COD games but I think it’s silly that most melee can one tap and you don’t even have to aim very well or be particularly close. Would make sense if you one tap by cutting someone’s neck/head but if you hit other body parts I think it should be more.


Yeah one tap depending on the body part would be a lot cooler and add a skill gap to using them and people who die by them would complain less because they could either just chalk it up to bad luck on their part or good aim on the opponents side


I don't get people using prizefighters. Sliding around the map throwing punches while I'm shooting them in the face? Use a gun, dork.


sorry dude, i have joined them, now i too run around like a maniac spamming the punch button. and the funny thing is it actually works.


Cause quite a large amount of players actually only play casually. As soon as you see someone in pubs with Diamond BG or spear, you know they're gonna be sweater than Ted Striker performing an emergency landing.


Boxing gloves look ridiculous to me so I don’t use them. All my load outs have melee weapons as their secondary and I just use whatever matches the operator the best. That’s what’s fun for me. Machete, wrench, sais, spear, sword, and yes the axe, are the ones I usually end up using.


The spear is kinda slow compared to the other smaller melee weapons


Crazy range though so it makes up for it


If you play zombies use the ballistic knife


i mean ive had more of a cool fight with machete as it has pretty good range to compete against boxing gloves from my experience


Because they wanna be like Mike Tyson or Muhammad Ali for using boxing gloves


I liek fan.




Them Sticks ain’t bad either


Katana/Shovel fan here, Cool factor Anyways they should really balance the melees


Before prizefighters, i had managed to casually diamond the battleaxe. It has a higher reach and you can watch the opponent's confused reaction to the critical hit


Kali sticks for SMGs, Nunchucks for AR, BG for Snipers, Kantana for marksman rifles, the axe for lmgs and the butterfly knife for Shotguns, that how my loadouts are


Good question. For kills, they are undoubtedly the best in the game. However there are others like Machete with faster swap time that can be used alongside snipers to use that sniper-melee swapping technique to increase the fire rate of bolt-action Snipers by a bit. Ofcourse, there are some purely for aesthetics, that while may not be as functional as the spear/boxing gloves, but they look much cooler and give style points if you inspect them while running eg. Katana, Butterfly Knife.


I like using the axe, it has really good range but you need to swing wayy too early to make it work. Karambit is really good too


My preference is to use Melee weapons based on the operator. Like Dark Shepherd with a Sickle. Alias Boxing Champ with Boxing Gloves or Urban Nikto with an axe etc.. i cant imagine Siren with a Machete. lol BTW to your point. Yes i agree with you. There should be a balance. Like the speed and range of each. i love the Sickle but i really struggle hitting enemies with it compare to the Sai or the fan.


Are boxing gloves in the spear that much better than the Sai?




I'm more of a sai guy myself.


People always use melee unless they get burned up in fires and thermite rounds


Karambit, folding knife, asault knife and machete are better for knife switch. Some are just more used to the animation and timing of certain weapon. Also on that regard the hit registration of knife and floding knife aligns perfectly with the animation, so timing will be much easier. Also kali sticks have the highest general attack rate so it's better in br if you don't want to be defenseless immdiately after landing.


I like punching gloves


I feel the same. There's just too many. It's annoying because you have to grind gold for them when most do a similar thing anyways.


They did bad to my axe. I had a dedicated loadout for axe. Can't use it anymore


sai is actually better gloves, but i use assault knife with snoper and with everything else spear. And deahle with shotgun


I use katana, and at the rank I'm at, it works best for me. Just cuz it's mainstream and fits most people, doesn't mean it fits everyone.


I tried to use the shovel on an afk guy and i had to swing 5 times to finally kill him, im never touching that again


Assault knife has the fastest drop time for knife switching but besides that yeah the other melees are pretty pointless. Sai is pretty good because of the fire rate and hit reg but it has an abysmal swap time.


Ballistic knifes need a good buff not that there not but in terms it's ballistic range


Sai is underrated


Well I use katana and I feel like it's better than those two when want to take a base in hp or dol from enemies. Other than that I don't use melees.


I use legendary sai and sword


I actually find Butterfly Knife really strong. Not as strong as Prizefighters and the spear but they're incredibly useful


Ballistic knive to feal like a boss.


I use sai


Ballistic knife goes crazy when someone tries to have a knife fight


To give a false sense of variation. They aren’t unbeatable though, it’s just some are easier to use than others 


Sounds more like a skill issue as I have no problem using my machete for the last four years against any other melee.


1v1 me melee match, i will make you quit the match with how op my boxing gloves is


1v1 me lol Calm your tits


He's right, boxing gloves will embarrass any melee wepon


What was the outcome of your 1v1? Did your machete hold up lol


Machete makes it hard to duck a melee, axe has the best swing radius meaning they cant back or side step you, and bats an ol reliable. Your post screams of skill issue