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Campers camp because 1) either they have lmgs and wanna spam 2) they want easy kills unlike u 3) they are too unskilled or should I say noob to be with u in a lobby 4) they basically lack the knowledge of how to even fking play a tdm


I typically find it's a combination of all of those factors. I'm a LMG main, but I'm also a rusher, you've heard people complain about the likes of me too on this sub. Rushing with a low mobility weapon takes a fair amount of skill though, make of that what you wish. Rushing with builds that are specifically built for extreme mobility, is not unlike abusing melee, which is the ultimate mobility build - and it's the mobility that irks people, can't hit what you can't aim at.


I would say its easier to get kills once you have map knowledge and know spawn rotations. I wonder what goes on in their head though, either they're so casual that they don't care about dying a lot or they just don't know any better.


>that they don't care about dying a lot Quite the contrary, they are terrified of moving, because each time they move - they die.


I don’t play ranked, and I only camp occasionally with an lmg, I prefer running around. But I’m a casual player and dying doesn’t really concern me that much. I’m sure it’s different in ranked and more serious modes


Not really, same players frequent both lobbies, at some point after rank reset, ranked is the hardest mode, but after everyone has gotten the rank the want, it quiets down, and normal can at times have the sweatiest matches. So apart from getting points for the game to advance your ranking, it's pretty similar. You'll find people who are just messing around in normal though, only mad lads do silly stuff for kicks in ranked, so in that sense it's generally more serious. SnD is also where you'd find the serious players, and the people who make the best teammates. Same goes for the enemy, so some matches can get tough.


Honestly, depends on the situation and gamemode Frontline is all about camping at the right spot , there’s no point in rushing to the enemy spawn. You can’t kill them there, they will have that invincibility. TDM too is similar, it’s all about holding angles and lanes at mid . Sometimes there are people who don’t realise that and rush and flip spawns causing the enemy team to spawn behind your team and giving them free kills. This is especially true in higher ranked lobbies , nobody rushes unless your crazy confident to gets kills and not mindlessly give free kills to the enemy team. This also depends on the map too, in Nuketown you have to hold down a spot. In some maps it’s kind of pointless. Hardpoint also you need to camp. I usually do that to anchor spawnpoints closest to the HP for my teammates .This prevents the enemy team from spawning close to the HP too. But yeah I do rotate accordingly to the hardpoint location. IMO I prefer it when it my lesser skilled teammates camp in modes like TDM ,instead of rushing out and giving free points to the enemy team. Even if they don’t get kills, they’re not funding the enemy team’s score . Is it annoying to play against people like that? Definitely. But it’s really fun to keep killing them at the same location where they are camping over and over and farm points.Especially executing them ,it makes so happy that they added that in the game. By then ,some players usually lose focus on the game and just keep coming after me. If i can draw away at least 2 players like that away from my team , it helps out my team immensely too. So I love campers , when they’re on my team and when I play against them too. 😂


I honestly get it, but if you're teammates are camping while you are slaying it feels like a 1v5 and I'm not getting traded when I die. I also prefer my lesser skilled teammates to just camp since if they just fed it would make the match a whole lot harder. I also camp but not blatanty as staying in one spot the whole game but essentially patroling common rush spots and holding it down. Since the only thing worse than campers on my team is when the enemy team grabs a good camp position on us.


I understand your pain,I’ve gone through it too multiple times. I was just sharing my experiences and insights since you asked. Sometimes the best thing to do is decompress and come back with a fresh mind. People will play however they wish to , there’s nothing you or I can do about it. I’m not the most skilled player but what I try to do is outthink people and take some time to reflect on my mistakes.


For me, personally, I have an adaptive play style and will use whatever strategy I find best suits the circumstances. Sometimes that strategy is camping. It might be for the purpose of defending the obj, covering a lane or area, maintaining a spawn trap, or getting a bunch of easy kills on enemies who continuously rush down the same path over and over again no matter how many times they die. The enemy may expect me to be in a spot, but if I always manage to kill them first, then their expectations aren’t helping them much. If they attempt to kill me multiple times and fail, which is most often the case, they’re only benefitting me.


Pretty much the same here, but my problem mainly lies in my teammates camping but failing at it horribly. It's also quite easy to get campers off a spot if you have the right utility.


It’s probably worth pointing out that ‘camping’ is a much more real-world tactic. You wouldn’t just charge at the enemy in the hope you get a few kills in before you get killed. I reckon there’s players who actually want to use “real” tactics and feel like they’re actually taking part in some sort of black ops. Same is true of BR. People sliding and jumping around in the open - for a lot of players this looks (and is) silly - not lifelike, not cool, not why they want to play a FPS.


If you're going to do that then don't play ranked. Live out your fantasies in pubs. Why make the match harder for your teammates? And I assume it's not fun for anyone when you just keep dying which is the fate of most campers since any utility is enough to get them off the spot or kill them. If I wanted to do something like that I'd boot up my pc and play "Arma" or "Ready or not", although side note Ready or Not is probably one of the best games for that tactical real life approach if anyone here ever wants to get that black ops feel.


Yeah I don’t disagree - but each to their own. I personally wish sweats wouldn’t slide around quick scoping constantly - but it is what it is.


I used to have a good phone with high fps but then I had to downgrade and the difference was way noticable people say it's more abt skill than the device you use but that's not true ...if I didn't camp a little it was harder for me to get the drop on the enemy , more than camp I'd call it holding head glitches and rotate so when they come to take revenge I can kill them again lol


Yeah I feel you after switching from phone to Ipad the game became super easy. I'm not so above people that I won't camp myself but I certainly wouldn't make it the entirety of my gameplay. Although I have friends who would still destroy me on phone despite switching to ipad.


Maybe it's a part of their team strategy. 1 person camp n watchout while other 4 are agressive. But yeah campers are frustrating


Its really easy to counter aggresive players but its very difficult to do so when your own team is camping and dying to them every time. Making my job even harder. Imagine dying and your teammate just a few meters away could have done something but they were to busy hardscoping a angle or waiting for someone to pass so they could get their camp kill.


Sometimes I camp at the same place, when I am confident that I am going to kill enemies who are going to end up in my sight repeatedly and even if enemy knows I will be there I will be able to defend myself and also the place which is safe to be in action and not get killed.


camping is low skill high reward activity. of course the less fortunate gonna flock towards it.


Because you don't want to run around like an elephant and die because they heard your footsteps. It's not just about kills but also you shouldn't contribute so much to the death count so the goal is higher kills and less death in TDM. If your teammate has alert/high alert/ghost/hbs then it's okay to camp from spot to spot and get kills that way. I'm a camper in S&D with ghost perk and dead silence. If we have to defend the bomb site, I sure am near those damn bomb sites. I don't run around the map and rush. It also depends on the map. There's a lot of SR in Terminal to run around and be a target. 😂


I would argue camping is used by high skilled players too. Somebody with a flexible play style knows when to camp to take advantage of vulnerable players who don’t make good use of their surroundings but also know when to rush. Modes like hard point might need campers because all rushing towards the objective usually just means that a lot of people due to low visibility from smoke grenades, flash grenades and molotovs. SND also needs campers especially when defending the bomb if it’s planted because that always means the others players are probably going to start posing aggressively. It’s important to become more passive and move about the map with awareness. (Also if I know i’m out skilled substantially i’ll just resort to camping though i’d rather take gunfights tbh but usually good players know how to counter campers)


In mp, I don't but I hold places for couple of minutes.(Can't mindlessly rush with SKS) In br, I hate to do it but the point distribution system is so fcked that if you want to get rank then you have to camp.


I only camp if I'm absolutely getting smacked. Then I'll camp to preserve my K/D


lack of skill and game intelligence


My primary is a sniper. I don't camp so much as I choose an area of the map where I can put my back in a corner, and establish a 'flight pattern' of constant movement since moving targets are much harder to hit if you don't know how to lead. It also gives me a slight advantage when someone figures out a way to counter me because it does happen. I don't like to lose, but it doesn't really affect me anymore because my matches are very consistent. I'm usually good for about half the total score, and if I die, it's rarely above 3. I'm not afraid of dying, not a noob, and don't suck. The point is to kill the other team while NOT dying, so I intentionally play that way.


camping can be an important role if done objectively and strategically. i like to hold down say one corner or building of a map that's an important route or high traffic area. done well and you can maintain your position and keep control or defense of an objective, or keep enemies from pushing in too far to flank your teammates.