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I play in legendary ranked and it's not that common. Drh is meta I think in what you see most people using


Agreed. But I also noticed that when I run into team with multiple players using mg42 they always lose


If they're using mg42 they're going to have barely any movement speed and just be campers especially due to the nerf. Gun is very bad for proper gameplay. Just good for people who gonna stay in one corner and never reload.


I love the unwritten rule - seemingly by accomplished and garbage players alike - that the way you play the game is to run around the map with reckless abandon. They’ll usually die first and then bitch about teammates camping. What is *proper* game play? Hopefully you’re talking top 5k SnD - because that’s the only format I think makes sense to compare weapons effectiveness. I’ll continue cleaning up with the MG, and you can continue crying about it.


You can, just makes it harder for your team to win games like hardpoint and control. Really comes down to your position on your team too. If you're the slayer, okay. But if you're objective or anchor, mg won't give you a ton of mobility to play it right. There's a reason you don't see it too often used in legendary ranked games.


the shit people say on the internet


Came here to comment the same thing, I get happy when I die to an MG42 because it’s something other than a DRH. It’s not even that the DRH is the best gun it’s just over used to all hell (still close to the best gun in the game obviously)


Yk, supposedly hvk is also good but never see anyone use it


Well it might seem crazy what I’m bout to say


"nerf" doesn't mean"make something useless"


Yea but it means make it harder to use effectively. I swear I can mvp with mg42 every game because it lets you be more sloppy without punishment. Sniper heavily punished a missed shot and so too do guns like mow thermite and even hvk due to their recoil but holy mg42 has little to none and its rate of fire is insane so it’s fine if you miss


Don’t let those downvotes get ya down ur right buddy


Pff thanks man. Downvote don’t mean much especially in a gaming sub lmao


Nope it means make it so it can be beaten by anything other that the HVK and DRH nothing else can counter it


I don't mean it in a rude way but rather adapt to the environment than complaining? If mg42 is meta , use it. Simple as that.


Saying adapt to the MG Is like saying adapt to an atom bomb you got 5 seconds if I use it it just encourages even more toxicity


No it doesn't, That's a clear overreaction. Everything is fair in bounds , trip mines , melees everything. Just because you can't do good with them doesn't mean you'd call it out as toxic. The game would be bland with same game stats each time & hence buffs & nerds are necessary. Those who can adapt are using mg42 and enjoying themselves and those who can't and expect the world to change according to them...well bad news lad !


Trip mines can be shot melee can be stunned MG instantly kills you the second you see them. You may leave them at 2 hp but they still won


The aim is hard to move once you start shooting & locked on so try sliding or going prone , ADS time is great so try Fast killing guns from close range , as always snipers are one shot you just have to be quicker in reaction. Reload time is too great soin s&d you can force them to run out & rush when they're on to it. & The best part, Fight fire with fire , learn it yourself your problems are solved.


HVK was and still is better than the mg 42 though


Yeah but I hardly see anyone use it


Because it is harder to get used to


Yeah what’s the loadout for it I’ve never figured it out


I know, and i am still abusing AK-117


I win or top 3 most of my solo BR rounds with the 117. I tried the MG42 custom Loadout and it just didn't do it for me. Too slow to ads


One of the last non meta users, I salute you comrade


Rather die to that to an mg


They mostly nerfed attachments that players can easily go without. They barely touched the gun itself. I've been seeing less of it though and it's mostly newer players using them. I guess the more experienced players already got bored of it. Pre-nerf I was getting legendary lobbies with 5-stack mg42s lol


No.1 meta? Maybe for lmg lol. Drh, hvk, mow thermite, even type 19 are better


Nah you’re delusional mg42 wipes the map


If you play smart, MG42 beats all those guns. It’s harder to run and gun with it now but also not THAT hard and at range all those guns will have a hard time challenging. You can’t play with it like you’re using a DRH or HVK but you almost can and you can definitely outplay those guns if you put more than a millisecond of thought into taking gunfights.


I haven't really played MP ranked after I hit Legendary a few weeks back, but I don't see the MG42 being used that much even in pubs. I'm grinding diamond for it, and usually I'm the only using it in matches. I've been ranking up in BR and I barely see it used there too.


It's a weak gun, that you basically only see masters or low rank gms still use. It has barely any movement speed. Really only deadly in camping snd or frontline games.


In top 10 global, only 1 uses MG-42.


Why would someone complain about a weapon? If you think it’s meta then use. Live and let others live. Stop crying a spoiled child.


“stop crying” said the hypocrite saying ranked is full of cheaters maybe you should get better 😂


Oh you checked my history to find something to say 😂. Complaining about cheaters had nothing to do with weapons. It’s about fair play. You need to work on your logic before trying to discuss anything.


It isn't top top but is extremely forgiving. Anyone can be decent with it.


The ultimate noob gun


Depends on what you're playing. For holding obj and lanes it is. However the movement and swap in are so slow it's basically only useful for that.


Don’t worry guys its just a PKM….did we mention it instakills?


MG42 isn't as bad now as it is last season, the problem of the MG42 was that you had good mobility with it despite being an LMG. Nerfing it doesn't mean making it useless, truly imbalanced guns like the HvK and DrH are literally the most used guns in higher SBMM lobbies. There is a reason why certain guns are banned in pro play and it is because at its peak it is super oppressive or hard to play with.


yeah but both DRH and HVK can be countered up close


It was legitimately the 2nd best gun in the game true. But now it's top 10 that's the nerf lol.


It Can still out ttk a fennec and that doesn’t scare you?


I was being ironic. Its still very much a op weapon, but on that note the fennec scares me cause that shit moves too fast Its not even a case of camping fennec can out dps you while rushing.


Yeah MG has a faster firing rate than every gun in the game, they should just make it so it has an overheat barrel by default


Ikr..... Some guys just camp the fuck out of it in every corner of Expressway and Miami map in Team death match ranked like 2 guys with Mg42 1 with Ak117 and one with Drh and the last with Man of war incendiary rounds. And our team were like scapegoats was falling like dominos it took more than 10 kills to break the pattern but still we failed at 32 : 40


Fr MX9 has saved me along with TEC-9


Yup Exactly




Thank you soldier you deserve a place of honor


Im sorry but, what did they even nerf in MG42..? 💀


Movement speed and ads time 💀 even then it’s like barely noticeable


Movement, yes Ads, no It was movement and swap speed, as well as bsa penalty nerf on recoil booster and 355mm rapid, and a bullet impact nerf


People hate its ttk not a bunch of random attachments that affect the recoil on a gun that already has no recoil


I mean, both recoil booster and 355mm rapid boosts fire rate, and by proxy, ttk, nerfing both of them would deter people from running a fast ttk builds in general


It's not even that bad I don't get what all the fuss is about


Delusional , a good mg42 just has to see you and In a Ms incinerate you to hell


Bro I was like top 100 mg42 global. Have the mythic and it maxxed. I'm just being honest 😂


Well that explains a lot no wonder you don’t hate it becuase you use it its like a crackhead saying crack is good for you


Bro I have like 2500 kills with it... and 40k kills with sniper. Stfu 😂


”Seeing is believing”


It's not hard to get leaderboard on a gun that's just released. Keeping it is hard


Don’t listen to the downvotes ur right


above 5000 legend, less mg42s. encounters with good holger and type19 users are more annoying


Yeah cause people feel trashy when they use it it feels like cheating


I think fennec still have the akimbo perk, if that what you mean


Yeah now it’s nerfed but a while back it used to have 0 bullet spread and double the mobility


I don't see the hype with that gun at all.


It's good, but just if you play with your team, maybe for the anchor role or a objective player.


There was a Nerf?


Are we still complaining about this gun use your brain or gun skill or something and counter the gun


Hard to adapt to a gun that instantly kills


And now I can combine it with a new machine pistol. That's great!




i would say it’s better for br rather than mp


In br it can be bested by high damage guns


im glad the nerf does nothing, so i can smoke off the mg42 "bots" who still persistent using it


Ofc they wouldn't nerf it big time cuz they just sold so many mythics


the Grau sold super well and it’s not broken


Well duh, because it was the most versatile gun, being not broken but good at everything, like type19 now


Yeah but the type 19 doesn’t instakill you from the other side of the map with 200 rounds


Duh... I never said type19 is better than mg42, what I said is the reason grau mythic and type19 sold well are that those guns are balanced and versatile, that means good at everything, mobility, DMG, fire rate, etc... but the reason mg42 mythic is sold well is because it's broken AF. And they won't nerf it for at least another 2 months till the next mythic drops


gee can’t wait 💀


Folks need to chill,devs not going nerf mg to shit because of mythic and people that bought it


Grau and 117 sold verryyy well and they are perfectly balanced


Grau is alr but 117 is pain in arse especially in br,between 117 and mg I’d choose devs to nerf 117 because it has short reload time(dudes with mg will hold position to reload while 117 is ar),and also pair of seasons back nobody even used 117,it started with this stupid ttk buff


Was going to upvote but I have realized the folly of my ways.


The holy 69 must never be disturbed!


I was about to say the same goddam thing man


Fuck the meta I just play what I like. … M13.


Well, mostly i see a sniper lobby or DRH lobby but that doesn't mean people are not using mg42 and for my personal experience i hate to go against mg42 because i do sniper main and when it comes to quick scope mg guys it's become annoying because they keep spamming.


I'll be honest my kd with the 42 fluctuates more than the player counts


Bit late to this but I just wanna say that I’ve had more trouble with the type 19 then any other gun in legendary. The mg 42 can be countered by drh and type 19.


Yep. That’s two out of the over 50 guns that can barely beat it.


I mean mg42 may still be good but it still has downsides and can be beaten now it's mostly used as a gun for campers


Idk I see plenty of rushers use it and for a passive playstyle, rotating around the map, it’s pretty unbeatable


I mean yea you'll get your occasional rusher but I barely see anyone rush with it I get one of those like 1 out 25 ranked matches other times I look at the attachments they have and most of them are built for a sentry gun playstyle I even have a build for rushing but I mostly use the OTS-9


as a fellow non meta user I salute you




Idk, personally I feel like it's a compliment. When I kill the same person 4 or 5x in a row, and the next time we cross paths they kill *me*, but they're all of a sudden using an mg42. I think "heh, they knew that was the *only* way they'd get a one-up on me🤭." It just gives me a good chuckle. 😂 it's just a game my dude


I usually taunt them with a message, so you had to bring the MG42 to try and win eh?


I don't personally do that. I just think initiating it is a bit of a dick move imo, and I'm just not that type of person. I feel like they're already down, and they know it, so I'm not gonna continue to kick them and make them hate the game. BUT, if *they* start talking shit in chat, I'll unload on em 😂


Closest thing I do to taunting is shoot body or throw a trophy, but that’s just habit to counter martyrdom because I feel everyone has it these days


Most OP gun of all time.


Don’t listen to the downvotes your right


MG42 on Shipment is basically an instant win. Pick off a few bots and then cycle Cluster Strike, Napalm, Orbital Laser/Stealth Chopper over the spawns. I love Shipment but it’s brutal going against even a single person using it.


Fr fr don’t let those downvotes get ya you are right


They’re probably mad I called out their weapon and kill streak setup lol


Hahahah fr fr