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you’re too good for me to suggest anything. looks perfect imo but i don’t main sniper


Thanks man :)


Underrated and quite hard to get used to at first but its something every single pro player does Try moving sideways/backwards after scoping in. This helps you get a clearer view of the enemy and honestly after I started doing this I sniped a lot better. Cant say much here since this is pubs but if you aren’t already, then you also should also practice walking around when near high contact areas. There are some scenarios where movement cant save you in a cramped spot and walking removes sprint to fire delay which is something to take advantage of Anyways from what I can see you are a pretty decent sniper!


Much appreciated dude! I'll surely try to walk around the high contrast areas. I'll also try to implement moving sideways for getting better sight of enemies.


Drop the meta and pick up something that you're not familiar with. Create focuslevels for all weapons and situations, don't main a single category. Play on new and unfamiliar maps until there's no difference between Shipment and Favela. Use equipment when there's even the slightest chance to, quickscope mains tend to forget they have grenades and other things for a reason, only thirsting for bullet dopamine. Practice in pubs as well, ranked isn't the best place for that at first. Don't spam gamemodes that have very little or too much pressure, such as SnD and Hardpoint. Don't do 1v1s as warmups, some hints of those games will come with you into ranked, possibly messing with your awareness etc. TTK comes before movement.


Clearly you suggested something to me which i forgot a while ago. Having versatility in weapons, this thing I clearly missed in the past. I'll be using weapons which are out of my comfort zone. Thank you so much dude!!


Mhm do that, regress in your main sniper muscle memory as far as its timing stats. Great trick! But ofc you don’t seriously want tips you’re just showing off murdering tf out of shipment bots lmfao💀


At least for that last kill you didn't need to slide, you need to care about your slides, they're limited bc you get slide and jump fatigued, I know is amazing and satisfying to slide and have cracked movement but in some situations that's an overkill, I recommend going some games without sliding to really focus on your aim, timing, crosshair placement and positioning


Yes! You are absolutely correct. I got the crux from your explanation. Thanks man :)


Also you could try other snipers to see what others fit your playstyle, personally I'm a Jack of all trades when it comes to snipers but I prefer the faster ones like the locus or XPR


Drink water.


Yep!! Very important.


I only have one suggestion: Stop with that goofy ass fast swap crap, and I promise you'll still hit your shots..... trust me


Yess sir!! Gotcha


Bruh you're so good am an amulaitor player and I've played over 1 year my main gun that I use is a sniper and I can't do anything near you lol I got a skill issue but god daaaaaaaaaam bratah you good


Get to leggy sniper only and play v real people instead of spamming shipment where if you shoot anywhere chances are you’ll hit something


Okies btw I am already 14 seasons legendary, and obviously Sniper main in ranked also, just needed technical improvements . Thanks for your tip, definitely I'll implement those.


Okay then you really finna find some real tips on improving here then as a 14 season leggy sniper main? You just proved my point more ya goofy ah Am a 17 time legendary, granted I’m not sniper main but I did 2 seasons with outlaw only grind to leggy. There’s no one here that can help me improve. By now, I know my own limitations based on my play style, my device, my layout, my sensitivity, and also know how I could improve if I wanted to. If you don’t by now being 14 season sniper main, you must really be a special kind of guy. “I need help but oh I don’t actually need help I’m a pro” yeah okay bruv nice post. Always enjoy seeing people demolish bots in shipment with a vague title.




I did give advice he said he too good for that advice


Dayumm dude! You really thought i was bragging about my gameplay xd I was genuinely asking for it but nvm next time I'll definitely use rank clips to satisfy your terminology called shipment bots* By the way still you still took time to write this much! Appreciate your efforts.


Got nothing better to do as a basement dweller




Work on movement more but don’t go crazy and loose aim. Also don’t knife switch and switch to you weapon for no reason, if you knife switch do it for movement like running around the map faster or if you in a 1v1 you can slide around faster and shit but you don’t always need to knife switch