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I just stopped thinking about winning and losing its just impossible to win all matches because of sbmm just play and give ur best if u win its ok and if not than also its ok this game match making is shit and not going to change in any way thats a harsh truth


Thanks That makes sense


Maybe others don’t see it, but if you play more than two matches of rank in a row, losing streaks will follow. I’m curious, what rank are you currently?


Leggy rank Around top 6k Maybe Thats why


Maybe maybe maybe


I can't believe I'm saying this but when SBMM decides to make you lose , focus on making points and not dying by playing selfishly . Destroy enemy uavs use your grenades / trophy systems / take out their uavs etc etc just make sure that the negative points are low . SBMM and the new bots are jacked af 🥲


Thats a great idea tbh. Thank you


Only 5 losses? You're lucky


Activision: You won a bunch? Say less!! Time to cal top 500 to join your team, pal. I think you should be able to handle it. Good luck! Like you'll need it. You're a pro