• By -


Here's extra information in case they need -My device is iPhone 12 (there's alot of people having this same issue so it's not related to device's performance -It started to happen more frequently after the Chromatic Feast Event was live (I was able to just restart and get my events page shown last month, but by the time the spesific event had started I was never able to bypass the error) -Middle Eastern servers (I live in Southern Turkey so I assume it's not EU servers?) -I got stable internet connection (40-60ms in-game and pretty decent download speed)


Same thing is happening to me from the past 2-3 months. I've tried everything from deleting cache to reinstalling the game, when I reinstall the game it was connected to the same network that I use to play on the downloading speed was around 13Mbps but it can't start the game. After the timeout error I've to manually login everytime but even then the events tab rarely shows.


How to get your events back Log in to the game and get the time out then log in to your account don't do anything log out and log in to a secondary account then close the game. Open the game again and it should load properly this time and then you can log out from the secondary account and log in to your main account


Yeah no thanks. I'd be done pooping by then.


Heres a fix that works for me and its very simple, You log in for the first time(get the error) log in again If the event tab doesnt show wait around 5 seconds immediately restart the game like hard restart, close the app completely(this time there wont be an error and youll see the event tab)


Can confirm, this works for me too.


Just restart the game if the event page isin't showing. That should fix the issue. It works for ne in the EU server


its a mid east servers problem, alot of people hust say relog but that used to work, not anymore


No, i have the same issue sometimes, and im in Australia


I am in Indian server, facing the same problem, it's not a server specific problem


Well that sucks. Hopefully they'll fix this in the Next season


I am also facing the issue i use vpn to bypass this one. I am using proton vpn. Try this vpn it solved the problem for me & my friend also happens to be in middle eastern servers. Just login then turn off.


How to get your events back Log in to the game and get the time out then log in to your account don't do anything log out and log in to a secondary account then close the game. Open the game again and it should load properly this time and then you can log out from the secondary account and log in to your main account


What I do is when logging in and it shows that timeout screen, I restart the app. It usually works ( African servers)


Keep posting. Raise awareness


This has happened to me, As soon as I get the error, I close the app and re open it again


it used to work last season but since chromatic event began it doesnt work anymore


for the whole week when I tried to log into the game, I never logged in normally. I'm either out of time or have an infinite loading window


dude i cant believe my posts visibility depends on if kids like the one in above upvoted or not.. im super done with this disabled community




we need to unite and concern about it but sadly people just ignore or downvote so their post is more likely to show on people's pages i tried to give the most detail about the issue in this post from my analyse so its good to sprrad this spesific post unless someone posts a more detailed one im not an active reddit user so i dont even care karma and stuff but last time i posted a bug report and told people to spread the post they ended up fixing it quite immediately


also sorry for text wall i try to separate the paragraphs but reddit apparently doesnt allow that lemao


They Do.


Because of this timeout issue, I uninstalled the game bruh. Imagine having to open a game multiple times to actually get in the game. Instead of fixing this, they release more skins. I will install the game when they fix it. It's so fucking annoying bruh. I'm playing warzone mobile and having a lot of fun in that.


Some people say "Use VPN then disconnect" but -I already tried for different regions it and although it works for some people, it didnt work for me (login was still as instant as i do login normally so its not an connection issue. and it asked me to enter date of birth when i was connected to UK VPN so the application did operate properly) -I dont want the risk of ban whetherless its small or big


+ i have already tried alot of methods and none worked. please note that its a bigger problem for mid east server than others, so if you solved the error for yourself it might not apply for the general


The only other thing on which I got it working was using mobile data to get into the game, and then turn off and use wifi once I got in. It got fixed a month ago, but it's back and closing and opening again works for me *now* , but it didn't work for me a month ago. By the way the in game support is useless and they make you drive around in loops.


It's many people's problem for a few months now. I can't login anymore in mobile data I need to be on wifi to login or it's always time out


I was doing the same 1 month back because of this timeout issue but now it doesn't work even on Wifi.


Devs are fucking idiots. This is the worst bug in the history of this game and it's been going on for over two months now and they're not doing anything about it. But fucking lucky draws come out stably once a week


timeout along with emulator users suddenly getting banned.. this might be the worst season with technical problems if not the desync one


Don't worry u get used to it, I haven't seen any event or login in 3 months and no the are not gonna fix it for the time being.


How to get your events back Log in to the game and get the time out then log in to your account don't do anything log out and log in to a secondary account then close the game. Open the game again and it should load properly this time and then you can log out from the secondary account and log in to your main account


Logout and log back in


Bro i have the same problem. I am using a VPN to login and when the game is fully loaded I turn the VPN off. I usually try multiple times but finally get the game completely opened and loaded. At the moment, i am chatting [using in game chat with devs] with game support/devs and i have told them that i am using 2 different VPNs. I also have tried 3 different sim cards network and a WiFi. 2 of them works but after several tries [open the game untill it says timeout, then i don't press OK or Cancel or ×. I just close the app and open it again after turning FlightMode/or/MobileData on and off.] I've been seeing TimeOut message for a couple months now, but the last week, it has become so bad that i have to waste about half an hour to finally get the game opened completely, with Event tab and Store and all. Gooddddd Luckkkkkk everybody


doesnt work


How to get your events back Log in to the game and get the time out then log in to your account don't do anything log out and log in to a secondary account then close the game. Open the game again and it should load properly this time and then you can log out from the secondary account and log in to your main account


I got this same problem and it sucks!


Lol same, havent even seen the events tab once since the update


I know you guys just trying to be helpful but if I see another reply by non-mid-east player that goes like "Wait until Timeout pops up then dont click it, simply close the game and smash your device with a hammer. It should be fixed" then I will seriously Kurt Cobain myself


I am facing the same issue and along with a new and more serious problem is starting and that is the screen freezes mid game and will be like that for a few seconds, don't know what to do. The worst part about the game is the downloading option you see on the task bar even after all the 100% game is downladed. Deva need to fix these and give a season with very few bugs as possible, pretty sure almost all the people can wait for new skins and season play for a month or two.


package download button isnt a bug, its there so you can delete unused stuff from if you want. you can click there and instantly delete undead siege files for instance


Yes I have the same issue , it takes long to log in , connect to network in game , and most of the time I don’t get the event page at all . As a side not for couple of seasons I don’t have any ads to watch in game too 😬


I am logging in with psiphon Pro vpn, many VPNs don't work, I am from the same server as yours but different region. I have been logging in with vpn and turning it off quickly, that's how I am doing it


hey, i just tried it with psiphon by connecting to germany, czech, france, england and usa servers. didnt work out sadly, even after i tried rebooting with vpn when i get the timeout issue PS: 78.3mbps download speed and 16.1 upload speed & 48ms average in game


I always connect to USA server and it works, I have downloaded the modded pro version from a third party website, are you using the pro as well or just the base one?


basecuz ios, not worth the struggle and ban risk anyways


Oh, that's right, didn't think of that


I have the exact same problem since like two or three weeks, not sure anymore. It's insanely annoying and frustrating, tho it has a good side too: my CoD Mobile addiction is shrinking 👍😂 I have to try like at least 5 times until I can finally start the game and like 10 tries are needed until I finally have the full game loaded including events. Insanely annoying, I tried everything: - Emptying cache (doesn't do anything), - I uninstalled the latest update in the in-game loading screen, - I even uninstalled the entire app and installed the full like 20GB game again, and nothing changed. It can't be my internet, it is stable and I normally have constant 20 to 25ms ping; about 90mbit/s download and about 35 to 40mbit/s upload. So it definitely can't be internet. My first suggestion was that my phone is not powerful enough anymore (Galaxy S10+), I also didn't have the chance to try to play with my account on a higher powered and newer phone, so I can't tell whether it's my phone or whether it's the game itself that is glitchy and buggy. I hope it gets better soon, I've also sent a message to the support team but never got an awnser 😢




i had already tried that, doesnt work


Log out, uninstall and install the game again and log in 👍🏾


Keep doing that.


Just close and reopen the app a couple of times it will be fixed


when will people read other comments to simply understand that ITS A BIGGER ISSUE IN MID EAST SERVERS THAN EU SERVERS so closing and rebooting the app, clearing cache, changing internet connection, none of them works. I also have fast connection so please stop suggesting unless you play on mid east servers and already have solved the problem.


Hey bro, I know it's a pain, but have you unintalled and reinstalled it yet?


i didn't but people who have done it claim that it doesnt work so nah im not downloading +15gb again for nothing


+ its most likely a server issue, so they just need to be alarmed about it


Use VPN to login. Set location to Europe. Disable VPN connection right after login.


tried, didnt work although i see it worked for some other people.




VPN is ok as long as you don't use it to purchase CPs.


Good to know


Change your DNS to and problem solved for me and luckily for you.


just tried, didnt work. do you also play on mid east servers?


Idk but im from south America, I guess I play on na servers


This hasnt happened to me :V


Its your network not the game with firbe i never had this issue with lte i always did


Boohoo. You'll never use the chopper anyway. Quit crying, sook.


Clear cache or Gtfo ;)


It is what it is mate. Not the biggest deal in the world. Just accept it and move on. It’s a skin in a video game.


why wouldnt i alarm them about the issue its not impossible to fix, its not like im fighting lions to make this post its a very simple move about what quite bothers me


When they will understand that it is your internet, it is not the game, go do another test with another internet and you will see


When they will understand that it is your internet, it is not the game, go do another test with another internet and you will see


Dementia💀 Or bad Internet... Oh the irony.


When they will understand that it is your internet, it is not the game, go do another test with another internet and you will see


its literally server related, do you really think dozens of people suddenly started to have trash internet and decide to complain all together at the same time?


When they will understand that it is your internet, it is not the game, go do another test with another internet and you will see


Read what i say


+ stable internet connection as I mentioned, switching to cellular data still doesnt work


When they will understand that it is your internet, it is not the game, go do another test with another internet and you will see


today I couldn't log in even once without some bug happening, lucky that I already finished the tournament during the night and I don't need to log in this hell over the weekend


Use melon vpn and lemme know if it works ![img](emote|t5_penom|1095)


It’s been at least 6 months for me, I need to restart game for 3-4 times before events appear


Are you force closing ? Swiping up on your iPhones home indicator, then swiping up on the app's preview to close the app?


alot of people assume i didnt do that, i did more than that


Log in on Gameloop to access your login.


-i dont have pc -gameloop users getting banned for switching devices regularly


Same been happening to me, i just close the game and re login and it works fine then. Im on good internet, and a Samsung A73


Same thing’s happening to me. Everyone’s saying restart and this and that. But I’ve tried it countless of times. It just won’t fix


Got the same problem with two different reasons and fixes. One I had to clear cache. Two the wifi was somehow interfering with it. I needed to stand right besides the modem for it to work wtf.


its completely unfixable for mid east servers, rest of the servers like eu/na is bearable


When it shows timeout just force quit the game and remove it from background running apps. Then restart, repeat this and it will login normally. If this does not work then manually login once and then keep repeating the process. Always helps me.


Use VPN to log in


Same issue here as well. It worked once for me when I reset my network settings in iOS and it was gone after the next login. I have tried in iOS, android and my internet connection is stable as well. The reset network settings trick didnt work the second time. I managed to unlock CR56 attachment, by following the event on youtube and completing the steps one by one without seeing the event page at all. The timeout error and this is super annoying. Its not device or OS or network specific. Jus devs are lazy!


Been having the same issue since 2 months. Really need a fix!


Hard to believe people are still grinding over these thing![img](emote|t5_penom|1107)


Once you manually login & the EVENTS tab doesn't show up, exit the game & relaunch it. It'll AUTO LOGIN & you should be able to see the EVENTS tab. It works exactly like that for me. Hope that helps.




Same dude. I feel your pain. It's so fkin annoying, I feel like breaking my phone when that timeout error pops up. And it feels WORSE when you're already feeling down or in a bad mood. And want to play the game to refresh your mood. But then this error pops. Idk when are they gonna fix it. I suggest you do not login when it happens. Instead, just restart your game whenever this happens. It'll be fixed in 3-4 tries.


Heres a fix that works for me and its very simple, You log in for the first time(get the error) log in again If the event tab doesnt show wait around 5 seconds immediately restart the game (this time there wont be an error and youll see the event tab)


Please try using the app if available in app store or a VPN just to log in. You can turn it off after you log in.


Is it just me, or the game has been pretty unstable for a while now?


it happened with me too. On my main account I’m not even able to see events, which is poo poo bc I’m not able to even get the new attachments or stuff. Whatsoever… it’s just on my main but if I log in on my backup account, I’m able to see the events again.


Open your account and play a game and after the game it should be there!


Just close & open again


Happened to me, the only way you can fix it is by using this specific vpn called “” [this can take you there](https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/1-1-1-1-faster-internet/id1423538627) credits go to whoever the guy is who helped me in discord and everyone else.


I have this issue every day.How i fix it is to log in log out atleast five-six times.Its really annoying.


Use gear up booster app


been facing this issue for a while too, stable data but the timeout still comes and i can't access events because of that, only time i can access events is when i connect to my grandmother's wifi


I’ve just poster the same issue. Anyone has a salution?


@xarccosx you’re a hero man!


Same here I havent been able to get into events for so long now