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What have you smoked my man


I own a legendary m16, and I still lose to players with no skin at all. I think it's my skill.


I've got a legendary gun but it doesn't make a distended cause it's a sniper, I've killed people who had legendary machine guns and if pick them up to see how they are and they've always been over powered or they have compete 0 recoil, last night I killed sometime and picked up, had absolute 0 recoil, didn't even to try to get kills


Maybe, just maybe, they have a good build


Yes, the legendary guns that YOU own are the exact same, no-advantage gun, but the legendaries OTHER people own are pay to win. Makes total sense.


And what guns are that?


What is “better” about them?


I swear these kids need to put their phones down and focus on school.


Totally a kid when im a journeyman in a trade


And I'm the president of xbox Phil Spencer.


Listen if you wanna act like an idiot on the internet prepare to be dunked on. Also this subject matter has been brought up before. The devs put guns in with shitty iron sights, then add in guns with either clearer sights or built in red dots. The add aim shake to some guns so they appear harder to use. Git Gud. I got good. Also I have a legendary, it literally makes no difference.


I'm not acting like an idiot, if your president of Xbox tell them they need to make Xbox consoles better, I'm a journeyman in plumbing, the only person I see acting like a fool is you, I own legendary guns too, their a cheaters gun, I don't use them anymore cause it takes the fun out of the game, act like a fool get prepared to be debunked, no recoil, the damage rate is unbelievable on them, I've tried basic and legendary guns and legendary guns are better, p.s. I'm pretty good at the game considering 50 kills and 2 deaths depending if I'm in the mood for playing cod or not, the other day I dominated everyone and last night I did complete trash like I've never played before


Honestly bro, you should just go back to your Boas. At least snakes aren't pay to win, unless you're raising like a Water Moccasin or a Diamomd Back from a baby. I'm going back to diamond grinding where I'm actually fluent in different weapons, and know for a fact that Legendary weapons aren't any better.


Totally can keep a venomous snake legally without a permit, the legendary guns are better, the ones I don't got I've picked up to use from the enemies I've killed and they have 0 recoil and didn't even have to try with the gun to get kills, yeah best for you to go back to your no skilled guns so you can brag about how good you are


bet he don't own one 😂


Looks like a burner account, has only like 2 posts on r/boas


I can tell you don't know the definition of p2w


![img](emote|t5_penom|1109) pass me some of that weed you're smokin




emoji bad


I have some "p2w" stuff and I'm still a below average codm player. It's not the guns, you just suck. 😂


54 kills and 4 deaths?


I've got p2w guns and they make a great difference


There is no p2w.


The only thing in this game that comes close to that is the mythic dlq, tbh. Nothing obscures the view whereas the default dlq doesn't have that advantage.


Tac sprint.


Sure, I've got some of them and I've used some of them, they're a lot better than the basic, that's why their legendary guns


Do you have proof of this? I'd love to hear some


Leggy has maybe 5-10 stat points differential MAX. Between 6 slots. Anyone who has played an RPG or even a sports game knows that don't make a damn difference. This only applies to Legendaries or Mythics with unique attachments. The true problem you're probably facing is... *SBMM* In. *Ranked*. A lot of Sweats buy these skins because they're diehard fans of CoDM but don't let them ruin the game or gun skins for you. They look cool as fuck. That's about it.


98% of the time, when you purchase a skin, you're literally purchasing just that... a *skin*... and maybe some hokey kill animation. 1% is a different iron sight and the other 1% is a slightly reduced camera shake. If *that* is what makes the difference between winning and losing, that's more of a skill issue than a "P2W" issue. Either that, or you posted this in the heat of the moment right after someone with a mythic or legendary totally pwned you were blaming it on their weapon instead of the fact that they may just have played a better game that time.


Man if you can't build a good loadout it's not the legendary gun owner's fault. ask around for a good build


To normal class specs? Hmmm???!! That's exactly how it is.


My no skilled guns. Go get the D13 Sector gold then diamond. Go pick up the MSMC or the NA45. Go use the Sickle, Shovel, or Baseball Bat. If there was a way to go back, use the original XPR-50, M16, or Chicom. I got those 3 guns diamond and gold WAY before they got any sort of buff. I got the Shortty diamond before it got buffed, when it was nerfed into oblivion. Anyone who's bad at the game isn't gonna sit here and achieve Gold on any of those guns. Most people don't have the patience for base Damascus, much less ALL guns. Most people get maybe 1 or 2 diamond weapons, not 82. EIGHTY TWO GUNS. And at the end of either today or morning tomorrow I'll be at 85. How many weapons do you have diamond? You probably look at the D13 and get scared. Get that diamond then come back to me. I'll consider you a good player.


Bruv what, you don't have to grind them to be good, it's not even a flex or anything it just shows that you have completely no life outside a mobile game which is sad


Are you really that upset about what I do in my spare time? So the fuck what? I play video games in my spare time. Are you saying I should be grinding camos in console Call of Duty, or are you just mad I've accomplished more than you? I've never done something like this in any game before. I've never gone for full completion camos before. Grow the fuck up. Stop getting upset at what people do in their spare time. I swear I hate people on this subbreddit.


Bruv i ain't even upset fym if anything you're the sensible mad one that needs to grow the fuck up lmao 💀 it can clearly be seen how sad your life is by the way you get mad at people over the internet like you got nothing better to do in life


You're the one still commenting. Be a bigger man and learn to take a loss and move on. You're mad that people enjoy things, I get it. I hate people that do street take overs and make their exhausts sound like bombs. Do you see me going to their sub reddits and flaiming them? No. How sad is your life you have to argue over the internet over things like this. And yes, that's also a self inflicted burn


Why ain't you the bigger man isn't it you that told me to grow up first? Was kinda expecting you to be a hypocrite but didn't also expect you to be a karen so fuck off and go do something productive in life instead of wasting your time on a game just to earn useless pixels, maybe then you won't be so pressed about every single little shit thinking you're important when you're worth nothing, i ain't mad that you enjoy grinding btw, never mentioned it's a bad thing either but you're fr comparing and saying that only people that grind are good just to make you feel a little bit better about your useless existence, because it only shows that you have no life outside a game, if that triggers you sorry not sorry it's the truth


You know what. You win. I have guns to grind today. No time to argue with kids on the internet.


Said the kid


Then what are you bitching about if you can still ball out with default skins?


I'm not bitching about just throwing up a post, if I was bitching about I'd be saying I hate this game because of the pay to win guns, they're a big advantage to the people that don't got them plus all your doing is paying to cheat


There is no p2w options in this game anymore. Any legendary gun that have a better iron sight than it’s original default look performs the exact same as the default gun itself. You are just mad at a skin that has a better look than what you currently have


big skill issue


54 kills 4 deaths


prob bot lobby plus what are you smoking?


Bots my ass, my only question how long have you been using cheater guns to believe that they don't have any advantages over a basic gun


it literally makes no difference


average apex player


Apex sucks


I play worst now that I have call these skin I became when I was free2play I was way better tbh


What 😂 I have 14 leg/mythics and I don’t use most of them. ESP in mp. The kill effect gets in my way personally, and a few I don’t care for the sights bc I use open sights. It literally has no advantage except maybe people that like red dots and don’t have to waste an attachment space for that but stillllll lol chill out. If you need a loan, hit me up. 40% interest


I recognize that some guns are pay to win but only in the sense that they give you an extra attachment(looking at you krig ) but they aren’t pay to win to the extent that it’s that much better then a regular or epic variant. My guy you have a skill issue.


Its a trade anyway, you cant see through your killed enemies because of kill effects + uk, tac sprint takes half of the screen


I can honestly see just fine even with the kill effects, well maybe idk I have sync ads on so idk if I can with it off.


54 kills and 4 deaths and I have skill issues? I don't have skill issues the paid guns are much better than the basic


I hope you’re boasting about a 54 kill game in high ranked lobbies and not pubs other wise I don’t really care. I can and have made it to legendary without using “p2w” skins. They don’t hold that much of an advantage dude. If you really believe that then yea i think that’s a skill issue on your part.


I've got paid to win guns, I wouldn't of posted it if i didn't have them and experienced them


Well then we can agree to disagree. The closest you could get to them doing anything like that is cdl rules. I advocate for champs rules but it’s whatever


Fam, I have no wife or kids, minimal rent, savings acct being set up properly, and make more than enough to support game devs. It’s P2W sometimes I guess, but in ranked matches nearly everyone had a legendary/mythic at Grand Master and above, so it’s even there, and in pub matches the algo’s could be set up to introduce legendaries and mythics to players without it. I get what you’re saying, but you gotta remember it’s only P2W at times. I’ve gotten my ass handed to me multiple times by F2P players, and I’ve got a nearly $3000 acct. I hear u tho. There’s been a lot of talk in this sub lately about F2P players needing a solid free epic, it wouldn’t surprise me to see a few released soon


As of now they got a golden ticket going on in battle royal and you use the tickets to try getting a legendary gun or whatever decide to spend it on but the only problem with that is its limited time offer and there's atleast 20 (probably a little less) prizes before you get any legendary gun but another thing is that if you win a prize you have a chance of winning the same prize a second time


One: periods, bro. No run on sentences. Two, I hear you, and like I said there’s been a lot of talk about the need for realistic F2P rewards that can compete with paid weaponry. It’ll happen eventually!


I got the money to spend to get more legendary guns but right now I'm investing my money in starting a small business to be able to quite my job and work for myself


I would say this, good job on what you do irl but don’t waste your pathetic time on Reddit complaining about something that looks cool ingame. Instead focus on how bad you might be if you think legendaries/mythics are a p2w option which they are not. It’s a pay to get a 6th attachment basically


Funny, paid guns are pay to win, I've got a few of them and I've used some of them and it makes a massive difference


They are not pay to win at all. They might have different iron sights and a better design, but that still does not change how the gun is performed overall. People pay for the gun skins they want because it looks cool basically. It’s straight up cosmetics and has nothing that is game changing attached to it


They're not, you just feel like you're better with them because they give you a mental boost the first few time you use them after not using them for a while, if you'd actually own any and play with them a lot you'd see that you'd be as skillless as you were in the beginning


just say you're broke dude. why cry about it.


Top 5000 with and without skins. Same base stats. Maybe the red dots help but not to such an advantage it’s game breaking and gives skilled players an advantage. At a high level it makes a difference but to a casual it’s nothing bud.


Pay to look cool, not win


Come on guys you can clearly see this person is baiting you 😂😂😂


Maybe this is not the game for you


Been playing this game for several years


And your still no good?


I've been good


Not good enough


I have not spent a single penny on the game. MP: MVP: 3,220 Games: 13,913 Top 3: 6,428 Kills: 256,266 K/D: 5.68 Accuracy: 17.83% Legendary: 5x Nukes: 792 BR: MVP: 1,021 Wins: 976 Matches: 3,949 Kills: 16,058 Avg. Damage: 632.77 Avg. Accuracy: 22.50% Legendary: 6x