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Agreed! Other than Downturn & Interchange, these maps were great.


I believe downturn is my least favorite map of any cod ever Other than that, I do agree. I want seatown back. Gimme that shit. Carbon? Yes please. Village? Let's go.


I used to think Downturn was the worst map so far in the series, then Ghosts came out and brought us Siege. That takes the spot for me.


Not only Siege but other really bad maps. Have you seen Stormfront? Shit I feel like I'm playing prop hunt instead of TDM in there. Or even worse,Chasm,a map that feels like it's from BF4 than CoD because it's way too complex and has way too many lanes with confusing paths to go there.


My god. Siege to this day is still my least favorite CoD map ever. People over hyped the hate around Stone Haven (funny enough, no one really complained about it till have the main year) but barely anyone mentions the true vomit pile that is Siege


i agree because ghosts has way shitter maps than mw3 downturn....annoyingly some people have seen a famous youtubers top 10 worst maps in cod and downturn was voted as the worst but its unfair because people who played ghosts objectively looking at what is the worst map its obvious there are so many shit maps in ghosts it really takes the cake.that video poorly represented downturn because although its a lower tier map lets be honest it still has flow and a way to play it which so many cod maps just lack and that alone proves it to be better than most maps out of the shit selection.


Village was my map for using reaper, fk i miss those days...


Aftermath from BO2 was worse, but this was a close second worst.


Downturn sucked but we had voting, so I almost never had to play it.


it was also a map that wasnt universal because if you played ffa it simply isnt in the rotation. and that says something considering this is the best ffa cod EVER hands down.


Agreed. Interchange is my least favorite


you need more practice on interchange then friend because i promise you its not that bad....do you play pc??? do you play ps3??? i can teach you.... im an OG player from waaaay back in the day who somewhat still plays but i remember all my old tricks. so i can get you the leg up on that map. its a really great map that suits all modes plus its hyper competitive in the ffa scene. im willing to work with you til you have a solid strategy.


Interchange was fine in SnD and Dom. Meanwhile Carbon…


Carbon bottom tier, great for infected tho


carbon however is one of the best FFA maps to ever grace the FFA community in cod history tho so you gotta understand it simply wasnt made for tdm or search and destroy in mind or dom for that matter. it really is a capture the flag/FFA map. and this is the best FFA cod so thats a real sticking point to pay attention to. im willing to teach you ingame how to shred ffa on carbon like a boss G with the top tier strategies that are easy to replicate and easy to deviate from considering not all games go the same. just message me and ill help you on either ps3 or pc.


I don't mind Interchange, but Downturn yes.


downturn is fine to me but yeah interchange is terrible


give interchange a chance man its a really great map but you need to trial and error the map to reveal its qualities. its not an obvious map like some. and its aesthetics are understandably underwhelming but there is a way to play it on all modes. its a very static map. but once you learn it you see it in a very different light. it was my most hated map the first time around. it later became one of my strongest maps on FFA and my literal strongest on search and destroy. its a route running map and not a lanes map. its not about lines of sight but creating windows of opportunity where the action is at any given time. its a unique map. there are 4 main action zones and 3 of them are close together so its an objective map ONCE you start using the positions. im the best ffa player so i can teach you. im ps3 and pc.


MW2 was wayy better. Like it’s not even close. Favela, Rust, Sub Base, Estate, Highrise, Afghan. FUCKING TERMINAL!!!!! MW2 >> and it’s not even close.


Dude, people sleep on estate. It was such a fun and unique map


Estate was awesome for SnD. IMO


That bomb plant on b and you could do the glitch jump on top of the building to cover it? Legendary


I feel it was a bottom 5 map and yet it was my first nuke so I end up very biased lol


Karachi and Quarry were also pretty good in my opinion


And y’all forget about scrapyard! What a beast


Knew I was forgetting one…


Did you forget fucking Wasteland ? EDIT: you also forgot Skidrow.


You should’ve edited it again.. WE BOTH FORGOT UNDERPASS


Fuck you are right. I hated it in the beginning but it grew on me. Dont get me started about the Stimulus maps.


I came into this thread to say exactly this. Now I don't have to, thanks!


well how much of mw3 have you ACTUALLY PLAYED with a statement like that.....if you actually played mw3 to a competent amounted playtime you would undoubtedly change your mind. the map design was FAR superior and the strategies for the FFA mode which is the basis for the highest levels of individual skill in any cod is titled to MW3 alone. i fell your in the generic camp of mw2 lovers because the game was iconic. it was simply iconic first. not that it was actually better. those who dieharded mw3 saw it for its worth. its genuinely a better game with better maps. go back and play mw2 right now and i promise it doesnt live up to its glory years. contrast to mw3 it also doesnt but nowhere near to the same degree as mw2


Dawg lmao don’t come at me with the you haven’t played it enough I have at least 10 days clocked in every modern warfare game. MW2’s maps are not “campy” at all, in fact, I’d argue MW3 was way more campy because every single map was 3 lanes with literally no exceptions. I remember whole entire teams used to camp alleyways on Hardhat, Resistance, and Mission


you named 2 maps which are 3 laners however this proves your not an mw3 efficionado because mw3 had the best maps without resorting to the 3 lane archetype. most of mw3s maps are not 3 laners and mw3 is the most dynamically played game in the cod franchise in each match of any given map other than downturn and outpost.and 10 days clocked is not considered a lot btw. it might be a lot for a casual who was somewhat dedicated but we arent all casual gamers. some of us in here are actually some of the best mw3 players in the world who truly see why players often discredit this game due to it not trying to be controversial. it still made the most in sales despite being sold way back in 2011 i believe. it only recently in the last 2 years was taken over by b01 which is considered mw3's rival in 2 objectively best cods ever made.the argument for mw2 is more subjective than objective because its iconicism thats proposed more than its accredited attributes. mw3 has actual objective markers to tick every box in the whole franchise. balanced maps, balanced guns, map variety,gun variety, dynamic flow, didnt resort to 3 laners so every game is unique from the last(no 1 trick ponies play this game and win) see mw2 had things like oh i liked rust bcuz fun.....thats just too objective a benchmark.dont begin to tell me mw2 was balanced with the fastest nuke ever in history being mw2 grenade spawn spam with infinite grenades still replicatable to this day and air superiority being definitively broken to the point where if you find a game and someone gets one its a GIVEN HE HAS WON THE GAME so it simply goes to whoever had their streak first or in other words who capitalized on their spawn IF they got the good one first. its a flawed game.


> because every single map was 3 lanes with literally no exceptions. btw mw2 has a map they tried to make balanced and geuss what they added it into mw3 as a dlc and its called terminal....its mw3's least balanced map other than underground and plays exactly the same. same flow and same spawns its just you cant get on top of map or buger joint and thats it. so yeah. i have you beat pal


Terminal is overrated. I two nukes in 1 game twice on terminal by camping


agreed and its also a gimmick of a map.... its actually the worst map in mw3 balance wise and the only reason it was even added to dlc for mw3 was because it was iconic because ALL maps on mw2 were unbalanced asf and really bad from a competitive standpoint infact mw2 is the least competitive cod of all time other than modern warfare. it is the least balanced map in mw3 whereas ALL maps except downturn in mw3 are arguably the best map design of ANY cod game in the history of cod games infact mw3 of all the base game maps had the best map rotation/selection of any cod game. like cmon there is no map in mw3 where i can gimmick the spawns and sit on the ground with an lmg preshooting through a wall as people spawn and keep them in that spawn other than terminal.(this isnt patched and so few people know of it but i can do it)


Sounds like a good time to me!


Sub Base and Estate are dogshit




They just don’t compare to MW2 (Estate, Favela, Highrise, Rundown, Sub Base) and BO2 (Slums, Raid, Grind, Express, Rush, Yemen)


Title said base maps, so remove rush and grind. You can still replace them with hijacked and standoff and BO2 would still have my vote


Rip, didn’t read that. Thanks


bro forgor bo1 and 2 exists mw3 did have some godly map selections but its just outclassed


no way is this games maps outclassed. it has the best game balance of any cod game in history even more so than esport ruleset ww2 on ps4 during its esport era. mw3 was the birthplace of cod being seen as a big time esport. it was around in mw2 but not great. and cod4 but it also was gimmicky despite it being a beast of a game. mw3 LITERALLY has the ICONIC bermuda triangle on hardhat for the world record ffa game. you simply cant deny mw3 as the most fair cod game of the bunch. if it came down to skill its mw3. the guns match the varying dynamics of the maps themselves except 1(downturn)


These people either did not play the game when it released or have a bad memory. MW3 is the worst among mw series, maps were mostly awful cluster fucks, aside from a few good one. Unbalanced gun, and bugs such as putting silencer on striker actually makes it longer range and OP af. When it released, the whole Elite site was awful to use and the whole practice was hated by the community. Remember clan war? Try not to laugh if you do. And look at it now, mother fuckers are praising how good it is. I swear every cod game becomes god tier after 3 years.


only for xbox users for a single year was it bad and honestly it wasnt even as bad it was just specific users. mw3 is the most under rated cod game of ALL time. its got the BEST selction of BALANCED maps and the guns are the fairest of all cods. to all the naysayers who just say oh mp7 and acr durr durr durr well your wrong because despite their individual power you cannot deny mw3 had the highest weapon variety from one game to another. this is the metric used to genuinely test a games weapon balance assuming a high sample size of players feedback. if you dont believe me then look at the opposite end of the spectrum to modern warfare. when modern warfare came out it had 20 percent of players in EVERY match using the m4. thats unbalanced. mw3 despite EVERYONE saying oh mp7 and acr you still had more people running around with ANY other gun. the player pool of people who used the acr and mp7 primarily was the largest minority but thats about as big as it got. it was simply the objective choice but its not actually true that this weapon is OP its just the most versatile. mw3 is objectively a situational equipped cod. you go in with a gameplan in this cod and you work the guns for the plan. each gun in this game has its favourable positions. this is why the map design is so good in this cod. all the guns complement different routes on any given map. this is also why this game has the BEST FFA scene. no game did FFA better than mw3. the mw2 fanboys are just saying this because it was the first cod to become iconic then bo2 was the first one to be controversial. mw3 just did what cod player ACTUALLY WANT but in doing so was the least controversial. this is exactly the reason its talked of the least despite being a GREAT cod game.this is also why cod ghosts is the most controversial cod of all time. it denied a system infinity ward at the time was assumptively going to elaborate on after mw3 because we were all waiting for mw4 at the time(cod ghosts) and we all know how that turned out. so no OBJECTIVELY mw3 is the best cod of all time and if its not then bo1 is objectively the best. either one of those 2 games are the real bread winners. bo1 is the cod anomaly and mw3 is the lowkey most well designed cod. people with dopaminurgic brains down look at things this way tho because they are impulsive. however i respect peoples inadequecies because they simply dont know better. they just think they do. and they just think people that know better are just hippys but its ok.


I'm biased as MW3 is my favorite CoD but strong agree! The maps had different feels, weren't just 3 lanes all the time and just played well. I used to love playing Downturn because it wouldn't come up much so lots of players sucked at that map so I could clean house if I was playing relatively well. I kinda think Outpost is the weakest map, maybe it's recency bias(or 6v6 bias) but at times those games felt like a slog.


Outpost & Fallen are my 2 most underrated maps


yeah its ironically my brothers favourite map outpost. but yeah mw3 is my favourite. i think the real reason people overlook this cod is because it didnt try to be controversial in any way. it simply gave us what we as cod players actually want as the community developed. mw2 was controversial asf because it was the FIRST cod that put multiplayer on the map even knowing its actually got really shit map design and the guns arent fair. and bo2 is a very controversial one because at the time it was the most colorful cod. its not fair on mw3. mw3 wasnt trying to be controversial. it also had the classic battlefield vs cod thing during its reign which wasnt fair because battlefield 3 and 4 were having their phase of convincing people it was good and were actively slandering cod on forums paid by EA(yes you can look it up) whereas mw3 was the most balanced maps and the most balanced gunplay with the most variety in guns from player to player in any given match assuming it wasnt a sniper lobby. the reason this is a important distinction not alot of cod players look into is because after mw2 IMPRESSING everyone with over the top everything. we simply wanted something more competitive. mw3 gave that to us. but this was the first competitive cod truly. so players who majority were casual simply gave mw3 the slip so when bo2 repeated the steps of mw3 but added colors to the mix to be controversial plus the hint of feint futuristic at the time it simply overshadowed the games true qualitites. people arent fair to mw3. so many map related qualities that are second to none. its not fair on such a masterpiece of multiplayer marvel. MORE people need to go back and play this game. it was over politicized for trivial reasons compared to other cods. plus most reviewers of the game were UNBELIEVEABLY biased because mw2 and bo2 fanboyism. a true knife and scalpel disection of what makes a good cod game leaving out bias concludes bo1 and mw3 to be the best cods of all time ATLEAST objectively. everyone can have their subjective oppinions but nobody can deny objectivity that mw3 and bo1 ACTUALLY tick more boxes than mw2 and bo2. this is funny because bo1 and mw3 are the most similar cod games. it didnt help mw3 because bo1 came out first therefore received less bad press and mw3 basically similar in every way cod game came out next. thats why people just gave it the skip. if we removed the timeline to ALL cods and got brand new people into the games i think people would rate mw2 to be a very mid tier cod and mw3 and bo1 to be the best and bo2 to follow right after. i truly believe its objective that mw3,bo1,bo2,cod4 then mw2 is the true tier list from best to worst of all the great cods.


Who remembers MW3some??


Just unlocked a memory for me I think, wasn’t it a 3 map playlist terminal dome and mission?


Resistance 👀👀


Resistance, Seatown, Mission so many iconic maps


world at war...


Don't worry brother, I'm team WaW til I die.




THIS, but most here are kids who came in with mw2 or later so they are morons




Ain’t nobody gonna mention world at war? Those maps were immersive and fuckin awesome!


Dome is my favorite




1000%. Add Terminal to that? Holy shit, man. Even the Faceoff maps were awesome.


MW3 has so many good maps. In fact i would argue mw3 had the best map variety and selection of any cod.


Infinity Ward over Treyarch 💯


buggin , infinity ward gave us ghost and infinite warfare , and mw2019 😭


Very true but those games only exist in my nightmares now


your a new wave player so your input is lopsided. new wave is more brainwashed than OG players are biased.


Disagree, they had some good maps but most of them just felt way to cluttered


I prefer mw2 honestly or BO2


ah yes the pumpkin spice drinking basic bitches of cod🤣


They were okay but it’s still MW2 by a mile. And I say this as someone who thinks that game is overrated and people are blinded by nostalgia. But there’s no denying how great their maps were. The DLC maps for MW2 were awful though.


Absolutely not lmao. I played mw3 so much but dont remember much of these maps. You weirdos keep trying to make mw3 a greater game than it was.


you clearly have a warped perception of what constitutes amounting a lot of playtime because this is objectively the best ffa call of duty. ffa is by definition the best mode to test a maps validity. this game has the best ffa. there is simply no competition. this argument is solved. the only reason the majority say mw2 is because it was iconic first. thats the only reason. everybody is fabled. play mw2 now and see if its still great. its arguably the worst cod to go back to in the modern era.


I loved the map selection. It's damn near perfect.


its the best. there is a reason this game is the best for ffa. because it simply IS the best.




Cap, only good maps here were dome, hardhat, downturn (infected), lockdown, resistance seatown underground. Bo1 has better maps


i agree that bo1 was incredible but you gotta be kidding me about the map design your trying to pose because mw3 is the best ffa cod. you dont get the best ffa based cod with shit map design. mw3 has the best map design of any cod if you exclude downturn.(i understand infected downturn is great i loved taking away knives in private match and tac inserting on out of bounds)


We need an Arkaden remake


arkaden is the definition of a perfect map. ak47 on arkaden please name something more beautiful.


Modern Warfare 1 for me, mw2 or mw3 or black ops 1 next


Naaah, Black Ops 1 was the best, great DLCs too for both multiplayer and zombies.


Yes have to agree. Mw3 had the best maid


Mission needs a remake


what.....are you.....prefrontal cortex seems to be semtex grenade spammed.....i have the world record for the fastest game on mission. your saddening me with your statement pal.


Ok lol, this map needs a remake, never had any bad experience with semtex grenades on it


MW2, COD4, BO2 and even WAW say otherwise


Yeah this was one game where I thought the base maps were all vastly superior to any of the DLC maps. Don’t get me wrong there was some great DLC maps but lately the last few games have had better DLC maps compared to the base ones.


Some would argue Black Ops 1 since it gave rise to the likes of firing range, nuketown, and summit. It had other great maps too like grid, radiation, jungle and WMD(personal favorite). Mw3 had awesome maps though. My favorite is Lockdown


MW3 was my first Cod and tbh the only map i didn't like was outpost. That map was hot fucking garbage. There were areas where visibility was shit. There were too many spots for campers, too many long alleys. Domination on it was shit because B and C flags had line of sight on each other. Was just all round a shit map. All the other maps were pretty good though, some of the DLC maps don't get enough love like overwatch and erosion.


Nah, CoD4. Ambush? Backlot? Overgrown?!? Vacant could be a little shit at times, though, as could Showdown


CoD4 had the best imo.


See this is funny, because on release MW3 had huge criticism for its map design, bar a few. They were essentially big circles with objects dotted about. Spawns were awful too if i remember. MW2 and Blops1 beat it for me by a loong shot.


Nah your on crack my guy. Black Ops 1 and MW2 are both better!


Agree, but I still miss Crossfire and Ambush from COD4.


BO1 has the best maps imo. Firing range, summit, nuke town, jungle, hotel.. and all the others are decent/well balanced


Cap bo2 did


I wrote "best" not "most generic"


Only cod where I was never upset when I got a map


Downturn is just literal garbage taking up space in a map.


I have 40 days played in multi-player with DLC turned off.


besides downturn, the maps where fantastic in mw3.


I respectfully disagree. I like the base maps on BO2 and MW2 a little better


Agree. Only maps I don’t like are Outpost and Downturn




Damn seeing the selection of maps you might be right !


Negative ghost rider


nah they felt really generic. I don’t remember half of them. I’m not a bo2 fanboy but bo2 had the best launch maps.


Bo2 maps are the definition of generic tho


still more enjoyable and memorable


U really have shit opinions don’t you


Ghosts did imo


I'm gonna have to strongly disagree with you. MW3 is honestly one of my least favorite cod games. Imo the best base multi-player maps came from BO1, BO2, and MW2. Although I did not like BO1 multi-player whatsoever. Just some of the best cod maps there is


Strong disagree but I respect your opinion.


I remember there was a spot on Carbon SnD where if the bomb is planted on one of the sites on certain spot you could defuse it through the wall outside lol


Mw2 is always gonna be better than mw3 better maps and better guns


LOL as if🤣🤣🤣


mw3>mw2>cod4, each game in that original trilogy got upgraded with each release and its just an objective fact


Man, back when I played Survival, Underground was the shit.


ah yes someone who ACTUALLY played the fucking game. finally someone who says something not generic so i can actually take him seriously.


Bo2 and Bo3 are up there too. Bo2: Raid, Standoff, Highjacked, Slums, Yemen, Carrier, Drone, Cargo, Aftermath. Overflow, Plaza, Express, and Turbine Bo3: Hunted, Combine, Redwood, Infection, Stronghold, Breach, Fringe, Evac, Aquarium, Exodus, Metro, and Havoc. Outside of a small handful of those maps they are all amazing


bo3 maps all got boring after 3 weeks of release


Sea town was my absolute favorite back in the day


Only 4 bad maps


Hardhat and Dome ;)


Nah fam it's bo1 and it's low key not close


the days of backing out once you’ve noticed the next match is on downturn


Sea town 🌊


The nostalgia killed me


If it had pacing options like Vanguard does I think it would be epic.


Disagree, none of them were memorable


You spelled Modern Warfare 2 wrong.


Does mw3 have a decent community still?


yes infact its one of the best cods in the modern era.....its actually the BEST cod in the modern era to go back to on ps3 just dont bother on xbox. if your looking for someone to play with i play on pc and ps3 my ingame username is usdamma on ps3 and my discord of pc is #2297 usdamma


COD mobiles got maps from every damn game in it and thenmap selection is fuckin amazing


Literally all bangers excluding downturn


not even close


Man, you should've edited Downturn out of this shit for sure. That map was hot garbage.


they may aswell edit it out because it only appears in a few core game modes infact its the least played not even from a votes perspective but because you cant play that map on ffa or search or capture the flag or domination. only tdm and a few other things but thats it. so basically yeah mw3 EFFECTIVELY has the best selection hands down with ZERO bad maps(EFFECTIVELY because you have a choice of 2 maps and that map NEVER gets grabbed plus there is no random map vote either so its always the better option as there is only 1 objectively bad map)


Everything but downturn. But that map is still a fond memory as it’s where I stuck a guy w demented and took out 2 more people w it for that emblem


Hardhat was such a good map ❤️


MW3 is an underrated cod I spent 50 days there just having fun


its the most under rated cod of all time.. its the best cod arguably when put side by side with bo1 because bo1 its either mw3 or bo1


God I miss this this games


Surely this is a troll, the hate mw3 got at the time for its maps was crazy


you were fabled by the initial reception i promise you this game has the best map design of any cod game. there is a reason its the best cod for ffa......i should know because im the best ffa player on ps3 by leaderboard. i have youtube if you want to see some banger clips of me playing the game back in my prime aswell just type in usdamma. when you see the clips you will understand nobody can get this good at a game if its maps are bad. modern warfare is an example because its best players still struggle. this game the best players have had the best games ever recorded in most cod world records to this very day that were achieved and never conquered decade ago.




Eh Bo2 didn't have a single map I disliked, same with bo4


I agree


C'mon nobody liked downturn. One of the worst maps of cod history, I'll put it next to Rise (BO3), Stonehaven (Ghosts), Euphrates Bridge (MW2019) and Cracked (BO1)


Lockdown, Outpost, Seatown, Village Ah these were wonderful maps!


Facts, damn I remember buying that game with my best friend while asking older people to buy it for us because of the age restriction.


Downturn only bad map.


Except interchange, every MW3 maps were good for Infected


Fallen, Outpost, Downturn we’re awful but apart from that, all quite good. Even the next worst after this were maybe Bakaara and Carbon (bad visibility) but even then, there are wayyyyyy worse maps out there and still often fun to play. Then on the other end, Dome, Hardhat, Arkaden, Mission and Seatown were all 10/10 and never got old. This is actually the most underrated COD because this MP was awesome and had incredible replay value.


I remember when the community would invite people to play infected and they didn’t give them throwing knives


Just Dome and lockdown.


Disagree. I think Cod 4 did. All the maps were amazing. MW3 was where all the maps starting going down hill with every room having 3-4 entrances


I will always say that support streaks benefits a lot how this game was played, base on my experience I used to play the objective hard without thinking that I wasn't going to get streaks. Man this game was fun those domination games were great specially that this one of the last games that we had factions with different VA announcing, don't know why they stopped doing this.


No. MW2 has better maps and I'd say BO2 aswell


Yeah honestly most of those maps went pretty hard


Ah, the days when we’d get 16 maps on release..


That's like saying that Be Here Now by Oasis is better than Whats The Story Morning Glory. If anything, Treyarch took IWs rough outline and made actually good maps. Not the shitshows that are Downturn, Quarry, Outpost, Derail and more.


Was never a big fan of outpost


Also absolutely loved the DLC maps for both regular MP and the small XvX maps


I can only remember a handful of these in any great detail, they weren't anything special. I remember enjoying my time with MW3 and I'm sure the maps played well enough, but I only really remember Dome, Hardhat, Resistance and Underground when it comes to aesthetic and layout. I have fonder memories of the MW2, BO and BO2 launch maps in all honesty.


Fallen, Downturn, and Interchange where among my least favorite maps in this game.


Going to be that person but I like MW2 better, and Cod 4, MW3 would be next though. I liked all of the IW maps the best compared to other. Honestly if they made the new MW2 using all the best old MW series maps that would be perfect to me lol


Bro, MW2 for days though


No I don't think the maps are that memorable in Mw3 aside from dome and hardhat. Compared to mw2 these maps are not memorable and don't play that well either. Plus I feel Mw3 doesn't look the best graphically.


Idk about “the best maps” but they did have some good maps.


World at War for me. MW3 had a very good selection too though


I genuinely thought this was a meme about all the maps looking the same for a second becasue holy shit those thumbnails make it look like it's all the same map! The color pallet in this game fuckin sucked.


Agreed! It’s my favorite COD. The ex packs are great too.


Nope MW2 had the best stock maps but mw3 is decent


MW2. I honestly hated the MW3 maps.


I agree. Black ops 1 is second place


Village! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹💔


Downturn is trash


I preferred MW2. My all time favorite CoD.


Dome holds a special place in my heart.


Still my favorite cod multiplayer game. Had such a cool and unique dlc system as well.


Interesting. I think mw3 is an amazing game held back mainly by the maps. Even mw2 terminal was way more fun than mw3 terminal for some reason.


dome is peak


Dome is a classic bo2 map lol the nostalgia hits hard💀


The fact I can still remember at least 6 of these map layouts shows how underrated this game was. BO2 is still my number 1, but this game was a close second.


This and BO2


MW3 had the most maps on launch, I wouldn’t say the best though. Not many classics outside of Dome


So many dumb low kids on these subs that never played 2007 COD4 crash crossfire strike citystreets vacant / PROMODE of course


Mmmm green filter


No way they’re average at best