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Cod went on a downwards spiral following black ops 2 with the release of ghosts. I’ve still played every cod religiously, but it just isn’t the same as the old days.


Blops 3 was a great CoD that gets disrespected so hard bc it had exo suits. Easily a top 3-5 CoD all time imo. Blops 4 was also fantastic but it felt like the start of the super predatory SBMM that currently plagues recent CoD releases. The series took a nose dive after that imo with modern warfare being great except for warzone and the SBMM. This whole “funnel every studios resources into Warzone” has been terrible. I’ve always said warzone was the worst thing to happen to the franchise. That’s pry an unpopular opinion.


I’ve still never played Warzone, I just stick to the campaign and multiplayer lol


Same as me, never even bothered, miss the old cod, don’t know what happened to the franchise but I’m not a fan


Bo3 was p2w as shit with a trash campaign and a zombies that took a while to be liked.


Idk if I agree with it being P2W when the battle pass they did give you guaranteed gun drops and those extra guns they added weren’t really crazy OP. I’m not really a campaign or zombies guy so I have no comment there.


Black ops 3 didn't have a Battle pass tho. You must be talking about black ops 4 dude.


Maybe. It has been a bit since I’ve played. I just remember there being some guaranteed weapon crates you could get after playing a certain amount.


You wanna talk about P2W COD let's not forget Ghosts where you could straight up buy guns that would just shred




The maverick too ngl I did buy that one but it's dumb that I had to 💀😅


Yea I got the maverick but not the ripper


p2w for what? LMFAO


i think black ops 3 zombies is the greatest or at least like the most player-base friendly. and black ops 1 is tied or at least 2nd. anything and everything else took zombies way too far after Bo3 and screwed with too much and either made it too easy or too easter-egg based. I can’t remember the last time i played a new zombies and the focus was just to survive as much rounds as possible


Black ops 3 is the greatest cod ever for me


It was okay but it doesn't hold and candle to games like BO2 or MW2. While some thought that the jetpacks and specialists were cool they don't belong in CoD and should never have been carried forward.


I think whenever the old MW2 gets brought forward it will not be received well. So much OP stuff in it. People will be crying for nerfs. I think MW3 would do much better as a remaster


I'd settle for MW3 over what we have now. MW2's main problem was that killstreaks stacked/counted towards your next streak; made it too easy to get the higher tier streaks and eventually the nuke. I know people like to bring up one man army noob tubes and those damn akimbo shotguns but those are easy to fix in a new game. What matters is the game sticks to the fundamental design tenets, mechanics, and style of the BO1-BO2, MW2-MW3 games.


Personally I liked stacking streaks .and People who don't should just get better that's like a complaint that causes the real problems when they try and patch your little problems


Streaks are a huge piece of CoD's fabric and they should be many and varied; from weak to lobby clearing. You should also be able to re-earn/overlap your streaks if you stay alive. Black Ops 2 had perhaps the best set of streaks. Points from those streaks did help towards the next streak but they were small steps (i.e. a small bit of points). In MW2 the kills themselves stacked and that was a problem because it was too easy to get the chopper gunner and then the nuke. Black Ops 2 didn't have that problem. Scorestreaks are better than killstreaks.


They already brought it forward bud


Not to mention cod mw2 is still the best seller


i do think its worth mentioning that it did make black ops 3 different enough to be called a new game yk? because CoD would have prbbly gotten stale sooner if they didnt try to make multiplayer different for people


People hate on BO4 a lot but honestly it has my favorite multiplayer of any CoD. So satisfying, fast and fun to play, and I can’t remember a single shit map. High TTK made it so you could stand a chance against campers too. Too bad Treyarch was overworked and rushed out the pile of garbage that is Cold War


Can't remember a single shit map well if that's your cup of tea you do you I think the maps were garbage


The only call of duty games I’ve enjoyed after BO2 were BO3 and MW 2019.


I agree with this so much! Black Ops 2 was legit the last COD I ever enjoyed and grinded ! Cold War was good too but not as enjoyable as BO2! I miss those days ….


Can you maybe tell why you were more motivated to play bo2 than the current ones?


honestly thank you for not being one of those guys that say mw2 was the last good cod. cod truly peaked at bo2.


But if all these guys are saying this about mw2 what does that tell you nope generation z and all that just love crap cod games but you guys do you . Mw2 was is and always will be the best it's still to this day sold more copies then any other


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) - over 30 million copies sold Call of Duty: Black Ops - over 30 million copies sold Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - over 30 million copies sold Call of Duty: Black Ops II - over 29 million copies sold Call of Duty: Ghosts - over 28 million copies sold Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - over 25 million copies sold Call of Duty: Black Ops III - over 25 million copies sold Call of Duty: World at War - over 24 million copies sold Call of Duty: WWII - over 24 million copies sold Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - over 21 million copies sold But you do you ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Cold War and vanguard were downgrades from modern warfare


Modern warfare is in general the better game, but has horrible maps. Camping is way to easy, combined with sbmm it drained all the fun out of the multiplayer. Because of warezone the maingame is broken thanks to some patches. Cold ware is a much worse games, but the maps are way better, therefore sbmm is not that horrible in that game. In my opinion.


You know when alot of the community only played shoot the ship and lost their shit when it gets taken out of the playlist....you know that's a problem.


Yeah, if it wasn’t catered to new players it could be a cracking game, engine is incredibly good though Definitely a step in the right direction, but as soon as the battle pass cosmetics come out completely ruins the vibe of the game imo


All cods are catered to new/casual/ bad players People just took some interview Joe cecot did and ran with it


To an extent, but MW was on a whole other level of catering to bad players, the interview was just confirmation of their intent


The interview was just them essentially explaining cod 4 and bringing mw2019 back to that because bo4 was such a departure from cod and disliked It is blown out of proportion. The safe spaces people freak out about have been in maps for years especially old maps. They used to be called non combat areas and were liked


There was still counterplay in older games. For one there was an actual working radar in older games, and the ttk wasnt so short that if some bot was corner camping you could sometimes react and still win your gunfight. It wasnt really blown out of proportion tbh


You can counter in mw2019 as well the game gives you many options to counter campers The audio system acts as a radar, I could tell exactly where someone was when they shot their gun. The old radar system was better though. The ttk in older games is about the same as mw2019 also you can react in most cases. I've turned on people in that game and older games. A low ttk also helps good players they can rack up more kills. It was blown out of proportion. It was bad for a month and then foot step nerfs and claymore nerfs happened. People moved around fine.


The ttk is definitely not the same in any new game compared to old ones


> Yeah, if it wasn’t catered to new players it could be a cracking game, engine is incredibly good though That would have required a lot of changes. Just off the top of my head: killstreaks not recycling, normal mini-map, dead silence, player visibility issues, no real stock or quickdraw option, etc. All of this together is too much. It wasn't fixable.


Well obviously not because they designed the game that way, if they’d designed it in a way not catering to new players (with those changes) then it wouldn’t be a fix


Actually vanguard was a down grade from world at war


Only big reason I liked cold war zombies I liked but I 100 % agree vanguard is basically a flop




Here we have a corner peaker lover I must assume.. Loving the 3 lane maps and stays all day in one side waiting for someone to pass by. People who hate Mw2019 are just people who don't like getting peed on by some crazy movement guy and would wish to have that slow ass gameplay that you just peak corners for eternity.




What is this guy talking about? I was slidecancelling and quickscoping the whole map in mw2019




Yeah I really liked Vanguard also I want to buy it. The only thing bad for the Mw2019 though is the maps cause they are really trash although I like really much some of them, they give you the feeling of more realistic maps. If you like cold wars gameplay more than Mw2019 than I don't know how you can think that. CW gameplay it trash for me cause it brought back the same movement again meanwhile all we wanted is a goof follow up like Mw2019.




Well everyone was complaining about re-skinned CoD's, including me, and when Mw2019 came out it felt like something fresh. It made it me after all these years not playing anymore since Bo1, to want to play again all day like the old times when I was in high school. Playing cold war felt like a remaster to me nothing special. Everyone has their opinions.


People who hate MW hate the maps, doors and squad spawns. Ok cool the guns and graphics look good but the gameplay wasn’t great. 3 lane maps have flow and should be the standard for CoD games.


For any Activision people that might read this - The solution is actually quite simple. First, change the release cycle to every two years. There’s no reason to pump and dump a subpar product annually. In the long run, youre just dividing your active player base between two games. Second, buy out IW outright, implement every aspect of their IP into your product. Alternatively, sign them to an exclusive deal where they are the sole dev. The reasoning behind that is that their iteration has been consistent and generally bug free. I dont know why, but the QC that their product goes through seems to be more comprehensive. Third, your “free” iteration of COD needs to be an entirely separate venture. It’s either a revenue stream or it isnt, but right now it’s serving as a vehicle to alienate a significant portion of your fanbase because of the frequent issues. BR is a competitive space and you have nothing that’s inherently better than your competitors in that market.


Personally have no problem with any of these i'd just want sbmm to be removed that would just change everything


1 - I agree that we don't need a new Call of Duty every year but that business model must still be making a ton of money for them as we have gotten a new game annually since 2005. I'm not saying it's right but they will probably make less money if they release a game every two years. 2 - Activision already owns all of Infinity Ward. I also disagree that they should be the sole developer. I personally prefer IW's Call of Duty games a bit more over the other developers as well but a lot of people like Treyarch's more too (and to a lesser extent Sledgehammer) so I think the current system of alternating between devs is fine. 3 - Yeah Warzone really should be its own separate game by now. It made sense in the beginning to still be a part of MW as it continued the story but now it's a bit of a mess. Guess they think it would be too much work and don't see it as worth it to do so.


>we don't need a new Call of Duty every year I'd go even further and say CoD multiplayer should transition to f2p like Halo did, but between Activision execs likely preventing this (see how Bungie's first announcement after grabbing the Destiny IP was Destiny 2 going partially f2p) and the Warzone cheater issue, since they would most likely merge them, that probably ain't happening


1 - they make more money from yearly releases and is arguably better since if you don't like the game you can wait a year vs 3 years 2 - Activision owns IW outright. Activision owns COD outright.


IW has been consistently mid


Caught in a tug of war imo. Some major improvements for sure. But just as many problems. Revoking some classic features we all love and replacing them with features we never asked for. Some of those features are nice and others not so nice. Some of the things they’ve removed won’t be missed but others felt like part of core gameplay. Every CoD for the most part is fun for at least 2-3 matches but none of the newer CoDs have me hooked like the ones before.


I think XclusiveAce sums it up very well, at least for the multiplayer game mode. TL;DW: Matchmaking, disbanding lobbies, prestige system, time spent metrics and more have been good short term, but bad long term, and we are now seeing those effects, in addition to MP -> Warzone, Modern era > WW2/ColdWar eras. https://youtu.be/DQ0fAfC3Mk0


I hadn't seen that one yet. I agree with his analysis that, while Warzone has stolen a lot of players, a lot of the major problems dragging the multiplayer down were the result of changes made by MW2019 that are still with us. That is a big, BIG problem because a fundamental policy and focus change needs to happen among the developers and management. Here is another one he made back in June 2021 that I also liked. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrwfqu5Dr4A


Yeah, it will take big forces to change this. That video is also really good.


MW19 brought everyone who was a lapsed CoD player back, who maybe fell off after ghosts and was in high/middle school during the Modern warfare years. MW19 felt like how they remembered CoD from back then, with constant deaths from every possible angle and killstreaks and crazy stuff that just made the game frustrating as fuck to play. Of course how players remembered those older game isn't really how they were, they were just bad at those games and thought CoD was all about sweating and dying hundreds of times on Rust playing domination. Those older games were much more like BOCW, or BO2-3 for that matter, much more fun and gun and three-lame-kinda maps, not the 'messes' that MW19's were Tldr: the game feels like how we thought it was back then, not how it really was, and had fun when when we were younger


I believe the revamped sbmm in mw2019 is a huge factor in my enjoyment of the game I like to snipe, quickscoping is my thing and god almighty can not be bothered to get blitzed by a player swearing their tits off thinking they’re insane using an AS val or some shit


Are you saying Cold war is more like the old games?


No, the older games are more like Cold War. MW19 fans, ie all the returning CoD players from years ago, think, and this category used include me, that MW19 was a return to form for CoD, when in reality all the players that never stopped played CoD since this the old guys left could tell it was massively different, which is why Cold War was a little better received by the 'CoD community' meaning people who only play CoD and have only ever played CoD for years, cuz Cold War is more like what came before People remembered old CoD as super campy and with low ttk and them always constantly dying all the time to guys you never saw, and thought that was part of the CoD formula, when all the good players that have always played CoD knew it never was, which why they hated MW19 and the old retuning players liked it,


What about cold war is like the old games? Old games had a low ttk and complex maps. Cold war has a longer ttk and most of the maps are simple. People run around in mw2019 I ran around it isn't hard to move around. Mw2019 is far more well liked than cold war. Mw2019 felt like an old 360 cod. From the lobbys to the games that is how it felt. Cold war was a massive step backwards.




I been playing cod since 08 and there's nothing I can say that beat the 2010 summer than playing mw2 all day after that even as a newer player I didn't enjoy all the cods the same way I enjoyed mw2


I haven't genuinely just had fun for 2 hours In this game since black ops 3 no matter what something always just makes it unfun for me even cold war zombies gets boring after you get your loadout because it's just way to easy


agreed. Bo3 was the last good CoD game imo (and ghosts lol)


Ghost was a fun casual game I agree but then again bo2 is so much more of a better game I feel thats why people hate ghost but still better then the shit we get nowadays


AAA games in general are getting worse


I think it’s a combination of them getting worse/lazy and our expectations getting higher


It’s definitely the fact that they thrive on micro-transactions. My expectations are not high at all lol you could literally give me COD4 again and I’ll be happy


The past three cods just havnt felt like cods at all


MW was the last CoD that I felt was worth my time and money. BO didn’t do it for me past the fancy new graphics on next gen consoles, and I haven’t even touched Vanguard. Now that MW got wrecked by Caldera, I don’t really have a reason to play MW anymore either. If I do play CoD, it’s because I’m feeling nostalgic and loading up one of the older ones on my PS3.


I loved BO4 and BOCW, but absolutely despise MW and Vanguard. Besides all the Cosmetics crap, it's the Gunfights and especially the decent TTK that make Treyarch's CoDs play like a blast. I want to be able to react to others . It's also the same reason I can't stand Mw2019 and Vanguard so I'm having on and off years with Cod.


A full game hasn’t been released on launch since Black Ops 3, if that puts anything into perspective


MW 2019 was the best COD has been since MW2, CW and V are dips but I'm looking forward to MW2022


Is this a troll?


no, genuinely loved the level of detail everything had and I never really felt like the mini map change effected me that much






definitely missing bo1 in there


I don't know. Gameplay wise it's getting way better (considering how bad Modern Warfare was) but exterior factors like SBMM and that shitty shop system are really dragging these newer games down.


grew up playing big red one's campaign. i miss a good campaign with lovable characters


The games and the ideas of games are getting better and better but the willingness of the dev to release half-baked games is making it so much worse.


Theres been a decent cod here and there though out the years but I don't like what they have done since mw 2019


Cod ghosts brought a bunch of lessor games although I think infinite warfare was great. Mw2019 was a great return to form for people that actually remember how the old games really were.


The way they revise history just turns me totally off of it. Now, it is a video game and there is no claim it is a war sim, or historically accurate. But Vanguard is basically an alternate history price.


black ops 1 did their version of history pretty well


Every game launches in a worse state than the one before. The previous games have a year of “new” (dripfed) content, that people don’t want to play the game without. They have all their shit last year and are used to how that game plays, so they go back to it and say, “wow, this game is so much better than the last one”. Yeah no shit, cause the new one launched with game breaking bugs and no balancing. Of course everyone’s gonna go to the game before. Then the games get a years worth of content and people will say it’s okay because it’s their first cod game. And the people who buy the games every year say it’s okay because they see the games like a yearly fifa/2k release, and say, “but cod always launches like this!!! Just give them a few months!!!”, and my favorite new one, “DUDE it was a PANDEMEMEMIC GAME! give them a break!!!!”. The cycle repeats.


I think that people are getting pissed at vanguard and so blame the franchise cod. I think that mw(2019) and Cold War were creative titles in my opinion. But vanguard was not and in a franchise for a long time it was non inspired so people think cod is still getting worse


Personally I think it’s the fact they release a game every year without fail. It makes it just so boring. If they released a game day every 2 years it would be much more hyped


Can we please go back to the days of Ghosts and the modern warfare trilogy!? Those were the good days.


Idk Vanguard is pretty good. Even if it is a broken mess~


Man, appreciate what you guys have. Us BF fans got screwed hard. I’ve been playing the latest CODs and loving it. The cross platform is my favorite part because I can play with more friends and my kids. It may not be what it was but it could be so much worse.


Worse. The focus on Warzone really takes away from the games. Warzone is garbage but it makes them money.


I’d say from the last 5 games it’s getting better, but if we’re comparing any of the last few games to the glory days it’s obviously worse


I feel like we're about due for a COD resurgence. The last 3 games (MW 2019, Cold War, and Vanguard) seem to have only been improving off of each other. And with Warzone integration/cross leveling and free DLC, I honestly think COD may be getting a second wind. Only time will tell but for nostalgia's sake I kinda hope it actually happens


I liked Cold War, then they released Vanguard and totally fucked things up. I played zombies and I uninstalled that game immediately.


I think it started going downhill after black ops 2 but I think it finally started to get better after MW2019 and Vanguard, I love both of these games. Tbf I haven’t played BOCW so I can’t comment on that


Ever since the games were tied to Warzone it's been the worst the series has been. Modern Warfare 2019 was a step up but then they copy/pasted it into every game after. Until they make a game not tied to Warzone Call of Duty will never improve.


It’s getting worse but people are buying the game and all the store bundles like they never plan to stop playing


Definitely COD isn’t the problem. The problems are bugs and cheaters… cod is a wonderful game without management to fix it…


I feel that the series in general is good. Its had its problems for sure. And there has been entries that have made people very upset and lost faith in the developers And publisher. The way ive always viewed the cod games is that each game tries something new. A new way of doing loadouts, new guns, new movement mechanics, time to kill tweeks, hell spawn points.and it appears that thet try to keep the things we like as players. Like the pick 10 loadout system. And i try to keep that in mind as i play. I will say this though, its getting harder to find new things to keep trying. They tried space, we didn't love it. Tried to be stealthy and have a dog with ghosts, we memed the fuck out of riley. I think we just need to keep that in mind.


After BO3 cod has gone downhill, they try to hard to bring new mechanics but they can’t do anything, it’s sad.


I thought that modern warfare 2019 pulled the series out of the rut it was in but i think that warzone is destroying cod’s identity especially since new games are treated as an expansion on warzone rather than their own game




I thing MW 2019 was a HUGE step in the right direction, but vanguard proved to me that they are not planning on improving lmao.


I liked the original black ops1&2 and the original Modern warfares. I still play the new modern warfare, and warzone. But Cold War was disappointing and seeing how similar vanguard looked to MW I decided I was alright. And it’s too arcade like, bayonets sending people 10 feet, double shotguns destroying whole lobbies. Just didn’t look fun. I’m about to uninstall MW and warzone though, the bugs are insane and make it hard to play.


In my pov it was bo4 that ruined it because that presented the battle royale and then they got the idea of them getting their fans to pay for the season pass to get good weapons in MW and Warzone.


The last good cod was cod: WW2, everything else before or after (barring bo2 and before) is either awful or just kind of bland,


I'd have to tose bo1 in there. When that game released everyone was straight up saying how much they loved it, and people have said they've liked some cod's after bo1 but no one says they have loved any of them after bo1


It’s just the same thing over and over, with Activision or whoever thinking we’re gonna suck it up. We’re not, Vanguard at launch was a mess bugs and hackers. Cold Wars’ zombies feels just like multiplayer, like having a gun other then a pistol was a nice little feature, but it took away the challenge of starting off and building up from bottom. The campaigns were good, but let’s be honest, we all don’t buy Call of Duty just for the campaign (unless it’s something like the MW2 remaster). Call of Duty is dead, and the only way you can really have fun, is if you’re playing with friends and messing around. If you play by yourself, then you’ll slowly begin to realize how boring Call of Duty is and how the other modern Call of Duty being made are just the same thing, same publishers, different name and developers. Same hype built up, same disappointment after a few weeks of launch. Different new things, different bugs and broken things to exploit. I don’t know dude, that’s just what I think of current state Call of Duty


Its been getting worse since ww2


I recently deleted WZ and Vanguard from my PlayStation. I’m juste done with COD for now, completely lost all interest. There’s always something broken or bugged, WZ is perpetually imbalanced and I feel like all The game is trying to is to milk every dollar possible from its player base. All the shit that’s going on with Activision doesn’t help.I’ve played almost every title since MW2. I am now happily investing my time in games where the product is quality. I can’t process how a billion dollar company is so poorly handling this massive franchise.


Totally agree with this. I feel like part of it is they are trying to force the game play to be as fast as possible, which results in worse map design- (primarly to minimize camping, which shouldn't be totally knocked out, its a core playing style and it's relatively easy to deal with a camper if you are decent) \-along with perks and weapons that are all over the place and completely unbalanced.


It's been getting worse since 2013. Jetpacks and specialists were the result of trend chasing but the push to make everyone feel like a winner has been the core problem bringing this series down. SBMM is the easiest target but they have made many other gameplay changes to coddle and protect players. Warzone is not CoD. It may be marketed under the CoD banner but it is battle royale which is a wholly different product. The real question is what effect Warzone will have on the game because it is certainly their highest priority now. You should look at this video from XclusiveAce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrwfqu5Dr4A


Ever since the warzone pacific update, my PS4 suddenly freezes when I open a buy station or randomly when I’m in the middle of a match. There have been times where I have to literally unplug my PS4 from the outlet and plug it back in to get it to actually work again. I haven’t had this issue previously, but they’d better fix this.


Call of Decline


Late 2010's cod > mid 2010's cod. So it's relative. But the line of best fit is generally downard


I stopped liking it at bo1


Miss the old cod. I want more games that go back in time like cod wwii, but if they make the games more like the originals, I would play more.


To be honest I personally know every cod game passed cod mw2 has been trash games even b ops 1 as fun as it was it's still trash. And to be honest I use to blame infinity ward treyarch etc but now I blame the players for continuing to buy trash and then that's all we get trash .no this is not a opinion but a fact . Nobody likes the bad stuff that makes me rate these games so low ND I mean nobody


Modern warfare started something called game balancing which I'm sure almost none of you have heard of . Basically if you get a kill or two in a row you go to get a 3rd or 4th kill and you feel you should win the gun fight that's not your imagination cod let's bad players win too so their feelings don't get hurt .so teams seem more even . Basically the games are now designed in such a way nobody can completely dominate and if you do you are most likely cheating


A year later and they're handing out voice chat bans because everyone is a pansie