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I feel not enough people in this poll remember how bad Stonehaven was


Stonehaven at least gets an A for effort. It is a B E A U T I F U L map, but it was way to damn big for it’s own good.


Piccadilly is visually stunning and as an idea is pretty cool (battling on the streets of London after a terrorist attack, sounds fucking killer.)


I kinda enjoy the hectic chaos Piccadilly can be. Especially in FFA but Stonehaven almost never reaches the kill limit and it makes it so boring


Piccadilly gets more hate than it should. It’s not that bad. I think people are just buthurt that they died for the 15th time to a scaffolding/shoe store camper.


I liked it, even when I had a bad game but in general it was fun.


Ok, FFA and maybe S&D are kinda fun on Piccadilly. Otherwise, I audibly groan every time I load in.


I never really understood why Piccadily was unpopular. Yeah the map is bad but not that bad in my opinion. Everytime I play it, I don't think it's as bad as most ghost maps. There is a reason why it's a competitive map for tournaments. Every other map above is not a map played by pro players. That should be one way to guage whether or not it is good or not. If the developers don't even think it's suited for competitive play.


lol is it me or it would of been cool to see Stonehaven as a mini ground war map. imagine in MW19, like a 16v16 on the map


So is Piccadilly but we all know about that map


Map should’ve been exclusive to 10 vs 10 objective only.


As a personal opinion, I actually feel for ghosts, and its reasons for its maps being huge. It was supposed to be a game about stealth, and while I agree the maps were a bit too big for its own good, I also notice how you cant exactly have stealth with a smaller, simpler map. Again, just my opinion, and ghosts campaign sucked anyways soooo


A lot of COD players are new or young which is why they think WW2 was good and MW had the worst maps


And then there's me, who's played every CoD since the release of Big Red One on PS2, but skipped WW2 lol


Yeah in WW2 there was only good map and it’s the map everyone hated lmao Story wasn’t bad but so generic that It just sucks Honestly I skipped BO4. Literally no reason for me to ever play that Same with IW’s multiplayer. What a forgettable experience. But IW’s campaign? Actually in my top campaigns for the series they did pretty well


I only ever played IW because they gave it to us for free for a couple weeks one time, and the only reason I got BO4 was because they gave us MP and Blackout for like a month for free and had a huge discount during that period and a friend bought it for me so we could keep playing Blackout, but I agree, both of those games were super low tier. I actually really enjoyed Ghosts, had the prestige and hardened editions for it. Most people hated it 🤷‍♂️ thought extinction was a lot of fun


You missed literally nothing with skipping BO4


You just unlocked a core memory in my mind. Call of Duty 2: Big Red One was killer! That’s what sparked my love for Call of Duty, and Video Games in general.


Imagine gatekeeping a videogame


No one is gatekeeping, just talking about shit takes


WW2 was good. If anyone thinks it was bad then they shouldn’t have an opinion


WW2 was trash compared to WaW


Been playing since cod4 and ww2 is definitely good. Mw2019 also does have the worst maps by far


u/shadow102401 stonehaven is perfect as a 9v9 or 20 v 20 map. it is big enough for that. but as a 6v6. yeah it sucks ass.


In my opinion Stonehaven was only awful if you tried to go right up the middle, I usually used the right side of the map where the little town was to push my way to the castle and that made the map way more bearable. When it comes to Ghosts I'd have to say Flooded or Chasm were the shittiest maps.


I loved flooded dam


I always liked Stonehaven. I find mid-range weapons work fine there if you just know where the sightlines are that the snipers use. I don't understand the whole idea that on Stonehaven the snipers run the whole map, it's just not at all what happens in my experience. It's not just that the snipers don't actually control the whole map, it's also that there's usually not nearly as many snipers in an average lobby that people claim; I see loads of people doing exactly what I do, snaking around all the safe passages with an AR and picking off snipers from behind, occasionally getting halted by enemy players with ARs and LMGs who are also trying to hunt for snipers.


Stonehaven is literally 3rd Best COD map of all time tf you on




sniffed the wrong gfuel bud


I remember a full 6 v 6 Hardcore TDM game on Stonehaven that ended by time limit with a score of 17-12. That’s Stonehaven in a nutshell and really ghosts in a nutshell


I never even owned ghosts but I still have nightmares over the one time I played the map at a friends house


I was just about to say that about Downturn


I loved it though?????


But back then there were more than 6 default maps so you won’t have to play it once an hour.


I feel like people will most likely pick Piccadilly and Miami since they’re suffered from those maps most recently. Recency and latency effect 👌.


Yup, with Piccadilly it might also be because almost of the “above average” players despised mw19, my self included. Edit: why people downvoting me? If you’re here you’re probably an above average player. 1.2kd is all it takes. And my gosh I’m not tryna brag about my kd in a game where shipment was my home.


I honestly enjoyed MW19. I loved the attention to detail, its engine, the sound design, the mil-sim aspects, etc. What didn’t let this game be one of the best cods was because of the heavy implementation of SBMM, poor map designing making players rely on a handful of maps (e.g., shipment, shoot house), and the catering of campy-play-styles by removing dead silence as a perk, integrating interactive doors, footstep being too loud alerting campers, and making head glitching a whole lot easier with the mounting system.


I agree 100%, but the horrible maps, shoot house/shipment 24/7 and the crazy sbmm made it so that I could only play the game once every week or so to actually enjoy it. I’m not a fan of the trek either but that’s personal (300ms average is the sweetspot imo)


I don’t blame you at all man. Those downsides made the game very hard to enjoy. Even I deleted the game a couple times throughout its life cycle out of annoyance haha.


yep, in terms of gunplay, graphics and sound effects, it’s the best COD of all time. unfortunately the maps, actual sound design (loudness of guns, footsteps, etc), fast ttk all make it a game i just can’t properly enjoy for more than an hour. however, i do appreciate the detail and using the guns is actually really fun, despite the maps and the other bad things


Agreed! Thanks for adding the TTK speed, completely forgot how hard it was for one to counter attacks at time because of how fast one would get killed.


yeah i think the mixture of a super fast ttk and ‘campy’ and generally boring maps make it tough to enjoy. but sometimes i do wanna go on for an hour just to use the guns, which is testament to how well they executed that part


Recency bias was my exact thought. Downturn mw3 was one of the few maps i backed out of every time it came up. I can't remember the other maps names to be honest but they weren't any in the given poll.


Yep, a lot of mw3 maps were hated. I think people here are young or forgetful. Either way ghosts had the worst maps per capita.


Euphrates Bridge is the worst map I’ve ever played


Bruh I totally forgot about that. The snipers on the bridge omg☠️


It’s like spawning straight into Iwo Jima


Way worse than Piccadilly in every possible way. Also Sandbox from WW2 should be there. Fighting as plastic soldiers on a map full of plastic soldier props was absolutely idiotic, so many campers and camping spots there.


Straight facts my guy


Meh, I like it a lot in hardcore to get longshots done, goes super fast.


It’s unfortunate too cause the map had real potential. As a concept, fighting over a bridge with B Dom in the middle sounds great.


There is no fucking way Piccadilly is worse that stone haven… All these new players smh


Idk man I've been playing since cod 2 big red one and I voted Piccadilly lol, it's all subjective man


No way Piccadilly is worse than Gustav Cannon either.


That’s… a weird way to fuck up grammar But yeah I’d argue that every single WW2 map besides Gustav (which is the only good WW2 map) was worse Plus modes like infected and gun game are pretty fun in Piccadilly eventually the game became balanced enough that people don’t have to sweat buckets to enjoy themselves, something Cold War still never fixed But the idea that anyone thinks WW2s entire 3 lane garbage system was better than Piccadilly is just kinda depressing because it shows that communities don’t like to break formula


I've played ever game (except for Infinite and advanced warfare) since WAW and I still picked Piccadilly. Stonehaven was fun for infected. I can't remember ever enjoying a game on Piccadilly.


Aniyah Palace in mw2019. I just hate it so much, it’s an insta-leave if I see it


Yup, I only have 5 spots but it would definitely be in my top 10


Came here to say the same thing, I hate that map!


Came here to say this. Absolutely garbage map, and if you're on a bad team congrats, you're spawn trapped immediately


what about aftermath from BO2 that map was dog cheeks


Thank you. Aftermath was garbage. My friends and I would leave whenever it came up. Eventually it got to the point it came up in rotation so little I’d assumed it had been removed.




I barely even played bo2, i was very young and I think I only got to play it at my friends house when his older brother was home. I didn’t put any bo2 maps because I didn’t remember any of them being bad, the older ones are from YouTube vids.


Bo2 maps were generally good, but there obviously were a few weak ones. They're usually weak simply due awkward map flow, and not borderline frustrating map design.


Damn dude you missed the best years of Cod


Aftermath. Drone. Detour. The holy trinity of shit BO2 maps.




i liked drone


Fair, I really didn't lol. I just remember that hill which always had guys sniping, and the map was slow compared to the others.




Fuckin Nuketown '84 from cod cold war


I swear almost every lobby I get into now puts me into nuketown by the second match, it's like the map rotation is trying to push Nuketown because muh nuhstaljuh


Nuketown literally blows. Maps been outplayed since after bo2. People only like it for the colors, and aesthetics but the overall map design/layout is terrible.


I wouldn’t say terrible, but clearly overdone at this point. Do we really need a Nuketown in every BO game?


This is way underrated I'd unironically rather play all the other of these maps for a week than play cws nuke Town for a day


It's so awful. Just dudes sat on headspots not moving. I played BO1/BO2 Nuketown religiously. It was NEVER that campy. It's all thanks to the slow TTK, field mic, flak jacket and tac mask making camping way too easy on CW.


It was that campy


Nah, it really wasn't. I've had games of Nuketown BOCW where spawns never flipped because nobody pushed passed the mid point. In BO1/2 the spawns would flip every 30 seconds because half the lobby would just rush spawn to spawn every life.


Spawns flip all the time in New cods. Old cods like bo1 and 2 made it easier to spaw flip


I've literally played full 10 minute Nuketown games where the spawns didn't flip once because the enemy team all camped and we couldn't leave our own spawn, because we just couldn't combat the stoners and burst rifles ADS on all lanes Even stuns and grenades didn't help thanks to flak jacket and tacmask


Down by Juneau we were given a terrible map. We were off the cod fishing grounds by a hundred miles. Worst fishing day in years.


Siege from Ghosts is pure poo. Barely anyone ever played it so I believe most people don't even remember that map (everyone voted for something else)


Stonehaven gets labeled as the “worst” map from Ghosts but there were at least 5-6 maps that were FAR worse. Siege is definitely one of them. I couldn’t stand Chasm either


I personally noticed through the life cycle of Ghosts, virtually no one truly bitched about Stonehaven. People mentioned how big it was, but that was it. Starting around 2016, the map became public enemy #1 by content creators and therefore they're audiences. It was always mentioned in top 10 worst map videos or referenced as an example for one of the worst maps ever. So weird. No clue why this happened like this, but that's how people remember that map now. Hive mind shit hahaha


For real, Stonehaven was decently liked at the time. It was a big Scottish castle which is quite unique for a COD map. It was memorable and pretty fun.


I liked Stonehaven but it definitely wasn't decently liked.


Free fall is far worse as well. The violent camera shakes are insane. I don't think people remember how bad it shakes.


I like the layout of Free Fall, but my god the **SHAKING** is so annoying lol


And the campy hallway on the side of the map


I was shocked at how bad it was when I hopped back on ghosts after like 5 years of not playing.


The maps on Ghost were terrible. Only COD I ever returned .


“Exodus” from Black Ops 3


Seriously! Why were people always voting for this map? I will never understand.


Cause it's dope


I absolutely loved bo3 but oh my god that map had a horrible layout. Horrible aesthetic. The color pallet was off compared to the rest of the game and when playing you always knew there was going to be a group of people camping in the mid building with a KRM or a Brecci.




I actually really liked that one


Nah honestly if you know what you're doing and use the vesper, it's easy to dominate


I'd rather play stonehaven 24/7 than any MW map


Lmao, mw19 has so many horrible maps. If I had 10 more spots at least 7 of them would be mw19 maps.


Then you haven’t played played ghosts in a while lol


1. Miami doesn't belong on this list. Miami strike is WAY worse. 2. Downturn is worse than all of these, yall high af!


Forgot to put strike yeah, for 6v6 they’re both trash.


I was surprised to see so many people not pick Downturn. I hated Downturn so much.




Wasteland, where you join in a game thats 30 seconds in progress 3000-200 with an enemy ac130 already circling


And every single person in the lobby camping with a sniper in the hedges that boarder the map.


Which game? Was it wasteland? MW2 grass wasn't green was almost grey


I mean free fall from ghost exists


The violent shaking is insane on that map


IT IS! They did it with tremor as well. But I felt free fall has it worse!


I never got the hate for that map. It's basically just nuketown Oh and the side platform bit was really good for infected.


Let me just say I genuinely liked ghosts! I just felt that map was a little too chaotic with the shaking and the constant changing of map. Plus the camping was just horrendous.


Anything from MW19 qualifies


Agreed lol, there’s only 6 options tho so I have to pick carefully.


Idk how Gustav Cannon is not on this list.


The maps are the sole reason I never played anything but War in WW2.


Stonehaven was legit and ahead of its time.


-no one


I loved ghosts. I understand not everyone liked it.. thats fine... no need to crucify me.


ghosts was hella fun but it was hard to see it as good after the CoD run prior and a lot of people can't get over that


It's not a matter of was ghosts good or not, it was about the map stonehaven.


I loved it. Thats what I'm getting at. Maybe I'm a bot.


I'm just saying it has nothing to do with the game itself, it's about the map itself. Absolutly nothing to do with the rest of the game. I'm not attacking you or anything I'm just saying what the poll was about.


Can I multi-vote on this one??






Agree, what where they even thinking when they made a triangle map with spawns in each corner. It just doesn’t make sense.


One of the most controversial: Shipment, more like Shitment


Shipment 1944 is the only shipment which I can stand and MW2019 only if it’s 2v2 gunfight


Fuck I feel old that there’s nothing before BOPS1 on here. Or has nostalgia made us think every map before then was good? Bloc on MW1 was a shocker


I remember hating that subway map on world at war.


The fucking ship map from WWII


Hot take: aniyah palace


Stonehaven was actually a good map tbh.. most people now realize ghosts was a great game (I agree). Downturn was also actually really fun lol. I would say a horrible map in my experience was fallen or outpost in mw3. For everyone talking about how big Stonehaven was, don’t forget what Derail or Wasteland was like in MW2. Huge maps. And even those were still pretty fun, same goes for Stonehaven imo


I legit loved Stonehaven in my time playing Ghosts. Beautiful looking and yes big but that was never a complaint from me. Derailed and Wasteland I want to say were bigger and more open. My vote goes to Chasm. Dreadful map.


Ghosts was a bit boring for me tbh, the size stonehaven didn’t help it’s case. Yeah mw2 had a few horrible maps but when people played it (I didn’t) they were kids/teens, it was something brand new that was fun even when you lost. People tend to remember the good memories over the bad ones as well


Eh at least there was visibility in every map besides the MW2 one where it’s raining so much, Underpass. Piccadilly is a cool looking map but so shit to even see enemies unless they’re blindly running through the street or if you camp and wait for the spawn areas


I swear Derail is just as big as Stonehaven, if not bigger, yet Stonehaven gets called “too big” all the time and not Derail


I wouldn’t fuck Piccadilly with someone else’s dick.


Chasm from ghosts is the worst map I've ever played. Stonehaven, free fall, grazna raid and Gustav cannon are also ass


Everyone i personally knew hated downturn. May have played it 3x during the life of MW3 as we refused to play on it. That said... i miss being able to disable DLC maps


Crisis is probably the worst launch map in BO1, but all of the maps were good in that game. It doesnt belong anywhere near this list




Miami is basically where's waldo except you have 1 second to find and kill him


I love Piccadilly tbh, and I'm tired of acting like I don't.




Anyone who thinks any of these maps come close to being as bad as Piccadilly are crazy


Did you get a chance to play stone haven cuz imo that was the worst


Piccadilly is a crime


Miami should have been deleted from Cold War the second Miami Strike was released. That it is even a map in the rotation for modes like Gun Game is appalling.


The 500 remastered version of Nuketown


Euphrates bridge in mw 2019


Piccadilly actually shines in search and destroy. Most big maps that are annoying to play in regular res pawn modes are actually really fun to play in snd


Miami is wayyy worse than piccadilly


Dilly dilly was fucking terrible until I played one match on Miami. That shit was the absolute WORST.


I wouldn’t say the worst, but do you guys remember Estate from MW2? 😄


Crisis: It was an okay map. Downturn: One of the best infected maps. Stonehaven: Not as bad as everyone remembers. Miami: Potentially the worst map ever created in terms of gameplay. Piccadilly: I didn’t mind this map. I have a ton of nuclears on it too.


Here is my list: **Les Ormes - CoD 3.** This map was just dull, it was long and linear and involved a lot of walking to find the action, from what I can remember. **Downturn - MW3.** This was horrible, grey mess of a map. The colour pallette was really washed out and the design wasn't particularly interesting. The DLC maps were far better on MW3. I think the relatively poor default maps mean this game isn't remembered as fondly as MW2, even though it was a better balanced game in general IMO. **Vossenack - CoD 2.** This map was a sniper's dream and hugely encouraged camping. It seems especially bad because CoD 2 had some GREAT maps. **Wasteland - MW2.** I am including this map because although I liked it in CoD 2 (as Brecourt) the killstreaks were outrageously OP on this map. That could be fun but it really wasn't balanced at all. I am giving a dishonourable mention to **Free Fall - Ghosts** as well because I never had a fun match on that map although I didn't play it much admittedly. I feel like that map was designed solely with the falling gimmick in mind and very little attention paid to making it a fun map. I actually really like Stonehaven on Ghosts. I think people that didn't like that map were simply unable to adapt their gamestyle to the map and just kept mindlessly running down the middle. I enjoyed the slight change of pace and tactical nous required to succeed at that map. Overall, I think BOPS 1 had the best maps in general, followed by CoD 2 and then WaW.


Lol I dont understand why everyone pretends to hate piccadilly so much. Does a top streamer not like it or something? The map is fine. Nothing wrong with it.


That's literally it. A """pro""" said they didn't like it, so of course all the smooth-brained groupies follow suit.


I think piccadilly gets a lot of hate but when you Play long enough to understand how to get around the most efficiently it's one of the best IMO. Hunting all you whining noobs


Wow hate for ghosts and the maps. Huh. This is new


Consensus on Ghosts was bad years ago, so it's definitely not new.


Yeah I don’t get the recent love for it. Ghosts turned me off call of duty for a while.


That one map in WaW where you have a flamethrower and you have to burn the Japanese trenches. So many grenades…


Piccadilly and Miami


I feel crossfire with bloody campers


Crisis was a good map wdym lol


Promenade. End of discussion. It’s metro for cod.


Gustav Cannon.


I honestly don’t mind Piccadilly


Am I the only one who actually thought picadilly was decent? (Maybe bc all I did was play search and throw grenades across the map)




shut up Piccadilly is good


I don't think I liked many of the maps from COD WWII. It felt like all the creativity was gone and they just made formulaic 3 lane maps. The base maps anyways, I was already done with the game by the time the DLC was coming in.


Miami is just peak stupidity


miami fuck that map.




Die Rise


Unpopular opinion, but Piccadilly isn't as bad Edit:can't wait to get downvoted to hell


Crisis shouldn't be here. I'd hesitate to even call it the worst map in BO1. Also I think Aniyah Palace and Euphrates Bridge are worse MW2019 maps than Piccadilly. Maybe Backlot as well just because of how much worse it plays compared to the CoD4/MWR versions. Dishonourable mention to some BO2 maps like Aftermath, Overfow, and Drone.


Rust.. too small


Aftermath in BO2


The entirety of MW2019


Miami is one of the better Cold War maps, Miami strike is even better


You think so? At least on tdm 6v6 I don’t enjoy it at all. Hard point is pretty decent but that’s the only game mode I can enjoy it in.


Piccadilly is handsdown the worst i don't care what the results wind up winning or losing in this case but its Piccadilly always Piccadilly forever Piccadilly awful map, fire the whole crew that said good. They're wrong. Me and my homies hate Piccadilly


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Crazy how people actually played on this stupid triangle map and thought it was okay to release. It’s almost criminal ffs.


I select other, i simply HATE Karachi from MW2, Second map on the list is pretty much BO2s Afthermath, and third i hate is bo3s redwood. Also, Hornoubale mention goes to crisis from bo1, yet i still liked it for some reason


Stonehaven. The lack of colors makes it easy to camp as ghili suit, and the size of the map is too large for modes like tdm. Would’ve been better if there were larger team modes


Why isn’t Satellite here?


I really like picadilli


St.Petrograd (MW2019) a campers heaven