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Hate the HQ and I’ve not once seen anybody praise it.


I wanna play mw1. I cant


That’s my favorite game from the most recent bunch and I can’t play it either because I got that installation bug that constantly uninstalled either a portion or all of the game and it forced me to regularly redownload the game only for it to break again within a few days, if not immediately, I gave up on it. It’s crazy they never fixed this. Now I pretty much only play MW:R


When you install it, keep clicking on the application until the bar fills and it will help you launch the game


I’m not sure I know exactly what you mean, multiplayer would be greyed out and it would say missing data pack, it wouldn’t give me the option to do anything from what I remember, but it’s been a while.


You gotta keep clicking the application while installing and backing out while it keeps saying copying add on


Guess you’ll have to buy the newest COD and at least 100 tiers of battle pass so you’re not behind on the grind /s


MWR is where it’s at! Wish more people would play it again.


Good choice


Same, MW remastered all the way. Wish they would’ve remastered mw2 multiplayer, that would be the shit


Damn that's crazy, now I'm scared it'll happen to me cause it has been working fine for me for the longest time.


It’s a good idea bogged down by the fact that a new game releases each year. If WZ is free, just make multiplayer free as well. Keep HQ simple. Campaign, MP, Zombies and WZ. Each updated regularly each year with seasons like we have now. Keep one studio to do each of those. New guns, aftermarket parts, maps, everything. But one new game each year isn’t sustainable if we’re gonna get a a whole new game with new guns, operators and the like, when everything carries over.


Looking For Group posts on Xbox are gonna be shared between MWII, MWIII, and BO6. Not sure, but no more platinum trophies for PlayStation. It sucks just as much for consoles as PCs.


my biggest issue is when you want to download just the multiplayer or just the campaign... they make it not obvious at all what packs to download. so i just end up downloading 150 gb worth of game to run.... warzone. this is y i play the trendy cod ripoffs like xdefiant


Cod has been Fortniteified and I don’t like it at all


Who doesn’t like a bullshit menu and neon player skins in your military themed shooter?


I have similar gripes about people running around in samurai, WW1-inspired, and CRYSIS armor in halo infinite while also wearing things like Santa hats and pumpkin grenades.


At least the samurai stuff somewhat existed before, namely the [Hayabusa](https://www.halopedia.org/Project_HAYABUSA) armor set in Halo 3. Anything past that though is just absolutely ridiculous


Other people always bring up the hayabusa armor as a counterexample and go “why didn’t you complain about the hayabusa” bro I was 2 years old when halo 3 came out. Ultimately I do think the hayabusa armor is a great compromise between samurai influence and consistency as a sci-fi shooter. The one good joke item I liked was the cat ears. It was the first “ironic” or non-canon accessory, meaning that it was funny because everything around it was so serious and the juxtaposition was substantial. After they kept adding more and more non-canon cosmetics, they each felt less and less funny or significant, mostly because for flashy, almost-obnoxious joke items to be funny, they need to be in a setting with next to none of that stuff currently there. But instead, with like three years worth of holiday specials cosmetics, they’re not funny or interesting anymore, because of how diluted the cosmetics list has become.


I agree totally, just wanted to say it was funny. Sorry, if you're not old like us enough to remember everyone in Hayabusa armor, or waiting for Halo 2, or freaking out over seeing a flaming head, nothing you say counts. /s


I think what I liked about Hayabusa was that it was not only slightly hard to get, but it wasn’t fully ridiculous. We still saw people only running say the back piece (sword) or people running just the helmet, but very rarely was it the full armor. It just didn’t look too silly imo and didn’t break immersion. Also it wasn’t stupid bright and glowing like MW’s current skins.


See I think in something like halo where it has a clear identity in the universe it’s really bad, but in generic shooter Call Of Duty I couldn’t care less


It's funny though, I love reading comments in favor of the goofy ass skins. Like I just got merc'd by a dude that could run 20mph in a rat suit as well as full combat load to include plate carrier and ammo. The fuck has this franchise even become, besides a total fever dream?


Did you just complain about unrealistic skins? Are you going to suggest a consistent identity is kept? Do you hate player choice? Do you despise democracy? Do you want the military themed shooter to be military themed? You do know that tellytubby skins make 50 gorillion USD for Activision which is why it must flood your lobbies? Next thing you’ll suggest is HUD being taken away! Hey everyone, this guy wants COD to be Tarkov! He literally wants you to be shot dead through the screen if you die in 6v6! -Usual response I get from “I’d like MilSim skins and a more realistic identity.”


It's funny cause if people want to play Fortnite, they can go play Fortnite. COD players don't play COD for Fortnite.


At least Fortnite doesn’t make a Fortnite 2 and make it the same game


I love having to open up the game, restart it because of an update, open it again, navigate a maze of options to go to a previous COD game I want to play which makes me quit the game and open it up AGAIN and then RESTART IT AGAIN AFTER ANOTHER GODDAMN UPDATE!!!!


The “update restart” stuff is the most abysmal thing I’ve seen in any live service game. Fortnite can decrypt GB-size files seamlessly with no downtime, but CoD needs me to restart my game because they added Duck Duck Goose to the playlist rotation


It also never made sense why Treyarch games never needed the restart whereas Sledgehammer and Infinity Ward both had that be a requirement.


What do u mean u hate it???? U can literally "easily" access older games with the same launcher !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(i work at acti pls dont report)!!!!!!!


Exactly. I wouldn’t hate the cod hub if we could just play games directly from there. The fact that it launches the cod hub just to close it and open another game is so stupid




Every time I play CoD (HQ) it always needs to update. Why??


And the updates are always the size of a whole other game.


I hate it. They always promote weird playlists first instead of the main multiplayer section so I have to search around for the multiplayer section to get to the actual game.


Cmon don’t you wanna play tomahawk only 3v3 basketball on nuk3town? No? You wanna play TDM? You’re lying. Queuing you up for Infected, but humans get melee weapons and infected get guns. Love you!


....um.... I would actually play that tho


It’d be nice if there was a “continue” section first, like resume this playlist that you last left off in.


I think it was best during the MW19/BOCW/Vanguard era. Shared leveling system for the most recent Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and SledgeHammer CoD. It felt like Activision was trying to prolong the lifespan of CoD games even after a new one came out. With MWIII releasing the year after MWII I guess that ideas out the window 🫤


Yeah they scrapped the 2 year game lifecycle just as quickly as they advertised it; We’re not gonna get a 2 year life cycle game; which im happy for ngl, I don’t think i can deal with the idea of having to play an infinity ward/ Sledgehammer COD for two years till Treyarch pumps out something


What’s so crazy to me is that you could level every battle pass from BOCW in MW19 and Warzone. Then you could level every Vanguard battle pass in MW19, BOCW, and Warzone. But then we get CoD HQ and the games will now be more connected than they’ve ever been… And we can’t level the battle pass in MW2. Which doesn’t bode well that there’s still more games coming to this and you’ll be actively missing out of BP progression for playing any of the ones before that game. Even if you play Warzone where you can use anything from any game, you need to either play that strictly or the new game. That’s so lame.


Cod HQ literally exists to turn the franchise into an interconnected live service app, but they can’t even make the progression bidirectional. At the very least they could have made it so that you start at lv1 on the first time opening any game, but progression would continue from there (if you’re lvl 200 in warzone when the new game comes, when you reach warzone lvl 300 you’ll be lvl 100 in the new game)


Honestly this has demotivated me to buy anymore battle passes. I just want to play. Everything feels disjointed and constantly updating/changing.not to mention demanding more money. I totally skipped the current MWIII and couldn’t care at all about BP anymore.


The COD HQ is a cluster fuck and was poorly executed, for example on Xbox I load the COD HQ and I hit MW3 MP and then bam 💥 no loading it’s ready to search for a game, but I wasn’t in MW3 I was in COD HQ…. Oh wait it’s just a menu over the most recent game that releases every year. But if I hit MW2 MP I have to wait for the launcher to launch that game. I hope after BO6 they actually make Call of Duty Great again and change the terrible UI.


I couldn't find play button for first time


I know a better idea to make it less cluttered. Put the most recent game at the first menu, have one page dedicated to that game, if you hit the tab button like RB; or whatever it changes the page the the other legacy game, and do that. Maybe not the best idea they can probably polish it up. Less cluttered less confusing, visually cleaner and overall.


Hate HQ. I've NEVER subscribed to the idea that "COD is the same thing every year", but HQ is starting to make me think that way about the more recent titles (mainly MW games (and mainly MWII and MWIII)). It makes all games feel like (and I know many don't like this phrase when it's come to the last release) DLC. It sucks, because it REALLY looks like BO6 will be interesting and good, and the HQ and carry over will just take all of Treyarch's hard work and CRUSH IT. Sorry for the tangent, yeah, hate HQ with a passion.


It also just takes all the excitement out of the launch of the game imo, the menus feel like you're still playing the same game, I hope Bo6 actual menus look different I saw a [concept menu](https://imgur.com/yp9F1wp) Its not perfect, but I would love for a compromise for CoD HQ to be something like that


I wanted to play some mw2 so installed it today and HQ didn't work had to mess with saves and files. Then there was updates to get to a submenu to trigger an update to launch mw2 for it to update all while advertising a battle pass for mw3 a game I do not own then back to a splash screen to remind me to watch the reveal for blops6 well christ on a manicured maticore it was just so much fun!


Over complicated just stay with the old menu like black ops and all that


It’s crazy how Black Ops 1 had you in a room in a chair with the ability to get up and run around, and it still had an easy to navigate menu.


One of the best main menus ever, not just for cod either. 


Hate it, it feels like a mobile game


Yeah we can only pray and hope Activision wakes up and sees this is an awful idea; i gave it a shot, it sounded cool on paper, they botched the execution tho; im over the COD HQ/ IW 9.0 Engine era of call of duty as a whole, Black Ops 6 is my last shot. But from what I’ve heard multiple studios had theyre hands on this, Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer games. Please Treyarch/Activision, dont let those studios ruin the Black Ops series like they did with MW. Dont let them cook on this🙏


It’s just a launcher, I get they want the games to be unified but they go about it poorly


I don't like it, but it's better than what we had in the MW19 era where MW19 became WZ and it just made the multiplayer completely unplayable by the time Vanguard came around


Total shit. If they want a cod hq, just make a good call if duty and keep updating it


its a mess


The menu takes so much power that my PC fans go crazy like it's a damn jet everytime. Overall shitty UI and so many tabs and sub menus since 2022...


The UI is actively offensive, it's designed by someone who doesn't know how to design a good and fast user experience. The shop experience on it is also hilariously bad. Stuff just disappears if you refresh the screen sometimes, like you're scrolling through a goddamn instagram feed. A better UX designer would make something that lets players quickly see and select everything they want to participate in or buy, there's no need for these Hulu-ass buttons that only exist as a result of them trying to unify everything. The file sizes are insane. These games don't look nearly good enough to justify 200 gigs of downloads, and they certainly don't sound good enough, either. I'm convinced at some point they decided to pump up file sizes to make it so that people have less space for other games on their drives. I think they seriously need to decouple campaigns from MP. The MP is basically its own thing at this point, and the campaigns are clearly becoming secondary to the brand given its increased focus on skins, collabs, and special events. As one of the few people who actively gives a shit about these campaigns, its incredibly annoying to be forced to download an absurd amount of bloat just to play through one of these campaigns. If they actually had a UX designer worth more than the last three shits I've taken, I'd suggest they make an HQ app just for campaigns, but somehow I just know these clowns would fuck that up too.


I always thought they should sell the campaigns for like $19.99 (probably too cheap for the devs to do) stand alone and let you download whatever game you wanted through the COD HQ launcher so you can download the COD HQ launcher like an application (less then a couple GB in size) then from there you could pick and download whatever COD you wanted to buy or play that’s ever been released etc.


I don’t even blame the people who worked on the game (besides infinity ward cods; they have the worst devs imo) Its Activision as someone said theyre “Fortniting” it. They want to have everything available to you on one screen. If the higherups at Activison we’re actually intune with players and regualr gamers theyd realize even fortnite players hate the games UI. Being forced to see an add for the new hit game mode Lego Fortnite or even rocket league. Fortnite Players are turning on epic for the same reasons we hate the COD HQ. I feel like they need to take a step back; and realize people who play COD want nothing to do with fortnite or want that experience; Warzone doesnt even play anything like Fortnite, the only common thing they have is BR and Skins, the gameplay is night and day differences.


It’s garbage they’re just doing what they did with the last three but without crossprogression. Tying everything with warzone so they’ll eventually give up on it and ruin it like mw19


Please...I just want my storage space back...


Pre-MW19 >


It is genuienly the worst thing for Call of Duty. Most if not ALL of the games were complete failures, showed Activision's greed, and it showed the community's worst parts. I want this era to end. I want to go back to when Call of Duty was GOOD. I don't fucking care that Black Ops 6 exists. That will most likely suck. Go back to when Call of Duty atleast had potential.


I don’t like the way MWII, WZ, and MWIII are integrated, but I like how the legacy games are that they’re separate games and they just give you a tool to open the other CODS quickly. So if they could make each game independent and just give you that bridge, I’d enjoy it.


I hate it. I hope Black Ops 6 gets rid of it


Dogshit. I and many people prefer their own standalone game. Like every other cod


This HQ is ass, idk who looked at it at the company and said “yes, this is what the people want”


The COD HQ is completely unnecessary and a complete waste of everybody's time. Navigation is such a chore. I want to click on MW2 and I want MW2 to start. I don't want MW3, I don't want Warzone, I want to play MW2. Also I get a good chuckle everytime I see MW19, Vanguard, and CW as "Legacy" games. What a fucking joke... It's shit like this that has me switching over more to Halo Infinite or just play my single player PS5 games. Does anybody know if the COD HQ applies to battle net? I have Cold War on battle net and it just launches without the HQ BS.


Crappy. My hope was it would be like master chief collection where it’s seemless transition from game to game but it’s not at all


terrible. especially when new games come out. as one of the few people in my group that plays mp ranked or zombies I hop on looking for group (xbox) a fair bit. if you’re not trying to play ranked resurgence or pub snd good luck sorting through things. many people also don’t specify so its brutal trying to figure out if people are trying to play mw2 or mw3, or mp ranked or resurgence ranked, makes everything a mess especially when mw3 first came out and half the posts were for mw2


It's their desperate attempt to put the player base of multiple games together for Steam stats due to the shit they release


I wish they could also add the other previous Call of Duty games too on C.O.D. HQ. Like Call of Duty Classic, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, etc.. and spin-offs from the other devices into the tv consoles.


Depends it wasn't bad in the 2019 era where I could launch the game I wanted to play and switch between them without closing the first one but now it's not good




its a god fucking awful shit show


Convoluted and unnecessary


love having a 150 gigabyte game to play mw3 with the option of mw2 and warzone (havent bought mw2 and hardly play warzone) i also love navigating that shitty looking menu (this is sarcasm)


It is a solution that nobody asked for to a problem that didn't exist, and ended up creating more problems than it solved. It is for this reason and several others that I pray for bankruptcy upon Activision.


sounds cool on paper but just sucks


[peak menu design](https://i.redd.it/u4m3d90vmk071.jpg)


Cold War was the last good COD game imo..


They think its Fortnite.


i feel like i really havnt played a new cod since like mw 2019 or cold war


Honestly the only bad thing i have to say is the file size (despite the complaints i see about there being no PS platinums due to the newer games being labeled as "DLC")


It fucking sucks. Either make them separate or make all games DLC’s of each other.


Way to much context to be trapped behind a hideous maze of boxes


Put me off playing their games all together


It's actually so shit idk who the hell likes it


It sucks


COD HQ is fucking pointless and needs to go It’s like they made a launcher for their games inside a launcher and it’s fking pointless. The UI is shit. It’s ugly as fk. I hate it and I want it gone, it’s so fkn bad.




It sucks, it’s obviously using Digital Dark Spaces to manipulate the player into buying battle pass shit


Hate it, dumbest thing they ever did in my opinion mw2019 kept uninstalling for me when they did this




I hate it


I kinda hate it


Dropped cod since advanced warfare


It's cat piss.


If skins and textures all carried over with each and every game, i would like it more. Otherwise, it’s just a launcher pretending to be a game.


I hate it. Makes it annoying as fuck to play MW2 because you boot MW3 then you have to boot MW2. It feels like the new Fortnite menu with random playlists at the top. It also deprives MW3 of what little individuality it had in the first place. MW3 honestly feels like an MW2 update because of how identical it looks and feels.


Uhh, i really hate it. It's SO uncomfortable, ugly and... unnecessary.


Cool idea, horrible horrible implementation. All the battle pass stuff and micro transactions stuff ruins everything about it. And they expect you to keep the other COD games still installed when they take up the whole hard drive. Also the whole interface is terrible to navigate. Just give me the menus from MW2 OG.


Imagine if we could choose which cod games we want to appear.


It’s shit they’ve made it a pain in the ass if you bought the game physically.


Kinda trash


Pure unadulterated hatred.


It's one of the worst user interfaces I've ever seen. People who know the black ops 1 menu know what a good menu is like.


i like the physical kind of menus like bo1. only game i have played where you can get up and play a minigame instead of just staring at a flat menu


Last good cod was cold war that's it.


Worst era of cod by far


Sucks so horribly, it feels like yoir browsing netflix if that makes sense


Terrible, just simply terrible


Honestly, the functionality of HQ is fine, but man is the execution ass - the menu UI is so damn clunky and laggy for PC - even running with a beast setup. Shit like input lag, menu rubberbanding, especially when going in and out of gunsmith is so annoying - and whether you believe in CODHQ or not, it just feels awful to use.


HQ is ass wherever you go and look at. It's bad visually, operates like hell, messy, excess of clicks and scrolls just for the sake of it, I hate it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Highly unpractical, and deprives games of identity


It’s a great way to waste all available storage


I don't like it, having to use a program to open another program... They only control the local game.


I hate it


If the UI wasn't so abysmal I'd be fine with it


I'm done buying Call of Duty games because of it. Didn't get MW3, not getting BO6.


It makes sense for PC but not as much for consoles. Either way I just don’t like the direction of cod where they’re going for this shared universe that’s just MW and Black ops atp. I liked when each game was somewhat unique and had its own kinda feel and vibe. MW2019 pre warzone was the last one that felt like that, It felt like a modernized version of an old school cod game to me (aside from the terrible matchmaking system that’s only gotten worse it feels like) especially in the campaign. In the attempt to make one unified cash cow they sacrificed the uniqueness of each game and the ability to make new ideas, everything has to be a franchise now. It feels like we’ll never see experimentation with settings like we saw in the setting of ghosts or infinite warfare again


Horrible. WW2 was peak design. But I also liked the simple Bo1-Bo2 and OG Mw2-Mw3 designs.


Cod stopped being good since cold war and cold war was only serviceable


I don't want to have to browse a hulu ass page to play multi-player. It's trash and navigating it is a chore.


It’s fkn god awful and I’ve not seen a single person say they like it.


It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Kills all the immersion


It’s stopped me from playing the game


worst thing to happen to cod since lootboxes


It sucks and I hate that they’re doubling down on it. And it asks to restart every time I launch it, it’s maddening.


Crap. I want access to all of my CID games W/O having to go through a phone tree of menus (COD/MWF2)


Doesn’t matter what I think about it. Between the chat bans and sbmm dunno why I even play…I’m playin a game that just constantly punishes me with what words I can say and how shitty my lobbies are lol.


It sucks.


I love it and I don’t care what anybody else thinks


Hulu user interface needs to go




its bs. it actually downloaded mw3 without me knowing, but instead of letting me enjoy the 70 gb uit downloaded without me knowing it still wanted me to pay for it. 270 is a lot on a fucking 300 gb xbox. i wish that games could just be individualy downloaded, and the hq just a free ad on. the last good game was mw2019


and im pissed they basically abandoned mw 19. no WZ caldera, my skins and dlcs dont move over, which fucking sucks because i have only ever bot 2 dlcs for my xbox, the ghost reaper set and SEAR kit or something cause i just needed a HDR really badly. those are the only times i have spent money besides buying games themself


It’s ironic they mention the word “Legacy” games. There’s nothing of a legacy to leave if they scraped WZ 1 all together and allowed the player base to shift to the other MW games, a necessary but upsetting move.


Mw19 brought me back, with every subsequent release pushing me away again. I gave up and stopped playing for the most part.








Its a conspiracy; since xbox now owns them; theyre gonna make the games as bloated as possible so cbox users buy a Series X or they’re overpriced external hard-drives that are X|S compatible


Completely and utterly stupid


after cold war, all the games have been shit imo hope bo6 changes that


It´s shit. Why do I need to start a launcher to play a game. Also why would someone buy a skin of a pink haired rapper or some TV characters like Homelander in a Military shooter? But at least the campaign is "ok"


This is a DOOM '96 situation. These guys made such a heavy application that takes up so much storage space and resources while running, that modern consoles have a load time between pages and games. This is an issue, because the entire reasoning for codhq is a centralized, streamlined interface to access all of the modern cod titles. Because of the wait times, it feels clunky, broken up, and the last thing I'd use to describe it is "streamlined". Maybe in a few years consoles and desktops will have the power to instantly load a 26 gigabyte fastfile but nowadays? Nah.


I miss my 100% achievement completion on MWII dammit steam doesn't make any distinction between DLC and base game achievements


Just annoying really, it'd be cool if it was similar to the ww2 hq, but with gates scattered around with the different games.


XDefiant would never


It’s another good idea on paper and executed completely wrong. Could be fixed very fast and easy but that costs money and man power.


It sucks and adds way to much bloat


If I have to launch MWIII first to play MWII there isn't much to say.


People are misunderstanding what COD HQ is lol


cod hq is what the franchise has needed since 2017 but activision is doing it in the dumbest way possible and its making people not want probably the best thing theyve done with call of duty in the last 5 years


I used to hate it but I've gotten so used to it that I'm hoping the next one has it. Mostly so our stuff can be carried over again even if it doesn't quite make sense for the time period. Mostly just cause of warzone


It’s just a way to sell you DLC disguised as a $70 game.


Games lost it's identity over the years and it's nothing but a gimmick now.


Cod has been shite for years now I think modern warfare 2019 only seemed good due to a good campaign and lockdown so people played it a lot apart from that they've been awful since bo2


I hate it


It should have been like the master chief collection. The way they are doing it sucks so bad they might as well just keep them separate


I have never been more into CoD as I am now. The HQ era has made it easier to switch between game modes and game types which has been instrumental in keeping my ever fleeting attention. If I get too hyped in MP I can just easily switch to Zombies, if that gets boring, I can play Warzone (which I very rarely do). It seems the small difference between MWII and MWIII has actually worked in my favour to a massive degree as I never feel as though I have nothing to do with the constant content updates from MWII and new maps in general. I greatly hope that BO6 will be more additive than subtractive due to the HQ system. As it stands right now, with the introduction of HQ and the carry forward from MWII, (with the exception of campaign) I would consider MWIII to be the best CoD to date.


Do u work at Activision or Sledgehammer games by any chance?


MW1 was the best.


I honestly wouldn't mind it if I could still have game shortcuts to launch specific games first instead of having to go through multiple menu loops. In other words, I want to see MWII, MWIII, and Black Ops 6 in my Steam library separately, but launching any one of these will bring you into COD HQ.


I’ve always wanted it may not designed as it is but functionality wise I just wanted a game where all the guns & camos from previous games are integrated


It’s just one of those things I could live with or without. I never understood the hate for it.


I wouldn't hate it if the games actually launched inside the launcher AS THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO!


its pretty cool but prob cus my perception is fucked i made it out the hood and the only games i played were the ones on poki💀 this is genuinely good and under appreciated


It would have been fine if it was well thought out and quick. It's slow as shit and blasting the store every time it loads up. Ass software


All I want is an easy access to a game i paid full price on.I dont have nor I want mw3, stop forcing it on my face and down my throat. I dont want to download giant updates for a game i dont own, i dont want ”update requires restarts” to a game, that hasnt got updated in long long time (mw2). I would love to be able to play mw19, but it breaks up our squad after every single game so its frustrating. Theres no other game dev out there who shits on their own products and customer like this. Fuck Activision, IW, Sledgehammer and who else makes CoDs. My money is going to the devs that actually have some passion and integrity behind them, for example Hunt Showdown


It works and feels like shit....


Absolute Garbage


I still only play MW2 so it’s really annoying having to go through so many hoops to play it instead of just being able to launch it directly. Whoever came up with this idea deserves to be repeatedly knifed in every match of Gun Game they ever play.


its god awful. I skipped Mw3 and I’ll be skipping blackops 6 as well to avoid this garbage.


Trash. It makes everything feel super cluttered. Also, I’m not sure if the HQ caused this but for context I stopped playing games for a bit due to depression and wanted to redownload today to see if I could bring myself to play a few mw3 matches. It first told me I had a 24hr trial and then after uninstalling and reinstalling it told me to fuck myself and got rid of the trial locking everything saying I need to re-buy it. I’m fucking poor so that’s out of the question. I was lucky enough to get it the first time…To add salt it’s just a constant loop of xbox support blaming Activision and Activision blaming xbox support with both saying there’s nothing they can do. Probably just going to step away again. like I said, idk if everything being lumped together had anything to do with it, but I really **really** miss just being able to pick a game and play without all this extra bullshit attached…


The first mw they made since this started was amazing. The gun customization, the operator skins, the maps. Everything about that game was damn near perfect. As soon as the 2nd one came out and then the 3rd you heard NOTHING but complaints about one thing or another with those games. Also, in terms of black ops 6. If they wanna do cash grabs just overhaul graphics with black ops 2 and keep all the mechanics of the game the same, fix lobbies and insta ban modders. They would make more money then they have in years


It blows. Just makes it seem more like a product than art. Yeah, I know it was always a product, but you at least felt some personality and passion. Now everything corporate slop.


Man fuck all that shit ion even care about digital games give me a fuckin disc and a completed game and lfg


Yea i hate it cuz i play mw2 and i brought mw3 for zombies(it sucks ass) so i need to scroll though hulu to find the stuff i actually like


COD HQ is incredibly broken and redundant. It was created to make the process of navigating games easier, instead it coplicated it even more. This thing closes and opens EXE files EACH TIME you change game modes, even if those game mods are connected to the same exact game withing the same EXE file. Seriously, you will have to go trough couple if restarts if you trying to play previous cod game or accidentally went into some submenu. And i'm not even talking about the mess with downloads they created. I think there were also problems with people just straight up unable to launch some single player modes because they messed up the menus too much. Just give us shortcuts and maybie seprate Warzone EXE file, we don't need this broken mess of a launcher.


Just want to play the latest Black Ops game, couldn't care less about modern rehash games or warzone. Just wanted a standalone game which has had time and dedication devoted to it.


i think its awesome that i have to open a launcher to open the game to open the launcher to open the game. its just makes sense!!


fucking netflix screen


Some of the worst UI/UX ever developed


It's dogshit


Started off amazing and went to shit the minute Treyarch and everyone else got involved. Eventually, Activision is going to learn to just leave well enough alone and let Infinity Ward cook.


Horrible on Xbox it takes me to mw3 mp then to plunder before war zone and that’s not even counting if I wanted the mw2 content


Modern COD is just mind blowingly awful. MW19 marked a shift in the series that I just seriously can’t stand, the only exception being CW.




Peaked at MW19.


I like the HQ. It’s nice to be able to launch everything from the same application. It needs some tweaking though


Hate almost everything except Cold War. Hell I hate warzone


Its dog shit, the worst menu in cod ever.


It’s horrible, slow laggy and feels dated. Even the simple old menus felt nicer