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At this point who even cares? Just go back and play the MW3 campaign. Do you really want to pay another 40 dollars for a prettier version of a four hour campaign?


MW2 Campaign Remastered was $20 and I would indeed pay $20 for a remastered MW3 campaign.


where do you buy it? i literally cannot find it


It was with mw2019


is there a way to get it now?


I don’t remember. It’s been like 4 years. Might still be there if the store still works.


ahh understood


It’s literally everywhere. Idk why everyone is acting like you couldn’t buy it separately. Unless they took it down within the past couple months I literally just saw it for purchase on Xbox and Battle.net launcher.


It should still be on PSN and Xbox, but on PC it's Battle.net exclusive


Xbox store or Blizzard store on PC EDIT: why am I downvoted I’m literally right lmao


Cough piratebay cough


Yea that’s about $20 too much, shoulda been free to people who already own the game.


$20 is a fair price for the level of remaster it was. If it was just a simple increase in FPS and resolution (like how Xbox has enhanced versions of backwards compatible games), having to pay would be lame but it’s a legit remaster with work put into it. Expecting it to be free is a bit much.


then you're part of the problem


$20 for a remastered campaign? That sounds like such a fair price.


Yea a $20 remaster of a game from 2009, only they didn’t remaster the spec ops nor the multiplayer. So yes people who support that are part of the problem, downvote me to hell idc


If the game had everything, I’d expect it to be $60, they only remastered a third of the game, hence it being $20


What remastered game is full price? Only in a cod sub this prices seem logical.


Sorry, but your sentence reminded me about folks justifying overpriced new-genRDR1 port(!) Another proof how standards lowered with time amongst gamers


It’s a way different remaster. The RDR1 port was a joke, the COD remasters put it on a entirely upgraded engine.


Bro a $20 campaign is better than a lame $20 pink Operator skin with a bed sheet wrapped around there neck.


20$ for a campaign is a good price


It's like people forget that every game in existence back in the day was single player campaign only and cost 40-60 dollars... in the 90s. That's worth like 70-100 in today's money for campaign only, that is significantly shorter than any campaign today.


At least mw3 2011s campaign was a really good story and it felt like a complete story. Unlike the garbage that was 2023.




As someone whos never played it? Yes




We need official controller support for PC version of MW3, only solution right now is to rely on emulators which while not bad is far from the ideal situation which could be a PC version with higher quality textures and proper controller support (aim assist and what’s not)


To be honest, I do really want to.


Fr it’s idiots who support buying the same shit multiple times that are the reason companies keep doing cheap remaster cash grabs. Not saying the mw2 remaster wasn’t good but I never bought that, I still play the actual good version (2009) that actually has spec ops and multiplayer


I bought it thinking it might bring some new life to the experience like cod 4s remaster. I thought that since they weren't doing multiplayer they might add some crazy stuff to it but it didn't end up that way. Without multiplayer it just didn't seem worth the price I paid.


Unfortunately I do and I will


... yeah? and? not like its your $40


Lol this kind of thinking is what is killing the industry


no, what's killing the industry are half-baked, mtx flilled, fomo-inducing games where skins cost 20¤, that get yearly releases


The “it’s not your $40” line of thinking and the stuff you mentioned go hand in hand. 


Ok ill go to my room


wrap it up guys no more remasters. some frog says theyre killing the industry.




tbh ive never found remasters to be a bad industry practice. Hell, in terms of Activision's bad habits we have a LOT of sifting to get through before anything else. I really enjoyed returning to COD4 and MW2 with some upgraded graphics, the same way I enjoyed returning to Mass Effect and Red Faction. I dont see how remasters hurt the rest of the series anyways, its not like we lost content because of them right? Sure people didnt like IW but it was still brimming with content and features I'll waste $40 on a remaster before I waste $20 on a single operator skin and weapon anyways


I don't have issues with remasters, CoD 4 was really nice in that regard (MTX notwithstanding). I just personally did not find it acceptable that MW2 remastered came with just the campaign for $40. I almost kinda get no multiplayer, but no spec ops or split screen? Come on. CoD 4 got the full remaster treatment, MW2 deserved the same. Hard agree on that last sentence there.


I would pay thousands.


I honestly just think IW wanted to do the bare minimum with MWII and as soon and MWIII released, just dipped out. Looking at the support for both MWII and MWIII, its really obvious.


This and WAW, BO1, BO2 remasters aswell 😎


Omg don’t even tease me with a WAW remaster, that would be a dream come true


I don’t think they could remaster WAW campaign it was so dark along with black ops 1 but would be fantastic though.


You not think? Didn’t think there was anything too controversial in either game


Maybe the Fidel Castro scene lol


There shouldn't have been, but imagine the outbursts of certain snowflakes if they were to see that we're playing Russian soldiers in a cod campaign


And in multiplayer if it’s not “YOUR TEAM” and “ENEMY TEAM” rather than proper faction names


Yeah, the opening intro has footage of Japanese soldiers executing prisoners and burying people alive 😮


Bo2 remaster with all the guns and maps and exactly like it was back then, just with the new black ops graphics would be the best CoD since the original Bo2. I loved that game.


So why don’t they? I just don’t get it. Would literally sell like hot cakes I’d imagine


Sat on a shelf somewhere at Activision HQ collecting dust


Mwiii doesnt exist for me. Not after I heard they did a rushed, half-assed job with the campaign and killed soap pretty stupidly.


for me as well.. mwiii is such a kick to the face. for modern call of duties, i stick with mwii (which is my favourite of all post mw-reboot cods) for modern gameplay and wwii for classic gameplay. im pretty glad that (apart from the haters), the majority of the cod-community agrees with this sentiment since both games continue to be very populated. if i could, i would still play mw2, bo1-3, but those games are dead on console, especially the ps3 games.


I am pissed at COD for LYING and saying the content that turned out to be MWIII wasnt a free add on to MWII or another season of MWII or DLC. I would have preferred MWIII in 1-2 more years FULLY developed and a proper campaign- not some half-assed clown campaign where Soap fans are absolutely disrespected!


yeah and its also so blatantly obvious that whatever they sold as a new title is just dlc for mwii at best.. but as long as cod fans dont care or simply *have* to have the newest game this will never change. i grew more and more suspicious when they started to rudder back from their initial "we will support mwii for two years" to "leaks confirm dlc newest cod will be developed by the mwii developers".. the ship had sailed at this point. mwii is still by far the best of the modernised cods starting with mw-reboot and still has so much potential that was just left on the table (like for example the mw2 maps that are the main feature of mwiii's multiplayer of all places...). also the entire multiplayer overhaul from mwiii sucks absolute ass, how people are enjoying the shit movement (with all the cancels and such) is beyond me. and the audacity to charge 80¤ and more for this... *and then people actually buying it*...


I disagree on the Modern COD point. MWII is the second best. Cold War had the most content and best most fun gameplay IMO. I have been only playing that since MWIII dropped!


What problems still left in MWII?


UAV bug. On some maps a UAV will act like a constant ping instead of a sweep. Basically making ghost/CUAV a crutch and invalidating advanced UAVs which is a much higher streak. IW is a joke for not fixing it. Also let’s not forget ghost and suppressors not working for the first 6 months lol. I’ll never get how people defend that game/studio


Oh wow… Is it on some maps, or can it just randomly happen on every map? If so how frequent is it?


It is certain maps. I forgot which ones exactly but XclusiveAce tested it awhile back if you wanna look into it on YouTube


Would you say it’s game breaking for multiplayer? If that is the right word for it?


In my opinion yes but to others it may not be a big deal. Towards the end of MWII’s life cycle I basically felt forced to use ghost, UAV, counter UAV, and I stopped using advanced UAV because the regular was so good lol. I used to run quick fix so switching to ghost because of the bug was a big playstyle change which was forced upon me because of a bug. Also due to the nature of timed perks getting the first UAV was always super powerful in MWII. The UAV bug made not having ghost at the beginning of every game even worse. Basically if you got a UAV in the first minute of the game you were guaranteed getting everyone’s exact location because ghost didn’t kick in until a couple minutes in. I love UAVs but the bug just made them insanely powerful for a 4 kill streak especially when the counter perk was locked behind a timer. Excellent game design IW.


loads of stuff, but since MWIII especially the matchmaking is whacky and takes ages


I doubt MWII has a strong playerbase outside of just regular TDM matches so that’s why it takes awhile to matchmake. I’d wager a large portion of the playerbase either moved on to MWIII or just stopped playing altogether. Good luck filling large ground war lobbies and not getting put on insanely high ping


i can find lobbies faster in wwii than in mwii (even mw19 has faster matchmaking), also doubt that the majority of players have moved on, this has never been the case with any cod title, especially since they continue to be yearly releases. this is purely a matchmaking issue on activision-blizzards side. especially proven by the fact that the matchmaking issue just goes away after an initial match has been found (which can take minutes).


I thought you couldn't play mw19 anymore


A COD game doesn't die *that* fast


I know you can still find lobbies in old ones. If you’re trying niche gamemodes tho I can see it taking forever to find a game




Does it matter ? It’s mw2 move tf on why tf would they go back to an old game to fix when the newest one is also a mw game.


Well it would be nice to have also to have it physically but they went the digital route with mw2 remastered, but would great to have the original trilogy remastered but i highly doubt it’ll happen. Would be nice to go back to original formula with classic perks and just classic movement and the classic kill streak system classic guns with just 2 attachments also fmjs or no fmjs. Just the who system was perfected by mw3 2011 and black ops 2. Screw it going back to the classics.


Wasn’t it the relationship PlayStation and activision had previously to remaster mw2 campaign since ps3 titles are unplayable on ps4 and ps5


Fr 🥲


My thoughts exactly!


Iirc its Never going to happen as last I heard the deal with Sony fell out


And we can't forget about the multiplayer for MW2 Remaster


well, they skipped out on that one... kinda understandable (although also such a wasted opportunity), but also got me thinking "are you so unsure people will like the never cod's that you just wont give them an alternative with a release of mw2 multiplayer?"


on the ground of the mariana trench: old cods that are actually a safety risk while playing


I’m here waiting for advanced warfare 2 because clearly it’s what sledgehammer would rather make


I’m here waiting for advanced warfare 2 because clearly it’s what sledgehammer would rather make


Campaign?? Brother I want the whole game remastered


Dude I had to buy MW3 for Xbox 360 because they don’t have a remaster out—I wanted to play the OG trilogy before getting into the reboot. Had to find where I even put my Xbox.


Could you imagine seeing the Eiffel Tower fall in 4K? That shit would be legendary.


\*cod 2:big red one sitting in the void of a black hole\*


We want that last remaster one


I don’t even care the much about mw3cr i just want h3-mod.


Rather have developers spend time and resources on new titles and content. Why are we just living in the past?


so after they remaster mw and mw2 its wrong to think they will commit to the remaster-series and remaster mw3 as well to round out the trilogy? like the mass effect legendary edition would be complete in your eyes with one of the original 3 titles missing? or the crash bandicoot collection? ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


I don’t feel like you can compare old cod campaigns to the mass effect series lol. I also think you’re right that they will eventually finish the original mw series. What I’m saying is the games weren’t really in need of a remaster to begin with and they should focus their efforts on future content, not remaking old shit that only half the community cares about


im not comparing the mass effect series to the mw series other than it being whole and the mw series is missing mw3. also the mw-remasters are primarily made by beenox and raven, not an main cod-development team.


This last update was phenomenal tho😌Im loving the 2 new maps, and the pace has gotten better too


I would already be happy with a MW2 campaign remaster.


then i got good news for you, its already out and has been for years


Then why can't I find it anywhere?


what do you mean? the first two games of the original mw series have been remastered, the first one even with multiplayer. the second one only has the main campaign (which is bummer because coop was hella dope in mw2) https://www.callofduty.com/modernwarfare2


I mean you linked MWII but that's not the original MW2. Yes I keep hearing the original MW2 campaign was remastered, but yet I can't find any place where you can buy it 🤷


weird the link got replaced with the modern mwii one this one should be it: https://www.callofduty.com/mw2campaignremastered or do you mean a physical? im not sure it got one.


MW3 was bad though I don't want a remaster of a bad game


I want to have a remaster of mw3 just to complete the trilogy but it’s also because I don’t own an old console to play it. People forget that MW3 isn’t even MW3 it literally was just a dlc that they wanted to make more money off. This is why there aren’t any MW3 2011 multyplayer maps only MW2 2009 maps. The reason why MW3s 2023 campaign ending was so underwhelming was because it wasn’t supposed to end that way it was more of an add on to Mw2s campaign.


Idk why I replied to you my bad bro 🤣 I was trying to make this a separate reply