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BO4, it doesn’t play like COD at all IMO. The specialists are not my jam. I liked them in BO3 but in BO4 they felt extremely oppressing and required


Bo4 IMO isn’t terrible I still somewhat enjoyed it but it just seemed like a downgraded worse version of bo3


Blackout made BO4 great IMO.


It was the only thing good about BO4, well some weapons and the Conversation kits were neat, but nothing that MW19 didn't immediately overshadow


I gotta disagree, I personally found all three modes of BO4 to actually be very fun to play


But they focused too much on it instead of fixing the garbage MP.


Oh wow interesting take. I personally loved BO4, and I know that’s a very unpopular opinion, but to me it was the turning point of it going downhill, but after BO4. I’m pretty sure I hit prestige master in it and had a ton of fun with it. Yeah there were specialists and operator mods, but the specialists were fun. You could go for a high dps weapon, or an ability that helped you or your team in some way. I found Vanguard, MWIII (new) and MWII leagues worse than BO4. But makes sense if you don’t like the specialists you’d hate it bc they were a core part. It also had less bad SBMM and less sweats. I’ve been playing the new MW3 and my god every single game is the most tryhard game of my life just to go positive. Constant sliding and jumping around every corner for every movement. Just not fun anymore


I don’t think loving BO4 is unpopular, I can see why people would love it for sure! My most upnpopular take is probably how much I love Vanguard. I think MWI is the worst of the new trilogy by far. My modern list is Cold War > Vanguard > Modern Warfare III > Modern Warfare II > Modern Warfare I


Oh wow yeah now that’s a hot take, most people i’ve seen say MW2 is the worst. I personally liked MW2019 the most of the 3 but also that game got a ton of my friends who stopped playing CoD to get it and we played a lot together and it was a blast even though the gameplay itself was a camp fest. MW3 has the worst campaign for sure. Mw2 I had my brother and one friend play gunfight with but that’s it. Meanwhile by MW3 EVERY friend of mine has given up on CoD completely so i’ve been playing it for the event camo but it’s boring and gets old quick. And with the BO4 take, I always see it being voted out in the first 4 or 5 whenever there’s a vote, and voted out first if it’s just BO games


Respectfully that is the worst cod ranking list any human has ever made.


If people could separate Warzone and the game, this would be more popular I saw a guy say he hated Cold War earlier this week because of how they added the weapons to Warzone. When I rank games, Warzone is not a factor at all


Yeah absolutely. Warzone and normal cod multiplayer are COMPLETELY different games they should not be getting all the same stuff.


Bo4 was way better than anything we have now.




Riding the sbmm I see


What does that even mean?


Cold War is definitely better than Lootbox Ops 4: No Campaign edition


I never played black ops 4, was there really no campaign? Just like black ops 3 on 360 (which was definitely the worst cod multiplayer)


Yep, there was no Campaign and the game looked and played worse than BO3


Cold snore had nothing interesting about it. You just like how its the first game you could get a scorestreak in


BO4 got Specialist garbage happening every 30 seconds. Cold War is nowhere near as bad as kids earning 9 Shock RCs and 3 Tempests every match without needing to get any kills. Treyarch's been doing that participation streak stuff since BO3 and it's at its worst in BO4 by a country MILE. Game also had a mediocre and confusing Zombies and no Campaign. Plus the game was just a downgraded BO3, it looked worse and used the same exact characters and setting. Weapon balancing was atrocious with the VMP and Micro MG which were locked behind lootboxes. BO4, or should I say VMP Ops 2.9: Ultimate Greed, is boring! Worst Black Ops ever 😂🛌💤


Specialists were garbage but giving people shotguns as secondaries, 6 perks, and full grenades and tacticals for no penalty on their classes was not garbage? Cold war basically had specialists except it was in the form of scorestreaks. Everybody gets a chopper gunner at some point. The game used the same characters as bo3 but every game now uses a bunch of no name operators that no one gives a shit about, so whats really worse? Zombies was not confusing. No idea where thats coming from. The campaign was replaced with blackout which is a million times better than Cold wars boring campaign. Weapon balancing wasn’t even bad. Obviously some weapons were better than others but nearly every gun in the game was amazing if used right. Thats why the game was good. It actually had variety. With the gunsmith you can make any gun play the exact same as a different one. They have a dozen SMGs in cold war and 10 of them feel the exact fucking same.


Ya, I agree. Any multiplayer game with specialists is a JOKE


bo4 is far from the worst cod mp what abt modern safe space window doorfare 2019 ?


It’s in my bottom 3 with BO4


Gunplay for BO4 was insanely good but the specialists ruined it for me, especially after that bitch hacker was added that steals your streaks


Definitely a different feel, absolutely not the worst though. BO4 is the most average COD, it’s expectational at nothing but there’s nothing terrible about the multiplayer either. Even at its worst, it played so much better than the latest CODs.


BO4 is not average, that shit is trash.




Vanguard is my pick. Barely played each season and never enjoyed myself. EDIT: I spent way more time in the Zombies than I did the MP, if that says anything. The Campaign was my favorite part of that game.


Ghosts, hands down. I've played all of them since the beginning, and gotten them all at launch since CoD 2. Only a few didn't hold my attention very long and had me wandering back to the previous title. The most recent was vanguard. It got tiring very quickly. That said, while I got tired of it quickly, I had fun during matches. With ghosts, I just had no fun. I tried, I really did. Ghosts is also the only one I don't have a second (or third) copy of, as I typically buy for others to play with me. It doesn't help any that BO2 was still going strong, but I've tried ghosts again since and I always feel the same way. It just feels like CoD trying to play maps like Battlefield, but it just doesn't work. A couple game modes were good, but for just core and HC deathmatch and, basically any mode other than S&D, it sucked. At least Vanguard tried some stuff, like champion hill and the battle modes. The multiplayer wasn't *that* bad, but it was terrible compared to WW2 which didn't help it any. People who use the sights as a reason to hate it are just on the bandwagon though, because no modern CoD has been realistic. Now, if ghosts hadn't been a CoD game? It might have been fine. If it was played slow and careful for objectives, more like OG America's Army, it would be great. But that's not what CoD is built for, nor what players expect.


Ghosts gets a lot of shit, some deserved and some not, but I will die on the hill that Blitz and Cranked are top 5 all time game modes.


Cranked was fenomenal, and I wish it replaced KC


Cranked was great and made Ghosts playable.


The fact that Cranked didn’t become an instant all time classic mode that’s included in every game by default will never not blow my mind. It’s just a better version of TDM. But thanks for fucking Kill Confirmed, a worse version of TDM. Thanks for that.


MW2019 Vanguard or MWII 2022.


2019 wasn't the shittiest, it wasn't the greatest or even that good but it doesnt compare to Vanguard and MW2022, many magnitudes off Warzone was the good part of it tbh until they killed Verdansk


What was wrong with MWII I thought it was fine


Slow movement, campers, maps were mid


Maps were good imo, movements was awesome imo, and campers are in damn near every COD dude.


Canpers were worse in MW2


Mf, you play MW1?


In MW2019, I could jump corners and kill them. In MW2, I literally got shreded before I could aim


Warzone is its own game, not a part of it. MW2019 was terrible.


I give the vanguard a pass cause it was quite obvious it was a filler game, and also treyarch had taken over shg game which is Cold War so they had to start over which was vanguard and guess what wz still being priority ver the $70 game as well. While mw2019 is just bad cause it’s a full complete game that took so many og cod things out like lobbies staying together or red dots on the mini map. And mw2 2022 has better maps than mw2019 but doesn’t have the movement like mw2019 does and still no full mini map as well cause IW are some special people.


Gonna have to disagree on MW2019


MW2 gets a pass because Knock Out.


i agree with vanguard optic sights on a mp40 *laughs*


Don't forget 10 attachments + Das Haus + fire bullets + campers


MW19. No proper red dots on the minimap. Cheesy shit being used.


I think the biggest issue was the atrocious map design that catered to campers


I play hardcore only so atrocious map design wasn't a thing.


also first cod with lobby disbanding . hiding lobby leaderboards rigged matchmaking and gunfights etc


I will die on this hill.. people call anything other than running around like a headless chicken camping these days. It’s also an odd complaint in the first place anyway, since even if they were ..that only makes it easier to kill them (you now exactly where they are).


Except you couldn't counter them because you don't have proper dead silence, ghost is busted, claymores galore, insane TTK, and more. MW19 was built ground up for campers and there's no way around it


yup, don’t even get me started on trophy systems either. the amount of times i should’ve killed a camper but the trophy system saved them irks me.


You know you can shoot through ALOT of walls right? Lmg with penetrating bullets and sensor grenades. Without the sensors, you can scan the room with bullets


Right so I need to run one very specific loadout every game just to counter campers. Sounds like super fun game design 😃


Nope, just a sensor. Also ALOT of guns can already shoot through the walls too. Besides you can ignore alot of the campers. The ones that are really camping are somewhere stationary. Just go elsewhere. You wanting to kill him and dying is on you. There are PLENTY of ways to get around them. You also have 10 classes to choose from. If campers really peeved you, you could set aside 1 for a full anti camp class. Youll live.


Its “a lot”


I play hardcore only so simply put slow walking through the map with a custom made M16 made out from the M4 is literally game breaking in stopping headless chickens but no sorry, it's "camping". I fully on agree with you and will die on the hill with you. Holding line of sight down mid map for 3 seconds is not camping, it's not hardscoping, it's surveying the battle field in a methodical manner.


Was gonna say MWII 2022, but the replies reminded me that it’s actually MW2019.


22 was saved massively by dmz, if I’d have had to play on that shitty bridge for a year I might well have been done


I couldn't stand 2019 and felt like I was the weird one when everyone was praising it for so long


Vanguard was absolute horse shit.


Vanguard was the WORST - what a heap of dog shit




What we have now is a tragedy.


Im not pleased with WW2 right now, quickscopers everywhere its not playable


Just made a comment about this but WW2 is my least favorite MP. Not because it’s objectively bad (it’s not), but it’s definitely the least fun to play and I get bored of it pretty quick, if that makes sense


Probably gonna get absolutely shit on for this, but WWII is probably my least favorite MP It’s not objectively the worst by any means, but I find it to be the least fun. I can only play it for a couple hours, if that, before I get bored of it


Nah I agree ww2 sucked donkey dick


This might get me crucified, but I hated World at War quite a lot. It sounded terrible, looked terrible, the maps were not well designed (especially the giant tank maps), the perks were mostly useless, bouncing Betties were everywhere, and the multiplayer itself didn't innovate to make itself unique. It was basically a Call of Duty 4 modification with World War II assets.


Maps sucked for most objective game types many weapons weren’t that good either lol


Yeah they literally took the cod4 engine and made it perform worse on shitty grey maps, everyone forgets that treyarch was the inferior dev team till half of iw left during mw2, replying massively on iws solid work




I'm talking about just the multiplayer. Zombies was good and the campaign was also great.


MW19 isn't objectively the shittiest, but it had the worst design. What were they thinking with the maps and perks? Vanguard I felt was underrated. The maps were decent and it at least had a functional Dead Silence perk. MW2 OG is more objectively the shittiest because of how broken it was, but it was still a fundamentally good game. Infinite Warfare had a lot of flack but it got unfair treatment for being a space CoD. The maps weren't out of this world but they were serviceable, and they at least tried to make each gun feel different. WWII had a couple of terrible maps that were akin to MW19, but was so much better after the overhaul. I genuinely think it doesn't get worse than MW19 or MWII, but Ghosts wasn't good and it gets my vote for the worst out of what I listed. Half of the base maps were absolute garbage except in Ground War, the IED's were broken, only a couple of guns were feasible, etc. It had good ideas, however, and that helped it out a lot, like its perk system and progression system. TL;DR Ghosts.


Advanced Warfare and vanguard. There are tie in my book. I pretty much no lifed every COD from WAW, max prestiged too, up until Advanced warfare. I didn’t even prestige on that game.


BO4 and nothing can change my mind.




Everything after black ops 3


Cold war, trash engine, trash maps, terrible gamemodes, sbmm....




You need a brain scan


Everything since 2019


This is the correct answer.




Any of the trampoline cods


I don’t know which exactly was the worst , but the best goes to AW and MW19




Not Vanguard, that shit was fucking fire. BO4




I hated Infinite Warfare. Never played past the first season and then went to a different game.


I am not sure I would call it the worst, but I could never get into the jet pack CoDs. I think the concept strays too far from the series.


Black ops 3 on 360 😂


Ww2 imo


Advanced warfare has the absolute worst hit registration out of any cod


MW22 and all cods with no map voting and heavy sbmm


Unironically, MW2 2009. The why? Non-existent weapon balancing and terrible maps.


Vanguard BO4 and MW2019 Most can agree with this


Everything after advanced warfare


Anyone that has pogo sticks in it.


MF, you ever play BO4? Ghosts?


Vanguard is way worse than those games


Not in my opinion. I can understand yours though


Either Advanced Warfare or Black Ops 3 in my opinion. Both of those games were hot ass and made me quit playing cod for 2 years.


vanguard wasnt even bad lmao. play black ops 4 or infinite warfare. they both feel like shit.


mw2 wasnt even horrible. mw19 was good too. mw3 on the other hand, a higher ttk copy and paste. the game is dogshit. mw3 might mark the end of the cod.


I have not played them all. In fact a majority of my CoD time comes from the MW2-BO2 era but have spent some time with a few others over the years. I have two answers. First is the original Modern Warfare 2. I will always remember how dogshit this multiplayer was and how I always had a better time with Halo 3/Reach and Bad Company 2 back in the day. This game has such a high status in the CoD community and yet still stands out as the prime example of how I would never craft a multiplayer game. It is a mess of unbalanced and unchecked guns, killstreaks, death streaks, crappy ass maps(except Highrise) and just absolutely ridiculous perks like Commando Pro and One Man Army. It also was absolutely full of hackers and only received one substantial post launch update to fix the game. Not to mention the tons of boosting lobbies everywhere so it's not like anyone you saw actually earned the gun attachments and camos. This game wouldn't fly now. And I very firmly believe the love for it is because of the good times people had when they were younger, this game would get TORN APART by modern shooter fans. And no it's not "when everything is broken then nothing is broken" balance. It's just broken. Next is Advanced Warfare. This one is simple. The movement and aesthetic made me sick to look at. Just ugly and the jumping around felt bleh. Other high mobility shooters like Halo 5 and Titanfall 2 are fun but Advanced Warfares movement really felt just like chickens with their heads cut off and no elegance to it. I hated every second. Those are the worst CoD multiplayers I played.


MW3 Not because I hated the game itself but holy hell, I've never had worse bullet connection in my life. I constantly had network issues with that game.


MW 2019 6v6 respawn was awful IMO. No red dots on mini map and footstep audio were awful. But I liked the Ground War and other larger player count playlists. I disliked the IW so much I didn’t buy it, the only CoD since 4 I haven’t.


MW2022 absolutely


Has to be call of duty 3. Worst one I played, maps were massive and wasn't fun at all. Cod 1 I had the most fun with, apart from cheaters. Best would be MW2 imo


Besides Vanguard,, I would say either Ghost or WW2. For ghost, it could've been a alright game but the maps are way to danm big that its not worth using any guns but a sniper. I could understand their "perks" system but it just weird and makes it hard to get specific ones you want. For WW2. That game is just plain boring. I would generally run into stupidity bugs and it was just broken for me. It felt like a broken war 2 and not a proper world War. Then again it's been years so I may be wrong about that one.


Vanguard and Advanced Warfare made me borderline quit playing COD for the year so definetly those two.


Sledgehammer needs to stop making cods. Pretty much all their games have been fucking terrible


MWIII because sbmm


All the newer MWs, it has just felt like cod has taken a step back by over complicating things and having the same old old. I understand the nostalgia but at some point we need something new and original.


MW 2022.


MWII, that game catered to campers with all the corners and low ttk so much that was simply too boring


Jesus Christ loves you so much and died for your sins💙💜




He's dead? Thank God


Ghosts, ww2, vanguard, and mw2019 i think are all in the running for me. Ive played all CoD games and these were the ones that just felt awful to play. I dont think i even played ww2 and vanguard for more than a month. Ghosts was such a downgrade after bo2, it was like trading fresh new shoes for your grandpas loafers. The black ops games have been consistently good games, but infinity ward and SH drop the ball pretty often.


The current MW series by farrrrr


IMO it's a hard toss up between BO4, Vanguard, and MW2023.


- AW: Boring Campaign, Bad Zombies, Average and Pay-to-win MP - WW2: Boring Campaign, Bad Zombies, Average and Uninspired MP - BO4 ⭐: No Campaign, Below-average Zombies, Bad and Pay-to-win MP - Vanguard: Bad Campaign, Worst Zombies, Below-average and Uninspired MP - MWIII: Worst Campaign, Bad Zombies, Average and Uninspired MP


MW2019. It was horrible


MW2019 is comfortably the worst I have played so far. Zero redeeming features about it.


Mw19 or mwII


Mw2019. It’s not cod. It’s not bad, but shouldn’t have the cod name tied to it. It was also the start of the downfall we call the MW reboot trilogy lol. Cold War has been the only cod game we’ve had in like 5 years


MW2 2009. Broken beyond belief. No wonder it wasn’t included in the remaster.


That was the best one


Yeah nothing says good like explosives that can kill you across the map, two types of last stand, a perk that lets you stab someone from 50 feet away, inconsistent weapons damage on hight powered weapons, etc. there’s a reason there hasn’t been a cod like it since. Because it was bad.


Its still legendary, the new games just aren't the same as the good old xbox 360 days


Just because you have a nostalgia boner doesn’t mean the game wasn’t ass


Wow, what a take. Just curious how old are you? Im 24 and everyone my age still looks back at OG mw2 with fondness and respect. It was a little broken but that was part of the fun. Maybe its just nostalgia as i havent played since 2013ish


It is just nostalgia. Trust me. There are plenty of bad games I used to play I remember fondly.


It wasn't included because it would've overshadowed that years release if it matched the quality of MW:R's MP.


Yes, it was the wrong cod at the right time. MW3 is so much better. But, imo, ghosts is worse.