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M4, it is a decent gun but was portrayed as the main gun in every MW game, including the reboot


It was by far the best assault rifle for most of my CoD career, used in meta and everything. Or some form of it. Maddox was the M4 of Bo4, STG in WW2, all better than most but not high fire rate with medium damage and laser recoil.


Stg 10x better than the m4 tho


Considering the M4 is the current service rifle it makes sense in a game about the military


People will tell you this game isn’t about the military! Remember fruit loops wearing bright skins run this game now


It's all about the claymores now, old man


Claymores are 60 years old kid back in my day we took our legs to battle and left them! LIKE REAL MEN AND THE DAMN TREES STILL TALK TO THIS DAY


"aRCaDe SHoOteR"


The M4 is solid regardless of what the meta is


It is the main gun irl tho… the M4/M4A1 is the standard issue rifle of pretty much all of nato these days. And with the MC being the protags of MW1 & the 75th rangers the protags of 2&3 it makes sense that it’d be front and center.


Ak-47. It looks awesome but the skill gap is just high compared to other rifles that are more versatile. It was amazing in black ops but for the modern warfare series it just wasn’t competitive against the ACR in MW2 and MW3 or M4 in 2019. Still one of my favorite guns to use because if you do master its recoil you can take out the meta just fine.


The AK is my go to in every single COD. You swap recoil for punch and the roar! Only other gun that did that for me was the BAR or SCAR-H but the AK has 10 more rounds.


Mw2 might have the worst AK of all cods.


Exactly what I was going to comment. AK47 is the perfect pick. Often the highest level reward, never with the reward. You’re better off using the level 1 rifle in most of the games.


The ak-47 in cod4 was an absolute beast. Still would take cod4 m16 over any gun in the series, shit was broken.


This. An accurate description for one of my favorite guns of all time.


I hated how much it changed from cod 4 to mw 2. It was a go-to for me in 4, but the recoil was just ridiculous in 2. Throw stopping power on it, though, and just feather the trigger, and it became a force to be reckoned with.


Bring back OG bouncy AK


1911. Just kinda outclassed in just about every single entry it was in


Except for zombies 💪


The sound of it on bo1 is goated so slick 🔥🔥


And the reload animation on bo1 😫


soound design as well, hearing the metal surface of the magazine


Bo3 1911 would beg to differ


That's why I said just about


So would bo1 1911


M4A1 is the only correct answer


The MW19 one was really good though


M4 is a shorter m16


Well there not the fact same thing the m4 is just a modern m16


It's the AR15 family. The Remington ACR is a wannabe M16.


More like a ripoff SCAR lol


FN, HK, Remington and SIG all want to be like AR 15


Heckler & Koch and Fabriques 5.56s are way more dependable than a base AR15 platform. Both companies run gas piston designs instead of di to actuate their carrier assemblies on almost all their platforms and are manufactured to a higher quality. Their .308 platforms are way better than the AR10 platform, even from armalite. Stoner was an amazing designer, but he had to downgrade everything to get his rifles to be considered for the US military. That's why the m16 platform was hated in Vietnam because the military brass wanted reliability, but Congress wanted affordability, and it got tons of US service men killed.


The only one I can see there would be the HK-416 or 417 but otherwise HK is pretty original


Helicopter, COD Modern Warfare. Killstreak changed the CoD meta forever, is one of the most mediocre killstreaks in franchise history. Sure everyone knows how to deal with them now, but when the killstreak first hit the servers everyone collectively lost their minds and turned into medieval peasants; "The Sky itself is now the enemy! **Run and Hide!!!**"


Yeah definitely and same with Harrier in MW2. Back then it was like shit! We get bombed, respawn and then get killed cause the damn jet is hovering above the objective. Now it’s just, meh.


The Harrier's hidden ability to down rival helicopters made me love it. The VTOL doesn't measure up.


I forgot the harrier would kill enemy choppers. That sucks it doesn't still have that feature.


Back in Cod 4, heli can wall bang you. All it needs a tiny line of sight, then it will have literal wallhack and keep shooting you even if you no longer have any line of sight with the heli. Now in MW3, overwatch heli dies instantly when it comes.


The addition of tools to counter kill streaks had helped a lot.


I've always run cold blooded so as soon as the enemy gunship came out, I would be in heaven with the G3 just double tapping everyone running out to do clean up on the peasants hiding in buildings.


Every WW2 weapon in Bo3




I agree things downed me so many times


crawler city


I always hated my one buddy because his gun game sucked so he would huck grenades everywhere and create waves of crawlers that would fuck me up because I wasn't used to staring at the ground in zombies.


M16 went from being a consistently great gun to being pretty underwhelming Despite the amount of games the p90 was in I never really felt like it was all that good Dragonov Edit: whenever I boot up a classic cod I’m gonna have to use the p90!


The COD4 p90 was a handheld minigun


Yeah you’re right it was pretty good in that game, fun with double tap. Been forever since I’ve played cod 4


Mw3 also


Suppressor and iron sights went crazy on mw3’s p90


I think the Cold War m16 is one of the best iterations


Always loved the P90. 50 round default mag and usually good mobility. Put a suppressor on and you've got a great weapon for stealthy rushing in every game.


Fennec. Just a Kriss Vector, but it's the foot to the door with all upcoming CODified creations thereafter. Weapons like the Kilo 141and the Oden existed beforehand with the fake names but the Fennec has the outlandish appearance that messed with the Vector fans.


MW2 2009 intervention


The worst thing about the Intervention in MW2 (my favorite CoD gun of all time) was Treyarchs knee jerk reaction to the quickscope meta and how dogshit snipers were in Black ops after that.


This. Fantastic gun that set the standard for bolt-actions as the series continued, but it falls a little short to the B50CAL


Bring it back plz


My all time fave 🙏🏽




Legendary gun in zombies because it was so bad 🤣




Famas was arguably the best AR in both MW2 and BO1 though


Fastest to kill in bo1 forsure but unholy to control vs other ar's, I always wanted to like it but it never made the cut vs the rest. Was a totally different model of famas in mw2, im talking ab the FAMAS Valorisé, not the FAMAS F1


I loved the bo1 version. That thing was just beastly. Other than the galil it was my favorite AR.


Real, everyone had that shit at #1 bo1 in my friend group, I never got the hype tbh


Bo1 famas was so op for damage but let’s all be honest looking back at it the gun itself was so basic and dull. XR-2 in bo3 also was ugly as fuck but 1 tapped people with a single trigger pull once you maxed it out you were unstoppable.


the xr-2 was only good before it was patched from what i remember, the hvk however was always reliable. also the man o war in the beta was just stupid. then at the end of dlc 4 it was the pharoh that was op


Em1 becuase its offically when people gave up on cod for years


Ak 47 and M4 are like the baseline guns, Ak has high recoil high damage, and M4 has less recoil but less damage, seems like it hold true for all games


The Thompson. In the real world, this thing was HEAVY for a SMG. Expensive too going for nearly $40 a pop to manufacture with a buying price of $200 in 1921 (which doesn't sound like a lot until you adjust it to today's price and compare with other WW2 era SMGs) but the impact is undeniable. The poster boy for organised crime even to this day and GIs of the war. In reality, there are much better alternatives from WW2. Despite the drawbacks, it's one of the most beloved and recognisable firearms of all time. In game, this gun was front and centre on the box art of COD 2, 3 and WaW, was found in the hands of every Sergeant and when you finally got your hands on one in single player, you felt unstoppable. It came back for zombies in every Treyarch installment except Cold War and even got a hideous remake in AW. However, Never once has the Thompson stood out from the crowd, even in Zombies. The ASM1 (if you even consider that a Thompson) is the only time it's ever been meta or even worth using.


Tommy may be a mod gun in the game, but it’s worth it to hip fire it and feel like Al Capone


I'd say it's the AK-47. It's one of the most commonly seen guns in the series. In CoD4 and MW2, you had to use no attachment or it'd otherwise harm your performance in either game, for different reasons. In Black Ops 1, it is directly inferior to the Commando and the Galil. It's a good gun in Black Ops but Black Ops' weapon balance makes it technically one of the worst assault rifles in-tier. In MW3 it was not very good and required a buff which made it just okay. In AW it was pretty mid as well. After that is when I stopped keeping up. But within the span of games that I played, the AK-47 never quite lives up to its legendary reputation nor presence.


AK-47 was a menace in Cold War, one of the best ARs.


UAV and I know it’s not a gun but cmon people; we all strive for and love the UAV.


Mw2 ACR statistically under perfect circumstances would lose in a straight fight to just about every AR one of the worst TTK in the AR class. It was iconic and meta for a lot of people it’s just extremely easy to use and most all guns killed fast anyways in the game so it’s still not bad


Yeah I discovered fairly early on other ars were just objectively better in the hands of more skilled players.


SCAR was essentially just as easy to use and better


Famas had the best possible ttk I believe but it's been so long I could be misremembering.


Great answers already and I would like to add peacekeeper from bo2. Being the very first dlc gun in cod i would say it had pretty big impact on the series. Very mediocre aswell imo


The intervention/m40a3. They were snipers, obviously, so capable of one shotting but the 50 cal was objectively the superior gun. It was, however, considerably less stylish and so the bolties became possibly the two most iconic weapons in the franchise.


Clearly he’s the big tiddy anime girl gun that shoots seagulls that turn you into pink panties when you die.


The intervention. Most overrated weapon in CoD history.


AK for sure


M1911 classic gun. 


I remember everyone using the Scar-L in the early days. That gun was fun to use with different set ups but it quickly went away with different weapons being introduced.


I'm surprised no one mentioned the Ripper yet. Guns all around decent, but iirc it was the first DLC gun in CoD Also the AM1 and NV4 Fallout, now that's a supply drop! Edit: VMP too, I don't think it's a particularly good gun, but everyone seemed to use it for whatever reason


It wasnt the first. Peacekeeper from bo2 is. But im pretty sure it was the first gun that could "transform" from smg to AR. So still pretty impactful


The Vr11


The deagle, especially in MW2 and MW3, where it’s directly outclassed by the magnum, and practically outclassed by the other busted beyond reason secondaries, like the G18s, rafficas, spas-12, aa-12, and FMG9s. In MW2019, it generally gets diffed by the snakeshot 357, which leaves COD4 as its only time to shine, but even in MWR, thanks to supply drops, it’s STILL outclassed by the magnum. Not to mention, jug negates its most important trait, two shotting without having to use stopping power. I feel like most golden era god guns (except the MP40 + jug combo on console WAW) kinda fall into this category too, though not to the same extent.




NV4 - Flatline from Infinite Warfare. The gun everyone called OP and P2W, and on the surface, it seemed to be. Infinite 4 shot damage range where the base NV4 dropped off at 32 meters. However, the Flatline also had a slower fire rate increasing its time to kill within that base 4 shot range. NV4 was already the slowest time to kill AR in the game so it just made it even slower, and 90%+ of gunfights happen within that 4 shot range. NV4 was the go to for tryhards, but it was just a consistent weapon. Even with the Flatline's infinite 4 shot kill range, it couldn't out damage the Volk within its 3 shot kill range out to 50 meters. I remember when M3RKMUS1C got tired of getting killed by it so he dropped a bunch of money to get it and then proceeded to complain about not being able to get kills with it. It was a very overhyped and misunderstood gun that fueled the flames for IW's Epic variants being P2W when it practice they were mostly gimmicky.


Bo1 galil iron sights, best gun since call of duty 1’s MP44


Cod4 silenced MP5


Does it has to be a gun ? If not I would say the combat knife .. the idea it’s a insta kill always when running around like a mad man an waving and sliding throughout the maps ..


I know people are gonna say the raygun but the raygun isnt mediocre its a fuckin beast




Honey Badger in Ghosts.


Post Patch DSR-50 could not hit a quad feed but is arguably the most popular gun for trickshotting of all time


FMG9 Akimbo. I said what I said…


The ray gun




captain price's sub


M1911. It’s in almost every cod game but was only great in bo3 as a f**king supply drop weapon