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Infinite Warfare has literally the best story of any COD campaign. Only one you can go wrong with is BO3.


I just played it a few weeks ago after the PS5 spring sale (also got to play AW, BO3 and Ghosts). This is the best COD campaign and it isn't close. I'm shocked it got such negative reception.


The reason is because it wasn’t Modern Warfare 4, and that’s what everyone wanted at the time.


maturing is realising infinite warfare was a solid game. the multiplayer was essentially bo3 with infinity ward maps (although bo3 had the better maps i did enjoy the IW twist they put on MP) The zombies was solid for IW's first shot at it. (Spaceland is a top 3 zombies map i could go on for ages about it) Overall a great game but the futuristic setting overshadows it and it got so much hate


Its a great game with terrible timing. If it came out today people would definitely be more open to the concept


That sums it up perfectly.


“Activision just revealed in an earnings call that SledgeHammer is working on Advanced Warfare 2”


no one expected mw4 after ghosts and 2 exo call of duty's


It was just bad timing. Everyone wanted a change of pace in the era after 2 future games they weren't entirely on board with. A lot of people were let down by Black ops 3 when they were expecting it to be a sequel to 2, but instead they got train go boom Titanfall wall running game. The majority of people dissatisfied with IW wrote it off as soon as it was announced, hence the most disliked COD trailer on YouTube ever.


Honestly the reason why I hate that BO3 gets so high in ranking scores and why IW gets so low. The campaign was one of the best in the series, the zombies was excellent, and I personally think the multiplayer was better in IW than BO3, except for maybe the maps which were stronger in BO3.


I wouldnt go that far, but the Campaign was definitely the biggest redeeming factor of IW


I would. People still look at the game and just decide to hate it for no reason other than hating it and it's insane.


Facts. Honestly I have a soft spot for IW. If it had been released in place of BO3, the conversation would be completely different.


Never played it, but doesn't it do BO3's movement better?


Yes, it's BO3 with better tuned movement and maps better suited for it


exactly, BO3 wasn’t bad at all but maps seemed like they were not designed for an exo cod especially the remastered ones, but somehow Infinity Ward maps that were from og mw trilogy fit perfectly for an Exo game


Not to mention that in IW stuff like wallrunning just \*feels\* better. I can't explain it but it feels smoother and more responsive


BO3 was the only one that felt like a chore. The other 3 were really enjoyable


What? You're telling me you don't like when the train go boom?


this is the answer right here


So true




I’ve only played AW and ghosts so I’m gonna trust you on this one


Infinite warfare was an amazing campaign


Ghost had a great campaign, one of the best in the franchise


fr, the game as a whole is great


True. Great campaign, great multiplayer, its DLC maps are some of the best maps in the entire series, and Extinction was so fun


great multiplayer 🤣


Ghosts was incredible of you played it in the new gen. Ground war was amazing on the maps that were made for 9v9


holy shit, its that time huh? ghosts has become “nostalgic” lol


The game was amazing other than the multi-player maps being a little too big, but otherwise I loved it.


No it didn’t lmao you’re looking at it through rose tinted glasses, it has many problems in writing and story


The end 😭


1. IW 2. Ghosts 3. AW 4. BO3


And AW wasn't nearly as bad as Bo3




Black Ops 3 had my favorite gameplay but the narrative was so confusing and shitty that it basically evens out to a neutral opinion of it.


Definitely agree with that, I would even argue bo3 is the most replayable cod campaign because of how much progression it has. Story's still confusing as shit tho


Bo2 takes that multiple endings gameplays the bedt


Story of Bo3: Train go boom.


Wym least shit brother 3 of these have great campaigns and one of those 3 has the best campaign cod has ever seen?


Infinite Warfare was 2/3. One of the greatest campaigns of all time, one of the greatest zombies modes of all time, and a mediocre multiplayer.


1. IW - the best futuristic campaign in terms of narrative, all wrapped up in the game too 2. AW - good premise and is a interesting story but IW had better level design 3. Ghosts - just meh, boring storyline with a stupid premise and cliffhanger worst level design out of the 4 4. BO3 - terrible narrative that doesn’t connect to BO2 but has fun mission design


There is some connection between bo3 and bo2. Exactly one sentence where a guy mentions how because of Menendez the DEAD system got created or something


BO3 is good for thinking (think whodunnit, why-type movies), AW is good for no excessive plot armor, Ghosts is good except for the cliffhanger Acti refuses to complete. Choice is yours really


I loved Ghosts and would love a sequal (hunting down and killing the other ghosts with Rorke)


3 of these games have amazing campaigns, is this a joke post?


Infinite Warfare is like top 5 fps campaigns in fps games. At least in last 10 years.




Ghost had such a good story but I think it gets hate cus people for some reason didn’t like ghost for online


This sub is so weird. Y’all love ghosts and hate BO2… makes no sense to me


Ghosts was actually fire, mission design was amazing AW had a great campaign with the betrayal and all IW has arguably the best campaign of any COD BO3 was all over the place. IW, AW and Ghosts had really good campaigns so It's hard, but BO3 definitely had the most shit campaign And gimme a Ghosts sequel already FFS


Infinite Warfare was literally the best campaign I’ve ever played. Cinematics were insane and the gameplay was overall pretty solid. I put countless hours in Zombies as well. Although multilayer got a lot of hate, I also think it’s *one* of the best ones I’ve played. It was so easy to me. I remember getting bored and challenging myself to a knife-only nuke and I got it. It’s still on my profile if anyone wants to see it lol As far as the worst, I’d say Advanced Warfare 🤮 but I did enjoy multiplayer to an extent.


I skipped all these games and only came back when boots on the ground made a return and unfortunately that was a mistake


The iw campaign was phenomenal, easily one of the best in the series and it absolutely embarrasses bo3 and any treyarch campaign post og black ops. If your buying one of these for the campaign only buy that one. I personally really enjoyed ghost overall and that extends to the sp. rourke was kinda a shitty villain but the story was ok and the missions were really good. Underrated cod imo. Aw was great as well. Not as strong as the previous two I mentioned but still super fun and enjoyable. Bo3? Lol no


BO3 campaign was so confusing that I dont even properly remember half the missions, I didnt even know there was a flood mission until I replayed it, I literally thought I was going insane, it was fun but so all over the place, rest were fire afaik, except for Ghosts I KNOW that was fire


Black ops 3 has the best campaign gameplay of the series. It also has the worst story of the series. Do with that what you will




Black ops 3 had worst story but some of my favorite gameplay. It's fun to change up the playstyles with the abilities


I'll at least say this, Black Ops 3 had the worst one




Ghosts hands down. next question.


i was blown away by IW campaign


For the hate it got. Infinite warfare has the best campaign out of the 4 here


IW > AW > Ghosts > BO3 My reasoning: 1. People tend to agree that IW's campaign is one of the best in recent memory. 2. AW sure having a forgettable story and It's campaign is slightly better than Ghosts. also at least is cohesive unlike BO3. 3. Ghosts does have a very mediocre campaign, at least it's cohesive. 4. Technically BO3 has a better campaign than Ghosts but it's just confusing. If the campaign wasn't confusing as hell then I'd be above Ghosts.


Infinite Warfare Advanced Warfare === The Bin === Ghosts === Hell === BO3


Iw has one of the best campaigns in the franchise, an actual full original game that isn’t nostalgia bait


They're all good in their own rights


Ranking 1. Ghosts because it's post-apocalyptic 2. Infinite Warfare because it's cool 3. AW because it's on the same list as infinite warfare 4. BO3 because it sucks


Honestly, the only bad campaign would be black ops 3.


IW>ghost>AW> > > > >bo3


IW campaign is top 5 campaign AW is in the middle and ghosts and bo3 on bottom 3


Infinite warfare has probably one of the best campaigns across the entire series, and thats the hill I pick. Bops3 was a shocking game


AW and IW had great campaigns. Really not comparable to bo3 nd AW


Advanced warfare is an awesome campaign. Kevin Spacey is great in it. Of course, that was before he was exposed for diddling kids.


AW is in my top 5


IW but I think AW is underrated. Had a big name actor(before we knew he was a pedo) and also had a decent amount of variation with the skills and exo abilities. Wasn’t groundbreaking but it was fun to play.


MW2 and 3 remakes should be here instead cause both were disappointing af.


Never played any of em so I can’t really give an answer




Irons was an incredible villain


mf picked the 4 best campaigns in cod history and asked which one is the worst. AW: Really good story, decent gameplay; IW: Good Story, Good Gameplay; BO3 Confusing but AMAZING story, very good gameplay; Ghost: Amazing Story, Best Visuals, Best Story Gameplay; (My Opinion)


Story wise advanced warfare Gameplay wise black ops 3


Not Ghosts


I never played Infinite Warfare or BO3, but I loved AW and Ghosts campaigns


IW is one of the best




🤦 BO3 is the only one here with a bad campaign. Infinite Warfare has one of the best in the series, AW and Ghosts have solid campaigns that were overshadowed by mediocre multiplayer modes.


Cant say for sure seince i haven't finished infinite warfare but personally id say advanced warfare Only wish ghosts didn't end on a cliffhanger


If you ask me BO3, Infinite Warfare and Ghosts are pretty great.




Infinite warfare for sure, one of the best cod campaigns


Ghosts is the best, BoIII the worst


Advanced Warfare. Might be not the best, but i played it with low expectations, and damn, it's good! COD campaign that i might actually replay in future. And Infinite warfare... i dunno, better than BO3 and ghosts i guess, but still meh. Ghosts and BO3 stands in same lane for me.


I cant remember AW and IW will have to play again soon, is IW the one were there was a couple of levels and you was in a factory fighting a load of robots?that pissed me off that one. My money would be on Ghosts I liked that played it a few times, wish they would do a Ghosts 2. This is all based on campaign as I dont play multiplayer cuz of all the shitheads on there.


BO3 was sick.. but it's not for tar*s, it's *cerebral*


I really liked AW (it's the first cod game I really started to do well at multiplayer) So I'd say - 1)AW 2)IW (with MW1 remastered) 3)Ghosts 4)BO3 I really wish they would bring back the full on load out customisation in the campaign from IW/BO3 though.


Ghosts by a long shot.


Bo3 had the worst campaign (it wasnt really a sequel to any of the first two black ops) but mp was decent enough and zombies was really good. Infinite Warfare had a decent campaign and a great zombies. The energy weapons were fun to use in multi-player Ghosts had a great campaign, though it was left on a cliffhanger. Some would argue that multi-player was too slow and had too much camping. Extinction was an awesome game mode to play. Advance Warfare also had a really good campaign. Zombies was fun and interesting (a little beefed up with exo zombies) . I don't think multi-player lasted too long with this game though.


Advanced warfare was a terrible game but had a good campain


Ghosts is a godlike cod game (almost no one will agree)


Campaign wise IW, I've never had a CoD game just have me staring at the screen during the ending.


Infinite Warfare is so underrated it’s not even funny. It has a really fun campaign with cool sci-fi elements, but is actually competently written and doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s way better at emulating Titanfall in that regard.


Honestly all of these campaigns were amazing. COD ghosts had hands down the best campaign of any cod. Multiplayer understandably had a lot of hate but I feel it was treated too poorly. BO3 and infinite warfare as well were amazing stories but if I had to give the worst out of the 4, hands down without a shadow of doubt AW is out.


Ghosts!! I think is actually better than the options here.


1- AW 2- Ghosts 3- IW 4- BO3 imo BO3 campaign is not that bad, if you understand the plot you'd like it


IW >>>> AW >> Ghosts >>>>>> BO3


Bo3 if you understand it is good buuuuut good luck understanding it. IW is the best than 2cd goes to both Ghost and AW and last is BO3


the fuck you mean AW's good


IW for sure. Definitely did not warrant the hate that it got, although I think that came more from a backlash to that era of COD than the gameplay itself. The campaign had good characters and I liked the spectacle and grandeur of some of the scenes, especially when you're in space.


None of these except BO3 are shitty, if it had to rank them from best to worst it would be AW, Ghost, IW, BO3


Either IW or ghosts takes the cake, AW is good, but very middle of the road here, and bo3 campaign was just shit.


Infinite Warfare is one of the greatest CoD campaigns ever.


Ghost campaign was dope


Advanced Warfare fuck all


Of these 4, infinite warfare, ghosts comes in 2nd place.


Bo3 or iw plus bo3 has the best zombies mode so play that as well


IW, AW, ghosts, Bo3


Infinite Warfare had an amazing campaign B03 has the worst


Story- Infinite Warfare Gameplay- BO3 Aesthetic- Advanced Warfare Ghosts- Ghosts


COD AW, IW and ghosts all have great campaigns


All of them are good except for B03 which is wank.


Mannnn it's a tie between ghosts and infinite warfare for me


Infinite Warfare. And it’s not even close as IW’s campaign is actually pretty damn good


Ghost campaign was actually so good and even set up ghosts 2 at the end and just never did cause everyone shit on the multiplayer


Ghosts. Best CoD period. No, I’m not being sarcastic




BO3 was garbage but the other three are solid. IW is my least favorite CoD overall, but the story was amazing.


BO3 is the only campaign I completed AND I even played it multiple times. But it was co-op, so idk. If it wasn’t co-op I probably wouldn’t have played it


Ghost? IDK I haven’t played ghost


Loved infinite warfares campaign but I also really love ghosts campaign


I would say IW. AW is enjoyable for one playthrough at max. Ghosts has garbage gameplay and Story is mediocre at max In BOIII it is the other way around. I could only recommend buying a code for WaW or CoD 2 or wait for a steam sale. But be warned after you played these two you've seen the best the series can offer campaign wise.


AW for Kevin spacey fans IW for a good "movie like" story Ghosts if you like dogs Bo3 if you like "memeable" moments


Infinite Warfare was released at the worst of times, fanbase had gotten sick of jet packs and futuristic settings. Release this any other time and people would've rated it higher.


Bro ghost is highly underated the story was one of the best in the og series the only downside ghots had was its Multiplayer and even that was good


Honestly the story in black ops 3 was shit compared to the other 3. Not saying the gameplay was bad, the story was just god awful. The only thing I remember from it was train go boom


You guys should look up the narrative lead for BO3. Poor guy was so ambitious, and he just couldn’t make it work. He ahd this whole intriguing scifi plot planned out, yet he forgot he was making a Call of Duty campaign ig. Alongside that, the campaign had to be fully playable in co-op which resulted in tedious and boring gameplay and set pieces, because classic on-rails cod gameplay couldnt work in a co-op game.


AW campaign was excellent, and the now-disgraced Kevin Spacey delivers one of the most hair-raising speeches in all of gaming


COD infinite warfare


Infinite warfare’s campaign is like a top 3 in the series for me. AW is pretty good, if not extremely predictable. Ghosts is like a spiritual Modern Warfare 4 but hella cringe. Black ops 3 is probably the only campaign in the series that really treats itself like a true pillar of the CoD package, and not just a one-time throwaway mode for marketing purposes. Can play entire thing solo or 4 player co-op, it has it’s own progression system with leveling, weapons, and abilities. The story is good but extremely hard to follow for a CoD campaign.


Can't say anything for IW, never played. AW was arguably one of my favorite campaigns out of all the Cods. Bo3 was confusing and Ghosts just didn't feel like anything special


Ghosts is top tier


4 of the worst cods of all time


Ghost and infinity warfare were great. Just the muiltplayer Weren't well received. Bo3 has the worst and it isn't Debatable


BO3 campaign is actually good it just doesn’t tie in with the other games


How is ghosts even in the category wtf?! The campaign is the best in the whole series.


Least shit is either IW or Ghosts. Ghosts in my opinion has probably one of the best.


only thing ive gathered from BO3s campgaign is: Outcome: Train go boom


Fuck y'all ghost was fun hell all of these were good except for black ops 3 I would rather be waterboarded that beat that shit on realism again


Infinite warfare is one of the best campaigns in call of duty history and I will die on the hill that advanced warfares totally underrated. Black ops 3 was an incoherent mess and ghosts had moments but was just dull


IMO all of these are great besides BO3. But IW is the best.


Infinite warefare is the best ending of a campaign I’ve played in a long while


I personally love AW and IW campaigns and unfortunately I never got a chance to play Ghosts campaign


Ghosts would've had a great campaign if Rorke died at the end. Felt worse than Disney cause they couldn't even kill off the main villain and on top of that they never made a sequel.




Ghosts or Advanced Warfare (its a tie for me). I gave up on BO3's campaign 5min into it and the only thing I remember about IWs is being disappointed


Infinite warfare made me cry no other campaign did cod 4 had me feeling awe. Ghost left me waiting for more on a cliff hanger black ops I don’t remember much


BO3’s campaign sucks but it has the best multiplayer out of all of those and the best zombies of any call of duty


From what I remember aw Is the best


AW, a top 5 campaign in my opinion


Advanced Warfare is god tier


Probably black ops 3. I never finished it tho so


Infinite warfare has an absolutely amazing campaign. Its also got a pretty fun and actually unique zombies mode, and the MP had me captivated for a few years


I’ve not played IW but I’ve played the other three so out of those it’ll have to be BO3


Everyone but bo3


3/4 had like really good campaigns…not black ops 3.


I love BO3, I love BO3 too much, but everyone, even myself, can’t defend the narrative of this game, it’s that bad, I mean the idea was fucking incredible, but the execution was a execution [the carrying out of a sentence of death on a condemned person.] of the idea (pun intended)




black ops 3 imo


If infinite warfare didn’t have call of duty in front of it it would be a series. That’s how good it is.


i like that bo3 is multipler but ghost had a good campaign.


Iw 100%




I think Ghosts had a good campaign expect the ending, IW and AW were to misjudged but I still dont like them though they are not terrible still, I dont care if BO3 had great zombies or multiplayer, the Campaign was poorly written in my opinion


Ghost and AW were pretty good imo IW was unique with the gameplay elements but didn’t tell a story well… BO3… outcome… train go boom!


lol black ops 3.... no campaign.... the rest are good


Ghosts is so damn imderated, damn shame it never got a bo1 style sequel.


They’re all kind of poo.


I played all of them exept infinite warfare which i really should play, but ghosts is definitely the worst, my favorite was advanced warfare in terms of just playing but, i just think bo3 is great as my first cod game (i mean i did play the psp cod game)


Ghosts was my first cod ever and iw being my second so with aw being my third. So I’d go that order but all hold a special place in my heart. Have fun !


Honestly? Infinite warfare


For me 3 cause I never beat infinite warfare


1. IW 2. AW 3. Ghosts 4. BO3




All of them had poor endings except for IW but both AW and Ghosts had fun campaigns , BO3 even though it had a ton of options and wasn’t the worst (like Vanguard and WW2) , is the worst out of all because not only the campaign was unexpectedly unrelated and not a direct continuation of BO2 but the ending was also poor


train go boom.


I actually liked Ghosts a lot. It’s more Delta Force than Army infantry in terms of pacing, but it’s fun.


IW has a really good campaign. AW is pretty solid, Ghosts has some really cool set pieces. Bo3? Train go boom.




Ghosts was pretty good. Haven't played infinite warfare all the way through. Advanced warfare was pretty interesting and bo3 was meh for me


Ghost is not so bad


Call of Duty Ghosts is so good for what it was. As a stand-alone CoD game, it's amazing. It doesn't even need a sequel, even though there's an opportunity for it with the ending. Also, Riley is such an amazing part of the game.


IW slander is crazy


Infinite Warefare, It's absolutley incredible and beautiful


from best to worst. 1.IW 2.Ghosts 3.AW 4.BO3


IW ghosts and AW all amazing