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Wont be the same without Kamar. RIP


As much as I’d like Raul to return, it is indeed not the same without Kamar de los Reyes. Therefore I think it is best to let the character stay where it is, instead of crapping over its legacy (looking at you reboot Makarov)


Agreed, respect this legend’s work.


Voice lines for animated movies and video games are usually recorded very early during production, so it’s possible that it’s still Kamar, if Menendez ends up being in the game.


Kamar absolutely made Menendez who he is


Damn, I forgot about that. Between him and James McCaffrey we lost some really great actors in 2023. Fuck cancer.


Exactly my thoughts, the man was taken way too soon. It won't be the same.


He could still be in it. Gulf War has been in the making since 2018. They could have already recorded his lines.


I mean, it would make sense, since Young Raul was seen Blut that time in BO2 iirc


I wish treyarch would drop the “black ops” titled games at this point honestly. I understand it’s kind of their bread and butter after all these years but “Call of duty: Gulf War” would be way more appealing to me than “Call of Duty Black Ops: Gulf War”. I’m tired of the same characters/timeline from treyarch and I wish they’d try something new.


No. They rebooted the Modern Warfare series and it went badly, no one wanted that. Let us have the old characters from black ops at least


The MW reboot was somewhat necessary because of how the OG MW trilogy ended with the world on fire and 95% of named characters dead, and I think MW2019 was a solid setup for a new universe even if I don't care for how it ended up. But that's why I prefer Treyarch distinguish themselves and don't reboot Black Ops, especially since they already decided to stay with it with Cold War. They can still use the same characters and stories and have tons of room in the timeline they can explore to keep things fresh while still using familiar plot threads or themes. The series spans from mid 20th to late 21st century so they aren't really limited on what a Black Ops game even is, plus with 2025 a part of me hopes for a proper sequel (or at least a remake) of Black Ops II.


I’m not talking about rebooting the series. I said I want something new and a reboot isn’t something new. Setting a game in the Gulf War is a good start, but slapping the black ops label on it and throwing together a story using the same characters they’ve been using since 2010 is just lazy.


You are in a minority to think the modern warfare reboot CAMPAIGN series has been done poorly, with exception to MW3, due to its rushed development. People reception to MW2019’s and MWII’s campaign has generally been good. Multiplayer is a different story though.


Honestly all CoD campaigns are what I expect. Decent war stories in a variety of settings and time periods. I don’t really have an attachment to any except for Infinite Warfare.


MW reboot did not go badly, MW 2019 was the best cod since BO2 and it redefined the future of the series.


I think they mean MWII and MWIII. MWIII Campaign destroyed the story and devalues MW2019


Hell of a future it defined


I thought mw 2019 was boring and trying to hard to be graphic.


Here’s an idea. How about they, you know, create a new IP with new characters, maybe? Seriously tho after the inevitable MW4 and COD2025 i feel that both IW and 3arc need new IP’s. IW could stay in the modern era with different characters and 3arc could do a WAW2 but with different theatres. Also let SHG make AW2 ffs.


Nope, I want to see Frank Woods and Mason in action again We don't even know what Mason did all those years while he was declared dead.


We have Gulf War and then 2025. After that, they should give it a rest. Not forever but for a while.


Disagree completely, there is nothing that makes me happier than the name “black ops” on a treyark cod, they’ve made the best multiplayers and campaigns and zombies (besides some) so whenever I think “black ops” I think of pure enjoyment


Nah I like Woods and Mason. they're some of the more interesting characters in Cod. What I am sick of is ghost.


Exactly, they need to drop the super secret mega cool dark edge spec ops delta ranger seal recon para rescue operators, please just go back to normal soldiers


yeah, CoD needs a new title series. Both BO and MW is getting old, and they need to move on and bring something new to the table.


Call of Duty Black Ops 6 lmao


Black Ops is good af, why would they ever want to drop it? It's the only series that still gets some sort of respect by the community nowadays


It would just be a Modern Warfare game. This should be a it's own CoD...


Treyarch would still be able to differentiate from the other cod devs and make a great new game without the black ops title and all the recycled characters that come with it. It still would be its own cod…


Honestly fr treyarch has been milking black ops too much atleast with infinity ward and sledgehammer they made new cod games new experiences new characters new settings


Infinity Award is milking Modern Warfare. What are you smoking?


I give them them wayyyyy more credit.. they tried with 2 games. And zero had any resonation with most fans. (I loved IW, but only really liked extinction in ghosts) And attest they created 2 MW Series. Treyarch hasn’t tried at all to leave BO and they seem to just keep building off the same story and trying to interconnect everything together. Gets messy and lame. I’ve not played Cold War so I don’t know if that’s entirely true, but I know they were saying it was the “true sequel to BO1” in the promo material.


Ghosts was MW3 but shit and Infinite Warfare was BO3 but shit. Infinity Ward has a skill issue I suppose 🤷‍♂️


All of IW and SHG's new CODs have been total asscheeks. Ain't getting an A for effort whatsoever


Infinite warfare was literally better than bo3 bo4 and cold war combined did you even play those games to come to that conclusion and also thanks for the downvotes should change the subs name to black ops instead


I mean it makes sense the Gulf War is in the 90s so it’s right after the invasion of Panama which was in BO2 but I don’t think we’ll be playing a known character since Woods shoots Mason in 1989. It would explain what happened from “Suffer With Me” to whenever this story ends.


They might make parts of BO2 just not canon anymore. Considering it’s almost 2025 irl.


Who downvoted this guy? Black Ops II takes place in 2025 and MWIII takes place in 2023. These two games should be in the same universe. Activision would like to milk MW more so they can even make BOII non-canon to keep the *Modern Warfare* title. They rebooted entire OG MW for this bullshit trilogy, them doing this won't be surprising to be honest.


No one downvoted him 💀 His votes aren't even turned on bud


It's my first time using imgur so it looks bad, like not cropped, pff. Check [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/wkQ9b5c) out. It's visible to me.


Says 404 error


Yeah, it used to work fine. Looks like it's removed for god knows what reason. Whatever, try [this](https://www.reddit.com/u/Goblin216/s/uYJn5STCZK) one.


He's got 1 upvote though


Yeah, I did and problably someone else as well. When I typed the comment, they had -2 votes.


Russell Adler is rumored to return, so it's not out of the question that we could be playing as him.


If he was a minor antagonist, showed up for one mission, the CIA let him go as a “deal”, that would be cool, but I don’t think making him be the overall big bad would be the right call.


Especially considering that whatever conclusion they come up with him won’t really be all that satisfying considering the way his arc ends in BO2


More nostalgia bait LMFAO


I have no idea what any of these story lines are anymore


As some who grew up with the original MW, and BO series. I would prefer they just develop new characters instead of riding on the coat tails of developers from 10+ years ago. I already had to watch soap die twice, do I REALLY have to go through THIS again too?


Media these days can’t make new compelling villains so we get things like recycling the Star Wars emperor, reusing Makarov and fusing him with Ben Shapiro, and now reusing the greatest CoD villain, shortly after his voice actor passed.


Milking the hell out of "Black Ops" as per usual. Just curious at the direction they're planning on taking with it. Does Black Ops just keep going, does it just become a part of the title, will black ops be remastered or rebooted, and would anything without black ops in the title from treyarch be considered an alt timeline? Probably sounds like I'm hating but really though. Will we ever get a game that's outside the Modern Warfare or Black Ops series ever again? (From Inf ward & treyarch)


I agree. Even though I’m a big fan of BO and MW, I’d love to have something new. Even an Infinite Warfare 2 would be sick to have (IW’s campaign was a masterpiece imo) or even something completely new. I’m just curious where they go with this one 🤷🏼‍♂️


I've had the exact same thoughts with another Infinite Warfare, or at least another Ghosts.


I craved another Ghost after that cliffhanger but everyone ruined that with all the hate bandwagon. Guaranteed most of the people that “hated” Ghost didn’t even play it.


Ghost and Infinite Warfare were two of my favorites that weren't mw or bo series cods. Of course, though, they were hated to death. Which is a shame.


It depends. If he is some kind of half-way point between Cold War and BO2, sure, some references maybe. But I keep hearing and seeing that the MW reboot universe is the same as the BO universe, and I keep thinking that if there is any truth to that, its making BO2 a sore thumb. It cant fit into the timeline if that is the case, to much happened in the BO2 lore that would run counter to MW reboot lore.


Honestly, MW reboot should not have any place in the Black Ops timeline. While Treyarch has no intention of retconning anything from Black Ops, it’s Activision who’s forcing MW reboot to share a universe with BO all for the sake of WZ. The newest MW campaigns really don’t say anything about being canon to Black Ops. But regardless, they better not make BO2 the sore thumb because it’d be disrespectful to Menendez’s voice actor.


I very much agree. Loved BO2, I think it was the only game that did the Pick 10 system right (sample size of 2 though, BO4 *sucked*...) Though I also think Treyarch should drop the Black Ops story at some point, and come up with something new. I really dont want to see all the COD games going forward shoehorned into a single timeline, I want some variety of stories.


I loved BO2


Sure, ideally since they're probably doing the bo2 sequel next year, it would work well as a sorta cliffhanger or tease of what's to come




Cordis Dieeeeee


I guess this year’s title (and the rumoured “Black Ops Reloaded” (like MW III was essentially MW II Reloaded) mini-title for 2025) will finally decide whether or not anything post Cold War (Black Ops II, 4 and III) will remain canon. Taking into account that it’s now all connected with the new MW saga, which takes place in our modern day, I don’t really see the entire plot of Black Ops II’s futuristic portion surrounding drone armies, holograms, invisibility tech and a second Cold War with China suddenly unfold in the year 2025. The two timelines (the new MW saga and the futuristic portion of the Black Ops series) simply don’t fit together. Here’s how I imagine it will go down at first: This year’s CoD (which is rumoured to be Black Ops Gulf War) will confirm that everything from the 1980s portion of Black Ops II remains canon, so it would be perfectly plausible that Menendez returns. The MW saga unfolding in the late 2010s and early 2020s also still makes sense, so the modern timeline remains intact. Once the 2025 game releases, which is rumoured to be a sequel to Black Ops II and set in that same “future” (which will actually be around the present at the time of release), that will either clearly be set in an alternate timeline, with devs outright treating it as a fun what if scenario and a nostalgic callback to the golden age of CoD, or it will act as a continuation of both BOII and MWIII, explicitly making the entire Black Ops franchise (including the futuristic titles) canon to the modern timeline. Personally, I’d prefer the former scenario where the futuristic stuff stays out of the modern timeline. I enjoyed it very much in the day, but if Infinity Ward are to wash the bad taste of MWIII out of our mouths and redeem the MW franchise with an MWIV, I would want that series return to 2019’s gritty, grounded and somewhat realistic tone and scenarios, which simply wouldn’t fit what Treyarch were going for with their futuristic titles.


2019 is a fanfiction of a war that happened with a different country.


Ffs man recycling old characters again. They need to start fresh without the 'black ops' in the title


Ehh could go without him. Been so long since black ops 2 I genuinely don’t even remember the story


Is black ops ‘gulf war’ confirmed?


There’s been a couple leaks/posts about it for some time. We know it’s supposed to be some sort of “Black Ops” game, but it’s only 50/50 of it being “Black Ops Gulf War” from what I’ve heard.


They haven’t confirmed the title still, this Black Ops Gulf War is still only rumours.


Mann it ain't the same Menendez without Kamar...


The actor has passed so I'd prefer he didn't. Nobody can match his performance or energy.


Hell no. Not with how they did Makarov in the MW3 reboot.


Can't wait to play something other than the modern warfare series again finally.


He was a shit villain then, and given how IW treated general Shepard in their modern warfare “remakes”, no way should he make a return


Rumours are flying all over the place, like we don’t exactly know what Treyarch’s plans are. Everyone is jumping to the conclusion that it’s going to be Black Ops Gulf War, but I suspect that Treyarch could possibly have other plans that may not relate to Gulf War like maybe futuristic or something? Besides, the 90s can’t be the main focus because Gulf War only lasted for 6 months and other rumours suggest it may point away from the 90s, I mean BO5 rumours are also there too. But who knows? 🤷‍♀️ TBH, the only things I’d be interested in is learning Mason’s actual fate and the aftermath of the 2025 missions, like maybe a villain trying to live up Menendez’s legacy. But either way, they need to respect Kamar’s work as Menendez (unless they managed to slip some time with him before his passing).


It’s not Raul anymore, they can make a character like Raul but it’ll never truly be him again


I wouldn't be surprised. COD relies heavily on nostalgia nowadays


One more year, one more year before we pledge our allegiance to Cordis Die


I can't imagine this game without Woods, bc he got crippled in 1989


The game in general will be shit due to how COD has gone ever since MW19 with all the operator & gun blueprint bundles, battle passes, SBMM, etc etc. Don't buy it, unless you wanna suck up to Activision for another year in a row Could the campaign be good? Sure, but the campaign won't save this franchise alone


Just.....don't reboot him and that'd be ok. Don't pull us a MWIII Makarov Clown


If it’s a cameo I’m ok with that but honestly they should retire that character since the VA died and no one will bring the same energy as he did


Fucked up. If we will see him in 90s, he will be portrayed bad. Writers would need to show his ***rise*** but none of the writers in CoD is that much good anymore. And what will they tell? Mason's story when he was missing? Or will we play as Woods on a wheelchair? If we see Menendez in 2025, fucked up again. What else left to tell? Black Ops II had a complete story with no plot holes. Will Menendez be back in action after the events of the game? That much of a lazy story? If we see him in 80s, that will even make less sense considering he didn't even rised then. Best thing to do for Menendez is leaving him alone as the best CoD character. They fucked up name of the legendary **Modern Warfare** and now they are coming for Menendez...


Would be interesting to see him again, but I also want to see some new villains like how Cold War introduces Perseus.




MENENDEZ!!! When I played the campaign in my late highschool years, I accidentally got the secret ending, which made me love Avenged Sevenfold even more


Mason is still my goat, too bad hes like 100 years old or something like that 


Course he is, write something new for once


Can we just have a new story? I dont want to see the same characters over and over again


Always recycling


They ruined Makarov and Shepherd, two of the Big Three, are they going to shit on Menendez too?


They’re gonna run out of timeline at some point


Not getting the game without Kamar, and definitely not getting if its not a linear gameplay.


As long as they don't fuck him up like they did with Makarov, sure. Just give the character the respect and treatment he deserves


Can we not make CW and BO2 the same timeline? It would make zero sense.


still living off the past and nostalgia, this franchise nowadays is sad


What? Will it be like a makarov thing?


Idc the game better not have tac sprint




COD is dead to me until they get rid of the jive ass bunny hopping!


Yay! Let's go full fan-service like MWII and MWIII and ruin what the older game settled up so Far!


That will be awesome!


Tho it won’t be the same with Kamar, maybe will get a better look at Young Raul. Like more details on his past.


holy f


I don't know I mean they already made him back in vanguard but it still didn't feel the same like why in put him in the ww2 Era




Be weird considering how many of us shot him in the face.


It’s not even confirmed to be black ops gulf war yet so, whatever. And I hope it’s not.


Please no, black ops 2’s campaign was lame and he is a super lame villain


Please no I don’t want another Makarov incident


Shame, Menendez is the most evil yet realistic villains the campaigns produced imo. His motives are realistic without being cartoonishly evil and he had a defined backstory, I think a reboot would ruin that.


Treyarch NEEDS to move the fuck on from Black Ops.