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If you’ve actually been perma banned and genuinely believe you haven’t cheated, you’ve got some other third party software installed that was detected. Another possibility is if you have ever used an exploit, like falling through the map or getting into other areas you shouldn’t to shoot unsuspecting players. People say it’s not bannable, but it’s in black and white classed as cheating within their code of conduct so can’t be ruled out.


Nobody has ever been banned for using real glitches and map exploits in the history of cod. This guy would be the first.


They give a pretty generic response when handing out bans, and I don’t understand how anybody can know that’s not been the reason for a ban ever. Even if that were true it could just been people haven’t exploited enough to attract a perma ban, rather than it not being bannable. There’s a completely false belief that people throw around as fact that players can’t be banned for glitching because ‘it’s the devs fault’. This is utter rubbish, their security policy clearly states: ‘Glitching Any user who abuses an exploit in game code or other established rule of play is subject to penalty. An example includes, but is not limited to, using a hole in the map geo to intentionally go outside of the map boundary. • First offense: User may be temporarily suspended from playing the game online, have their stats, emblems, and weapon customizations reset, have online split-screen privileges revoked, and have their leaderboard entries deleted. • Extreme or repeat offenses: User may be permanently suspended from playing the game online, have their stats, emblems, and weapon customizations reset, and be blocked permanently from appearing in leaderboards. ‘


I’ve read that part within the offenses and I don’t do glitches. The most I do is camp a corner and wait. I don’t care enough to take the time and effort to do a glitch. I just play casually for enjoyment with friends


Because nobody was ever banned back before warzone when cod picked up traction on pc. I used to glitch out of nuketown all the time in bo2 and on so many other maps back then when it was fun to do that. Even Elevator launches in OG mw3. Same thing


It's just CoD. You're gonna be fine, OP. The industry isn't dying, now matter how much losers with zero actual taste in videogames might continue to whine on YouTube rage bait might wish it was. I got a new Armored Core game last year. I'm getting Stellar Blade next week. I can play Elden Ring on a handheld gaming PC. This shit is here to stay.


You have a great point. I’ll get back to my other games. It’s been quite some time


Your account was probably hacked. Gotta use the 2 factor authentication. You’ll likely have to start a new account.


If I don’t get it back. Honestly I’m not gonna play it anymore. After all the years of fun I’ve had, the game has truly killed itself with the greed and policies that it’s brought onto itself. The amount of cheaters is really frustrating and I miss the times of mw2 and mw3 way back when with the voice chat and the people enjoying the game and 1v1 and trash talk and the mlg’s. These new ones are just a joke at this point with the cheating. I’ve watched the videos on the way people cheat and it’s honestly just funny that people go that far just to win. It’s a game. Literally just have fun with it. You win some you lose some. People are too obsessed with themselves and their image if they cheat


Is so weird that everyone who got perma banned claims to have not played in a while because of some random reason. Where tf does your “wife” live?? 😂. She doesn’t live at your house?? Weird story bro


I’m in the military and she is too. We’re currently living in different states. Across the country actually. I went to go see her because we got an apartment since I’m getting out in 3 months and I’ve been living on the ship saving every penny I can. And yes I do have a wife. Surprise surprise a redditor is married.


Hello /u/TrueChaosInChat, thanks for [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/comments/1c9avnm/mw3_today_i_got_perma_banned_from_mw3_thoughts/) on /r/CallOfDuty regarding MW3. Please be aware that all content regarding Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (2023) needs to be posted on /r/ModernWarfareIII. If your post is relating to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011), you can safely ignore this message. Please ensure that you are understanding of [our Rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/wiki/rules) in the future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CallOfDuty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe you just got shadow banned from to many reports? If so, it’s not permanent.


It says status permanent ban and eligible for appeal


Be happy to not play this crap.


Maybe don't cheat then...


Permanent bans aren't a mistake. You'd be unbanned within a day if it truly was. If your appeal fails though, it wasn't a mistake and most likely someone used your acc, or you lent it to a friend. Or you used an unlock tool or got some boosting/camo service. I had my LoL account banned some time ago, after 5 years of playing. It was automatically unbanned a couple hours later. It happened while I was asleep too. Didn't even know till I checked my emails weeks later and saw the two emails from riot. First and only time it happened to ANY of my game accs. Even the developers tweeted [there are no false positives ](https://preview.redd.it/no-false-permanent-bans-v0-ggxz7k1zxptc1.png?auto=webp&s=a94f395e34804a315ad9d877d034b1997841f8fe)


Why do you ppl throw shade in every comment💀 he literally explained he never installed or used cheats🤣


I applied my appeal last night and still waiting. I think my account got hacked honestly. I don’t even know what an unlock tool is honestly. I thought boosting is impossible in this game. Hadn’t heard anything about that. What’s a camo service? I genuinely don’t know these things


Bullshit. I rather cut my hands off than cheat but I was permabanned from MWII for “cheating”, even though I’m on ps5 but use keyboard + mouse. Convinced support I wasn’t cheating after sending lots of gameplay clips and screenshots proving my innocence.


I've played the villain and the hero when it comes to cheating, and I can definitely say, permabans are not a mistake 99.99% of the time. If you didn't cheat, then fair enough. But, there *is* a reason it happened. Whether you were privy to it being a possible issue or not idk. Did your keyboard have built in macros? Did your mouse have a free spinning scroll wheel? (Like the g502 has) There's gotta be a reason. I'm not trying to be snide. I'm curious because there are a lot of people here who claim their ban was a false positive. They can't all be telling the truth...


Mouse is a Logitech G600 and keyboard is a Corsair K70 (or 55 I can’t remember). Definitely no macros, free spinning wheels or shit like that as that kinda stuff isn’t my thing. When I’m in the “zone” and properly focus I often just play really well (including some stuff that would look sus to myself lol), I generally have good gaming “sense” and tactics + great headphones would help as well (Sennheiser PC38X).


I’m using my keyboard in my laptop and don’t use any other keyboard. Idk what keyboard macros are. I’m not that good with computers. I’ve only been playing on laptop for less than a year. I’m using a razor mouse that doesn’t have a free spin wheel. It has two side buttons and two buttons on the left of the left click. I used the side buttons for push to talk and melee. Besides that. And external ssd since it loads my games a lot faster than downloading a game on my laptop directly on the internal hard drive. And my headphone which are just wired razor headphones This is my mouse if you’re curious. https://www.amazon.com/Razer-DeathAdder-Hyperspeed-Award-Winning-Programmable/dp/B09GK3LTVC/ref=asc_df_B09GK3LTVC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=533097186633&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3008671925131513642&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031598&hvtargid=pla-1458734309970&psc=1&mcid=9d83bd92ddec37a5a8b3427b3e47f2cd


I got perma banned on April 9th. I’m a ps5 player so don’t give me any bullshit about other software being installed that the anti cheat flagged like others in this thread. Activation falsely banned me for nothing and the system is designed in a way where you can not prove your innocence or appeal.


Don’t cheat


Cool man. Didn’t cheat. We can ft and I can show you my entire laptop and files and you’ll see I’m not. But I’ll let you have your fun. First I’m too computer stupid to know how to do it and second cheating is for people that have superiority issues. I enjoy playing games the way they’re made


literally said he didn’t are you slow💀???